[Hilo Oficial] Metal gear solid 4: gun of patriots

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guardwin escribió:buscando por youtube me he encontrado el trailer cachondo de metal 4, seguro que ya se ha posteado, pero por si las moscas, lo pongo aqui:



Joder que currao :D
guardwin escribió:buscando por youtube me he encontrado el trailer cachondo de metal 4, seguro que ya se ha posteado, pero por si las moscas, lo pongo aqui:



ese trailer tiene bastante tiempo :-|

en cuanto a lo de la demo me deja [babas]

En 1up van a poner el video completo de la demo que jugara Kojima del evento este del 20 aniversario de la saga, lo ponen a la 1:30 PST, no se a que hora española correspondera, aqui teneis el enlace de 1up donde lo dice


Que ganas de ver el video ya [babas]
charlieman999 escribió:En 1up van a poner el video completo de la demo que jugara Kojima del evento este del 20 aniversario de la saga, lo ponen a la 1:30 PST

Por Dios que alguien diga que hora es esa!!
Mecri escribió:De que dia?

Segun lo que pone en 1up se supone que es hoy (el articulo fecha a dia 23)
siendo el 20 aniversario que se dejen de videos y cuelgen la puta demo [tomaaa] [tomaaa]
Donde está ese video?? [burla3]
¿Pero no era hora española mañana por la mañana?

Mirad las texturas de la ultima imagen que ha salido nueva:


Blade escribió:¿Pero no era hora española mañana por la mañana?

Mirad las texturas de la ultima imagen que ha salido nueva:



¿Eso es un video?
Esa imagen no es nueva es del trailer del E3, solo que uno ha apagado las luces del cuarto y ha hecho la foto y parece como si fuese una conferencia o algo xDDD... pero es una captura del trailer del E3, no es nada nuevo, hasta mañana (en realidad a estas horas es mas correcto decir hoy) no veremos nada del juego.
se sabe algo del video que ivan a colgar ingame?
A las 10:30 hora española cuelgan el video en 1up.

Ostia, ahora cuelgan un video in-game?? :O
Cloud7 escribió:Ostia, ahora cuelgan un video in-game?? :O

Creo que no:
1up escribió:no video will be allowed of either of the games shown on screen, but we will get direct feed video of MGS4, embargoed until midnight local time 15 minutes long. Phew.

But, Metal Gear Online, the other game that they will apparently show, will only be released to the public in screen shots.

No entiendo demasiado la cita de 1up
Es decir, que no habrá un video grabado directamente de la pantalla pero van a colgar otro a las 12 de su hora local???
Que alguien lo aclare si puede.
Yo no veo ningún video nuevo por ningún lao T_T
1:51 A voice comes over the loudspeaker --the show is about to start the lights go down and the Konami logo comes up, KP logo forms to dramatic drum music -- METAL GEAR anniversary! A video begins starting with the MSG game and going through all the games of the series. It's short, however, and already over.The announcer appears and thank the audience for attending, despite heir busy schedule. A huge blow up of original Yoji Shinkawa artwork fills he screen as he talks.
Esto acaba de salir
MaximusPrica escribió:Empieza?
1:51 A voice comes over the loudspeaker --the show is about to start the lights go down and the Konami logo comes up, KP logo forms to dramatic drum music -- METAL GEAR anniversary! A video begins starting with the MSG game and going through all the games of the series. It's short, however, and already over.The announcer appears and thank the audience for attending, despite heir busy schedule. A huge blow up of original Yoji Shinkawa artwork fills he screen as he talks.
Esto acaba de salir

Si, la están siguiendo en vivo en esa página.
As he leaves he stage, a video begins recounting the last 20 years of the Metal Gear series.
Por lo que se ve ahora están metiendo un vídeo en memoria a la saga MGS. Para vender el uber pack ese, supongo.
¿Se sabe algo de los dos nuevos títulos que iban a mostrar?
Bueno, dentro de un rato vuelvo.
Tenéis el liveblog en la pág que he dejado de 1UP
MaximusPrica escribió:Es decir, que no habrá un video grabado directamente de la pantalla pero van a colgar otro a las 12 de su hora local???
Que alguien lo aclare si puede.

Lo que no entiendo es si es hora local de Japón o de 1up.
Primeras imágenes de la presentacion!

