[HO] Ryū ga Gotoku (Yakuza) Zero ~ Hace 25 años......

1, 2, 3, 4
Sergirt82 escribió:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIiR5uo9lFs

Nos enseñan las ciudades con las nuevas bondades de la PS4.

Estoy por pillarme la ps4 solo por gozar el Zero cuando salga (si se confirma que viene felizmente) en su máximo esplendor :O que nítido y definido se ve todo copón...
Se ve bastante gente por las calles, y no se nota tanto que salgan de la nada (al menos en el vídeo no he visto a ninguno pero seguro que lo hay XD ). Lo que no me mola es que las ramas de los árboles no se mueven ni un milímetro :o , puestos a poner pegas [qmparto] .
Se ve espectacular. Sigue sin ser eso sí un juego puntero técnicamente hablando (tampoco lo pretende, ya sabemos que el punto fuerte de la saga es la historia) pero hay una mejora bastante significativa respecto a los Yakuzas de PS3.
Algunas animaciones siguen sin convencerme, como el correr por ej. pero bueno, la verdad es que ese japón de los 80 luce genial.

Ojalá lo podamos oler por aquí... aunque primero está el 5 por supuesto.
Por suerte, este juego también esta siendo programado para PS3 y, si por milagro llega a Occidente, todos podremos disfrutar de el [360º]

Ojalá, ojalá, ojalá, los rumores sean ciertos [angelito]

Había estado desconectado de este juego por haber perdido la esperanza de verlo por aquí, pero ahora todos los hilos de la saga están on fire, gracias al anuncio de Y5, y tengo mucha fe en q nos llegue.
Sergirt82 escribió:Nuevo vídeo donde nos enseñan las peleas:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... zSOoWUAP7g

Los movimientos de Goro son realmente alucinantes [tadoramo]
Sergirt82 escribió:Nuevo vídeo donde nos enseñan las peleas:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... zSOoWUAP7g

La verdad es k si, mira k es difícil superar al dragón de kojima xdddd, pero esa llave k parte el cuello es alucinante, ojalá llegue esta joya a mi ps4
dvdbcn25 escribió:
Sergirt82 escribió:Nuevo vídeo donde nos enseñan las peleas:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... zSOoWUAP7g

La verdad es k si, mira k es difícil superar al dragón de kojima xdddd, pero esa llave k parte el cuello es alucinante, ojalá llegue esta joya a mi ps4

Y a mi Ps3 [rtfm]
Vaya movimientos de break dance o capoeira que tiene goro no? [boing] joder que ganazas le tengo a este juego, más que al 5 y todo fijaos...

Y además tiene peleas wrestling de nenas YEAHHHHHH :Ð [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja] [burla2] [babas] [jaja]

pena que no tenga lista de trofeos separada ps3 y ps4, compraría ambas versiones y las luciría con orgullo en mi perfil pa' que sega vea que soy un fanaticazo [buenazo]
Nuevo vídeo del Zero donde nos enseñan un poco el lado vicioso del juego [sonrisa] :

Con los villancicos de fondo xD
Nuevas imágenes:

* Los tres primeros spoilers ni idea que pueden ser, pero vaya fila [+risas] :




* Estilos de lucha


* Maestros

Nuevo vídeo donde nos enseñan la parte financiera del juego:

Esta gente a cada juego se supera, es increíble la cantidad de cosas que van metiendo, ya si metieran un pelin mas de libertad en los juegos con escenarios mas enormes ya seria el apoteosis, pero no puedes pedirle peras al olmo, van a juego por ano y encima no bajan el nivel, increíble lo de estos muyayos. Y mira que es feo el productor xD
Un anuncio del juego:


EDITO. 13/01

Nuevo vídeo del Zero donde nos presentan la versión del '88 de varios personajes, Haruka entre ellos [hallow] , y algo del modo historia:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... EBbfzvVORs
Ganas de ver el anuncio oficial para Occidente [amor]
Me quedé boquiabierto al ver que la tía con las pintas de presentadora de Telecinco de inicios de los 90 era Reina, y es que este es un punto extra a favor nuestro, en España, igual que en Japón, llegaron las modas americanas con una década de retraso xD cualquiera que haya vivido esa época recordará estas pintas [carcajad], a los americanos les parecerá raro que lleven pinta de los 70 lol
Y tanto que es para babear, menudas ganas.
Madre mia que pintaca tiene [boing]
Guapísimo el vídeo.

