ClockTuner for RyZEN [CTR] Ver 2.0 [febrero 2021]CRT, es una herramienta para ZEN2 y ZEN3, creada por el oclocker 1USMUS, la cual nos permite encontrar los valores adecuados de voltaje para mantener la frecuencia de cada nucleo. Los valores de fabrica que proporciona AMD en sus procesadores, siempre han sido mas altos de los que se necesita para manetener las frecuencias de trabajo estables, por lo que es una costumbre que podamos hacer UnderVolt para bajar esos voltajes, aunque esto conlleva a una serie de pruebas y ensayos hasta encontrar los valores minimos de voltaje requeridos para nuestro procesador, lo cual lo hace un poco tardado.

Este software que nos proporciona 1USMUS, viene a solucionar esa faena al dortarnos de una interfaz grafica que permite realizar de manera rapida y automatica estos ajustes del voltaje para cada nucleo del procesador RyZEN. Y ademas cuenta con sistemas de proteccion para evitar valores que pudieran dañar el procesador.
Funciona para procesadores serie RyZEN 3000 y 4000.
Descarga y detalles: 3900X
Disminuye el consumo 9.5%

Aumenta el rendimiento hasta un 7%

R7 3960X
Disminuye consumo en 4..5%

Aumenta rendimiento en 5%
DESCARGA ... nload.htmlSystem requirements and preparation for work
- Windows 10 x64 1909-2004 build;
- AMD Ryzen processor with Zen 2 architecture (Renoir is temporarily not supported);
- BIOS with AGESA Combo AM4 (and newer);
- .NET Framework 4.6 (and newer);
- CPU Voltage - Auto (BIOS);
- CPU Multiplayer - Auto (BIOS);
- SVM (Virtualization) – disabled (BIOS, optional);
- Spread Spectrum – disabled (BIOS, optional);
- Ryzen Master 2.3 (uses the driver for monitoring);
- Stable RAM overclocking or stable XMP.
The next set of requirements are also mandatory and apply to UEFI (BIOS) settings. Since the success of CTR depends heavily on the capabilities of the motherboard VRM (highly recommended to read this chapter - link), we need to make a kind of foundation in the UEFI (BIOS) to secure the process of tuning the system from BSOD.
The most important setting is LLC (Load Line Calibration), my recommendations are as follows:
- ASUS - LLC 3 or LLC 4;
- MSI - LLC 3;
- Gigabyte - in most cases Turbo, but it can also be Auto;
- ASRock is Auto or LLC 2; Importantly, CTR is mediocre compatible with ASRock motherboards, as all LLC modes show abnormally high Vdroop;
- Biostar - Level 4+.
It is recommended to use additional settings for ASUS motherboard owners:
- Phase mode - Standard;
- Current capability mode - 100%;
How to install CTR
- Download the CTR archive (download) and unpack it in a convenient place for you.
- Download and install Ryzen Master 2.3 (download)
- Download Cinebench R20 (download) archive and extract the archive contents to the "CB20" folder (this folder is located in the CTR folder).
- Run Cinebench R20, accept the license agreement, close Cinebench R20.
CTR is ready to work. Questions or suggestions? You can ask them in this forum topic. ... oad.434435CTR VERSION 1.1
GUIA OFICIAL: ... oad,6.htmlDESCARGA ... nload.htmlGrandes cambios y mas estabilidadSe3 han agrgado muchas mejoras y algunos cambios en la interfaz, donde ahora hay un ADMINISTRADOR DE PERFILES [profile management], asi podra 'jugar' con varios perfiles para ir haciendo los ajustes mas finos. Hay un boton de reinicio [RESET BUTTON] para dejar los ajustes de fabrica, se han agregado globos informativos y descrioptivos de las funciones y que hacen. Hay un boton para llamar a una VIDEOGUIA; en ingles, explicando el uso delp rograma y todas sus funciones. Hay un MODO CONFIOGURACION [settings mode] para que usuarios mas experimentados tenmgan mas control. Nueva y mejor proteccion para evitar usar voltajes y frecuencias que dañen el procesador
Lista completa de cambios
- The profile management buttons have moved to a separate page, which can be accessed by pressing the "PROFILE MANAGEMENT" button. The user now has 2 slot profiles to which he can record the results of the current experiment or make manual corrections.
