shampy escribió:Psmaniaco escribió:Para actualizar debes desconectar internet para que no actualice el instalador, por qué si está parcheado te sobreescribe los archivos parcheados por los originales y tienes que volver a repetir la operación.
Un saludo.
Ahhh amigo, supongo que por eso no podía actualizar ese equipo con CPU 7600K a la 24H2.
Con internet activado le daba a instalar W11, se abría una ventana "Buscando actualizaciones", y a pocos segundos aparecía otra con que el procesador de mi equipo no era compatbile.
Creo recordar que hice lo mismo con Rufus para actualizar ese equipo en su día a la 23H2 y sí me dejó actualizar aún con internet activado... por eso creí que no hacia falta desconectarlo.
katatsumuri escribió:
Si puedes copiarnos y postearnos la guía de ese foro estaría bien porque te tienes que registrar, si es texto simplemente copia y pega, porque es bueno poderlo hacer por nosotros mismos.
No tiene mucha historia. Es bajar y descomprimir el fix, van por la version 5:
Size: 2019122 bytes (1971 KiB)
CRC32: 513B7256
CRC64: 662C1F4EF0D0A32D
SHA256: 814a18c4964b91b949e38042ab0232697621423addd8bae0a11888e59add2f87
SHA1: 033e6aecec05e26434e50daef2ddae041bfb1e76
BLAKE2sp: 9bf8becfcc1afe8e803713bc61f78082354bb1e88599ecfd0752b0a2a9b05e03
XXH64: C9C3B477B185DE38
PW = MDL2024
Se mete la iso que se quiere parchear en la carpeta /isos/w11
Ejecutas el bat, escoges la opción que quieras para parchear. La opcion 2 (2a) en mi caso. Y poco más, te parchea la iso y te la copia renombrada dentro de la carpeta del fix.
Se abre con el explorador de w11, se ejecuta el instalador y ya está. Con wifi activado sí me dejó hacer el upgrade a W11 24H2.
- The tool provides multiple fixes (including the option to install 11 on a legacy-Bios system).
- You can select AIO 1 or 2 to choose the recommended combinations.
- If Fix 2b is chosen alone, it will be applied solely for current OS.
- If Fix 6 is chosen, it will be applied solely.
- Extras options 6-7-8-9 can be enabled (recommended) or disabled regardless fixes.
=================================== Fixes ====================================
* AIO 1 : UFWS + setup.cfg (2022/2025)
- The recommended option.
- Circumvents all Win 11 minimum requirements (CPU-RAM-Disksize-TPM-Secureboot/legacy-Bios).
- Replaces ISO & boot.wim "inf\setup.cfg" with one from Server 2022/2025 ISO.
- Works for both, modern setup and legacy setup.
- Works for boot and upgrade scenarios.
- This fix cannot be applied to split install.swm files.
- It does not work on hardware that isn't supported by Windows Server.
This lets Windows think it is installing server, that's why setup will show "Server" in the title bar...
* AIO 2a: boot.wim Registry + winsetup.dll
- Bypass CPU-Disksize-RAM-TPM-Secureboot/Legacy-Bios checks for new setup (Win 11 24H2+).
- Bypass RAM-TPM-Secureboot/Legacy-Bios checks for legacy setup (Win 11 all).
- Use the standard Win 11 setup for clean installs on devices without:
Secure Boot, TPM 2.0 & RAM < 8GB.
- Circumvents "TPM 2.0 is required" error when (inplace) upgrading.
- Enables to install on Legacy BIOS^/MBR only systems.
- Works for hardware that isn't supported by Windows Server.
- To work for live upgrades for Win 11 24H2+, it needs option "AIO 2b" to run on the OS which would be upgraded (a small standalone script will be copied to the ISO).
* AIO 2b: Current OS Registry
- Circumvents all minimum requirements for live upgrades (Win 11 24H2+).
- It's not needed if the Win 11 ISO fixed with option "AIO 2a" is ran on the same OS which would be upgraded.
- Works for Win 11 24H2+ only.
- Might not continue to work in future.
* Use a Win 10 ISO setup files
- Puts the Win 11 install.wim/esd in a Win 10 ISO.
- You must Provide a Win 10 ISO in the "Source_ISO\W10\" Folder.
- Works for clean installs from boot, using the standard W10 setup.
=================================== Extras ===================================
[ 6 ] Replace ISO appraiserres.dll
- Replaces Win 11 "appraiserres.dll" with one from Win 10 15063 ISO.
- You can insert your own different file in the Files folder.
- The original Win 11 ISO file will be renamed to appraiserres.dll.bak
[ 7 ] Integrate Diskpart & Apply Image script
- Adds Murphy78 Diskpart and Apply Image Script 1.3.1 To Boot.wim
- Works as alternative for clean installs.
[ 8 ] Add the generic EI.CFG file
- A generic EI.CFG file will be copied to the sources folder.
- If exists, the original file will be renamed to EI.CFG.Ori
[ 9 ] Optimize boot.wim
- Export and rebuild boot.wim to discard void files and reduce size.
=================================== Bonus =====================================
# The following are manual options, which can be disabled only by editing the script.
# Add Upgrade_Fail_Fix.cmd:
- The script enable flightsigning which is required for Windows Insider channels.
- Can be used when public release (all Win 7/8/10) is upgraded to Insider channel release ISO.
- After executing the script and rebooting, you can simply run standard setup.
- The option is OFF be default because it's not needed for recent 2024+ builds
Diskpart and Apply Image usage instructions:
After selecting the desired keyboard language press "SHIFT+F10" to open commandprompt and type "menu", press "Y" and next "F" and "Y" again.
The options for recovery options are removed from the script by @murphy78 (no longer supported on 10/11).
Official (support) thread: