Cobra BIOS v1.0, adios al swap

A última hora de ayer, coincidiendo con el día de los inocentes anglosajón, fue liberada la esperada versión 1.0 de la Cobra BIOS (utilizada en el modchip Viper-GC para GameCube). Como ya se sabía incorpora un sistema de trucos similar al del action replay, el Idle bug corregido, posibilidad de meter varios juegos en un disco y, atención a la sorpresa, carga de copias de seguridad sin necesidad de swap. Lamentablemente no soluciona la mayoría de los parones que sufrían algunos usuarios con la anterior versión y la carga sin swap no funciona con todos los discos, pero el avance es ciertamente importante y prometen sacar pronto nuevas versiones. En el foro de scene podéis encontrar mucha más información.

                                °         °             °
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³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³                        - COBRA FOR VIPER GC V1.0 -                       ³
³                                                                          ³
³                            1st of april, 2005                            ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  So, you were wondering what was the surprise in Cobra 1.0 ? Well...     ³
³  We are proud to give you the very first Gamecube BIOS that works        ³
³  Without swap. Seems that the Viper GC was unwittingly 2nd Generation    ³
³  from the very  beginning, since we made nice use of the lid switch      ³
³  sensor cable designed by the Viper Team. Thanks guys you made it easy   ³
³  with your foresight, for us to make the Cobra BIOS swapless. Don't      ³
³  mess with the disc & lid anymore. Turn on your console and play.        ³
³                                                                          ³
³  FEATURES                                                                ³
³                                                                          ³
³  - Direct boot of all media, without swapping!                           ³
³  - Automatic Media Detection: Insert disc, turn on GC and play!          ³
³  - Supports all regions PAL / USA / JAP                                  ³
³  - Play originals or backups from any region, thanks to the built-in     ³
³    region-free feature                                                   ³
³  - Idle-bug free (no more Disc Read Errors when the drive is resting :-) ³
³  - Unique MultiBoot feature: put several games on one single disc!       ³
³  - Disc Explorer to browse the content of original GC discs or DVDs and  ³
³    that allows you:                                                      ³
³      - To flash your Viper GC by burning the flash file on a DVD         ³
³      - To execute homebrew programs (.DOL) from DVD, and enjoy many      ³
³        already-released homebrew productions!                            ³
³      - To flash your Viper GC by burning the flash file on a DVD         ³
³      - To run the game you want from a MultiBoot compilation             ³
³      - To load cheat codes from disc into Viper GC Memory                ³
³  - Powerful Cheat Code System compatible with Action Replay codes,       ³
³    codes are stored in the Viper GC Flash so no memory card is needed!   ³
³  - Cheat codes can be either entered using Cobra Menus or loaded from    ³
³    a file using the Disc Explorer                                        ³
³  - BIOS Configuration stored into the Viper GC Flash                     ³
³  - Selectable default boot action (Main menu, Boot disc, Original BIOS,  ³
³    Disc Explorer) and special boot action (when the X key is held)       ³
³  - Calls Original BIOS Game Loader for 100% compatibility                ³
³  - Supports all hardware revisions (including DOL-101 units)             ³
³  - User-Friendly GUI                                                     ³
³                                                                          ³
³  So what do you need exactly ?                                           ³
³     - A Viper GC chip                                                    ³
³     - This very flash file                                               ³
³     - Some Compatible Media and a DVD-burner                             ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  WHAT'S NEW ?                                                            ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Well, as you can see from the feature list, there are a lot of new      ³
³  features we introduced in this release.                                 ³
³  - Direct boot of all media, without swapping !                          ³
³  - Fixed compatibility problem with DOL-101 units                        ³
³  - Automatic Media Detection: Insert disc, turn on GC and play!          ³
³  - Fixed Idle bug, you won't have any DRE if the drive is resting :-)    ³
³  - Powerful Cheat Code System compatible with Action Replay codes,       ³
³    codes are stored in the Viper GC Flash so no memory card is needed!   ³
³  - Cheat codes can be either entered using Cobra Menus or loaded from    ³
³    a file using the Disc Explorer                                        ³
³  - Unique MultiBoot feature: put several games on one single disc!       ³
³  - A lot of fixes and low-level changes                                  ³