Pedazo de saga.
Nuevo evento de promoción con merchandising vario [Ooooo] :







En este enlace tenéis más fotos interesantes del evento:

Ya se que pedirle a mi novia que me regale para mi cumpleaños [idea]
Nueva sesión de juego donde nos muestran la app del juego para la Vita:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... ltdpGOTRvI
Nueva sesión de juego donde nos muestran el comienzo del juego [Ooooo] :

Nueva sesión de juego donde si en la última nos mostraron el comienzo de Kazuma aquí vemos la parte de Majima [Ooooo] :

No pienso ver nada pero tengo muchas ganas, igual que con el Bloodborn, debo ser fuerte.
Nuevas imágenes [looco] .

* Nuevos personajes de la parte de Kazuma:













* Nuevos personajes de la parte de Majima:









* DLC (Walkman con música exclusiva del juego):










Demo disponible en la Store japonesa para usuarios del Plus:

https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork. ... com_TOP_01

Diponible para todos el día 24.

Pasad impresiones quien tenga Plus [looco] .
Espero ansioso alguna comparativa tipo digital foundry de ps3 y ps4, a ver si por este juego me hago con la ps4 :O [babas] [tadoramo] [looco] [boma] [boma]
A ver si lo sacan para ps4 en europa y sale en fisico coñe , que pintaza tiene..!
Muajajajaja, no tengo los 14 días de prueba gratis del Plus japo utilizado [plas] . Hice bien de guardármelo [360º] .

Es la versión PS4, son 5,2 GB y va algo lento en descargar. A ver si esta noche le doy un tiento [Ooooo] .
Pues ya contarás, quiero saberlo todo con todo lujo de detalles [chiu]
Bueno, anoche ya me pasé la demo [risita] .

Es bastante lineal la demo ya que juegas la primera mitad del primer capítulo, si no he entendido mal, y casi todo es historia para ponerte en situación. Cada vez es más cinematográfico, con la intro, la música, la música ambiental creando tensión/intriga, las nuevas escenas a base de imágenes semifijas y mucho diálogo hablado aunque sea ingame. Una vez avanzado bastante puedes moverte libremente por Kamurocho, pero solo puedes entrar en tiendas y bares/restaurantes, nada de ocio tipo karaoke, disco, recreativas y similares :( . Al menos durante la historia haces un karaoke (hay dos canciones y la segunda es una bonita balada cantada por Kazuma que me ha emocionado un poco [buuuaaaa] ). Eso sí, peleas a mansalva, muy rápidas con epic heats [fumando] . Gráficamente se ve todo más pulido y trabajado pero esa sensación de cartón piedra y movimientos con un toque robótico no desaparece [+risas] . Los exteriores donde se ven circular coches sigue dando pena, viendo coches entrar y salir de un edificio y árboles de piedra que ganan definición cuando estás a cinco metros ein? ..... Casi dos horas me ha tenido y solo he dado una vuelta por Kamurocho corriendo para ver los cambios y haciendo peleas, lo demás es todo historia conque si no sabes japonés poco te vas a enterar [+risas] . Más allá de ver la historia y hacer alguna pelea no tiene mayor interés la demo. Eso sí, la historia vale mucho la pena aun sin enterarme de nada [looco] .

KHHsubs ha hecho un pequeño resumen comentando cosas, como el control y opciones, la historia y pequeños detalles interesantes como el busca:

Ryu ga Gotoku 0 Demo

So, the demo for Ryu ga Gotoku 0 has finally arrived. Let’sdig into it! First, let’s have a look at the options screen (second option on the title screen).

From top to bottom:

First is the tips option. If you played 5 and/or Ishin, you’ll know how this works. A tips display will show up on screen and you press triangle to bring it up and read more. It defaults on “Normal”, but you can go to the left to select “Few”, or to the right for “Lots”.