- A button has been added to reset the settings and pop-up tooltips have been added. The log has been slightly transformed and additional information can be displayed in it, which will allow the user to solve problems on his own without resorting to forum discussions. As an additional help, a button-link to the English video guide has been added to CTR 1.1 (Russian video guide will be added soon). It is located in the "ABOUT & HELP" tab.
- In "Settings mode" user can include additional settings, which will be useful only for advanced users. That is, we have the concept of CTR in 2 clicks (DIAGNOSTIC - START).
- CTR 1.1 got a new engine with some additional rules. Now, before making a step to a higher frequency, CTR checks the current frequency with reduced voltage relative to the reference one. In most cases, this can prevent BSOD during the frequency step or high Vdroop. It also helps to prevent the system from false pitch to a higher frequency if the CCX is on the edge of instability.
- Another important advantage of the new CTR 1.1 engine is the new, secure method of controlling the frequency and voltage of the processor. This will protect user systems from sending incorrect commands to registers.
- The load level of stress tests has been corrected for all processors and all modes. Now uses a more loyal value of FFT, which can protect the system from BSOD.
- Load Line Calibration level requirements have been revised and thanks to the new CTR rules you can use LLC in Auto mode (in most cases you will not need to use LLC Mode 3). This also means that ASRock and Gigabyte motherboards are fully supported.
- "Enhance accuracy" is a system of additional frequency step crushing using voltage. Depending on the reference voltage value, the CTR selects the optimal number of extra steps. Yes, the "tuning" process becomes longer, but the results are more accurate.
- The diagnostic mode has received a number of improvements. Step time was increased and stress load was corrected using FFT. This significantly reduced the probability of BSOD. The evaluation of the cooling system allows to automatically offer the user the optimal mode. It can be an undervolting mode or an overclocking mode with the current PPT level saved. That is, if you use a BOX cooler, you will be automatically offered an undervolt mode, which has a chance to reduce the processor temperature in the load up to 15 degrees (and reduce the noise level).
- The system of penalties for creating the final profile was redesigned. Now the penalty will depend on the maximum processor temperature during the diagnostics as well as the current Vdroop level. This allows the profile to have some additional stability reserve.
- "Autoshare stats" allows you to send the result of successful system tuning to the server. The report contains all the information available on the "BENCHMARK" tab. After sending the result to the user, the window with the stored results on the server will automatically open. Access to the results is open for everyone.
- "CHECK STABILITY" is an opportunity to check the system for stability. Basic time is 10 minutes if "Enhance accuracy" option is enabled - 20 minutes. If an error is found - the stress test will be stopped immediately. You may not be afraid to leave CTR unattended.
- EDC, TDC, PPT and Max temperature values are corrected. Now the CTR protection system will not react so hard on user experiments.
Note. EDC, TDC, PPT and Max temperature values do not apply to PBO or telemetry settings, do not affect the CPU protection system and do not affect system performance.- The last important innovation is the ability to use CTR without SMT.
- And, of course, numerous bugs have been fixed. Improved support for Ryzen 3 3100, Ryzen 5 3500 and Ryzen 5 3500X processors.

Aqui viene mas explicado lo de los STATS ... mus,1.html
CTR 2.0, descargaAgergados los procesadores RyZEN con nucleos ZEN3, serie RyZEN 5000.
Features CTR 2.0- Support for Ryzen 5000 Series (X processors)
- Support for Ryzen Renoir (AM4)
- Updated Tuning and Diagnostic modes
- New Monitoring (No longer needs Ryzen Master)
- Phoenix feature (Restores the operation after reboot or BSOD)
- CTR HYBRID OC (Utilizes both, manual OC and PBO simultaneously)
- Initial Frequency Smart Offset 2.0
- Improvements in software perfomance and safety
- Improved profile management
Descarga oficial: ... ctr-1usmus
ClockTuner for Ryzen (CTR) v2.1 RC5