³                                                                          ³
³  A Swap disc option was left in (called "Change Disc" as you could also  ³
³  replace a backup with another backup) to be totally backward            ³
³  compatible. Read more below                                             ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  USER MANUAL                                                             ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - If you want to use full-size DVD-R you can remove the top of the     ³
³     console. Team Xtender will be releasing replacement lids compatible  ³
³     with full DVD-R within two week. Best of all, we learned this week   ³
³     that they will be officially Viper GC branded!                       ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Flash the Viper GC with this BIOS then remove the parallel port      ³
³     connector from the programmer. If you prefear you can flash this     ³
³     BIOS from DVD if you have Cobra 0.3+ already running on your chip.   ³
³     We've heard Viper Team will release an USB programmer for the chip   ³
³     soon if you prefear USB.                                             ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Turn on your GC with the disc you want to run. It can be an          ³
³     original or a backup, but if it's a backup it should be filled with  ³
³     1.3GB of data at least (for now). If you have a black screen coming, ³
³     it's probably beause your Viper installation is not clean.           ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - While turning on your GC:                                            ³
³        - Hold Y to go to Main Menu (if it's not your Default Boot mode)  ³
³        - Hold X for the other boot mode (can be set in Config Menu)      ³
³        - Don't hold anything for Default Boot Action                     ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Select "Direct Disc Boot" if you want to play a backup or homebrew   ³
³     program from DVD. If you have problems using the Direct Disc Boot    ³
³     method with your media, you can still use the Swap trick.            ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - If you want to use the old Swap Trick Method (for discs that are     ³
³     not full or that have problems to sync with the Direct Disc Boot)    ³
³     boot your GC with an original disc. Then choose the "Change Disc"    ³
³     option and follow the instructions. After the swap is done, you      ³
³     can select Direct Disc Boot option again.                            ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Select "Original BIOS" if you want to play an original Game          ³
³     compatible with your GC region, or if you want to go into the        ³
³     Original BIOS menus.                                                 ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Select "Configuration Menu" if you want to change your Cobra BIOS    ³
³     configuration. The options are quite self-explanatory.               ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Select "Disc Explorer" to enter to browse the content or your        ³
³     original GC discs or DVDs. Supported file systems are FST            ³
³     (GC File System) and ISO9660. Joliet encoding is not supported in    ³
³     ISO mode.                                                            ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Enter "Cheat codes" to select, enable, disable and edit cheat codes  ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Enter "Disc Explorer" to select a game from a MultiBoot disc         ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Enter "Disc Explorer" and select a .VGC file if you want to reflash  ³
³     your Viper GC without the need of the Parallel port programmer!      ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Enter "Disc Explorer" and select a .DOL file if you want to run      ³
³     a homebrew program! (You can put up to 1.4 GB of homebrew things on  ³
³     a disc. We hope this will give some inspiration to emu authors :-)   ³
³     Our DOL loader is not perfect for now and works for around half of   ³
³     the public homebrew programs. Here are some of the programs booting  ³
³     successfully:                                                        ³
³     GC-Linux, Ascii Fighter, DVD Browser, CTR_GCS, CTR_SND, GBQ Gameboy  ³
³     emulator, PSOLoader "It's working" demo, Maze, Nitrorally,  Yeti 3D  ³
³     3D engine, Chip8 emulator, Snowlords game, Terranigma, XRick and     ³
³     probably many we missed!                                             ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Enter "Disc Explorer" and select a .VGC file if you want to reflash  ³
³     your Viper GC without the need of the Parallel port programmer!      ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Enter "Disc Explorer" and select a .COD file if you want to add      ³
³     cheat codes for a game without the need to enter it using the pad!   ³
³                                                                          ³
³   - Make sure that the "lid passthru" wires of the Viper GC are          ³
³     installed correctly or the disc won't spin.
