RTG AMD: Inciativa GPUOpen software stack [su contra gameworks]

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Una iniciativa [esperemos no se quede en eso, como es costumbre de AMD] del RTG [radeon technology group] de juntar a los desarrolladores de consola y los de PC en un solo 'ecosistema', para unos permitirles exprimir al maximo el APU y su GPU GCN, y a los otros a dejar de pensar a la PC como 'caja negra', y regresen al estilo 'clasico' de desarrollo del software/juegos para aprovechar la potencia bruta de la PC.

Para esto, RTG invita a la iniciativa 'GPUOpen software stack', que sera tener codigo, ejemplos de este codigo y en si toda la documentacion necesaria para entender el funcionamiento del GPU GCN, esto como codigo de software libre y con repositorio en GitHub para que cualquiera pueda acceder, ademas de proveer de bibliotecas y kits de desarrollo SDK, en estos momentos segun entiendo su prioridad es usen TressFX y LiquidVR, por lo que viene en todos los SDK actuales y futuros.

Creo que este tipo de acciones es lo que requiere AMD para meterse mas en el mercado, pero antes debe limpiar su mala imagen de 'muchas intensiones y pocos resultados', que es de lo que se quejan muchos desarrolladores en la falta de apoyo y respuestas a sus dudas sobre X o Y funcionalidad del hardware grafico, y tendria que 'comprometerse' a realomente apoyar a estas personas ofrecuiendo siempre respuestas y motivandolos a ultilizar X o Y funcion, no solo para juegos, sino para el ambito multimedia y otros menesteres.

Ah, y dentro de esta iniciativa, un objetivo es reanimar el desarrollo para GNU/Linux, y esperemos volver a tener esos titulos AA de juegos en GNU/Linux aparte de los de Valve/Steam.

http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Graphics-C ... evelopment
Parece que tambien esta un kit para microsoft y su consola One y despues uno para sony y su ps4

Y un fruto de esta iniciativa es Vulkan, el cual de paso este año ya tiene las reglas definitivas u oficiales para comenzar a usarlo. Por esta razon AMD por fin confirma que sacara controladores con la nueva API VULKAN, el pero es que por ahora aparecera solo para GNU/Linux y solo estara disponible para los controladores oficiales Radeon DRM. Posteriormente lo tendremos bajo windows.

http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=n ... river-Only
AMD escribió:[..] our Linux Vulkan drivers will only run on the amdgpu kernel driver. We have no plans, on Linux, to support Vulkan on any other driver stack

Aun no se estaba seguro que modelos de tarjetas estaran soportadas en estos controladores para permitir el uso de la API Vulkan, y especulaban que podrian ser solo para las de GCN 1.2. Por suerte tras comunicarse Phoronix les han confirmado que estara disponible para todos los GPUs GCN [1.0 al 1.2]

http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=n ... -To-AMDGPU
Our user mode Vulkan driver supports all GCN parts starting from 1.0 (Southern Islands). We use an identical user-mode component on Windows and Linux (compiled for the appropriate target of course). The differences are minimal – window system stuff, and some abstractions of system level things like mutexes and shared memory.

Abren el sitio http://gpuopen.com/

Lo dividen para dos grupos:
* Games & CGI. Desarrolladores de software de juegos y de software de modelado 3D y renderizado.
* Profesional comput. Desarrolladores que quieran usar la acelaracion por GPU.

AMD escribió:GPUOpen is based on three principles:

The first is to provide code and documentation allowing PC developers to exert more control on the GPU. Current and upcoming GCN architectures (such as Polaris) include many features not exposed today in PC graphics APIs, and GPUOpen aims to empower developers with ways to leverage some of those features. In addition to generating quality or performance advantages such access will also enable easier porting from current-generation consoles (XBox One™ and PlayStation 4) to the PC platform.

The second is a commitment to open source software. The game and graphics development community is an active hub of enthusiastic individuals who believe in the value of sharing knowledge. Full and flexible access to the source of tools, libraries and effects is a key pillar of the GPUOpen philosophy. Only through open source access are developers able to modify, optimize, fix, port and learn from software. The goal? Encouraging innovation and the development of amazing graphics techniques and optimizations in PC games.

The third is a collaborative engagement with the developer community. GPUOpen software is hosted on public source code repositories such as GitHub as a way to enable sharing and collaboration. Engineers from different functions will also regularly write blog posts about various GPU-related topics, game technologies or industry news.
Podria ser que Hitamn sea un titulo beneficiado de este GPUOpen, usando Compute Asyncronous, eyefinity mejorado y otras tecnologias graficas de AMD

http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_regresa- ... an_2154321


Con la salida final de Vulkan y controladores beta disponibles que le den soporte a esta API, AMD o especificamente RTG, en la proxima GDC 2016 abordara sus planes de apoyo y desarrollo de Vulkan, asi como los temas de VR y otras tecnologias, asi como mencionar sobre los nuevos GPUs GCN Polaris; y posiblemente los Baffin, Banks y Weston.

http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_por-fin- ... dc_2154329

http://wccftech.com/vulkan-1-api-specif ... a-drivers/
Raja Koduri escribió:El lanzamiento de la especificación Vulkan 1.0 es un gran paso adelante para los desarrolladores. La API de Vulkan, que se derivó de Mantle, traerá los beneficios de la baja sobrecarga de alto rendimiento de gráficos API para el beneficio de aplicaciones multiplataforma y multi propietaria. La promoción de tecnologías abiertas y escalables sigue siendo el foco de AMD, como un pionero en el espacio de baja sobrecarga API. Como miembro de Khronos Group, se enorgullece de colaborar con los líderes de la industria del hardware y software para desarrollar la API de Vulkan para encender la siguiente evolución en el desarrollo de juegos de PC

The release of the Vulkan™ 1.0 specification is a huge step forward for developers. The Vulkan API, which was derived from Mantle, will bring the benefits of low-overhead high-performance Graphics API to the benefit of cross-platform and cross-vendor targeted applications. The promotion of open and scalable technologies continues to be the focus at AMD, as a pioneer in the low-overhead API space. As a member of the Khronos Group, AMD is proud to collaborate with hardware and software industry leaders to develop the Vulkan API to ignite the next evolution in PC game development.

http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_vulkan-d ... pi_2152420

Posibles radeon R5/R7 400
http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_reclamo- ... rk_2149179

GPUOPen ¿habra sido el detonante de que nvidia liberara el codigo de gameworks?

http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_nvidia-l ... ks_2160137

Algunos piensan que si, y que seria la forma de acallar las tantas quejas que ha recibido nvidia por parte de las desarrolladores, las cuales veian a GameWorks como 'la caja negra' [no sabes que hay dentro, ni que es lo que exactamente hace] en su proyecto de juego, y que por tanto, no podian realizar algunas optimizaciones o cambios de codigo hasta que estuviera siendo usado por los jugadores, y salieran los errores. Esperemos ea para bien nuestro.


Volviendo al tema de GPUOpen, parece que AMD sera un colaborador mas que cercano [o mas de lo que ya venia siendo de hace años], para la optimizacion de la API grafica D3D12, ya que desde ahora, el desarrollador del juego tendra un papel mas determinante en el rendimiento final dependiendo del hardware. AMD junto con otros desarrolladores estara apoyando a Microsoft con la mejora y evolucion del lenguaje de programacion HLSL, que es el usado para crear los shaders D3D, donde quitaran algunas instrucciones y meteran otras mas acordes al nuevo hardware, y tambien se reorganizara la estructura de como se escribe para hacerlo mas rapido y logico.

Otra cosa en la que ayudara es en la parte del nuevo modelo 'Shaders 6', vinculado directamente a esto del lenguaje HLSL, donde podria crearse alguna herramienta que ayude a optimizar y compilar el codigo mas eficiente para cada fabricante del GPU, es decir, un codigo especifico para las AMD Radeon y otro codigo mas especifico para las nvidia geforce, lo que aligeraria mucho del trabajo del programador.

Lo anterior de codigos especificos para Radeon Y geforce es necesario en D3D12, ya que cada arquitectura hace algunas cosas de diferente manera, ademas de cada una tiene sus cualidades y defectos, por ejemplo, Radeon esta mas optimizado para shaders de computo de uso general y computo asincrono, pero es malo para el tesselado, mientras geforce es lo contrario.