[url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/766"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/765"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/764"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/763"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/762"]Imagen[/url]


2:06 a.m. -- Kojima is taking the stage.
pq habeis quitado la de cosplay,
2:11 a.m. --He's introducing products from the 20th anniversary. Metal Gear Solid Collection! Metal Gear music collection!

2:15 a.m. -- NEW GAME! Metal Gear Solid 2 Band Deschene! PSP! Trailer is being shown!

[tadoramo] [tadoramo]
joder, siempre para psp o ps3...
Nuevas imágenes del evento!

[url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/772"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/771"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/770"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/769"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/768"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/767"]Imagen[/url] [url="http://www.fotojuego.com/post/view/766"]Imagen[/url]
2:27 a.m. -- Now Kojima is going to announce another voice star whom he thinks everyone will recognize ... Mari Natsuki! She's delivering a video message. She will play the role of Eva, a girl who fought snake in MGS3.

2:23 a.m. -- Kojima is taking the stage. He's announcing that Vamp, the guyw ho fights Raiden at the end, has a special voice. It's some guy who's last name is Tsukamoto. "Some Japanese star -- I think he's very famous," Anoop says.

2:18 a.m. -- They're showing the MGS4 trailer we've seen before.
Next voice actor announcement: Mari Natsuki, a famous actress and singer in Japan, who will play Eva.

Kojima is back on stage, doing his best vamp imitation of the last line of the trailer. He says they will announce tonight new voice actors in MGS4. A famous Japanese director Shinya Tsukamoto will be doing the voice of vamp; he is now talking in a pre-taped message to the audience. Shock! He�??s saying he enjoyed the experience; as someone who gets hurt a lot but cant die (vamp) he got to scream a lot.

Next up, the MGS4 trailer shown at e3, only this time, with Japanese voices. Super sharp fans will notice that some of the lines in the trailer are actually different--not just changed in translation, but actually different lines /trivia

Now the next trailer, it's another digital graphic novel, this one based on MGS2 -- it's for the PSP, has the same look and coolo animation of the last
Eva confirmada en MGS4 xD

Geriatric Wars! :P
karakol escribió:Eva confirmada en MGS4 xD

Geriatric Wars! :P

Edit: Pues parece que si, que mal.

Eva is in MGS4! Snakes love interest from MGS3. We see a render of her character, she is wearing dark military pants and a tan overcoat, with a pistol at her side, and dark eyes -- her face is lined and she definitely looks her age. She ditched the bikini top as well.
2:49 a..m. -- MGO will be playable by up to 16 people. Today, they're going to show 6 x 6 -- a total of 12 people.

2:48 a.m. --The producer of MGO, Mr. Matsuha, is taking the stage.

2:47 a.m. -- Now, they're going to introduce Metal Gear Online.

2:46:30 a.m. -- The demo is done.

2:46 a.m. --Snake is actually working with some characters now, presumably the side Kojima decided to support for the demo.

2:45 a.m. -- Now he's showing Snake throwing grenades at enemy forces. And now using a machine gun.

2:43 a.m. --Now Snake can use the Mark II whenever he wants. Snake goes back outside, and there seems to be a war starting. Lots of gunfire between the PMC and the other forces. Kojima makes snake hide behind a car, then call out the Mark II. Snake holds a Sixaxis as you control the Mark II in first person. He leads Mark II to an enemy, then electrocutes him. Kojima then expalins that you can make Snake support either the PFC forces or the other forces if you like. It's up to you.

2:40 a.m. -- He shows snake take out a couple of enemies while hiding in a garbage bin. Then, he leads Snake out of the garbage bin. A demo takes over and shows a scene from the original demo with Otacon and the mark ii appearing.

2:38 a.m. -- After showing a knife fight, he shows snake in a drum can.Snake switches to a drum can, then rolls on the ground to bowl out a couple of enemies. Snake emerges from the drum can dizzy, then throws up.

2:37 a.m. -- Now Kojima is showing some combat. Gunplay seems to be handled by Snake appearing on either the left or right side of the screen -- you can switch between the two perspectives.

2:34 a.m. -- The PMCs come in, look around, then pass him by. He switches to his regular octo-cam. Kojima shows how it helps him blend into walls and into the floor. He's laying on the floor, camoulauged, and a PMC passes right by him. Snake gets up and surprises the guy, then takes his weapon.

2:31 a.m. -- Psst. It's Greg. Our first batch of images from the event are ready.

