eMule, un nuevo cliente para la red del eDonkey...

113, 14, 15, 16, 17
Escrito originalmente por franaloper

Pasate por este hilo de los foros de emule-project: http://www.emule-project.net/board/index.php?showtopic=30657

Resumiendo les han desterrado por cambiar ciertas cosas que pueden llegar a dañar seriamente la red edonkey/emule.

Guay...ir no va, pero era por comentarlo un poco... [oki]
Tenia unas descargas sin terminar en el emule cuando tuve que formatear, asi que las pase a cds, y ahora despues de haber formateado y haber instalado una nueva version del emule la 0.30a copio todos los archivos en la carpeta temp del emule pero no me aparecen en la lista de descargas, solamente me aparecen 2 que casualmente eran los que mas ocupaban, pero los demas no. Alguien sabe porque?
para los que aun useis la rama 0.30x, teneis nueva revisión, la 0.30c


listado de cambios:

- Oct 23th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed multi threading problem with a completing file which was concurrently uploaded.

- Oct 22th, 2003 -
Ornis: added ability to import partial downloads from Overnet/eDonkey when having used the "old style" format
bluecow: Fixed potential exploit due to memory corruption in webserver [MoNKi]

- Oct 19th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed bug with friends where a client without an IP or hash could be added as a friend.
bluecow: Fixed bug with ed2k URL registry key where path contains special characters.
bluecow: Fixed GDI resource leaks in video preview dialog.

- Oct 12th, 2003 -
Ornis: Import partial downloads from eDonkey/Overnet ("new style"-splitted partfile). Build-in converter to import downloadfiles from a selected folder to your eMule-downloads right away. (use the Hotmenu Alt+X to access it)
Ornis: Serverlist highlights the currently connected server

- Oct 9th, 2003 -
Ornis: dynamic category tabcontrol size
Ornis: prevent empty date/time output with faulty preferences.ini

- Oct 7th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed bug with upload list control which was not refreshed automatically [Xman1+KuSh]
bluecow: Fixed mouse/keyboard acces bug in HyperText control [MoNKi]
bluecow: Added keyboard shortcuts to main toolbar.

- Oct 5th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed bug with server warning messages which were shown as errors.
bluecow: Fixed bug with random drawn block requests in file progress bars.

- Oct 4th, 2003 -
Ornis: set speedlimits to unlimited manually (again)
bluecow: Changed several resource string loading code to support string based resource identifiers [SlugFiller+itsonlyme]
bluecow: Added: download links can contain hostname sources, instead of just IP address; You can set your own hostname in preferences, and create eD2K links with sources with your chosen hostname instead of your IP [SlugFiller+itsonlyme]
bluecow: Added speed improvements made to the bar shader, making it display much faster than before [SlugFiller]
bluecow: Added code improvements for faster sorting complete sources [SlugFiller]
bluecow: Added sorting of complete source column in shared files window [SlugFiller]
bluecow: Fixed visual bug in upload status bar [wistily]
bluecow: Added check free diskspace option which ensures that complete files can be stored [SlugFiller]
bluecow: Added check free diskspace option which ensures that a minimum of free diskspace remains available.
bluecow: Added uncompressing of NTFS compressed files for completed files.

- Oct 1st, 2003 -
bluecow: added the long awaited More button to search window for getting more search results from the local server.
bluecow: rewrote tooltips for transfer window to fix several small glitches.
bluecow: buffered partfile data is explicitly written to disk before a preview command is invoked.
bluecow: partfile disk usage is determined with respect to NTFS compression and/or NTFS sparse files.
Ornis: new translation: Czech, by Patejl

pronto nuevo testclient de la rama 0.40x y/o nueva release oficial hibrida :P
Alguien seria tan amable de explicar como coxones funciona el Kademlia?
Todo lo que encuentro esta en ingles...
Gracias y salu2.
Kademlia en esencia es una especie de overnet pero de codigo abierto. Lo que realmente intenta es evitar el uso de servidores ya que hace que el trabajo de servidor se reparta entre todos los clientes.
Ok, Franaloper...
A lo que me referia es a ver si podeis explicar como funciona.

Quiero decir, si yo pongo un archivo a bajar...
¿Baja de las 2 redes a la vez?

He visto que en la busqueda esta la opcion "Kademlia"...
¿Esta opcion es para buscar un archivo en los clientes directamente?

Como ves no tengo ni papa de este tema, por eso decia lo de que alguien se currara un super mini tutorial sobre el uso de "Kademlia".

Escrito originalmente por o0firestarter0o
Ok, Franaloper...
A lo que me referia es a ver si podeis explicar como funciona.

Quiero decir, si yo pongo un archivo a bajar...
¿Baja de las 2 redes a la vez?

Cuando tu pones un archivo a bajar busca fuentes tanto en kademlia como en los servers. Cuando encuentra una fuente te metes en su cola independientemente de como hayas llegado a ella. Lo que no se es que pasa si encuentras una fuente tanto en kademlia como mediante servers ¿Se descargara de una de las dos? o ¿Realizaras dos peticiones y por lo tanto tendras dos puestos en su cola?