The next 4 are for the camera controls. The first two are for vertical and horizontal controls for first person views (when you press R3), while the next two are for third person. They all default on “Reverse” (so when you press left, the camera goes right).

Next two are for the minimap. First is minimap display – on or off – It defaults on “on”. The next one is how the minimap works – it defaults on “fixed” (the minimap stays in position no matter where you are or where you’re facing), but you can change it to move relative to your camera.

Next is subtitles – on or off – defaults on “on”.

Next is an interesting one, because it’s new to the series – You can choose how much blood there is! It defaults on “normal”, but you can lessen the blood by selecting “Mild”.

The final two are for gamma and brightness.

Anyway, time to get into the game!

We get an overview of the controls. First it tells us about the adventure mode controls, which are pretty much exactly the same as they always are. If you haven’t played Ishin then this one will be new to you though – you can sprint in adventure mode by holding down X.

Next it shows up the battle controls. It’s pretty much the same as always but here is the rundown:

L2 – Camera position reset
L1 – Guard
R2 – Style Actions (special abilities for the 3 fighting styles)

R1 – Strafe / lock-on, or whatever you want to call it

Directional buttons – Change fighting style

Touch Pad – Brings up the map
Options – Pause menu
Circle – Grabs an enemy or picks up a weapon when using the Thug or Destruction styles. Uses a “special attack” when using the Rush style or are holding a weapon.

X - Dodge
Triangle - “Finishing Blow” (triangle after square attacks) and Heat Actions

Square – Normal attacks

Left analogue stick – Walk

Right analogue stick – Camera control

Finally, the demo begins.

We see Kiryu destroying some guy, who is begging him for mercy. Kiryu tells him “If you’re gonna start a fight on the street, pick your opponent more carefully. Especially if you have a lot of money on you”. After taking his money, Kiryu heads off. Next we see him barge past some guy trying to hit on a girl. The guy tries to make Kiryu apologise, but ends up backing off after seeing Kiryu’s face and knowing he’s the real deal (he has blood all over his face!).

Kiryu meets up with a moneylender, who asks him how “the job” went, praises how awesome the Dojima family is for this kind of thing, then gives Kiryu his fee. Then it goes on into an unnecessarily drawn out conversation which essentially amounts to nothing more than “look at how valuable money is in this era!”. Then they talk about the Yakuza and such, ending with Kiryu moaning about how stuck-up moneylenders are. The entire converstion is just “this is the underworld life in the late 80s in Japan”, to be honest.

After all that crap, Kiryu says he should be meeting Nishiki here, but he hasn’t shown up yet. But he got a message from Nishiki reading “724106”, which is “old Japanese text speak” for “What are you doing?”. So, he heads out to look for him.

I genuinely cannot wait to see how they pull this off in the English version. They use numbers on these pocket bell things as messages. Using the different number pronunciations (both English and Japanese), they can form simple messages. For instance – 0840 is used for Ohayo (good morning) – 0 = oh (english), 8 = ha (Japanese), 4 = yo (Japanese) and then 0 = oh again. It’s actually a pretty clever system.

Finally, we get control.

The game definitely has a much grittier feel to it than any previous game. Combined with the fact that this game is full of porn stars and that there is an option for blood in the settings, we can see they really intended this to be a mature game!

Kiryu alone has 60 substories in this game, so assuming Majima also has 60-ish substories, that will mean this game will have the most substories since Kenzan or 3! In recent games there haven’t been a huge number of substories.

This game isn’t messing around – it gives you 100million yen at the start here.

After walking forward for a bit, Kiryu sees some punks trying to extort money from someone. In previous games, Kiryu would step in because he genuinely wanted to help the guy, but here his only concern is the fact these punks are operating on the Tojo clan’s turf! Such is the difference in character here. Looking forward to seeing how Kiryu changes into the Kiryu we know and love!

It’s impossible to describe how weird it is using Kiryu in this game! I’m used to his refined style in the other games, but here it’s like controlling an animal!

