IGN review: DFP(GT4) vs. Speedster 3 Forceshock(Forza)..

shadow land escribió:

Kameo, si te toca los webs el volante, para que entras al hilo a tocar los cojones? Esto no es un GT4 Vs Forza, y si lo entiendes así es que eres bastante corto de miras.

Como te ha respondido el amigo Akrae, entro en el hilo a opinar, no a tocarte los webos a ti, precisamente, porque tengo cosas mucho mas interesantes que hacer que dedicarme a algo que deberia hacer tu novia. Sobre las miras, pues me parece que el corto de miras eres tú, chaval, pero tranquilo, que aunque tus miras sean cortas, realmente es mucho mas corta tu EDUCACION.

Salu2, chaval.
"IGN review: DFP(GT4 ) vs. Speedster 3 Forceshock(Forza ).."

Yo he hablado de los 2 juegos por que se hace alusion a los juegos en el titulo del hilo. Pero bueno, si quereis hablamos del analisis de IGN.. volver a leer lo que he dicho por que tambien se mencionan.

Por otro lado, he leido que algunos comentan que no se compraran el juego con volante por pensar que es el final de la XBox.
Lo he entendido bien?

Bueno, personalmente creo que la gente no sabe que compra.
Es como si digeramos que me voy a comprar un ferrari si ponen mejores carreteras. [sonrisa]

Si todas las empresas de hardware tuvieran que apoyarse en ese razonamiento, ni tendriamos pistolas, ni eye toys, ni nada de nada. Y mucho menos el Steel Battalion, claro ejemplo de hardware exclusivo de un par de juegos solo.
Asi que los que vayan pensando que el volante deberia ser para un porron de juegos, que se lo quite de la cabeza.

El volante del forza esta mas que claro que esta hecho para el Forza, en ningun momento se ha dicho que este hecho para el Forza 4 de dentro de 2 años.

Señores y señoras, bienvenidos al consumismo.
Bueno, aqui esta el email de respuesta que me ha dado fanatec despues de unas dos o tres semanas de espera:


Hello Racing Fan,

You and many others inquired about our latest product: The Fanatec® Speedster 3 ForceShock for Xbox.

Due to an arrangement with Microsoft, we were not able to announce anything before Microsoft gave our wheel together with a copy of Forza Motorsport to the press.

Thank you for waiting.

I will try to answer all your questions:


USA / Canada: May 3rd

Europe / Australia / Asia: May 13th

We launch the wheel together with Forza Motorsport

PRICING (Suggested Retail Prices)

USA / Canada: USD 149,99
Europe: Euro 129,99
Other territories will be at a similar level.

Watch out for bundles with the full version of the game at a very attractive price.


Many people are concerned about the driving experience you can expect. Here are some facts:

¨ The Xbox is technically capable of supporting Force Feedback. It is much closer to a PC than any other console.
¨ The Speedster 3 ForceShock has a motor which lets the wheel move around the steering axis depending on the condition of the road. Additionally it has 2 vibration motors for sensations like motor vibrations. This is more than other wheels on other consoles have.
¨ Can I expect the same Force Feedback effects as on a PC?
The frank answer is: No, not all of them. The current Xbox console is limited to the basic effects due to political reasons.
¨ So why do we call it Force Effects instead of Force Feedback? This is due to legal reasons.

This wheel delivers Force Effects which are much more impressive than just vibration. But due to the limitation of the console, the effects are limited in comparison to other platforms. The focus of development was to allow you faster lap times as this is very important in online gaming.

If you want to try it first, you can order from our webshop and return the wheel within 14 days if you don't like it.


The Speedster 3 ForceShock was developed together with Forza Motorsport and the game is tuned to work very well with the wheel. Make sure you select “Speedster” in the options menue of the game.
In fact, the initial high scores for Xbox Live are made with our wheel as some developers and the press says that you can drive faster than with the standard controller.
It will work with any other racing game too! The TUNING capabilities let’s you adapt the wheel to any game or driving style. The possibility to connect the communicator allows you to use this wheel on other Xbox Live racing games and this will give your performance a boost.

It is still unclear if the wheel will be compatible to Xenon (Xbox next version) but there are indications that the next console will be backwards compatible:


In general, the availability will be very limited because of the huge demand. We tried to make it available worldwide at the same time but this is more difficult with hardware than with software. There will be stock, but in very limited numbers.

Gamestop, Fry’s and several others

Not determined yet but it is very likely

Australia / New Zealand:
Leading retailers

Game will sell it but we can only supply 1 (one) unit per shop. Please reserve your model today.

Continental Europe:
Leading retailers

Fanatec Webshop
Our webshop will be available in 2 weeks.

We were developing a simulator chair together with playseats.nl. Up to know we are not satisfied with the quality so we suggest to use the VRX chairs. http://www.vrx.ca

I hope this answers most of your questions. Feel free to post this info in the forums.

One more comment on the game: I had the chance to play Forza Motorsport over Easter and it was a superb experience. The driving physics are extremely realistic but it is still possible to win a race and have fun. You will love it!

Pedal to the metal!

Thomas Jackermeier

C.E.O. Endor AG


La verdad es que me ha sorprendido toda la informacion que me han enviado. Si leeis todo el email podreis ver que si lo compras en su tienda y no quedas satisfecho lo puedes devolver, vamos, que yo me lo compro sin pensarmelo y si me gusta me lo quedo :)

Otra cosa que no me habia parecido leer en los analisis es lo de que tienes que activar en el juego la compatibilidad con el volante...
No se si nos la quieren meter doblada o no (espero que no), pero quiza nos sorprendan con un buen producto...

Por cierto, parece ser que será compatible con xenon...
52 respuestas
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