Escrito originalmente por o0firestarter0o
He visto que en la busqueda esta la opcion "Kademlia"...
¿Esta opcion es para buscar un archivo en los clientes directamente? [B]

En la forma tradicional tu preguntas al server y este te dice los clientes que estan conectados a el y que tiene ese archivo que buscas. En la forma de busqueda gloal lo que haces es preguntar lo mismo pero a todos los servers de tu server.met
En kademlia todos los clientes hacen de servidores para los demas clientes. Cuando haces una busqueda mediante este sistema preguntas a los demas clientes conectados si conocen algun otro cliente con los archivos que buscas, y asi sucesivamente.

Escrito originalmente por o0firestarter0o
Como ves no tengo ni papa de este tema, por eso decia lo de que alguien se currara un super mini tutorial sobre el uso de "Kademlia".

Buff yo de momento no he visto nada similar a un tutorial y a mi entender ahora este no serviria de nada ya que el protocolo aun esta bastante verde y me imagino que cambiaran bastantes cosas.
En serio, me ha quedado mas claro.
Emule 0.30D ya disponible:


Lista de cambios:

- Nov 20th, 2003 -
.: Missing language-dlls are now downloaded and installed automatically by emule
.: Changed auto-versioncheck to a DNS-based method which is more effictive. Also the auto-versioncheck is now enabled by default.
.: Updated MobileMule protocol to 6b

- Nov 16th, 2003 -
Ornis: some changes for less CPU load
Ornis: Searchlist: contextmenu also provides download in paused mode selection
Ornis: copy a selected comment to the clipboard [NoamSon]

- Nov 7th, 2003 -
Ornis: Save IRC/Messages-chats to disk (context menu)
Ornis: preferences-webinterface: enable/disable usage of GZIP compression

- Nov 5th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed rare occuring problem with staled server source request related to invalid part.met file contents.
bluecow: More safety in part.met file reading.
bluecow: Fixed problem with too frequently occuring server connection attempts with very short server lists.

- Nov 2nd, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed minor issue with queued local server source requests after new server connect.
bluecow: Fixed sorting of buffered part file blocks to achive less HD stress.
bluecow: Fixed memory leaks and flushing of buffered data to HD of paused files when file was canceled.
bluecow: Files which could not be completed because of not enough free disk space can be resumed manually to try another file completion process.
bluecow: Fixed bug in check min. free disk space which could cause endless low disk space notifications.
bluecow: Improved check min. free disk space for better handling NTFS compressed/sparse files.
bluecow: Fixed a bug where an NTFS compressed file could not be created because there was not enough free disk space to hold the uncompressed file.
Ornis: updated importer to load eD/ON v0.48 partfiles

Unk: Several bugs noted in the forum. Tried to check most of them.
* Sources to a Paused or Stopped file will be removed once an hour to remove old sources..
* We no longer send sources to Paused or Stopped files.
* A better check of valid sources to Part files for source exchange.
* Source exchanges for complete files now sends sources with obtained parts first.
Unk: Removed some redundent For Loops to save CPU in the DownloadQueue..

- Oct 30th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added grouping of local server source reasks packets into one TCP frame
bluecow: Fixed bug with check diskspace
bluecow: Fixed problem with lost read-only settings in pref.ini after version change
bluecow: Fixed server TCP overhead statistics
bluecow: Fixed HTTP download dialog string resources

Un saludo
Lo pongo en nuestro idioma:

Reduccón de uso del CPU
Cambios de protocolo MobileMule (6b)
Las librerías de idiomas las bajará e instalará el emule directamente
Revisión continua de actualización del emule basado en DNS
En las búsquedas, el menú de contexto permite pausar directamente las bajadas
Copiado de comentario seleccionado al portapapeles [NoamSon]
Copiado de mensajes de IRC y chat al disco
Desactivación y activación de compresión GZIP en Preferencias
Eliminado el problema cuando había demanda de fuentes al servidor de archivos con part.met inválido
Se incrementó la seguridad de lectura en archivos part.met
Eliminado el problema al conectar a algunos servidores con lista de pocos servers
Eliminado el problema al volver a pedir fuentes las fuentes al servidor local después de una reconexion
Solucionado el ordenamiento de bloques de archivos part.met en buffer
Solucionado el vaciado el bufer al disco duro de archivos en pausa, cuando son cancelados
Podrán resumirse los archivos no completados por falta de espacio en el disco duro
Solucionado el error de verificar espacio en disco que causaba avisos infinitos

Verificación optimizada de espacio en disco para mejor administración de archivos NTFS
Solucionado el error del archivo NTFS comprimido que no era creado por faltar espacio para mantener el archivo expandido
Para ahorro de CPU, eliminados ciertas redundancias en cola de bajadas
Actualización del importador de archivos partfiles eD/ON v0.48

Parece ser que va a ser la última versión de este tipo, ahora se pondrán solo con kademila.

Venga un saludo hasta otra
la verdad es q desde que llevo usando la version 0.40 con soporte para la red kademlia, no veo razon alguna para que se siga usando la 0.30x.

dicha version 0.40 es muy estable y funciona requetebien... pero bueno, segun los chicos del emuleproject pronto sera "oficial", pues a partir de la 0.30d no sacaran mas versiones "sin" kademlia [fies]
Cada ordenador es un mundo. A mi las versiones Kademlia no me van demasiado bien.

Un saludo
Escrito originalmente por Methenx
Cada ordenador es un mundo. A mi las versiones Kademlia no me van demasiado bien.