Kiryu has an interesting new battle system, whereby he can attack even while he is being attacked and damaged himself! Press square, triangle or circle when you are being attacked and you can attack the enemy while being attacked yourself.

After beating them up, Nishiki shows up and they head together. This is interesting – you have to follow Nishiki to the destination, but in this game you can simple hold down R2 to follow him. You couldn’t do that in previous games. It matches his speed too. If you are far away, Kiryu will run to Nishiki, then slow down and match his speed when he’s close. It’s pretty useful. However, it doesn’t always work perfectly (especially in tight spaces) and it glitched out on me a few times.

I have to admit, this game looks nicer than I thought it would. But I still feel its potential is let down by the cross platform development (being on both PS3 and PS4). I understand that the PS4 is not doing great in Japan and it’s a big risk for the developer to release it just on PS4, but I think this series could be (and look) truly amazing if they went all out on PS4 development.

After walking for a while, you see a couple of guys fighting. Kiryu steps in, but the guys start fighting him, telling him to mind his own business!

In this fight, the game explains the new heat gauge system. The heat system has 3 “gears”. As you go up in gears, you attack speed increases. Additionally, there are some techniques that require you to be in certain gears to use.

I have to say, the heat actions are awesome and this game is downright gory (assuming you leave the blood setting on “normal”)!

This game has its own version of the “Virya List” from Ishin. In this it’s called “Achievement List” and works in the same way – you get points for completing certain actions on the list, but instead of getting Dharma points as you did in Ishin you just get “CP”.

Next, some random foreigner shows up and tells Kiryu he’s an awesome fighter and asks if he’s in the Japanese Mafia. He goes on to tell us about the levelling up system in this game. If you played Ishin, you know how this works. Each style has its own “sphere grid” and you can purchase upgrades from them. In this game, you literally do pay for them with your money – none of this “souls” business like in Ishin.

The sphere grids in the game are a HUGE improvement over Ishin. I always felt the ones in Ishin were too limited, but here you have a lot of freedom to develop the fighting styles in the way you want to, with different sections (such as techniques, heat upgrades, etc). This is the best levelling up system in any RGG so far, in my opinion. To upgrade, select the upgrade you want and hold down the circle button until you’ve fully paid for it.

It then tells us how to switch styles in battle. Up directional is for Thug, left is for rush, right is for destruction and down is for the weapon you have equipped.

I’ve also realised something – for the first time in the series, you can skip non-cutscene dialogue sections! You know, those massive sections where characters are talking to each other with text boxes outside of cutscenes. This is excellent for people who have played through the game many times and just want to get to the actual gameplay itself (was always a pain in previous games going through dialogue when I just wanted to get to the gameplay).

Anyway, the two have a drink, then they do some Karaoke! Baka Mitai makes a return here, lol! Works exactly the same as it does in the other games.

After that they head out again.

There’s this new style of cutscene, which kind of reminds me of the Kurohyou games. It’s not fully animated, but not completely stop-motion like in Kurohyou. I think it’s awesome. I love the gritty look it has and it fits in perfectly with the theme of the game.

Anyway, on the news it talks about a death, which happened to be the guy Kiryu went after for that moneylender earlier. Nishiki asks if he killed the guy, but Kiryu says he definitely did not beat him to death (he didn’t beat him up THAT badly!).

Kiryu then starts wondering if he really did kill that guy, then he gets summoned by the family (Dojima family). Nishiki then tells Kiryu about a rumour he’s heard. Apparently, there’s a rumour that Kuse, one of the “big 3” of the Dojima family set up Kazama sold him out to the police, which is why he is currently in jail.

After that, Kiryu heads out to find a phone so he can contact the family office. The guy on the other end of the phone says the 3 big guys in the family are waiting for Kiryu, so Kiryu heads out to the Dojima headquarters.

Kiryu gets to the headquarters, where the “big 3” of the Dojima family are waiting. They aren’t happy they were made to wait… “Nice of you to show up…”.