Aqui un ejemplo, despues del ultimo parche para el juego God of Wars: Ultimate Edition, el cual agrega shaders especificos para Radeon y shaders especificos para Geforce, notamos un cambio radical en el rendimiento de las radeon, que ahora se equipara y a veces sobrepasa a la geforce.



http://www.overclock3d.net/reviews/gpu_ ... en_fixed/1

La queja de los programadores, es que realizar este codigo especifico D3D12 para cada marca de GPU les llevara mas tiempo, entre escribirlo, probarlo y depurarlo. Con GPUOpen y con los SDK de Microsoft [y shaders 6] esto no pasaria.

Lo que me pregunto es si tambien AMD apoyara a el Grupo Khronos, con este proyecto GPUOpen para hacer lo mismo con Vulkan, donde me imagino que tambien se requerira de codigo de shaders Vulkan especifico para Radeon y para Geforce.
Aparece un Compilador que permite portar [interpretar] las instrucciones usadas en CUDA llevandolas a OpenCL, con esto sera sencillo agregar soporte OpenLC a un codigo que emplee CUDA. El compilador permite emplear multiGPU, optimiza la administracion de la RAM/VRAM entre otras funciones.


HIP release 0.82

It’s been just under two months since we publicly launched the HIP repository, and I wanted to share a quick update on the work we’ve been doing. About a week ago, we released HIP version 0.82 on the GitHub site. This includes nearly 200 commits – some of the key features:

Release:0.82.00 Date: 2016.03.07

Bump minimum required HCC workweek to 16074.
Bump minimum required ROCK-Kernel-Driver and ROCR-Runtime to Developer Preview 2.
Enable multi-GPU support.
Use hipSetDevice to select a device for subsequent kernel calls and memory allocations.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES / HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICE environment variable selects devices visible to the runtime.
Support hipStreams – send sequences of copy and kernel commands to a device.
Asynchronous copies supported.
Optimize memory copy operations.
Support hipPointerGetAttribute – can determine if a pointer is host or device.
Enable atomics to local memory.
Support for LC Direct-to-ISA Compiler
Improved free memory reporting.
hipMemGetInfo (report full memory used in current process).
hipDeviceReset (deletes all memory allocated by current process).
ärece que ahiora si va mas en serio lo de apoyo a programadores para usar el hardware de AMD con publicaciond e varias herramientas.

http://gpuopen.com/codexl-2-1-is-out-an ... ith-vulkan

A new CodeXL release is out!

For the first time the AMD Developer Tools group worked on this release on the CodeXL GitHub public repository, so the global community had access to all of the source code modifications as the work on this release progressed. Did you follow us? Come join the fun of CodeXL development on the CodeXL GitHub repo.


http://gpuopen.com/gcn-shader-extension ... and-vulkan

GCN Shader Extensions for Direct3D and Vulkan

The GCN architecture contains a lot of functionality in the shader cores which is not currently exposed in current APIs like Vulkan™ or Direct3D® 12. One of the mandates of GPUOpen is to give developers better access to the hardware, and today we’re releasing extensions for these APIs to expose additional GCN features to developers.

En su ultimo informe de ganancias, Lisa Lu comenta que la demanda de la RX 480 es bastante buena y esperan lo mismo con las RX 470/460, asi mismo dice que se puede satisfacer la cantidad de las GPU requeridas por los fabricantes.

http://seekingalpha.com/article/3990485 ... transcript

David M. Wong - Wells Fargo Securities LLC
Okay. Great. Thanks, Lisa. And since the launch of your Radeon 480 graphics product end of last month, have you been able to supply to demand for the cards or if not, when do you expect demand will rise to match supply?

Lisa T. Su - President, CEO & Non-Independent Director
Yeah, so, David, we're very pleased with the launch of the Radeon RX 480. We had good supply at major retailers on launch day. Since then, the demand has continued to be strong and so some of the retailers are out of supply. We do see that the 14nm LPP yields are good and we are ramping up production steeply. So we expect that that will equalize as we go through the quarter. We are also very soon going to launch the rest of the Radeon RX family. And so you'll see three products in the third quarter in terms of overall product momentum.

Tambien en RTG esoperan mejorar el software de controladores y sus derivados.
RTG libera el kit de desarrollo y bibliotecas para TrueAudio_NEXT junto con el Advanced Media Framework, el primero para el trabajo de Audio y el segundo para tratamiento de video y audio en el GPU radeon. Y vemos por fin que TrueAudio hace uso de OpenCL, con lo que no es un circuito dedicado dentro del GPU.

GPUOpen escribió:TrueAudio Next

AMD TrueAudio Next (TAN) is a software development kit for GPU accelerated audio signal processing. As part of the LiquidVR™ technology initiative aimed at enabling a fully immersive and comfortable virtual reality experience, TrueAudio Next enables full real-time dynamic physics-based audio acoustics rendering.

TAN SDK Features
Fast OpenCL™ parallel batch convolution engine
Multi-threaded, multi-queue, real-time architecture
Extendable open source API
CPU and GPU implementations for all functions
Sample applications for GPU acceleration of Virtual Reality audio

The TAN SDK provides real time audio applications the ability to leverage the OpenCL™ toolchain and to co-exist with graphics.
Accelerating VR game audio on the GPU frees CPU bandwidth for game physics and AI, while enabling advanced interactive acoustics modeling on many audio streams.
Virtual Reality audio has greatly increased compute requirements:
Conventional gaming audio rendering is only satisfactory for flat screen games
Quality of existing 3D positioning, attenuation and occlusion simulation satisfies the functional needs of FPS gamers
No expectation or even desire for “audio immersion” as it would not match the graphics experience on flat screens
Artificial, studio-derived models are used, and are sufficient for needs (audiophiles aside)
More realistic audio nice-to-have but not essential to the experience of a flat screen game
Virtual Reality demands Presence (Immersion, Suspension of Disbelief)
Presence requires all perceptual aspects including audio to simulate consensual reality
Audio approximations and artificial models break presence – no matter how good the HMD is
People instinctively know the difference between the auditory real world and rough approximations
Our ability to perceive reality through audio cues helped us survive and evolve – we are all audio experts
We don’t need to solve the problem of 3D audio using Head-Related Transfer Functions
This problem has already been solved for about 20 years and runs fine on today’s CPUs
Although necessary, 3D audio alone does not equal audio presence
Physics-derived audio benefits from real-time, time-varying convolution performed on every audio source. TAN Convolution leverages the power of the GPU to provide reliable time-varying convolution for many audio sources.
Most advanced audio algorithms depend on high-performance FFT or FHT (Fast Hartley Transform). The TAN library enables these algorithms to leverage the GPU.
The TAN library may be used in conjunction with Radeon Rays (formerly FireRays) as foundational accelerated algorithms for a complete physics-based audio solution.


AMD Radeon™ Software Crimson 16.7.3 (16.30.2311) or later
Microsoft® Windows® 7, Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 or Microsoft® Windows® 10
AMD AMF Library (Version or later)
AMD clFFT Library
Examples are built with Visual Studio® 2013

http://gpuopen.com/gaming-product/advan ... -framework
GPUOpen escribió:The Advanced Media Framework

The Advanced Media Framework SDK provides developers with optimal access to AMD GPUs for multimedia processing. This SDK may be used in developing wireless display, remote desktop, video editing, transcode and playback applications. Specifically, developers can use the AMF SDK for accessing AMD media accelerators for video encoding and decoding and color space conversions.
Advanced Media Framework Benefits

The AMF SDK allows optimization of application performance by utilizing CPU, GPU compute shaders and hardware accelerators for media processing. These optimizations are applicable to a wide range of applications such as gaming or content creation. Programming of AMD Video Engines (UVD and VCE blocks) is also an important part of the functionality that AMF provides to developers.

AMD Radeon™ Software Crimson 16.7.3 (16.30.2311) or later
Microsoft® Windows® 7, Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 or Microsoft® Windows® 10
Microsoft® Windows® 10 SDK (Version 10586 only)
AMD APP SDK (Version 3.0 or later)
Examples are built with Visual Studio® 2013 (Visual Studio® 2015 can also be used)
Al final trueaudio no estaba tan muerto como decian.
Dfx escribió:Al final trueaudio no estaba tan muerto como decian.

Pus esperemos que priomuevan mucho su uso, que para otros programas fuera de juegos tambien podria ser util como filtro de efectos o un DSP.