Un saludo

Lo que he notado yo de kademlia es que se usa bastante mas ancho de banda para gestionar el protocolo y por tanto queda menos para las propias descargas.
Yo llevo con Maella desde hace muchisimas versiones y nunca me ha fallado. Sin duda el mod mas estables de todos los que he probado. [oki]
eMule 0.30e...


importante que los users de la 0.3x actualizeis, pues incluye un hotfix...

ara no tengo tiempo de bsucar el changelog, ya lo pondre en otro momento o si no lo poneis uno de vosotros.
Por aqui os dejo el changelog.

- Dec 9th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
bluecow: Upgraded to zlib 1.2.1.

Ta luego

Voy a ver si veo de que se trata concretamente si lo veo lo pongo
Os habeis adelantado que iba yo ya a postearlo. XD
Yo como siempre me esperare a que maella saque su revision con el problema solucionado. [oki]
Ahra en spanish:

bluecow: Arreglado un fallo muy raro que ocurría al descomprimir bloques altamente comprimibles.
bluecow: Mejorado el manejo de errores para la descompresión de bloques corruptos.
bluecow: Actualizado a la versión de zlib 1.2.1.

EDITO: Parece ser que en la version de kademila tambien esta este fallo, supongo que lo actualizaran junto a muchas otras cosas dentro de poco.

Hasta otra
a ver una duda sobre el kademlia, en la pestaña Kademlia no aparece nada y siempre me dice que "esta" conectando, no tendria que salir algo??
Juas, me ha echo gracia este hilo, los "comienzos" del famosisimo emule, halla por verano del 2002 [qmparto]

PD. Perdon el OT, pero me ha echo gracia, la verdad.
Nueva version de Kademila 0.41a.a10

Las descargas en el sitio oficial tanto binarios, como fuentes.


Y la lista de cambios un poco larga. (Si tengo tiempo luego la pongo traducida)

- Dec 21st, 2003 -
Unk: Fixed a bug with rechecking firewall.
Unk: You can bootstrap into kad even if your not connected.

- Dec 18th, 2003 -
bluecow: Improved reading of UL/DL priorities read from known.met and part.met files to avoid usage of unknown values.
bluecow: Fixed mem leak and possible stall in server UDP socket related to failed DNS queries.
Unk: Adjusted disconnect timeout for Kad.
Unk: IRC: Small tweak to add friend.
Ornis: Fix of auto resume next file of same category

- Dec 17th, 2003 -
bluecow: Optimized processing of keyword publish list.
bluecow: Removed multiple part file source lists for more performance.
Unk: Search requests now send up to 300 results
Unk: Keywords now publish in Clusters of 150 files making use of the keyword publish list.

- Dec 13th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added more memory and C++ object check code for debug builds.
bluecow: Fixed wrong usage of some internal lists [rayita]
bluecow: Improved updating of GUI for donwload queue [rayita]
bluecow: Removed automatically resuming of files with state Insufficient diskspace.
bluecow: Addeded manually resuming of files with state Insufficient diskspace.

- Dec 10th, 2003 -
bluecow: Improved sending of OP_CANCELTRANSFER.

- Dec 8th, 2003 -
bluecow: Reworked includes of entire source branch.
bluecow: Added showing of server attributes to MyInfo panel.
bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
bluecow: Upgraded to zlib 1.2.1

- Nov 27th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added Drag&Drop support for Windows Shell URLs and more IE URL formats. This means you can drag&drop eD2K-URLs which are stored as Windows Shell URLs (like the entries in IE Favorites folder) into the eMule window. Works for eD2K-file-, server- and serverlist-links.
bluecow: Couple of code optimizations for processing the sources lists.

- Nov 25th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added Drag&Drop support for ANSI Text and HTML Text clipboard data formats. This means you can drag&drop eD2K-URLs from Internet Explorer Windows into eMule window. HTML fragments means: everything which is currently selected within the HTML page and which is allowed to contain more than just one eD2K-URL. Works for eD2K-file-, server- and serverlist-links.

- Nov 24th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed crash bug when file date of local files was out of range.
bluecow: Fixed performance issue with log files which got too large.
bluecow: Log files which are larger than 1MB are renamed to a filename with the start of the log and the current log file is restarted. Max. log file size can be specified in preferences.ini section "eMule" keyword "MaxLogFileSize=".

- Nov 23th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed context menu support in IRC and Message window.
bluecow: All listview context menus are positioned correctly when invoked with keyboard interface.
bluecow: Statistics graphs are not deleted if according property page was opened and closed without changing values.

- Nov 22th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added support for selectable text, copy to clipboard, save log to disk and rotating log for IRC Chat windows.
bluecow: Fixed handling of windows shutdown message (WM_QUERYENDSESSION).
bluecow: Added support for external performance logging with NT Performance Monitor compatible log files.
bluecow: Changed socket creation code for non-proxy connections to reduce system resource usage.

- Nov 21th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed performance problem with rotating log which could create very high CPU usage in some cases.
bluecow: Fixed mem leaks in UDP sockets [rayita]
bluecow: Added support for selectable text, copy to clipboard, save log to disk and rotating log for Message windows.

- Nov 20th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed window resizing problem related to customizable toolbar and system color/theme change.
bluecow: Main windows are maximized correctly (depending on toolbar style/height) at startup.
bluecow: Fixed string format buffer overflow with status command line argument [KuSh].
bluecow: Fixed several problems with skinnable icons which were not updated on the fly.
bluecow: Added background colors (skinnable) for IRC channel window and nick window.
bluecow: Removed closeable tab control for IRC windows.
bluecow: Added close command to context menus of IRC/Message windows.
bluecow: Added tripple click feature to search term edit control.

- 7. November 2003 -
Ornis: Abspeichern von Chats (IRC/Messages) , übers Kontextmenü (Req. Celvyn)

- Nov 5th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed rare occuring problem with staled server source request related to invalid part.met file contents.
bluecow: More safety in part.met file reading.
bluecow: Fixed problem with too frequently occuring server connection attempts with very short server lists.

- Nov 2nd, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed minor issue with queued local server source requests after new server connect.
bluecow: Fixed sorting of buffered part file blocks to achive less HD stress.
bluecow: Fixed memory leaks and flushing of buffered data to HD of paused files when file was canceled.
bluecow: Files which could not be completed because of not enough free disk space can be resumed manually to try another file completion process.
bluecow: Fixed bug in check min. free disk space which could cause endless low disk space notifications.
bluecow: Improved check min. free disk space for better handling NTFS compressed/sparse files.
bluecow: Fixed a bug where an NTFS compressed file could not be created because there was not enough free disk space to hold the uncompressed file.

Unk: Several bugs noted in the forum. Tried to check most of them.
* Sources to a Paused or Stopped file will be removed once an hour to remove old sources..
* We no longer send sources to Paused or Stopped files.
* A better check of valid sources to Part files for source exchange.
* Source exchanges for complete files now sends sources with obtained parts first.
Unk: Removed some redundent For Loops to save CPU in the DownloadQueue..

- Oct 30th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added grouping of local server source reasks packets into one TCP frame
bluecow: Fixed bug with check diskspace
bluecow: Fixed problem with lost read-only settings in preferences.ini after version change
bluecow: Fixed server TCP overhead statistics
bluecow: Fixed HTTP download dialog string resources

- Oct 29th, 2003 -
Unk: Fixed a non thread safe area that moved Kad Contacts in the list.
Unk: Fixed a area that would stop Kad sources from being added.
Unk: Added zz upload throttler.

- Oct 23th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed multi threading problem with a completing file which was concurrently uploaded.

- Oct 22th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed bug in webserver which can cause memory corruption [MoNKi]

- Oct 21th, 2003 -
bluecow: Changed creation of Kademlia threads for proper RTL initialization.
bluecow: Fixed some glitches in shared directories control; added keyboard interface; added volume labels

- Oct 19th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed bug with friends where a client without an IP or hash could be added as a friend.
bluecow: Fixed bug with ed2k URL registry key where path contains special characters.
bluecow: Fixed system and tray context menu items for connecting/disconnect to/from both networks.
bluecow: Added new MyInfo control; shortcuts for Ctrl+C=copy selected text; Ctrl+A=select all text
¡Menudo cambio ha dado la web del Emule! :-O

Un saludo
Nueva versión de Kademlia (v0.41b.29).

Cambios aquí:

bluecow: Fixed several flaws in client and server overhead computation. (Note: You will see somehow increased overhead).
bluecow: Added Kademlia overhead statistics.
bluecow: Added client protocol handshake validation.
bluecow: To avoid spreading of false meta data, any (already) received meta data is dropped and locally created by examining file contents only.
bluecow: Fixed bug server connection duration statistics [Gnaddelwarz]
Unk: We delay publishing keywords to avoid spamming network with users that only stay connected for a very short time.
bluecow: Added thread safe synchronous command processing to Kad listener socket.
bluecow: Added explicit removing of file block requests for disconnected client to avoid file completion problems.
bluecow: Fixed sorting problems in shared files list control.
bluecow: Fixed very tricky bug in structured exception handling of client TCP socket.
bluecow: Already received but not processed packets are discarded after a client was disconnected.
bluecow: Fixed a potential client deletion crash bug related to IP filter.
bluecow: Added client protocol procedure state error log messages.
Unk: Changed Log messaging from Kad to Emule to a thread safe method. win98 should be able to run a little better now.. But, there seem to still be issues.
Ornis:Sharefileslistcontrol offers rename,delete,open it's folder via contextmenu for files
(deletes to recycle bin! use preferences.ini: RemoveFilesToBin=false, to have a eternal deletion)
Unk: Until a fix is found, we only update the clients ID when adding a Kad Contact to the list. This seems to avoid the win98 freeze.
Unk: Small change in Kad search tolerance and bootstraping.
Ornis: Downloadfile-Details, Filenametab: improved listing and sorting of the available filenames
Ornis: Allocating new filesize for tempfiles not blocking anymore (threading+buffering)
Ornis: Downloadlist: Sorting of the remain column for files now in 4-way-mode, to sort by remaining size OR by remaining time
Unk: Auto Kad bootstrap if you are trying to connect and see a Kad client.
Unk: The client now detects conflicts between UDP ports to prevent the client from freezing..
Unk: Bootstrap selectable by IP:Port or by a known Kad-client (searches your known client list for a Kad client to boot from)
bluecow: Reworked part file details dialog; added showing of several accumulated values for multiple selected part files.
bluecow: Removed Permissions column from Shared Files window (don't worry, it was never used).
bluecow: Reworked all Server-, Search-. Download- and Shared Files window context menus for supporting multiple selections.
bluecow: Fixed bug with first runtime wizard and enabled startup minimized option.
bluecow: Added option to restore the last used main window dialog at startup; (specify RestoreLastMainWndDlg=1 in preferences.ini)
bluecow: Added Ornis' 4-way sorting for shared column in shared files window.
Unk: Added a lot of exception catching to Kad and SMIRC.
Unk: Gave incoming and outgoing Kad UDP packets same priority to keep outgoing packets from backlogging.
Unk: We now keep track on how many packets are sent with Kad Node lookups.
Unk: Search Jumpstarts are now only used when the search appears to have stalled.
Unk: IRC: /hop added.
Unk: Joined channels get focus now.
Unk: Fixed several memleaks with the Kad client
Unk: Added some flags to the Node lookups for future special purposes. (Can't be used until most client upgrade)
Unk: Small change to contact tree. More nodes known so that you find your target faster.
bluecow: Fixed problem with servers with IP which could be added to the server list.
bluecow: Resolved IPs of DynDNS servers are now verified and optionally filtered (IP-filter).
bluecow: Reduced memory usage of client instances.
Ornis: Option for automatic removal of completed downloads from list
Ornis: Create lang-folder if neccessary on language download

Un saludo
como se nota que estan currando y mucho en esta nueva version.
Bueno, subiendo un poco el hilo y de paso comentar una noticia un tanto curiosa, A los que esteis registrados en emule-project os habra llegado el siguiente mail.

Deutsche version unten
German version below\n

Dear eMule User,

you receive this mail as a registered member of the official eMule board on http://www.emule-project.net. This is the first newsletter and we do not send them on a regular basis but only on rare occasions.
The reason for writing this mail is we want to bring current problems to your attention: A german patent lawyer registered the trademark "eMule" for a dialer related company and is now trying to shutdown or takeover major eMule related websites. Since many of our developers as well as many webmasters live in germany we consider this as a serious threat for the community and development.
Therefor we deceided to work together with the first attacked website (emule.de) and go to court with the aim to remove this trademark. However beeing a non-profit project we need your support to accomplish this.
Please visist http://www.freemule.net to view more background information, news and ways to help us.

Your eMule Team


Bueno, la cuestión es que una empresa de dialers, ha registrado el nombre de emule por lo que ahora este nombre es registrado, y no puede ponerse alegremente, debido a esto ya se ha empezado a cerrar diversas webs que contienen ese nombre, como pueda ser emule.de. Tambíen da una web de referencia http://www.freemule.net (Que por cierto ahora mismo no me funciona) En la que hay mas información, y desde la que se puede ayudar (Cuando me deje entrar os comento de que va esto).

P.D: Veremos un cambio de nombre del emule?

Un saludo hasta otra

EDITO: Si no podeis entrar desde la direccion anterior, pinchar en esta:

En la web hay una zona de donaciones, y otra donde se explica la situación actual.
esoeremos que no pase nada... pero vamos, hay que cambiar el nombre? pos lo cambiamos...

phoneix/firebird/firebox es un ejemplo de programa renombrado y no le ha ido nada mal :)
Os funciona el web server con el Mozilla Firefox?

Yo puedo hacer login, pero una vez dentro no me tiran los links de "Transferencias","Lista de Servidores",etc... Con IE y Opera va perfectamente.

Un saludo.
En otro equipo tengo instalado el Mozilla 1.5 y el webserver va perfectamente... Qué raro, no se supone que Firefox y Mozilla usan el mismo motor?

Bueno, ya tenemos la nueva version del emule, la 0.42b el changelog es el siguiente.