They moan at Kiryu for killing someone, saying it’ll cause problems for them. Kiryu swears to them he only used to fists, while they accuse him of using a gun or knife or whatever. They ask him why he did what he did at that particular location (a location of importance to them) and Kiryu says he was just doing what the moneylender ordered – apparently the moneylender say he would summon the guy to that location, so Kiryu just needs to be there to rough him up. Sounds like it was a typical Ryu ga Gotoku set up! When they decide what to do with Kiryu, Kuse says there is only one answer. He kicks the other 2 out and speaks with Kiryu alone. He reveals the location where the man died is related to the plot of land that various organisations are fighting over and because the guy was found dead there, it’ll be harder for the Dojima family to get hold of it.

After all that, Kiryu wonders who set him up. He suspects it was the moneylender, so he says he should head over to the office.

Finally, you are free to wander around Kamurocho!

Like in Ishin, you can help out people who are being picked on by thugs (and you get a reward, which is usually a pretty good item). There’s also these things called “Dream Machines” spread around the city. You pay either 10,000 yen or 100,000 yen and get a random item from it. You sometimes get weapons, sometimes you just get a healing item. Naturally, the 100,000 yen ones yield rarer items.

As I expected, Kiryu’s Rush style is like Akiyama’s style and his Destruction style is like Saejima’s. So you can have a balance of speed and power with Kiryu’s Thug style, or go for speed but low power with the Rush style, or go all out with power with the Destruction style. Kiryu is insanely fast in Rush mode, but takes all day to take guys down. On the other hand, Kiryu is a god damn tank in Destruction mode but MY GOD is he slow. What’s really awesome about Kiryu’s Destruction style is that if you use square combo attacks near weapons lying around on the ground, Kiryu will automatically pick those weapons and use them in his combo! You want to know what else is cool? The music changes when you change style – it’s fast paced when you switch to Rush and slows down when you go to Destruction. It’s seamless and awesome.

One thing is for sure – you will NEVER not have enough money for items in this game. You make a fortune from random encounters on the streets (since upgrading uses money, that’s no surprise).

After ages of exploring Kamurocho and fighting guys on the streets, I went over to the office, which begins a typical Ryu ga Gotoku fight sequence.

At the end, Kiryu finds the guy he’s looking for and starts accusing him and asking him why he set him up. The guy says he didn’t want to set him up; he was just doing what someone asked him to do. Just as the guy is about to tell Kiryu who it was, Kuse walks into the room. Then we see how weak Kiryu used to be, since Kuse takes him down with one punch!

Then they have a long talk, with Kuse asking Kiryu to spy on Kazama for him (because apparently Kazama has certain information) and Kiryu moaning and not wanting to betray Kazama.

After Kiryu leaves, he gets a message from an unknown number. Kiryu goes to a phone and calls the number and Nishiki answers. He’s at the Kazama family office with Kashiwagi and asks Kiryu to come down.

At the office, Kashiwagi agrees someone set Kiryu up and asks him what Kuse was saying to him. They have a long, unnecessarily drawn out conversation about the value of the land and such, then they wonder what this “information” Kazama has really is. Then they suggest Kuse just set Kiryu up so he could get him to spy on Kazama and get this information, which is what Kiryu suspected earlier. Then there’s also the suggestion that Kazama will be driven out of the Tojo clan (excommunicated) using Kiryu murdering someone as an excuse. After much debate, Kiryu says he’ll be settling it himself – He will leave the Dojima family and quit being a Yakuza – so that he can protect his father figure, Kazama. Naturally, Nishiki isn’t happy and tries to reason with Kiryu. Kashiwagi agrees with Nishiki, but Kiryu doesn’t care about whether what he is doing is “right” or “wrong” – he only joined the Yakuza so he could stay with Kazama. If leaving saves him, then he’ll do it!.

After that scene, the demo ends.

To be honest, I wasn’t particularly hyped for this game, not like I was for the previous games, but this is awesome. I think Kiryu’s story is going to be quite boring in parts, due to all this fuss about land, yakuza and other organisations fighting over the land, etc. It seems Majima’s story will be more interesting, but we’ll see.

The fighting doesn’t really feel any different than 5 (besides the different styles and certain mechanics of course) – it feels the same overall and it still has the legendary problems of locking onto enemies and trying and failing to grab enemies, which are by this point features of the series.