Y hablando de RTG, este confirma que el GPU VEGA 10 estara para mediados del 2017

http://videocardz.com/63450/amd-vega-to ... in-1h-2017

RTG libera los controladores Crimson 16.9.1 HotFix.

principales novedades son la correccion de errores a 144Hz con freesync, correccion en las frecuencias de trabajo del GPU despues de usar el benchmark SteamVR, optimizacion para el juego Deus Ex: Mankind Dividend y DOTA 2


notes release escribió: Support For:
Radeon™ RX 470
Radeon™ RX 460
Performance Improvements:
Rise of the Tomb Raider™ performance increase up to 10% versus Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.7.2 on Radeon™ RX 480 graphics(1)

Fixed Issues

Overwatch™ may experience an application crash on some Radeon™ RX 480 configurations when using AMD Crossfire mode.
Vulkan™ information in the Radeon Settings software information tab may display an incorrect version.
Radeon WattMan may retain settings of an overclock after it has failed. If you have failed an overclock with a system hang or reboot.
Hitman™ may experience graphical corruption when the game is set to use DirectX®12 API and using zoom with weapons.
Total War™: Warhammer may experience minor graphical corruption in some map textures on AMD Radeon R9 380.
Flickering may be observed in Rise of the Tomb Raider™ on some AMD Crossfire configurations using the DirectX®11 API.
Changing settings in Dragon Age Inquisition™ with the Mantle API may result in an application crash or driver recovery.
DiRT™ Rally may experience flickering terrain in some races when the advanced blending option is enabled in the games settings page.
Display may exhibit a minor flicker on Radeon RX 480 when Freesync is enabled on a games launch or exit.
Shadows may experience rendering issues in DOTA2™ when using the Vulkan™ API.
Textures may experience holes or gaps in DOOM™ when using the OpenGL API and three display AMD Eyefinity configurations.
Need for Speed™ may experience flickering on some light sources in AMD Crossfire mode.
Performing a task switch with two cloned displays during full screen gaming may cause flickering on the extended display.

Known Issues

A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the AMD Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved "In Game Overlay".
DOTA2™ may experience an application hang when using the Vulkan™ API and changing resolution or game/quality settings.
DiRT™ Rally may experience rain drop flickering in some races when using AMD Crossfire mode.
Displays may fail to revert to previous configuration on exit when using a profiled application launched with Radeon Settings and "Launch with AMD Eyefinity" toggled on.
Assassin's Creed® Syndicate may experience a game crash or hang when in game settings are set to high or greater.
Low frame rate or stutter may be experienced Wolfenstein®: The Old Blood™ on Radeon™ RX 480.
Radeon RX 480 graphics may experience minor flickering in SteamVR benchmark when using AMD Crossfire mode.
Corruption may be experienced in Rise of the Tomb Raider using the DirectX®12 API on some Hybrid Graphics configurations when performing a task switch.
Shader Cache may remain be enabled when set to "off" in Radeon Settings on some Hybrid Graphics configurations.
Radeon RX 480 graphics may experience intermittent stuttering in The Division™ when high game settings are used and vsync is enabled.
Battlefield™ 4 may experience intermittent crashes when using Mantle. As a work around users are suggested to switch to DirectX®11.
Creating two or three display portrait Eyefinity groups in Radeon Settings "quick setup" and then clicking "arranging displays" may cause an error.
Radeon Pro Duo may experience a black screen in Total War™: Warhammer with the games API set to DirectX®12 and V-Sync enabled.
World of Tanks™ may experience stuttering after performing a task switch in AMD Crossfire mode.
Rocket League™ may experience flickering when in AMD Crossfire mode.
DOTA2™ may experience lower than expected performance when in AMD Crossfire mode.
Ashes of the Singularity™ may experience an application crash with "crazy" in game settings and Multi-GPU enabled.

Disponibles los Crimson 16.9.2. No tiene muchos cambios me parece por lo que quiza puedan pasar de ella si es que ya tienen la 19.9.1. Si presentan algunos de los problemas conocidos en los 16.9.1 pues ni que decir, a instalar: Bloqueos en FireFox al reproducir video, problemas con windows 10 version de aniversario o quedarse sin audio en windows 10 despues de 'despertar' el sistema tras un periodo de inactividad.

http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-article ... Notes.aspx
Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.9.2
Release Notes

Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.9.2 Highlights
Support For:
Forza Horizon 3™

New AMD CrossFire profile added for DirectX® 11:

Fixed Issues

Intermittent mouse cursor corruption may be experienced on some Radeon RX 400 Series graphics products.
Flickering display may be experienced on portrait Eyefinity display configurations when launching or exiting DirectX®12 applications.
Ashes of the Singularity™ may experience an application crash when Multi-GPU is enabled in DirectX®12.
Upgrading from a previous Radeon Software Crimson Edition version may cause user settings in Radeon Settings to reset to defaults.
Intermittent crash may be experienced in Mozilla Firefox while doing video playback on some Radeon RX 400 Series graphics products.
Radeon Settings may sometimes experience an "application has stopped" error after modifying game profiles on Windows 10 Anniversary Addition.
A small amount of corruption may be experienced in the lower right hand corner of the display on some Radeon HD 7000 series products when playing Deus Ex™: Mankind Divided.
Small amounts of stutter may be experienced when playing or watching cinematic videos in Deus Ex™: Mankind Divided when using AMD CrossFire mode and DirectX®11.
HDMI® Audio may be lost after resuming from standby on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition.
Flickering may be experienced in Rocket League on Radeon RX 400 Series graphics products when running in AMD CrossFire mode.

Known Issues

A few game titles may fail to launch, experience performance issues or crash if the third party application "Raptr" has its game overlay enabled. A workaround is to disable the overlay if this is experienced.
Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive may experience intermittent stutter on Radeon R9 380 Series graphics products in AMD CrossFire mode.
Rise of the Tomb Raider may experience an application crash when changing the resolution from in-game menus when running DirectX®12. Users can restart the game to complete the resolution change.
OpenCL™ version information may display incorrectly or may display random characters in Radeon Settings.
Radeon RX 460 may fail to resume from sleep mode and require a system restart when connected through AMD XConnect™ Technology.
While using or having Radeon WattMan open in Radeon Settings while in AMD CrossFire mode, the secondary/slave GPU clocks will increase to their highest state.
Overwatch™ may experience flickering character models while in the hero selection menu or during gameplay in AMD Crossfire mode.
Paragon may experience flickering while using AMD FreeSync technology and AMD CrossFire mode in conjunction.
Dreadnought™ may experience minor flickering in game menus or gameplay while using AMD FreeSync technology.

Package Contents
The Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.9.2 installation package contains the following:

Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.9.2 Driver Version 16.40.2311

RTG ahora oferece Framearsing en MultiGPU en D3D12 para algunos titulos, y lo realemnte de noticia seria que tambien bajo VULKAN.

Video desde CAPSAICIN

http://techreport.com/news/30761/amd-tu ... x12-titles

Jeff Kampman, techreport.com escribió:AMD turns on multi-GPU frame pacing for DX12 titles

Here at TR, we've long considered multi-GPU rendering something of a false grail for graphics-performance scaling. Potent multi-GPU cards like AMD's Radeon HD 7990 and R9 295 X2 have tended to deliver world-beating average frame rates in our testing, but our Inside the Second frame-time measures usually put a big fat asterisk next to those cards' numbers. That's because issues with consistent frame delivery have often made those CrossFire-on-a-stick cards feel much less smooth in practice than their astronomical frame rates might suggest.

To get around this problem, Radeons include frame-pacing algorithms in their drivers to make sure that inter-GPU timing issues don't mess with smooth frame delivery too much. At least in the red team's case, that technology apparently wasn't available in DirectX 12 titles—at least until now. AMD tapped some guy from its performance-testing department to explain the technology and its benefits in an informative, concise video that's well worth a watch.

We haven't verified these results for ourselves yet—doing so would require use of an FCAT rig that I don't have set up here. Still, given our history, we're inclined to trust that AMD guy in the video above. DirectX 12 frame pacing for Radeons is available in the Radeon Software 16.10.1 release that hit the interwebs yesterday. If you've got multiple Radeons churning out frames in next-generation titles, you'll most definitely want to install that update post-haste.