-Ornis: Several minor corrections on the GUI
-bluecow: Several changes and optimizations to verbose log options.
-Unk: Hopefully reduced keyword overhead some more by only publishing complete files.
-bluecow: Added new connection state icon showing seperate eD2K and Kad network connection state and seperate LowID/HighID.
-bluecow: Added new AVI file parsing code for getting attributes in File Info dialog.
-bluecow: Added a thread for getting audio/video attributes of multiple files when using File Info dialog.
-bluecow: Added optional support for MediaInfoLib (http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net) for viewing audio/video attributes of part and shared files. This feature is optional and will only be used if version of MediaInfoLib (MediaInfo.DLL) is copied to eMule application folder.
-bluecow: Added merging of audio/video attributes in File Info dialog. All audio/video attributes from all selected (part) files are merged to verify if selected files are of same audio/video format.
-bluecow: Added new column to search results showing local file info.
-bluecow: Search type or shared files list request is shown in each search results tab.
bluecow: Added automatic creation of 'downloads.txt' file in eMule application folder. This file holds the current part file names and related ed2k links to recover more easily after lost part.met files.
-bluecow: Windows thumbs.db files with missing system file attribute are no longer shared.
-bluecow: Thoroughly handling of max. nick name length.
-bluecow: Tweaked tab controls in server window/chat window to show unread log/chat messages.
-bluecow: Added caching of webservices menu entries.
-bluecow: Fixed multi threading issue with file completion.
-bluecow: Fixed some problems with duplicate entries in known file list and shared file list.
-bluecow: Added a lot of protocol logging and debugging code.
-bluecow: Several optimizations in processing search expressions for keyword index.
-bluecow: Reworked UDP socket exception handling.
-Unk: Split source and keyword indexing to allow specific tweaking later.
-bluecow: Added more logging options in Extended Settings.
-Unk: Kad now allows smaller local networks if you turn off LANIP filtering. (This should only be used for debuging and testing)
-Unk: A lot of Kad has been converted to use CSafeMemFile.. To finish converting all, we need to convert the Kad's Tags and Kad's Taglist to work with it..
-Unk: When duplicates are found in the KnownFileList, the stats are now merged..
-bluecow: Reworked internal storage of preferences.
-bluecow: Fixed bug with downloads added from search result in paused mode which dropped possible found sources.
-unk: Redid the knownfilelist.. Before you could have multi entires.
-bluecow: Fixed bug with Kad keyword publishing list due to renaming a shared file which was completed in current session.
-bluecow:Fixed bug in Kad search with implicit ANDed search expressions.
-.: Merging of the extended trayicon menue [eMule+]
-bluecow: Reworked IP filter
- Optimized IP filter lookup for less CPU load.
- Optimized loading of IP filter files.
- Added merge of overlapping and adjacent filter ranges.
- More safety in determining format of IP filter files (support for eMule IP filter and PeerGuardian file formats).
- More tolerance in eMule IP filter format files (level and description is now optional).
- Added IP filter dialog for basic editing and viewing IP filters (accessible via Tool menu).
- Added IP filter rule hit statistics.
-Unk: Fixed a bug in the UDP port that resent UDP packets to dead clients.
-Unk: Major rewrite of the Kad code..
- Kad is now part of eMule's thread so we don't have to worry about Sync issues.
- Although many will say that this is a performance loss, I feel the the simplification of the code out ways this.
- Kad will now use eMule's UDP port (And eMule's TCP port in the future) instead of their own.
-bluecow: New data (packet + files) processing code for less CPU load.
-Unk: Fixed a few issues that occured when a partfile became a complete file.
-bluecow: Fixed bug with wrong category directory shown for new created downloads.
-bluecow: Fixed printf-flaw with category directories.
-bluecow: Fixed problem with empty file data packets which could corrupt the gap list.
-bluecow: Fixed timing issue in PerfLog module.
-bluecow: Fixed statistics bug with ICH in download session category.
-bluecow: Fixed: If the very first downloaded part of a file was recovered by ICH, the file was though not shared until another part was completed without ICH.
-Unk: Incoming ExtendedFileInfo was done without checking the version number.
- This fix seems to have found that a couple older eMule Mods and Shareaza (And maybe a some other mods) are sending the wrong version number here.
- They say they support the ExtendedFileInfo which makes us send the our info, but they in return do not send it to us when we are expecting it..
-Unk: A part of the ED2K protocol has been redone into a eMule protocol. This allows us to do several ED2K type packets with just one packet hopeing to save overhead.
-Unk: The UDP file reask now updates the FileStatus and it transmits all the ExtendedFileInfo.
-Unk: File reasks have been extended for less overhead.
-Unk: Source exchange times have been adjusted for less overhead. (May have to set the received source request time check back to older values so older clients don't suffer. Needs testing.)
-Unk: The switch for processing sources for a download had some fall through bugs.
-Unk: There was a bug the allowed the client to send a UDP and TCP file reask at the same time.
-Unk: NNP sources was allowed to do a UDP reask which does not update our chunk info.. So, this was a wasted packet..
-Unk: It was possible (But unlikely) for the client to send a UDP reask to a client he has never done a TCP reask..
-Unk: AskForDownload() now returns a result so we know if the source was deleted.
-Unk: Only count sent Kad overhead that was actually sent, not queued or failed..
-Unk: Clients even without a valid file request could still get on the queue.
-Unk: There were three different methods creating a per file upload list. Some of them rebuilt this list each time needed. We now maintain an upload list per each client in real time to avoid this.
- Update: there is a bug that allows the same file to be in the KnownFileList.. This messes up this real time management..
- For the moment, there is a debug code in the client the saves from creating dangling pointers..
- This code will be removed once we fix the issues..
-Unk: Source exhange for a complete file is now like part files, you only send sources that has chunks the user needs.
-Ornis: IPFilter - file can be now in peerguardian-format as well
-Ornis: Preferences/Security: option to download the ipfilter-file from an URL
-Ornis: Fix: Handling of deleting files, which are currently into diskspace allocation
-bluecow: View Shared Files command of remote clients is disabled if client published that he does not support that feature.
-bluecow: Fixed bug in viewing shared files from remote client - shared part files were not shown.
-bluecow: Reduced memory usage of client instances #2.
-bluecow: Fixed Kad UDP socket usage to avoid loss of packets to send.
-bluecow: Optimized client listview controls for less CPU load.
-bluecow: Fixed several flaws in context menus, shortcuts and usage of middle mouse button.
-Unk: Try to filter self sources better.
-Unk: We receive all incoming Kad sources now. (Was a bug that blocked them if the file got a lot of sources from a server or source exchange)
-Unk: Again LowID Callbacks were messing up because of Kad and ED2K states. This is now checked more closly.
-Unk: Nodal searches for publishing extended to allow full publish. Nodal searches for sources is lessened to reduce overhead with very rare files.
-bluecow: Some changes for more proper Winsock initialisation and termination.
-bluecow: Fixed and added some statistics for file data transfer.
-Unk: Nodal lookups are now deleted with a delay when allowed. In other words, we try not to waste delayed incoming result packets.
-Unk: There is a bug with the experation timer to Nodal lookups when you exhausted all pending contacts.
-Unk: Keyword republishing is delayed longer to lower overhead.

Cuando vuelva el fin de semana, lo pongo en español, ahora no me da tiempo, parece que tiene bastantes canmbios.