Didn’t get to see any substories in the demo, but hopefully there will be a nice variety of them.

Sadly, other than karaoke during the main story progression, there is no opportunity to use any playspots.

It’s also a shame that we can’t play as Majima in the demo.

But oh well. Looking forward to the full game.

Fuente: KHHsubs

Me he descargado la versión PS3, 4,6 GB, para probarlo un poco a ver qué tal y ahora ya sé de donde vienen los fallos técnicos [+risas] . Aunque aguanta el tipo bien, como los otros Yakuza, parece que me falle la vista [+risas] . Más allá de la resolución y fluidez se ve bastante borroso, sobretodo de lejos. Hay menos gente, no se ve "tan" luminoso y diría que en las peleas no se ven los billetes volando porque no me he dado cuenta hasta que he probado después el de la PS4, donde allí se hace bastante evidente.
Oh shite! Pues como cumpla los rumores y salga en occidente me da que me compro la ps4 y lo estreno con el juego [babas] y como tengan listas separadas de trofeos me pillo ambas versiones, por tenerlos ambos en el perfil [tomaaa]

por lo que veo la demo ofrece algo más que la que hicieron del V, pero anda por el estilo.
Gracias Sergirt82! Por curiosidad...¿Qué tal las heat action que has probado? ¿Son diferentes a los anteriores? ¿Algún castañazo nuevo? Estoy intentando no ver muchos vídeos...
Ekir escribió:Oh shite! Pues como cumpla los rumores y salga en occidente me da que me compro la ps4 y lo estreno con el juego [babas] y como tengan listas separadas de trofeos me pillo ambas versiones, por tenerlos ambos en el perfil [tomaaa]

por lo que veo la demo ofrece algo más que la que hicieron del V, pero anda por el estilo.

La demo del 5 y del Zero son de estilos diferentes. Mientras que la demo del 5 se centra más en mostrar un poco de todo (una nueva ciudad, alguna secundaria, hostess, recreativas, peleas y algo más junto con un poco de historia) en el Zero es principalmente historia donde en algún momento te dejan libre para que puedas hacer peleas. Prefiero más del tipo del Zero porque se ve más fielmente el tipo de juego que es la saga, con su historia y sus escenas de vídeo y diálogo, mientras con el 5 hace pensar que es algo tipo "GTA".

boamorte escribió:Gracias Sergirt82! Por curiosidad...¿Qué tal las heat action que has probado? ¿Son diferentes a los anteriores? ¿Algún castañazo nuevo? Estoy intentando no ver muchos vídeos...

No me conozco todas las heat actions, y menos sin haber jugado al 5 donde hicieron un lifting, pero no he visto nada destacado. Las peleas son bastante ágiles con enemigos con poca vida y donde la barra de heat se rellena muy rápido lo cual hace que hagas heats a mansalva.

Aquí hay un vídeo donde enseñan las heats de la demo por si te interesa, donde se ve bastante variedad [+risas] :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... HlVbj1kQYM

Y aquí un Walkthrough:

Joder que panzón de reir [qmparto] Qué bruto! Parecidos a los anteriores y añadiendo cosillas nuevas. Le pone una naranja en la boca [qmparto]
Yo no quería una ps4 ni en pintura pero como lo editen físico aquí me van a entras sudores fríos... [mad]
Sergirt82 escribió:
Ekir escribió:Oh shite! Pues como cumpla los rumores y salga en occidente me da que me compro la ps4 y lo estreno con el juego [babas] y como tengan listas separadas de trofeos me pillo ambas versiones, por tenerlos ambos en el perfil [tomaaa]

por lo que veo la demo ofrece algo más que la que hicieron del V, pero anda por el estilo.

La demo del 5 y del Zero son de estilos diferentes. Mientras que la demo del 5 se centra más en mostrar un poco de todo (una nueva ciudad, alguna secundaria, hostess, recreativas, peleas y algo más junto con un poco de historia) en el Zero es principalmente historia donde en algún momento te dejan libre para que puedas hacer peleas. Prefiero más del tipo del Zero porque se ve más fielmente el tipo de juego que es la saga, con su historia y sus escenas de vídeo y diálogo, mientras con el 5 hace pensar que es algo tipo "GTA".