Segun WCCF Tech RTG|AMD dejara de desarrollar el software 'Gaming Evolved APP' proximamente. Este software esta basado en el programa RAPTR, y que era la respuesta al 'GeForce Experience APP' de nvidia. 'Gaming Evolved APP' permite hacer capturas de video del juego, transmision en streaming y buscar configuraciones optimizadas para los juegos instalados.

Asi que para los nuevos controladores Crimson oficiales ya no veremos en las opciones de instalacion este programa 'Gaming Evolved APP'.

http://wccftech.com/amd-gaming-evolved- ... -supported


Por el momento, y retornando a las actuales GPUs POLARIS, con la salida pronta de lña GTX 1050Ti, RTG|AMD ha reducido el costo de la Radeon RX 470 enm USD$10, de tal manera que la RX 470 valdria USD$169, mientras la GTX 1050Ti costaria USD$149. La RX 470 tendria mas memoria VRAM y un rendimiento alrededor del 30% mas y costando USD$20 dolares mas.

http://www.tweaktown.com/news/54393/amd ... index.html

Anthony Garreffa, .tweaktown.com escribió:AMD to drop RX 470 price to $169 to battle GTX 1050Ti

Exclusive: AMD is preparing for a big fight against NVIDIA's purported GeForce GTX 1050 Ti which is expected to be unveiled and released soon, by dropping the price of their mid-range champion graphics card, the Radeon RX 470.

AMD launched the Radeon RX 470 at around $179, but will be dropping the price of the RX 470 by $10, with a fresh new price of $169, according to my industry sources. NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 1050 Ti won't match the speed of the Polaris-based Radeon RX 470, which will be 30% faster - and fully VR-ready (with more performance on the Oculus Rift, thanks to the latest updates unveiled from Oculus during their developer conference, Oculus Connect 3 last week).

NVIDIA is expected to price the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti at around $149, but it won't match the performance of AMD's Radeon RX 470 - and that's going to be a huge win for AMD in the mid-range market where 1080p monitors are dominant. 1080p 60FPS gaming at $159 with VR-ready goodness, and cheaper FreeSync monitors for AMD Radeon owners is a great thing for the 80% of the market AMD is targeting with Polaris.

http://gpuopen.com/implementing-liquidv ... ious-samvr

Implementing LiquidVR™ Affinity Multi-GPU support in Serious Sam VR.


Let’s say you’re in a store deciding which headphones to buy. You don’t want to spend too much money so you settle for a nice inexpensive wired pair with good sound but an inexpensive cable. Inevitably, the cable is damaged and you’re back in the store – you already spent money on this and you don’t want to break the bank on headphones. We all know how this ends. You end up purchasing the most expensive pair of headphones that you should have bought in the first place.
Short term development

Similarly, when you first need to add virtual reality rendering support to an existing game engine, you want to do it as quickly as possible just to be able to see the results and then decide where to go from there. You’d usually do this by simply rendering the entire scene twice with different matrices for each eye. The problem with this approach is that it results in bad performance because it doubles the draw calls, but on the other hand it gives you a correctly rendered VR scene without too much effort. The more efficient approach would be to render the entire scene in one pass.

Taking a single pass approach means we only run the rendering once per frame, for both eyes simultaneously, which significantly decreases CPU overhead. This is obviously what we want to have in the end, but the downside is that it’s often a lot harder to implement in an existing engine as it requires changing a lot of code.

We wanted to add LiquidVR Affinity Multi-GPU rendering support to our engine because two GPUs can render the two eye views in almost half the time compared to a single GPU and this would greatly reduce our GPU bottlenecks. Affinity MGPU can either be done in one pass or with a separate pass for each eye, in which case we reap the GPU side benefits while the CPU workload stays the same.

Required changes to our Engine

The root cause of the incorrect eye display was that our engine wasn’t affinity-aware – e.g. binding a texture on one GPU prevented us from binding the same texture on the other one because it was already marked as bound. Easy fix – just forget texture states after rendering each eye. Then we found out that we read from a surface that is empty on one GPU because we only rendered to that surface on the other one. This can be fixed by setting affinity to both GPUs before any render to texture that needs to be read on both GPUs.

We discovered many similar problems and we worked on this simple solution for a couple of weeks and actually managed to fix almost all of the rendering issues. This resulted in a solid performance boost in GPU bound scenarios, but we gained nothing in cases where we were constrained on the CPU. We would need to spend more time to find and fix the remaining rendering issues, so we decided to bite the bullet and move to single pass rendering.


We needed about a week to modify all shaders and to make sure that correct data is set for each eye. Single pass rendering with Affinity Multi-GPU gave us a huge speed improvement on both CPU and GPU from our original VR implementation. In the end, it took us less time to do single pass rendering correctly than it took us to fix all the problems caused by multi pass multi-GPU rendering.
Karlo Jez is an engine programmer at Croteam, currently working on Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope. Links to third party sites and references to third party trademarks are provided for convenience and illustrative purposes only. Unless explicitly stated, AMD is not responsible for the contents of such links, and no third party endorsement of AMD or any of its products is implied.
http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-article ... Notes.aspx

Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.3 Release Notes.

Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.3 Highlights

Support For:

Fixed Issues
Steam™ and Origin™ will no longer terminate when using AMD X-Connect Technology on unplug.

Known Issues
A few game titles may fail to launch, experience performance issues or crash if the third party application "Raptr" has its game overlay enabled. A workaround is to disable the overlay if this is experienced.
DOTA™2 may experience a crash when launched using the Vulkan™ API on some Graphics Core Next products.
Battlefield™1 may experience an intermittent application specific error message popup citing graphics device removal
Flickering may be experience while playing Overwatch™ in the main menu or viewing character models using AMD CrossFire mode.
H.264 content playback may experience playback issues on internet browsers with hardware acceleration when also running gaming applications or content.
FIFA 17™ may experience an application hang or black screen on launch for some select Hybrid Graphics or AMD PowerXpress mobile configurations.
H.264 content may experience blocky corruption when streaming using P2P content players on some Radeon RX 400 series graphics products.

Package Contents
The Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.3 installation package contains the following:
Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.3 Driver Version 16.40.3111.1101

RTG actualiza y optimiza sus SDK y bibliotecas para el uso de computo heterogeneo en las nuevas iteraciones de la arquitectura GCN, con espcial enfasis en Polaris y Vega, asi que OpenCL y AMDAPP y DirectCompute podran expruimir algo mas a la mancuerna GPU/CPU.


The ROCm Platform bringing a rich foundation to advanced computing by better intergrating the CPU and GPU to solve realworld problems.

On April 25th, 2016, we delivered ROCm 1.0 built around three core foundation elements:

Open Hetrogenous Computing Platform (Linux(R) Driver and Runtime Stack) optimized for HPC & Ultra-scale class computing Heterogeneous C and C++ Single Source to better address the whole system computation not just a gpu device HIP acknowledging the need for platform choice when utilizing GPU computing API

Using our knowledge of the HSA Standards and, more importantly, the HSA Runtime we have been able to successfully extended support to the dGPU with critical features for NUMA class acceleration. As a result, the ROCK driver is composed of several components based on our efforts to develop the Heterogeneous System Architecture for APUs, including the new AMDGPU driver, the Kernel Fusion Driver (KFD), the HSA+ Runtime and an LLVM based compilation stack for the building of key language support. This support starts with AMD’s FIJI Family of dGPU, and has expanded to include the Hawaii dGPU Family in ROCm 1.2 ROCm 1.3 expands this support to include the Polaris Family of ASICS.

Radeon Open Compute Platform (ROCm) 1.3

At SC16, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announced a new release of Radeon Open Compute Platform (ROCm) featuring software support of new Radeon GPU hardware, new math libraries, and a rich foundation of modern programming languages, designed to speed development of high-performance, energy-efficient heterogeneous computing systems. AMD also announced planned support of OpenCL™ and for a wide range of CPUs in upcoming releases of ROCm, including support for AMD's upcoming "Zen"-based CPUs, Cavium ThunderX CPUs, and IBM Power 8 CPUs. The advances further cement ROCm's position as the most versatile open source platform for GPU computing.

"Radeon Open Compute is a platform for a new era of GPU problem-solving, designed to harness the power of open source software to unlock new solutions for HPC and hyperscale computing," said Raja Koduri, senior vice president and chief architect, Radeon Technologies Group, AMD. "Today's release of ROCm gives developers consummate flexibility in where and how they use GPU compute. We're excited to show off some of these incredible applications at SC16."