Un saludo
Cuando ya venia a comentar que estaba el tema algo muerto, me encuentro con que ya tenemos para bajar la primera oficial con Kademlia:

eMule v0.42a

Podeis descargar los binarios de aqui: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule/eMule0.42b.zip

y las fuentes de aqui: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule/eMule0.42b-Source.zip


-Ornis: Several minor corrections on the GUI
-bluecow: Several changes and optimizations to verbose log options.
-Unk: Hopefully reduced keyword overhead some more by only publishing complete files.
-bluecow: Added new connection state icon showing seperate eD2K and Kad network connection state and seperate LowID/HighID.
-bluecow: Added new AVI file parsing code for getting attributes in File Info dialog.
-bluecow: Added a thread for getting audio/video attributes of multiple files when using File Info dialog.
-bluecow: Added optional support for MediaInfoLib (http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net) for viewing audio/video attributes of part and shared files. This feature is optional and will only be used if version of MediaInfoLib (MediaInfo.DLL) is copied to eMule application folder.
-bluecow: Added merging of audio/video attributes in File Info dialog. All audio/video attributes from all selected (part) files are merged to verify if selected files are of same audio/video format.
-bluecow: Added new column to search results showing local file info.
-bluecow: Search type or shared files list request is shown in each search results tab.
bluecow: Added automatic creation of 'downloads.txt' file in eMule application folder. This file holds the current part file names and related ed2k links to recover more easily after lost part.met files.
-bluecow: Windows thumbs.db files with missing system file attribute are no longer shared.
-bluecow: Thoroughly handling of max. nick name length.
-bluecow: Tweaked tab controls in server window/chat window to show unread log/chat messages.
-bluecow: Added caching of webservices menu entries.
-bluecow: Fixed multi threading issue with file completion.
-bluecow: Fixed some problems with duplicate entries in known file list and shared file list.
-bluecow: Added a lot of protocol logging and debugging code.
-bluecow: Several optimizations in processing search expressions for keyword index.
-bluecow: Reworked UDP socket exception handling.
-Unk: Split source and keyword indexing to allow specific tweaking later.
-bluecow: Added more logging options in Extended Settings.
-Unk: Kad now allows smaller local networks if you turn off LANIP filtering. (This should only be used for debuging and testing)
-Unk: A lot of Kad has been converted to use CSafeMemFile.. To finish converting all, we need to convert the Kad's Tags and Kad's Taglist to work with it..
-Unk: When duplicates are found in the KnownFileList, the stats are now merged..
-bluecow: Reworked internal storage of preferences.
-bluecow: Fixed bug with downloads added from search result in paused mode which dropped possible found sources.
-unk: Redid the knownfilelist.. Before you could have multi entires.
-bluecow: Fixed bug with Kad keyword publishing list due to renaming a shared file which was completed in current session.
-bluecow:Fixed bug in Kad search with implicit ANDed search expressions.
-.: Merging of the extended trayicon menue [eMule+]
-bluecow: Reworked IP filter
- Optimized IP filter lookup for less CPU load.
- Optimized loading of IP filter files.
- Added merge of overlapping and adjacent filter ranges.
- More safety in determining format of IP filter files (support for eMule IP filter and PeerGuardian file formats).
- More tolerance in eMule IP filter format files (level and description is now optional).
- Added IP filter dialog for basic editing and viewing IP filters (accessible via Tool menu).
- Added IP filter rule hit statistics.
-Unk: Fixed a bug in the UDP port that resent UDP packets to dead clients.
-Unk: Major rewrite of the Kad code..
- Kad is now part of eMule's thread so we don't have to worry about Sync issues.
- Although many will say that this is a performance loss, I feel the the simplification of the code out ways this.
- Kad will now use eMule's UDP port (And eMule's TCP port in the future) instead of their own.
-bluecow: New data (packet + files) processing code for less CPU load.
-Unk: Fixed a few issues that occured when a partfile became a complete file.
-bluecow: Fixed bug with wrong category directory shown for new created downloads.
-bluecow: Fixed printf-flaw with category directories.
-bluecow: Fixed problem with empty file data packets which could corrupt the gap list.
-bluecow: Fixed timing issue in PerfLog module.
-bluecow: Fixed statistics bug with ICH in download session category.
-bluecow: Fixed: If the very first downloaded part of a file was recovered by ICH, the file was though not shared until another part was completed without ICH.
-Unk: Incoming ExtendedFileInfo was done without checking the version number.
- This fix seems to have found that a couple older eMule Mods and Shareaza (And maybe a some other mods) are sending the wrong version number here.
- They say they support the ExtendedFileInfo which makes us send the our info, but they in return do not send it to us when we are expecting it..
-Unk: A part of the ED2K protocol has been redone into a eMule protocol. This allows us to do several ED2K type packets with just one packet hopeing to save overhead.
-Unk: The UDP file reask now updates the FileStatus and it transmits all the ExtendedFileInfo.
-Unk: File reasks have been extended for less overhead.
-Unk: Source exchange times have been adjusted for less overhead. (May have to set the received source request time check back to older values so older clients don't suffer. Needs testing.)
-Unk: The switch for processing sources for a download had some fall through bugs.
-Unk: There was a bug the allowed the client to send a UDP and TCP file reask at the same time.
-Unk: NNP sources was allowed to do a UDP reask which does not update our chunk info.. So, this was a wasted packet..
-Unk: It was possible (But unlikely) for the client to send a UDP reask to a client he has never done a TCP reask..
-Unk: AskForDownload() now returns a result so we know if the source was deleted.
-Unk: Only count sent Kad overhead that was actually sent, not queued or failed..
-Unk: Clients even without a valid file request could still get on the queue.
-Unk: There were three different methods creating a per file upload list. Some of them rebuilt this list each time needed. We now maintain an upload list per each client in real time to avoid this.
- Update: there is a bug that allows the same file to be in the KnownFileList.. This messes up this real time management..
- For the moment, there is a debug code in the client the saves from creating dangling pointers..
- This code will be removed once we fix the issues..
-Unk: Source exhange for a complete file is now like part files, you only send sources that has chunks the user needs.
-Ornis: IPFilter - file can be now in peerguardian-format as well
-Ornis: Preferences/Security: option to download the ipfilter-file from an URL
-Ornis: Fix: Handling of deleting files, which are currently into diskspace allocation
-bluecow: View Shared Files command of remote clients is disabled if client published that he does not support that feature.
-bluecow: Fixed bug in viewing shared files from remote client - shared part files were not shown.
-bluecow: Reduced memory usage of client instances #2.
-bluecow: Fixed Kad UDP socket usage to avoid loss of packets to send.
-bluecow: Optimized client listview controls for less CPU load.
-bluecow: Fixed several flaws in context menus, shortcuts and usage of middle mouse button.
-Unk: Try to filter self sources better.
-Unk: We receive all incoming Kad sources now. (Was a bug that blocked them if the file got a lot of sources from a server or source exchange)
-Unk: Again LowID Callbacks were messing up because of Kad and ED2K states. This is now checked more closly.
-Unk: Nodal searches for publishing extended to allow full publish. Nodal searches for sources is lessened to reduce overhead with very rare files.
-bluecow: Some changes for more proper Winsock initialisation and termination.
-bluecow: Fixed and added some statistics for file data transfer.
-Unk: Nodal lookups are now deleted with a delay when allowed. In other words, we try not to waste delayed incoming result packets.
-Unk: There is a bug with the experation timer to Nodal lookups when you exhausted all pending contacts.
-Unk: Keyword republishing is delayed longer to lower overhead.