Pues yo no recuerdo ningún punto de la demo del 5 que hiciera pensar que eso era tipo GTA ein? sí que daban un poco de todo, pero dentro de los cánones de la saga...

Quizá sería mejor enfocar las demos en las peleas ciertamente, que al menos a mí son lo que más me gusta. Considero los Yakuza los auténticos herederos de aquellos Streets of Rage, Final Fight, y demas brawlers de la era 2D de 'yo contra el barrio'.
Ekir escribió:
Sergirt82 escribió:
Ekir escribió:Oh shite! Pues como cumpla los rumores y salga en occidente me da que me compro la ps4 y lo estreno con el juego [babas] y como tengan listas separadas de trofeos me pillo ambas versiones, por tenerlos ambos en el perfil [tomaaa]

por lo que veo la demo ofrece algo más que la que hicieron del V, pero anda por el estilo.

La demo del 5 y del Zero son de estilos diferentes. Mientras que la demo del 5 se centra más en mostrar un poco de todo (una nueva ciudad, alguna secundaria, hostess, recreativas, peleas y algo más junto con un poco de historia) en el Zero es principalmente historia donde en algún momento te dejan libre para que puedas hacer peleas. Prefiero más del tipo del Zero porque se ve más fielmente el tipo de juego que es la saga, con su historia y sus escenas de vídeo y diálogo, mientras con el 5 hace pensar que es algo tipo "GTA".

Pues yo no recuerdo ningún punto de la demo del 5 que hiciera pensar que eso era tipo GTA ein? sí que daban un poco de todo, pero dentro de los cánones de la saga...

Quizá sería mejor enfocar las demos en las peleas ciertamente, que al menos a mí son lo que más me gusta. Considero los Yakuza los auténticos herederos de aquellos Streets of Rage, Final Fight, y demas brawlers de la era 2D de 'yo contra el barrio'.

Lo decía en el sentido de que te dejan en medio de la ciudad y haz lo que te dé la gana. Esto en Japón puedes hacerlo porque la saga es bien conocida pero por aquí uno se querrá liar a ostias con la gente, pegar tiros, robar coches y etc... y verá que no puede hacer nada de eso. Por eso prefiero una demo como la del Zero, con una media hora inicial chupando historia, con sus cinemáticas y diálogos, caminos prefijados de punto A a B y que te vayan poniendo en situación del tipo de juego que es y de cuales son sus virtudes.
Hombre, yo lo que veo es que con ese planteamiento es algo más fácil cribar la gente para que no se hagan ilusiones. Aunque ya veo por donde vas, a mí también me desesperan la cantidad de despistados que creen que yakuza les va a dar algo diferente y acaban decepcionados.
Aquí tenéis un Walkthrough de la versión PS3:


EDITO. 24/02

Barra libre para la demo [beer] :

https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork. ... com_TOP_01

EDITO. 26/02

Ya está para descargar la aplicación del juego para la Vita:

https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork. ... com_TOP_01

3,3 GB ocupa.
Están sacando unas comparativas de las dos versiones:










Y aquí más:

http://www.dualshockers.com/2015/02/25/ ... -ps3-sega/
¡Ya a la venta [beer] !


Aquí tenéis los trofeos del juego traducidos:
Platinum - Where We Made Our Vows
Obtain all trophies

Bronze - December 1988, Kamurocho
Visit Kamurocho in December 1988

Bronze - Story Clear 1
Complete Chapter 2

Bronze - If you want to give something, be generous
Give a bottle of 20,000 yen Sake to the homeless

Bronze - Story Clear 2
Complete Chapter 4

Bronze - Blitz Trade Formation
Gain a big advantage on negotiations with Yamagata

Bronze - Story Clear 3
Complete Chapter 6

Bronze - Elite Businessman
Flawlessly complete Oda’s Business Manner Test

Bronze - Story Clear 4
Complete Chapter 8

Bronze - Delicious Even When Cold
After buying Takoyaki, drop by in 15+ minutes

Bronze - Story Clear 5
Complete Chapter 10

Bronze - Unified Employees
Defeat at least 3 enemies using double team attacks with Oda or Tachibana

