RTG AMD: Inciativa GPUOpen software stack [su contra gameworks]

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FFMPEG continua sus actualizaciones con el soporte por hardware, incluso con soporte para el WSL de microsoft y asi poder usarse en aplicaciones gnu/linux corriendo en windows.

FFmpeg's next release (v6.1) will prove quite exciting with Vulkan Video support merged for decoding H.264, H.265/HEVC, and AV1 content. Plus there are more Vulkan Video features and other improvements in the next version.

Otro que se no ha perdido el paso en las actualizaciones es la misma RTG|GPUOpen que libera su version reciente del SDK de AMF para estar al corriente, y entre sus funcionalidades es la integracion con FFMPEG.

Advanced Media Framework "AMF" 1.4.30 SDK for Linux and Windows


With the AMF 1.4.30 release they have added new wrappers for AVC/HEVC/AV1 for supporting FFmpeg software encoders as a fall-back to using the AMD GPU-accelerated video encoding. There is also now frame in, slice / tile output support for the AMF AVC/HEVC/AV1 encoder handling. There is also various AV1 improvements, adding multi-monitor support to their DVR sample app, and updating their reference FFmpeg library to FFmpeg 5.1.2. Plus documentation improvements and other changes to the AMF sample apps.
En el manejo de HDR, RayTracing, SuperResolucion, filtros de mejoras visuales, reescalado para achicar o agrandar sin perder detalles.

AMD FidelityFX SDK 1.0

SDK features:
- A consistent standard and style that is much more user-friendly.
- Easier application spawning letting us focus on core algorithm details rather than boilerplate setup code.
- A re-architected graphical framework that is not only more robust and ready, but is also API agnostic, allowing us to develop our effects across intended targets simultaneously.
- This also doubles as a great how-to in creating a custom backend implementation for developers' own multi-platform engines.
- Extensive documentation.
- And lastly, we've taken a lot of the guesswork out of implementation steps by offering complete pre-built solutions for all of our effects. Most of which can be supported in under 20 lines of code.
- That being said, if you were a fan of taking the code we put out and manually integrating yourself, you are still free to do that. We've taken nothing away. All we've done is moved things into a more coherent structure on disk, and cleaned up the code to make it more consistent in style.

Radeon GPU Detective (RGD) v1.0

RGD es una herramienta creada para analizar a detalle las causas que originan que falle un proceso del GPU al usar D3D12/D2D12 y funciona en GPUs Radeon RX 6000 series (RDNA 2) y Radeon RX 7000 series (RDNA 3). Elobjetivo es dar con elorigen del fallo para reportarlo a RTG y puedan iniciar el proceso de corregir los controladores o las APIs D3D12/D2D12 de proximas publicaciones del controlador adrenalin

Descarga oficial:

Radeon GPU Detective (RGD), tool for post-mortem analysis of GPU crashes. The tool allows developers to retrieve and analyze AMD GPU crash dumps and produce information that can help narrow down the search for a crash's root cause. Such information includes page fault details, resource details and execution markers reflecting the GPU work that was in progress at the moments leading to the crash.

The tool lets developers set the driver into Crash Analysis mode using the Radeon Developer Panel (RDP) before reproducing the crash. Upon crash, an analysis file is generated with details that can help shed light on the crash's cause:
** Execution marker information indicating which render passes and draw calls were in progress during the crash. Custom markers can be added by the app developer using the AGS (AMD GPU Services) library.
** If the crash was determined to be caused by a page fault:
- offending virtual address.
- Details about any resource (such as heaps, textures, and buffers) that resided in the offending virtual address, including resource names given by the developer.
- Timeline of memory events (such as Create, Destroy and Evict) filtered only for the relevant resources.
- The crash analysis file is generated in text format by default. The tool can also be configured to generate the analysis file in JSON format to support automated processing.

This first version of the tool supports analysis of GPU crashes on Windows ("TDRs") in Direct3D 12 applications and requires a RX 6000 series (RDNA 2) or RX 7000 series (RDNA 3) card, in addition to the latest public AMD Radeon Adrenalin Software.

Radeon GPU Detective (RGD) ahora con soporte a Vulkan

Con la version 1.1 de RGD llega el soporte a ala API Vulkan, junto con algunas mejoras y correccion de errores
Descarga: -->gpuopen.com/rgd/
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