Descarga: ... oad,1.html ... oad,2.htmlGUIA ... ryzen-(ctr)-guide,1.html
Supported processors
- Zen 3: Ryzen 9 5950X, Ryzen 9 5900X, Ryzen 7 5800X, Ryzen 5 5600X
- Zen 2: Threadripper 3970X, Threadripper 3960X, Ryzen 9 3950X, Ryzen 9 3900X, Ryzen 9 3900XT, Ryzen 9 3900, Ryzen 7 3800XT, Ryzen 7 3800X, Ryzen 7 3700X, Ryzen 5 3600XT , Ryzen 5 3600X, Ryzen 5 3600, Ryzen 5 3500X, Ryzen 5 3500, Ryzen 3 3300X (partially) and Ryzen 3 3100 (partially)
- APU: Ryzen 7 PRO 4750G, Ryzen 7 PRO 4650G, Ryzen 3 PRO 4350G
ClockTuner v2.1 RC5 What's New?:
- PX PROFILEs for all CPUs. Unlock maximum performance in low-threaded applications and games.
- Fast and accurate creation of P1, P2, and PX profiles during diagnostic (only for Zen 3 and Renoir). The whole process takes about 7 minutes.
- Redesigned CTR HYBRID OC. Smooth, safe profile switching. The profile switching speed is up to 62 times per second (up to 4x times more than earlier releases).
- Preloading profiles. Increases CTR response rate to load changes.
- The effective throtlling system for the CTR HYBRID OC allows your CPU to deal effectively with an extra heavy workload (base frequency at 1.1 volts).
- Auto-recommendation of the lowest possible voltages for each profile. Allows maximum energy efficiency without performance degradation. In most cases, it is capable of outperforming PBO.
- Improved Idle state.
- Reading CPPC information via Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI).
- Improved security of communication CTR with the System Management Unit (SMU).
- CTR BOOST TESTER - whether you use CTR or Curve Optimizer (CO), you can compare the results of each core booster with advanced information (temperature, PPT, etc.).
- “CLEAR CONFIG & CLOSE” - button that allows you to reset all CTR settings to their defaults.
- Real-time Profiles switching statistics (PROFILES tab).
- Auto-recovery after sleep. Both for HYBRID OC and manual profiles.
- CALCULATE button for PX, P2, and P1. If you need to recalculate the profile, you don't need to restart the entire diagnostic process (Zen 3 and Renoir).
- Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA) checker for tuning process.
- Improved protection against dangerous and unintentional user settings.
- Automatic recovery of configuration files after a failure.
- Phoenix mode has been improved (fixed “PLATINUM sample” etc.).
- Independent profile system. If one profile breaks, the other profiles are safe.
- Improved support for unique dual CCD 5600X and 5800X processors.
- AGESA and newer fully supported.
- TO TRAY - individual button. The user can choose how to minimize CTR.
- Improved logging for all modes and functions.
- Rebalanced CPU quality categories (gold, silver, and so on).
- CTR automatically adjusts "Holding time". No longer available to the user.
- Increased CTR launch speed (up to 4x times).
- CTR has driver priority. Allows it to work more efficiently when the system is under maximum load.
- Reduced CTR’s CPU usage.
- Alt-Tab fix when CTR is in the system tray.
- A simpler way to activate profiles (no saving required).
- Numerous minor bug fixes.
CTR requirements
- .NET Framework 4.8. (official download page linked)
- BIOS for Zen 3 with AGESA path D or newer (check your motherboard’s support page).
- BIOS for Zen 2 with any AGESA.
- BIOS for APU with AGESA or newer.
- BIOS configured without manual CPU Voltage and CPU Multiplier settings, without PBO (so set to auto or disabled), without Curve Optimizer and without Performance Enhancer (or other similar technologies).
- Configured VRM (Important! CPU LLC - Level 3 for ASUS, Mode 4 for MSI, High for Gigabyte and Level 2 for Asrock generally work best). These values are approximate and may vary depending on the motherboard.
- Stable DRAM (OC or XMP). If you are a beginner, enable XMP and do not touch the DRAM settings.
CTR Config Cleaner

Descarga ... oad,3.html