Bronze - Story Clear 6
Complete Chapter 12

Bronze - Lots of Treasure!
Destroy the safe and pillage the Nichikyoren funds

Bronze - Story Clear 7
Complete Chapter 14

Bronze - Heat Snipe
Defeat a Yakuza with an afro

Bronze - Story Clear 8
Complete Chapter 16

Bronze - Coping With Trouble is my Speciality
Receive a full power hit from Reina

Silver - Thanks From The Staff
Complete the Final Chapter

Gold - Becoming a Legend
Complete the game on the LEGEND difficulty

Bronze - President Kiryu Kazuma
Begin Kamurocho Money Island

Bronze - My Territory
Occupy 100% of an area

Bronze - Real Estate King
Purchase the maximum amount of properties

Silver - Domination of Kamurocho
Complete the Kamurocho Money Island Story

Bronze - Emperor of the Water
Begin Sotenbori Nightlife Island

Bronze - A Flood of Customers
Get over 1000 fans in an area

Bronze - Diamond Cast
Get one of the platinum cast to max level

Silver - The Sun That Never Sinks
Complete the Sotenbori Nightlife Island Story

Bronze - Halfway to Achieving Your Dream
Complete 50% of the Achievement List

Gold - Dream Granter
Complete 100% of the Achievement List

Bronze - Substory 10
Complete 10 Substories

Bronze - Substory 40
Complete 40 substories

Bronze - Substory Complete Conquest
Complete All Substories

Bronze - Go Wild Before Consumption Tax is Introduced
Spend a cumulative total of 1 billion yen

Bronze - Head Held High
Scatter money and gather pedestrians for the first time

Bronze - I Know You Want This
Scatter a cumulative total of 5 million yen

Bronze - The Value Goes Down When You Use This
Pick up a telephone card for the first time

Bronze - Don’t Let Your Family See
Appreciate a sexy video for the first time

Bronze - I Wonder What I’ll Get
Buy a top quality item from a dream machine

Bronze - If you touch me you’ll be burned
Have your cigarette lit by a “catch” (those guys who stand around on the streets trying to entice you into somewhere - they hand out tissues in these games)

Silver - The Master
Complete all the challenges (Ultimate Battles)

Silver - Crushing Amon
Defeat Amon So and Amon Jo

Bronze - There’s a fine line between Master and Crackpot
Do one of the training missions with each master

Bronze - Invest in Yourself Young Man
Buy 10+ abilities in the sphere grids

Silver - Unmatched Technique
Obtain all abilities for all styles

Bronze - Overkill
Acquire at least 5 kinds of ‘Play Bonus’ against an enemy

Bronze - If you wanna start a fight, pick your opponent carefully
Extort money for the first time

Bronze - Big-Big-Big Success!
Receive the best outcome report when using armour search

Bronze - Remarkable Treasure Hunter
Acquire all materials

Bronze - Fight Money is the Currency of Hell
Defeat over 30 guys in the Unending Fighting Spree

Bronze - He Who Knows The Games
Play all Mini-games

Bronze - Face-to-Face
Go on a date with a chat line girl

Bronze - Every Day Night Fever
Complete all disco tracks on any difficulty

Bronze - Dawn Cat
Accurately predict the outcome of 10 cat fights

Bronze - Circuit Dragon
Win all pocket circuit races
Habeis visto alguna review? [sonrisa]
Definitivamente jugaré a la versión ps4, la ps3 visualmente han hecho una maravilla pero se quejan bastante de los tiempos de carga.
En Yakuzafan.com han enlazado un vídeo con la pantalla de instalación del juego:


Se repite en plan bucle pero mola, que pintaza! :)
Uffff anoche estuve un par de horas haciendo el ganso con la demo....vaya Hype que tengo...pero sigo con el remordimiento de comprar la edición japonesa y que en dos días saquen la china e incluya ingles =( ¿señores que opinais?
165 respuestas
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