"An open source approach to heterogeneous computing can help bring the benefits of high-performance computing directly to developers, providing the flexibility for them to use available compute resources and extract the best possible performance from their available hardware," said Denise Dumas, vice president, Platform Engineering, Red Hat. "As a leader in helping to nurture and maintain open source communities, we are pleased to see that AMD has elected to take a community-focused approach to ROCm."

"The combination of AMD's GPU support of ThunderX® along with the breadth of features of the ROCm software release is a valuable addition to Cavium's overall solution for the HPC and Hyperscale server market," said Larry Wikelius, Vice President of the Software Ecosystem and Solutions Group at Cavium, Inc. "Today's announcement by AMD is an excellent complement to the innovative features of ThunderX® that include 48 ARMv8 cores, integrated I/O and dual socket configuration support that our customers and partners are deploying today in these markets"

The new release of ROCm introduces a wide range of updates, including:
Expanded GPU support – ROCm now supports all Polaris architecture-based graphics products, including the Radeon™ RX 460, 470 and 480 graphics cards, and the Radeon™ Pro WX 7100, 5100 and 4100 GPUs, growing the rich portfolio of devices supported by ROCm devices. The Polaris architecture is specifically designed to benefit low-level programming, helping developers to extract the most from the hardware.
ROCm Virtualization of the GPU hardware via OS Containers and Linux®'s Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) - ROCm now supports Docker containerization, allowing end-users to simplify the deployment of an application in ROCm-enabled Linux server environments. ROCm also supports GPU Hardware Virtualization via KVM pass-through to allow the benefits of hardware-accelerated GPU computing in virtualized solutions.
Heterogeneous Compute Compiler (HCC) – HCC is a single source ISO C++ 11/14 compiler for both CPU and GPU, with support for the C++17 "Parallel Standard Template Library". It is built on a rich compiler infrastructure including LLVM-based GCN ISA code generation with assembler and disassembler support.
Heterogeneous-Compute Interface for Portability (HIP) – HIP enables developers to port CUDA applications to ROCm using HIPIFY which automates the conversion to the HIP kernel language and runtime API, creating portable applications that can run on virtually any GPU using either NVIDIA's CUDA Compiler or HCC.
New Math Acceleration Libraries – ROCm introduces support for new advanced math acceleration libraries with support for BLAS, FFT and N-dimensional tensor contractions.

In addition to today's release of ROCm, AMD also announced that it is working to expand the ROCm ecosystem through increased server CPU support, and planned support of OpenCL. Upcoming releases of ROCm are expected to support AMD "Zen"-based x86 CPUs, ARM AArch64 CPU architecture starting with Cavium ThunderX processors, as well as IBM Power 8 CPUs and servers to meet customers' growing hyperscale and HPC needs. OpenCL is being built on a ROCm runtime and compiler foundation which give much greater low-level control of the GPU via its direct-to-metal access.



RTG abre nuevas tecnologias en los proximos CRIMSON ReLive, asi comio el uso de versiones mejoradas de otras tecnologias que ta venian empleando. LiquidVR, TrueSound, Encoder a H265, TressFX, Radeon Rays, Radeon Loom, Deep of Field, etc.

http://wccftech.com/amd-radeon-software ... river-leak





Y ademas un rendimiento mejorado.

FreeSync 2

Y ya esta FreeSync 2 que soporta mejior HDR.



Video Presentacion de FreeSync 2.


Capsaicin & Cream


AMD anuncia nuevo evento para el 28 de febrero del 2017, donde presentara sus nuevas tecnologias para este año, y dentro de la presentacion seguro veamos demos tanto del software como del hardware [GPUs radeon con las nuevas CPUs RyZEN] mostrando juegos, decodificacion de video, y render CPU-GPU y desde luego, al igual que el año pasado, sus propuestas en la VR.


GDC is where developers not only shine, but share how they create everyday gaming magic from raw code, technology, and imagination. On February 28th, we’re beginning the day with our always-spicy Capsaicin livestream, but fiery feasts are best experienced when accompanied by something cool and creamy to satisfy the palette.

This year at GDC, join us on the 28th for our Capsaicin livestream and our Cream developer sessions - insightful and inspiring talks focused on rendering ideas and new paths forward, driven by game industry gurus from multiple companies including Epic and Unity.

The Capsaicin livestream kicks off at 10:30 AM from Ruby Skye, a feature-packed show highlighting the hottest new graphics and VR technologies propelling the games industry forward. The Cream Developer Sessions will start shortly after at 2:30 PM, with a special talk featuring Unity and Epic.

https://www.overclock3d.net/news/gpu_di ... ary_28th/1
http://wccftech.com/amd-announces-capsa ... t-gdc-2017
Vaya que se estan puliendo estas personas de RTG|AMD, ahiora han agrupado y categorizado todo lo que un desarrollador pueda nwecesitar y asi hacer se encuebntre mas rapido la informacion que requieran, SDK, toolKits, etc.


Forward Rendering

RTG muestra un 'nuevo' metodo de renderizado para mejorar el rendimiento en la VR, dando un menor frame time [tiempo que hay entre un fotogram,a y el siguiente] y con ello un video mas fluido, ademas, Forward Rendering ofrece mejores tecnicas de antialiasing y efectos luminosos mas espectaculares y realistas. Por ahora este metodo es soportradio por el motor Unreal y el motor Unity, pero RTG|AMD esta en comunicacion con otras casas desarrolladoras para que implementen el soporte a este metodo Forward Rendering.

Video demostrativo

http://radeon.com/en-us/amd-developers- ... eal-engine
AMD, Developers Embrace Forward Rendering in Unreal Engine 4 to Improve VR

Compromise. It’s something many VR developers today deal with in their ongoing quest to nail the right mix of technical features and computational power for the best balance of performance and visual fidelity. Many of today’s big game engines use a technique called deferred rendering. Deferred rendering does all of the geometry work first and then shades pixels.That worked well on the last generation of consoles, but it’s not a great fit for VR.

With the forward rendering path in Unreal Engine 4, developed by the amazingly talented engineers at Epic, developers have more choice in how they render for VR, helping to achieve a stunning-looking game while delivering the high frame rates necessary for a good experience.

Discussed on stage at AMD’s “Capsaicin” webcast and press event at the 2017 Game Developers Conference, the forward rendering path provides a strong alternative to the popular deferred rendering method, allowing developers to hit the demanding frame rates necessary for smooth VR experiences with improved image quality. Forward rendering has been showcased in games such as Epic Games’ Robo Recall, and is planned in upcoming VR titles from awesome developers like First Contact Entertainment, Limitless Studios, and Survios.

Technically Speaking: Deferred vs Forward Rendering

Let’s dig in and talk about this a bit. Deferred rendering has a performance cost for each frame, in addition to higher GPU memory and bandwidth requirements compared to forward rendering . While deferred rendering does support some nice features like screen-space reflections, those features are generally too costly to use given VR’s ~90FPS requirement.

Current head mounted display (HMD) resolutions being what they are, VR also really benefits from high-quality edge smoothing. Deferred rendering unfortunately doesn’t mix well with multi-sampled anti-aliasing (MSAA) because there are performance and image quality issues. But MSAA is arguably the best AA technique for VR. Post-process AA methods like FXAA don’t work terribly well with stereo views in VR. If you’ve tried a game that uses it, you know it doesn’t look good.

All told, AMD feels that deferred rendering exacts a toll in terms of time, memory, and image quality in VR, and the payoff just isn’t there.

The alternative here is to adopt a form of forward rendering. Interestingly, it’s not a new technique; in fact it’s how GPU rendering started. It’s lighter weight, simpler, and faster. Also, forward rendering works nicely with MSAA, letting us improve edge quality very efficiently. So we think forward rendering is often a better fit for VR applications.

We’ve worked diligently to test and optimize the forward rendering path in Unreal Engine 4.15 for the best performance on AMD hardware. A number of VR development partners are using Unreal Engine, and we showed the performance benefits during our Capsaicin event at GDC.

“AMD has been on a continuous mission to make VR accessible to as many people as possible, and Epic’s forward rendering path in Unreal Engine 4 is a big step in that journey,” said Raja Koduri, Senior Vice President and Chief Architect, Radeon Technologies Group, AMD. “Anyone who has experienced Epic’s Robo Recall will immediately attest to the benefit of forward rendering in VR. We are working with VR developers to explore the benefits of forward rendering, which can result in beautiful, high-performing games on Radeon graphics.”