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  DIRECT BOOT LIMITATIONS                                                 ³
³                                                                          ³
³  THE MEDIA                                                               ³
³                                                                          ³
³  The GC drive in its default state only eats high-quality DVD-R and      ³
³  a few MINI-DVD-R. But a couple of weeks ago, speedi from the afterdawn  ³
³  forums found a nice way to tweak the laser so it reads almost any burned³
³  media including some DVD+Rs. We recommend doing this laser tweak if you ³
³  have any problems reading your DVDs. We are no laser experts, in fact   ³
³  we think it would be more appropriate to just lower the value of the    ³
³  variable resistor instead of setting it to an absoulte given value,     ³
³  but lots of people including us have been using this laser tweek for a  ³
³  couple of weeks without any problem reported so far.                    ³
³                                                                          ³
³  You don't need to encrypt the disc or use a special burner firmware     ³
³  to write the disc. Just burn your ISO/GCM (rename it to .ISO) with      ³
³  Nero (or any other tool).                                               ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  CHEAT CODES                                                             ³
³                                                                          ³
³  If you want to use cheat codes, enter Cheat Codes menu,select a game,   ³
³  check the codes you want to use, exit the cheat selector and enable     ³
³  cheats.                                                                 ³
³                                                                          ³
³  To add new codes follow on-screen instructions. The codes are           ³
³  compatible with decrypted AR codes. You can decrypt AR codes using      ³
³  the great GCNCrypt by Parayste. Never enter the first code of a given   ³
³  cheat code (validator code). You can also put .COD files on a DVD and   ³
³  load cheat codes from there, each file corresponds to one game.         ³
³                                                                          ³
³  For now we've reserved 4kb in Viper GC Flash memory to store cheat      ³
³  codes. If that's not enough we'll add some more space in next release.  ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  TROOBLESHOOTING                                                         ³
³                                                                          ³
³  - If the disc stops spinning in the menu it means that the drive can't  ³
³    sync with your media, or that there are not enough data on your disc. ³
³    In direct boot mode the GC is very selective about the media it       ³
³    takes. If you have any problem please try the swap trick. If you      ³
³    still have problems try with different media/burner. Make sure your   ³
³    laser is correctly tweaked!                                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³  - Audio Streaming: Some games use a special audio streaming mode        ³
³    that can be compared to CDDA. For now, the ISO of the file needs to   ³
³    be patched with 0rbital's great ViperTemporaryAudioFix 1.1+. If the   ³
³    ISO is not patched you'll have noise instead of music. We will try to ³
³    fix this issue so no patching is required. But in case we do, YOUR    ³
³    PATCHED ISOS WILL BE FULLY COMPATIBLE and still work with music!      ³
³    (so forget what is written in the fixer nfo file). Don't run the fix  ³
³    on ISOs that don't need fixing as it will only destroy them :-)       ³
³                                                                          ³
³  - Most multi-discs games are working, just play with Disc 1 until       ³
³    you're asked to change disc and make a save here. Then boot with      ³
³    Disc 2 instead. We started working on code to allow disc-change,      ³
³    and we'll integrate it in a new release.                              ³
³                                                                          ³
³  All those problems could be fixed in a next update.                     ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Before burning an image, makes sure it is 1459978240 bytes long else    ³
³  you may need to use the swap trick method.                              ³
³                                                                          ³
³  To know what's your GC Version code (2 digit number) go into Config     ³
³  Menu, then Version Info, 2nd page. First digit corresponds to GC        ³
³  mobo version, 2nd digit corresponds to drive version.                   ³
³                                                                          ³
³  you know it's REALLY working. Most of thoses tools only work because    ³
³  the current pso loaders patch libraries routines to emulate DVD. But    ³
³  on REAL HARDWARE, each file/fst has to be aligned on a 4-byte boundary! ³
³  Else nothing will work. Audio Files (for audio streaming) even need     ³
³  to be aligned on a 32kb-boundary ! So forget current "WIPE" tools until ³
³  they are fixed. But note that Garbage is NOT NEEDED by the GC. The      ³
³  files must be correctly aligned that's it. So if your "WIPE" tool is    ³
³  not changing the image size (meaning there's no relocation) then it's   ³
