Cantado que será Black Ops II

Nuevo Killstreak QUADROTOR
Nuevos Modos Multiplayer:
1. Escort
A pretty classic game mode where a team will have to escort one player across three flags for victory, while the opposing team will try to kill the player.
2. Equalizer
A pretty confusing multiplayer game in CoD: Black Ops 2 in which players will be switched to the opposite team after dying. There’s also a power plant to be owned, one that allows team members to change class and get a special in-match suit. The winner of this multiplayer mode will be the team who has the most kills or, if tied, the one who owns the power plant at the end of the round.
3. Split Spawn
An even stranger multiplayer mode in which on player on each team flies a helicopter (and can shoot from it) and lets other players from their team climb down to the ground. All players have three lives and there are just 2 game rounds in which the said players are trying to capture a flag in the middle of the map (but it takes longer to capture). The twist comes from the fact that when the chopper is destroyed, players from that team will no longer be able to respawn.
Lista de Ventajas:
1. Spy – you appear as a friend on the map but when you shoot you are turning red on the map
- Pro perk: ability to detect enemy spies
- Elite perk: Airship will be marked as ally (if Pilot perk is active)
2. Escape Artist – when prone, you feign death (but you can’t shoot)
- Pro perk: When you are close to die, the crosshair of the enemy turns white and your name disappears
- Elite perk: Instead of diving, you fall into the feign death (if Diver perk is active)
3. Audiophile – Will show on the radar players with silenced weapons shooting at your or close to you
- Pro perk: You hear the footsteps louder
- Elite perk: Kniving shows on the radar (if Bladesman perk is active)
4. Defuser – When you thrown things, a circle appears around the crosshair and it fills in 3 seconds. If you wait for that to happen, you can throw 2 times farther.
- Pro perk: You can take semtex from players and throw them elsewhere and pick up enemy equipment and use.
- Elite perk: the circle fills in 1.5 seconds (if Quickdraw perk is active)
5. Juggernaut – Health regenerates faster while you move
- Pro perk: Health regenerates faster when crouched
- Elite perk: You can drop ammo packs for your team (if Scavenger perk is active)
6. Diver - you can dive to cover and when you do it, you can still shoot but afterwards it takes a while to regain focus
- Pro perk: You can crawl twice as fast
- Elite Perk: You can sprint when crawling to move faster (if Extreme Conditioning perk is active)
7. Pilot – Your flying killstreak kills will count towards your next killstreak.
- Pro perk: Your controllable flying killstreaks will last until they are shot down
- Elite perk: Your uncontrollable flying killstreaks will not show on the map (if Blind Eye perk is active)
8. Technician – Any land killstreak kills will count towards your next killstreak.
- Pro perk: Your Advanced UAVS will disable the enemies UAV
- Elite perk: Your sentries can’t be taken down instantly (if Defuser perk is active)
9. Bladesman – You have 2 knives in hand instead of one
- Pro perk: There’s a chance for you to dodge an incoming knife
- Elite perk: Kniving is silent and does not show on the killfeed (if Assassin perk is active and if it is not countered by the Audiophile Elite perk)
10. Conciousness – You are as accurate standing as you are when prone
- Pro perk: Your bullets cause more flinching.
- Elite perk: Shooting an enemy will mark him on the mini map (if used with Marksman perk)
11. Focus – You can shoot while sprinting
- Pro perk: You can shoot while jumping
- Elite Perk: Equipment does less damage when you jump (if Stalker perk is active)
12. Deep Impact – Bullets shoot through hard surfaces
- Pro perk: Each person that your bullets go through gives them 50% damage bonus
- Elite perk: when hip-firing, your bullets have 10% more damage with each person they go through. (if Steady Aim perk is active)
Gracias emifer2
Así es en la página oficial de Call of Duty aparecieron varios cuadros con la leyenda de "Classified" y en algunos se ven fechas como 28 o 30 de abril, pero el bueno según varios medios es el que revela la fecha 1 de Mayo durante los play-offs de basketball

Ya solo queda esperar