RTG actualiza su portal GPUOpen para agregar temas relacionados con VEGA FRONTIER.

Para desarrolladores:
Interesting Software Projects to Try

As part of our open-sourced development program we have released many interesting rendering projects that run at great performance on the Radeon Vega Frontier.

Radeon ProRender: A free open-source, high performance, real-time physically based ray tracing engine capable of producing lightning fast, high quality renders. With plug-ins available for major 3D modelling and CAD software, this is easy to pick up. We find this is a good application for benchmarking the performance of your GPU.

Radeon Rays: A GPU intersection acceleration library with basic support for heterogeneous systems. AMD developed Radeon-Rays to help developers get the most out of AMD GPUs, CPU and APUs, as well as save them from maintaining hardware-dependent code. Radeon Rays exposes a well-defined C++ API for scene construction and performing asynchronous ray intersection queries. The current implementation is based on OpenCL, which means Radeon-Rays supports execution on all platforms conforming to the OpenCL 1.2 standard. It is not limited to AMD hardware or a specific operating system. Radeon Rays can be easily distributed and through its API helps assure compatibility and best performance across a wide range of hardware platforms.

Baikal Renderer: An open-source implementation of AMD Radeon ProRender (RPR). It is a fast and efficient GPU-based global illumination renderer implemented using OpenCL and relying on AMD’s Radeon Rays intersection engine

Anvil: A framework for Vulkan 1.0 to help you get started and reduce the amount of time needed to begin and expand Vulkan projects.

Y antes que nada y muy importante. Como instalar el controlador para VEGA FRONTIER


Junto con la ultima version del controlador Crimson Relive; version 17.7.2; la cual mejora mucho el rendimiento y agrega funciones miuy interesantes, aslio tm,bien una herramienta similar a la que ofrece microsoft, la cual sirve para el analisis de como esta funcionando los hilos de instrucciones en el GPU, de esta manera los programadores e interesados en general cuentan con una gran herramienta de analisis y depuracion de su codigo.

A diferencia de la herramienta de microsoft, esta solo funciona para las APis de bajo nivel Vulkan y Direct3D12, u solamente soporta el monitorear GPUs RX 400 y RX 500, este seria el punto malo por parte de RTG, pero en fin

http://gpuopen.com/gaming-product/radeo ... filer-rgp/
Radeon GPU Profiler

Incredible game experience is not a given. It is a result of game designers carefully engineering each scene and each frame to deliver the best performance out of the hardware it runs on. Meet the Radeon GPU Profiler, a ground-breaking low-level optimization tool that provides detailed timing and occupancy information on Radeon GPUs.

Unlike the black box approach of the past, PC game developers now have unprecedented, in-depth access to a GPU and can easily analyze graphics, async compute usage, event timing, pipeline stalls, barriers, bottlenecks and other performance inefficiencies.

This unique tool generates easy to understand visualizations of how your DirectX®12 and Vulkan® games interact with the GPU at the hardware level. Profiling a game is both a quick and simple process using the Radeon Developer Panel and our public Crimson driver.

Key Features
-- Low level GPU timing data for:
Queue signals and waits
Wavefront occupancy
Context roll stalls
Event timings
Pipeline state

-- Supported GPU’s
Radeon RX 400 and RX 500
Radeon R9 Fury, Fury X and Fury Nano

-- Supported graphics APIs
DirectX 12



Y ahora RTG da un uro golpe a los jugadores.

RTG|AMD libera un controlador para minado con la Radeon VEGA y POLARIS.

Descarga del controlador para windows 10 y windows 7 32/64
http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-article ... Notes.aspx

Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition Beta for Blockchain Compute Release Notes

Important Notes
This driver is provided as a beta level support driver which should be considered "as is" and will not be supported with further updates, upgrades or bug fixes.
This driver is not intended for graphics or gaming workloads.

Optimized performance for Blockchain Compute Workloads.

Package Contents
The Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition Beta for Blockchain Compute installation package contains the following:
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition Beta for Blockchain Compute Driver Version 17.30.1029 (Windows Driver Store Version 22.19.659.0)

http://cryptodivisas.net/amd-lanza-driv ... de-mineria
AMD Lanza Drivers Exclusivos para Optimización de Minería

AMD ha lanzado finalmente un controlador de tarjeta de vídeo para las tarjetas gráficas Radeon que mejora el rendimiento de la cadena de bloque! Este controlador fue desarrollado para mejorar el rendimiento decreciente de hashrate con extracción de Ethereum, como el tamaño de DAG aumentado lentamente. El problema de rendimiento de DAG ha impactado tanto a Polaris (Radeon 400 y 500 series) así como a las nuevas tarjetas Vega (Vega 56 y Vega 64), por lo que fue algo que AMD decidió ponerle atención.

AMD ha estado trabajando en algunas modificaciones para sus drivers y finalmente han encontrado una solución. Las pruebas se han realizado en diferentes modelos de tarjetas y el reporte final ha sido muy satisfactorio respecto a Polaris y Vega, por lo que, los inconvenientes el tamaño de los archivos DAG no serán mas un problema.


http://www.undostecgaming.com/amd-distr ... para-minar
AMD distribuye controladores orientados a la minería de criptomonedas
por Adolfo hace 13 horas

Dos días ha tardado AMD en revelar sus cartas al lanzar una nueva versión de sus controladores enfocados en mejorar el rendimiento de sus RX 580 y RX Vega 64 y RX Vega 56 en tareas de minado de criptodivisas.

El éxito de AMD este año no se debe en forma alguna a los gamers, sino a los mineros, que han acabado con las existencias de RX 580 desde prácticamente desde su lanzamiento y que todo parece indicar que lo mismo ocurrirá con las RX Vega.

AMD sabe quién es realmente el público objetivo de estas nuevas GPUs y por ello, a pesar de lanzar revisiones de sus drivers Crimson Relive para jugadores, dedica grandes esfuerzos en mantener su reinado en el mercado que tantos beneficios les está reportando y donde Nvidia poco tiene que hacer.

Eso, distribuye drivers para minería y no tiene cojones a hacer un driver como dios manda para vega, y para jugar,
Ya lo sacara, pero ahora esta en le recuento de los daños donde por la mala fama en juegos pero aceptable en minado, pues se aventura a sacar esta version BETA.

Ya para el lanzamiento de la VEGA 56 debe tener controladores CRIMSON decentes.
Pues ya es oficial, al termino de sus 'vacaciones' el indio Raja Koduri dejara su puesto de jefe de este departamento RTG y pasara a formar parte de la nomina de intel, como jefe del departamento 'Core and Visual Computing Group' que se encargara del desarrollo de GPU integrado para losp rocesadores intel de nueva generacion.

AMD anuncia su proximo software para Radeon

Coming December 2017: Radeon™ Software Adrenalin Edition
AMD libera el SDK para su nueva generacion de Codificacion y Decodificacion de video empleando el GPU Radeon, lo nuevo y mas importante es que da soporte a la codificacion de MPEG-4 HEVC [aka h265] y lo otro es en si la actualizacion a la generacion de controladores Crimson y Adrenalin. Este nuevo sistema decodificacion esta basado en el lenguaje AMD APP que es el equivalente propietariod e RTG al OpenCL o DirectCompute o CUDA. En mi opinion debieron dejarlo en OpenCL.

https://gpuopen.com/gaming-product/adva ... -framework

Advanced Media Framework

The Advanced Media Framework SDK provides developers with optimal access to AMD GPUs for multimedia processing. This SDK may be used in developing wireless display, remote desktop, video editing, transcode and playback applications. Specifically, developers can use the AMF SDK for accessing AMD media accelerators for video encoding and decoding and color space conversions.

Advanced Media Framework Benefits
The AMF SDK allows optimization of application performance by utilizing CPU, GPU compute shaders and hardware accelerators for media processing. These optimizations are applicable to a wide range of applications such as gaming or content creation. Programming of AMD Video Engines (UVD and VCE blocks) is also an important part of the functionality that AMF provides to developers.
Version 1.4 includes support for the H.265 encoder(HEVC) and bug fixes.
Version 1.4.4 includes support for FFMPEG 3.3.1 and bug fixes.
Version 1.4.6 has support for Game DVR and bug fixes.

Ya existen plugins y DLLs para usar este nuevo CODEC por hardware de video para usarse en softwre de captura y repproduccion de video como OBS y PotPlayer respectivamente.