2:30 a.m. -- The real-time demo has started from behind Snake's back. It switches to solid eye, then zooms in on troops in the distance -- pmc troops. Now, he's putting on statue-cam camouflague to look like a statue. Everyone laughs.
buen work, que estioy bajandoi cosas y la otra web me va lenta.
2:59 a.m. -- Closed beta will run 8/20 to 9/3. They will accept applications from 7/24 to 8/6. It's closed beta, limited to 3000 people. Check the Kojima Productions website for more info. The live demo is finished.

2:57 a.m. -- Kojima climbs up a ladder (GREG: In the game, people!), kills someone and then jump back down. He also stresses that you can just throw a grenade up there if you want. If you kill an enemy, you can tap into their information system.

2:55 a.m. -- When you die, you can select your weapon and get thrown back onto the battlefield.

2:54 a.m. -- "I can't stress enough how cool this new gameplay system looks," Anoop writes. "You can see your allies totallly far away, even through many walls."

2:53 a.m. -- The effect of the characters being blue looks really cool -- they flash blue and black, like they're made of a bunch of blue boxes.

2:51 a.m. -- They're set to begin the demo. They have a new system, called -- I think -- the SOAP system. It allows you to more clearly get information about your ally characters. This system allows you to see the posiiton of your allies, even through walls. They show up as blue figures. You can even see them when they're in the cardboard box.

2:50 a.m. -- The basic concept of MGO is hide and seek -- make sure you don't get seen.
Kojima is getting a codec message on stage and has a MG-branded cell phone.

The level is a broken city, but not dusty like MGS4; more dark dirt and pale grey concrete -- it's a completely war torn city. Graphics looks on a similar level to MSG4, probably the same engine.

There's also a way to scan your enemies information and steal it from them. If you can hold them for a certain amount of time,
you get the same vision you have for your teammates, for your enemies as well. They pulse orange while your friends pulse blue
so you can see all your enemies wherever they are, even thru walls, etc.

It looks like each character. has different skills. This player has 'scanning lv 1', 'asslt r mastery 1', 'and CQC mastery 1'. They will start the beta test for MGS, a closed beta test, 300 people. Stars July 24th and ends August 6th.

Entrad aqui, nuevas imagenes!!!


3:03 a.m. -- They're going to go on to part 2 of the event shortly -- a talk show with Kojima.

3:01 a.m. -- He announces Metal Gear Solid Mobile for cell phones. It's a game set in Metal Gear Solid 3 world. The game is in full 3D. It will be through EZweb and be included on a particular Sony Ericson model as default.

3:00 a.m. -- "Kojima gets a commuque on his cell phone!" -- Anoop

2:59 a.m. -- Closed beta will run 8/20 to 9/3. They will accept applications from 7/24 to 8/6. It's closed beta, limited to 3000 people. Check the Kojima Productions website for more info. The live demo is finished.
La peli disponible a media noche(no sé de que franja) de la demo jugable en la página que ha puesto el chino.
Lo de la beta no le hagáis caso. XD
Que antes voy yo.
Looks like the first part is coming to an end. People are getting up and filing out so they can prepare for the second part. The announcements are over at this point, however, so breathe easy -- and maybe go to sleep -- as the second part is musical performances combined with video testimonials about the game series.

Imagen Imagen
MaximusPrica escribió:La peli disponible a media noche(no sé de que franja) de la demo jugable en la página que ha puesto el chino.
Lo de la beta no le hagáis caso. XD
Que antes voy yo.

Pues si es esta medianoche hora japonesa estará por la tarde.

y mañana como mas tardar el video de la demo.
Eva era el ultimo personaje que me esperaba encontrar en MGS4!! que genial, este juego cada dia mejor
Que pinta va teniendo este juego :O
Ningun MGS para la 360, habra que esperar a una expansion o si no la psthree tendra que caer [+risas] [+risas] [+risas] [+risas]
Gromber escribió:Ningun MGS para la 360, habra que esperar a una expansion o si no la psthree tendra que caer [+risas] [+risas] [+risas] [+risas]

yo es que todavia no se que os sorprende despues de todo lo dicho...
Soy yo, o en la tercera foto que a puesto ÇhíN0; Snake esta registrandole los huevos al soldado ¿? XD

Quiero ver el video ya !!! (haber si lo filtran o algo) sino esperaremos a mañana.

PD: Lo de la aparicion de Eva, era algo que nadie se esperaba
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