³  probably fine. Use FSTFIX by LOONYCUBE to fix bad rips.                 ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  TECHNICAL INFO                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  We'll release a command-line MultiBoot Disc maker next week if nobody   ³
³  releases a better one before we do :-) Here are the specs for Multiboot ³
³  discs. Note that every image should be aligned on a 32kb boundary.      ³
³  At offset 0x00: 43 4F 42 52-41 4D 42 31                                 ³
³            0x40: Position of the 1st image in bytes (Big endian)         ³
³            0x44: Position of the 2nd image in bytes (Big endian)         ³
³            ....: ...etc...                                               ³
³            ....: 00 00 00 00                                             ³
³                                                                          ³
³  The MultiBoot feature is stealth for the GC so it's 100% compatible     ³
³  with homebrew images. If you want to put several backups on one disc    ³
³  you'll have to remove the garbage at first.                             ³
³  The maximum size of a MultiBoot disc is 1459978240 bytes.               ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  THE RUMORS & EVENTS                                                     ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Lately there has been a few events we'd like to comment. First,         ³
³  congratulation to Utopia for the deobfuscation work you did and the     ³
³  release of Anaconda. We like your style :-) Except maybe for the        ³
³  "Mentalcube [...] did a well job while choosing the neccessary patches" ³
³  we find that "choosing" is not exactly the right term, as this patch    ³
³  is the results of tousands of lines of firmware code and several months ³
³  of hacking and debugging. And thanks for the obfuscation tips :-)       ³
³  Anaconda led to a lot of stuff from the best (GCOS) to the worst        ³
³  (people selling our code without authorisation). Anaconda code is       ³
³  a 1:1 rip of our code, except for the loading part running on the GC    ³
³  CPU that was rewritten by Utopia (they made it clear but some people    ³
³  just didn't get it).                                                    ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Now about GCOS. We like what you're doing, even if up until now you're  ³
³  using our code without authorisation. But we're releasing Cobra 0.4     ³
³  drivecodes under GPL license so it matches the license of other files   ³
³  you're using. Feel free to use, abuse it and improve it! ;-)            ³
³  Cobra 1.0 drivecode might follow in the future, but for now we chose    ³
³  closed source.                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  It appears that one of our beta-testers leaked a beta of Cobra 1.0 one  ³
³  month ago. We'll do all beta testing by ourselves now. We find it's an  ³
³  amazing coincidence that a swapless chip was announced two weeks after  ³
³  the leak. Please don't support thieves.                                 ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Oh and about Idle-bug, it was a BUG, yes a BUG of our old cobra         ³
³  code in the way we were handling a protection. The bug is now fixed     ³
³  and now the laser won't go out of the data area anymore, causing idle   ³
³  DREs when it couldn't focus.                                            ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  THE FUTURE                                                              ³
³                                                                          ³
³  There's MUCH more to come, you'll see soon :-)                          ³
³  And our low-level hackers are currently working on the disc calibration ³
³  code to improve Direct Boot Media compatibility. We'll mess with that   ³
³  only when we are certain that the code won't hurt your console!         ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³  CLOSING WORDS                                                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Special thanks to E*Flash for his help, RoM for the early units,        ³
³  Melan for the /48 GC and to everybody that tried Cobra V0.4, posted     ³
³  constructive feedback. Thanks a lot for your patience. You'll never     ³
³  wait that long anymore for future release, this was a very special      ³
³  milestone :-)                                                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³  You are free to redistribute this package as long as it's not changed,  ³
³  patched, ported, or whatever.                                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Our code is free of any copyrighted code from third party.              ³
³  It is also free of any GPL licensed code, we have strong respect for    ³
³  other people's hard work. We only ask you to show similar respect       ³
³  toward our work. To put it in other words, if you are in the "right"    ³
³  side, draw the line between learning and stealing. Thank you.           ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Enjoy!                                                                  ³
³                                                                          ³
³                              °         °             °                   ³
³            °ÛßÜÜ  °Ûßß ÜÛßß ²Ûß   ßßÜ ²Û  °ÜßÛ °Ü Û ²ÛßÛ °Ûßß            ³
³            ÛÛ Û Û ÛÛß  ÛÛ Û ÛÛ   ²ÛßÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ Ü ÛÛ Û ÛÛ Û ÛÛß             ³
³X   ° ± ² Û ²Û ² Û ßÛ²Û ÛÛ ² ßÛ²± ßÛÛ² ßÛÜ ßÛ²Û ßÛ²Û ÛÛ²ß ßÛ²Û Û ² ± °   X³