Nuevo ejeutivo que se hace cargo de RTG.

- Mike Rayfield, fue el responsable general del equipo creador de TEGRA en nvidia. Asi que omo administrador general pues ya tiene credenciales mas que acreditables.

Nuevo jefe tecnico

- David Wang, trauido de las filas que se encragaron del desarrollo de la anterior generacion de SoCs [System on Chip] que lñe dieron repunte economico a AMD en los años anteriores.

Veamos como sacan estos dos personajes a RTG|AMD en este recuento y control de los daños en su imagen.

https://globenewswire.com/news-release/ ... n-AMD.html
Graphics Industry Leaders Mike Rayfield and David Wang Join AMD
January 23, 2018 | Source: Advanced Micro Devices

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announced the appointment of Mike Rayfield as senior vice president and general manager of AMD Radeon Technologies Group (RTG), and David Wang as senior vice president of engineering for RTG. Both will report to President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. Rayfield will be responsible for all aspects of strategy and business management for AMD’s graphics business including consumer graphics, professional graphics, and semi-custom products. Wang will be responsible for all aspects of graphics engineering, including the technical strategy, architecture, hardware, and software for AMD graphics products and technologies.

“Mike and David are industry leaders who bring proven track records of delivering profitable business growth and leadership product roadmaps,” said AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “We enter 2018 with incredible momentum for our graphics business based on the full set of GPU products we introduced last year for the consumer, professional, and machine learning markets. Under Mike and David’s leadership, I am confident we will continue to grow the footprint of Radeon across the gaming, immersive, and GPU compute markets.”

Rayfield brings to AMD more than 30 years of technology industry experience focused on growth, building deep customer relationships, and driving results. Rayfield joins AMD from Micron Technology, where he was senior vice president and general manager of the Mobile Business Unit. Under Rayfield’s leadership, Micron’s mobile business achieved significant revenue growth and improved profitability. Prior to Micron, Rayfield served as general manager of the Mobile Business Unit at Nvidia, where he led the team that created Tegra.

With more than 25 years of graphics and silicon development experience, Wang brings deep technical expertise and an excellent track record in managing complex silicon development to AMD. Wang rejoins AMD from Synaptics, where he was senior vice president of Systems Silicon Engineering responsible for silicon systems development of Synaptics products. Under Wang’s leadership, Synaptics more than quadrupled its design team through acquisition and organic growth. Prior to joining Synaptics, Wang was corporate vice president at AMD, responsible for SOC development of AMD processor products, including GPUs, CPUs, and APUs. Previously, Wang held various technical and management positions at ATI, ArtX, SGI, Axil Workstations, and LSI Logic.

Valve/Steam da soporte a la API TrueAudio de RTG/AMD como parte de su proyector Steam AUDIO, el cual esta en fase beta. TrueAudio es un DSP para crear sonido envolvente y que es procesado en el mismo GPU.

Por cieerto AMD mueve sus oficinas centrales de Sunnyvale; donde han estado por 48 años, a Santa Clara.
https://mobile.twitter.com/LisaSu/statu ... 3503942656

https://steamcommunity.com/games/596420 ... 3070736393
Beta 13: AMD TrueAudio Next Support

We have just released Steam Audio 2.0 beta 13, which brings support for AMD TrueAudio Next technology. TrueAudio Next lets developers accelerate certain spatial audio processing tasks by reserving a portion of the GPU. Combined with Steam Audio's ability to model a wide range of acoustic phenomena, this enables increased acoustic complexity and an increased sense of presence in games and VR applications. Click here[valvesoftware.github.io] to download the latest version of Steam Audio, or click here[github.com] to grab the source code for the Unity and FMOD Studio plugins.

How is TrueAudio Next useful to Steam® Audio?

Indirect Sound
Steam® Audio uses physics-based simulation to model two ways in which sound travels from a source to a listener. Direct sound is sound that travels in a straight line from the source to the listener, possibly passing through solid objects. Indirect sound is sound that is emitted from the source, bounces off solid objects repeatedly, and then reaches the listener.

Steam® Audio models indirect sound by calculating an IR using ray tracing. This IR is then used in a convolution reverb effect to add indirect sound effects to either individual sound sources (in the case of source-centric convolution reverb) or a submix of sound reaching the listener (in the case of listener-centric convolution reverb).

Simulating and rendering indirect sound is the most computationally intensive part of what Steam® Audio does, and TrueAudio Next helps manage this workload.

Source-centric convolution reverb can be directional in nature: somebody else's distant footsteps heard through an open doorway sound more directional than one's own footsteps in a large room, for example. Steam® Audio uses Ambisonics to represent the directional variation of indirect sound. The higher the Ambisonics order, the more spatial detail that can be rendered in the indirect sound. On the other hand, the higher the Ambisonics order, the more IRs that are needed in the convolution reverb effect. For example, 2nd order Ambisonics requires 9 convolutions per source. This too, increases the computational cost of indirect sound.

Note that Steam® Audio does not use TrueAudio Next for applying HRTF-based 3D audio rendering. The computational cost of HRTF processing is significantly lower than that of convolution reverb: thousands of sources can be rendered with HRTF-based 3D audio using a single CPU core.

Why does Steam® Audio support TrueAudio Next?
Steam® Audio's existing CPU-based convolution has sufficient performance for many applications, particularly those that rely heavily on listener-centric reverb. However, with TrueAudio Next, Steam® Audio can offer more flexibility to developers.

There are two main reasons why we chose to support TrueAudio Next in Steam® Audio:

If we can provide developers with more flexibility in choosing how their audio processing workloads are balanced on a user's PC, we want to do that. TrueAudio Next allows developers to choose how CPU and GPU resources work together to provide a compelling audio experience on the user's PC.
If we can allow developers to offer an optional higher level of audio detail with their existing content on PCs that are powerful enough, we want to do that. With Steam® Audio, developers just specify higher settings to be used if a TAN-capable GPU is installed on the user's PC. Developers do not have to re-author any content to work with TAN. Steam® Audio can be used to seamlessly select either CPU- or GPU-based convolution, depending on the user's hardware configuration.

Steam® Audio's support for TrueAudio Next does not in any way restrict Steam® Audio to specific hardware or platforms. We hope that our support for TrueAudio Next encourages hardware and platform vendors to provide more options for developers to balance their audio workloads against graphics, physics, and other workloads, which in turn will help them create better audio experiences for their users.

Y pensar que hace dos páginas en este hilo se hablada de la RX470 por $169 USD y la 1050 Ti por $150 mira los precios ahora
Gnoblis escribió:Y pensar que hace dos páginas en este hilo se hablada de la RX470 por $169 USD y la 1050 Ti por $150 mira los precios ahora

que cosas eh? luego ves un pavo con mas de 1000 rx 580 para el solito y a los demás que nos den...
En reqalidad es para hablar de RTG y sus noticias, que serian sobre el hardware y el software que se desarrolla con ellos.

Project ReSX [Radeon eSports Experience]

Es la nueva idea en RTG para darnos una mejor experiencia en juegos, de tal manera que se han unido con algunos desarrolladores de juegos e ir junto con ellos optimizando el rendimiento, nio solamente en el campo de cantidad bruta de FPS, sino en otros 'pequeños' detalles para tenr una sensacion mayor de suavidad y mejor control [mejor respuesta].


https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/8 ... f=readnext

Vamos que RTG quiere meterse al tema del jugador profesional, si lo logra pues le permitira tener mas dinero para invertir en mejopres GPUs.

Mientras tanto, la materializacion de esta iniciativa la vemos en los recientes CRIMSON ADRENALIN 18.3.1

https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articl ... Notes.aspx


RTG esta metida mucho en el tema juegos, asi que aunque aqui no es la tematica de consolas, si es la tematica de este departamento de AMD para graficos.

RTG libera soporte para FreeSync y Freesync 2 en las consolas XBX One y One-X. Esperemos con esto los fabricantes de televisores agregen el soporte a VESA ADAPTATIVE-SYNC junto con FreeSync.

Freesync (explanation and demonstration)

https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevang ... e-consoles
PC Exclusive No More: FreeSync Finally Lands On Xbox One Consoles.
by Jason Evangelho

Variable refresh rate support is finally landing on Microsoft's Xbox One X and Xbox One S, but you may know it as a formerly PC-exclusive perk called FreeSync. Microsoft's Larry Hyrb and AMD's Antal Tungler announced the feature on Microsoft's Inside Xbox show today, and this is very good news for Xbox players.

This isn't a throwaway technical feature Microsoft is slipping quietly into the console. It's truly a next-gen gaming feature and a fundamental shift in how we play games.

When Project Scorpio's hardware specs were unveiled with HDMI 2.1 and Radeon graphics under the hood, we also learned that FreeSync 2 with HDR should be along for the ride, but it didn't materialize during the Xbox One X launch. Questions inside the Xbox community have been persistent, but answers were nowhere to be found. Today's reveal that it's also coming to Xbox One (FreeSync) and Xbox One S (FreeSync 2 with HDR) is a cool surprise.

Nvidia gets the official credit for transforming this landscape. When G-Sync was introduced for GeForce-owning PC players, it was the first time that our monitors weren't dictating the refresh rate. Traditionally a monitor wouldn't display a new frame until it was ready -- based on its refresh rate which is normally 60Hz. This resulted in seeing a "tear" and stuttering on the screen.

With G-Sync, the graphics card was now in charge, sending the frame to the monitor precisely when it was rendered. In a nutshell, that means no more screen tearing and no more "input lag" from using something like VSync. It results in a noticeably smoother, faster visual experience even at lower frame rates. It can even mean the difference between life and death in fast-paced shooters.

After G-Sync, AMD came along and introduced their version of variable refresh rate which, unlike Nvidia's solution, didn't require a proprietary module in the back of monitors. This made FreeSync monitors more affordable than their G-Sync counterparts. More importantly to Xbox One S/Xowners, it opened the door for this kind of game changer on consoles.

So think about the last game you played that was locked at 30fps. The Xbox One S and Xbox One X may be capable of delivering higher frame rates in that title, but perhaps not a full 60fps. 45fps would give you terrible screen tearing and stuttering, though, which is why so many games stay locked at 30fps or 60fps.

What FreeSync allows the system to do is synchronize directly with the monitor, and render the game at the framerate it's capable of because the FreeSync monitor isn't dictating the refresh rate. So perhaps the game now fluctuates between 40fps and 70fps depending on the visual complexity of any given scene, plus each frame looks smoother and is delivered faster because the monitor isn't in charge anymore.

Seriously, you need to see it for yourself. The first time I saw this technology in action it was like comparing the difference between VHS tapes and DVDs. Whether it's G-Sync or FreeSync, variable refresh rate gaming is truly next-gen, so it's a perfect fit for a next-gen console. And it's nice to see it leaving the exclusivity of PC for more people to enjoy.

FreeSync 2 with HDR for Xbox One S/X should be available in the Alpha Ring for Xbox Insiders within the next few days. Original FreeSync will be available for the standard Xbox One. You'll need a FreeSync-compatible monitor.
RTG anuncia PRORender, un sistema de renderizado RAY Tracing en tiempo real usando las tarjetas de vidfeo RADEON.

Supongo una herramienta invaluable para sistemas CAD

Demo y presentacion

Announcing Real-Time Ray Tracing
by Dan Flatt

The level of visual detail required of CAD models for the automotive industry or the most advanced film VFX requires a level of visual accuracy that can only be achieved with advanced ray tracing techniques. Ray tracing maps the path of light rays from each pixel of the rendered object back to the camera, realistically simulating light interactions like shadows, reflections and transparency. Ray tracing is very processor intensive resulting in long render times and low frame rates. Alternatively, rasterization (or scanline) rendering uses algorithms to approximate the appearance of 3D objects, surfaces and textures. Rasterization can be accelerated by GPU hardware resulting in real-time rendering and high frame rates making it an ideal fit for gaming. Of course the trade-off with rasterization is that the approximated renders are nowhere close to the photorealism of their ray traced counterparts. These trade-offs between rasterization and ray tracing traditionally impose corresponding constraints on 3D designers who would have to choose between realistic illumination and real-time speeds depending on the priorities of their project.

The differences between rasterization and ray tracing at a computational level have made the combination of these processes a desirable but difficult problem discussed more often in academic papers than practical application. AMD is announcing Radeon™ ProRender support for real-time GPU acceleration of ray tracing techniques mixed with traditional rasterization based rendering. This new process fuses the speed of rasterization with the physically-based realism that users of Radeon ProRender expect for their workflows. At a high level, the process achieves these results by using rasterization to draw basic structures and surfaces before a ray tracing process is used to compute advanced light-effects like reflections, shadows and transparency. The flexibility of the process allows users to decide when these advanced light effects are actually necessary and add noticeable new dimensions of realism to their renders.

So how could real-time ray tracing actually change the way 3D professionals work? Professional users of this new process will be able to achieve far faster render times for their projects saving valuable time and system resources for 3D projects of any scale. Game developers will also be able to achieve a greater degree of photorealism without sacrificing the high frame rates required for smooth real-time onscreen animation. (We’ll talk more about how the new rendering technique can enhance gaming graphics in future blog posts.) Like many of the other open source tools available from GPUOpen, real-time ray tracing will give users more control over the development process unlocking even more performance from your GPU.

Access to real-time ray-tracing will be made available to AMD partners by contacting your AMD representative. You can learn more about the process in our session with Takahiro Harada at GDC on March 21 and stay up to date by signing up to receive the AMD Developer News newsletter.

RTG en el SIGGRAPH del año pasado anunciaba luna VEGA NANO, pues bien, en la empresa sapphire parece que sacaran al mercado una RX Vega nano.

https://smallformfactor.net/news/exclus ... -vega-nano


Y parece que GCN aunque ya este empezando a mostrar 'achaques' sera una buena opcion para el tema de voxels, que seria una tecnica volumetica enl ugar de poligonos para el tema de la creacion de los mundos virtuales de los juegos.

https://www.hardocp.com/news/2018/04/10 ... ons_voxels


Añaden Soporte a la reproduccion UHD por hardware de video para cuando se reproduce video desde Netflix. POR DESGRACIA el soporte esta limitado solo para usarse en el navegador Microsoft Edge.

Asi que si quieren contrar con este soporte deberan instalar el Controlador ADRENALIN 18.4.1.
PLAYRADY 3.0, almenos en version beta con soporte no solo a polaris, sino a VEGA con lo que ya es posible usar la decodificacion UHD de netflix en tarjetas de video VEGA y en los nuevos APUs Raven Ridge.

https://www.anandtech.com/show/12720/am ... ll-to-come

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (for HDR or using discrete graphics)
Windows 10 HEVC Media Extension, or equivalent (if missing due to Fall Creators Update)
Latest unspecified Windows Updates
Microsoft Edge or Windows 10 Netflix application
Netflix plan that supports 4K and HDR streaming
High or Automatic Streaming Quality in Netflix Account Playback Settings
Minimum internet connection speed of 25 Mbps
60Hz 4K display with HDCP 2.2 capability
HDCP 2.2 certified cable with 4K capable digital interface
HDCP 2.2 capable and 4K capable digital interface port on motherboard video-out or discrete GPU
Supported discrete or integrated GPU (PlayReady 3.0, HDCP 2.2 output)
Appropriate graphics driver

Lisa Su y comitiva anuncian que para la CompuTex 2018, tendran una demostraion de hardware 'NUNCA ANTES VISTA'.

Podran seguir la onferencia via streaming desde el siguiente Link:
https://experience.amd.com/NotifyMe/com ... ive-stream

This will be a one-hour long event presented by AMD's Lisa Su and Jim Anderson. AMD promises to show off "never-before-seen" hardware demonstrations and details of high-performance leadership and innovation. Presumably, we're going to hear more about the second-gen Threadripper processors, and maybe mobile Vega discrete video cards. Everyone is hoping for some more GPU news, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.

Updates on current and upcoming AMD products by AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su and Senior Vice President and General Manager, Computing and Graphics Business Group, Jim Anderson
Appearances by AMD technology partners
Never-before-seen AMD hardware demonstrations and new details showcasing AMD high performance leadership and innovation.

Y RTG vuelve a la carga con su concepto de GPUs ompuestos de manera modular, asi en lugar de ser un solo gran chip, los sistemas y subsistemas se reparten en pequeños chips que se encapsulan segun las necesidades y tipo de tarjeta [si sera de gama media o gama alta, si sera mas para juegos o sera mas para computacion heterogenea, etc.]

https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/sem ... ork-scheme

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