Todos los cambios realizados desde la 0.30e pueden verse aqui: http://www.emule-project.net/files/changelog.txt


PD: daniel se me has avanzado por 3 minutos... los q he dedicado a poner links, quotes y demas aXD

Nota: actualizado de la anterior Kademlia y rulando perfectamente a muy buena velocidad [oki]
Pedazo de lista de cambios por dios, bueno estos chicos no paran. El lunes en el curro actualizacion al canto.
Escrito originalmente por ZeusII

PD: daniel se me has avanzado por 3 minutos... los q he dedicado a poner links, quotes y demas aXD

Nota: actualizado de la anterior Kademlia y rulando perfectamente a muy buena velocidad [oki]

Jeje precisamente el tiempo que no tenia yo, tenia un pelin de prisa.

Bueno, aqui lo pongo en español para los que no entiendan el ingles.

- Feb 27th, 2004 -
Ornis: Varias correcciones menores en el GUI
Unk: Parche para la publibación de palabras clave.

- Feb 22th, 2004 -
bluecow: Varios cambios y optimizaciones de las opciones del log.
Unk: Esperamos que aumente la reducción de resultados por palabras clave a tan sólo archivos completos.

- Feb 21th, 2004 -
bluecow: Añade un Nuevo icono de estado de connexion que muestra por separado las redes eD2K y Kad y diferencia LowID/HighID.

- Feb 20th, 2004 -
bluecow: Añadido un Nuevo código de archivos AVI para conseguir los atributos en la ventana de Información sobre el Archivo.
bluecow: Añadida una opción para conseguir los atributos audio/video de múltiples archivos al usar la ventana de Información sobre el Archivo.

- Feb 19th, 2004 -
bluecow: Añadido el soporte adicional para MediaInfoLib (http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net) para visualizar los atributos audio/video de los archivos compartidos y en descarga. Esta característica es opcional y solo será usada en la versión de MediaInfoLib (MediaInfo.DLL) si se copia en la carpeta de aplicación de eMule.

- Feb 18th, 2004 -
bluecow: Añadidos atributos de video/audio emergentes en la ventana de Información del Archivo- Todos los atributos audio/video de todos los archivos seleccionados (part) se muestran para verificar si los archivos seleccionados tienen el mismo formato de audio/video.

- Feb 16th, 2004 -
bluecow: Añadida nueva columna de resultados de búsqueda mostrando información sobre los archivos locales.

- Feb 15th, 2004 -
bluecow: Resultados a demanda de mostrar archivos compartidos se muestra en la tabla de resultados de búsqueda.
bluecow: Añadida la creación automática de un archivo 'downloads.txt' en la carpeta de eMule. Este archivo contiene los parts actuales y los ed2k links relacionados para una fácil recuperación después de la pérdida de archivos part.met.

- Feb 14th, 2004 -
bluecow: Archivos thumbs.db de Windows con atributos de archivo de sistema perdido no se comparten.
bluecow: Fácil manejo de la longitud máxima de los nicks.

- Feb 12th, 2004 -
bluecow: Cambio en los controles para mostrar los mensajes de log/chat que no han sido leídos.

- Feb 10th, 2004 -
bluecow: Añadido el caching de las entradas del menú de los servicios web. bluecow: Arreglados problemas con la finalización de archivos.
bluecow: Arreglados algunos problemas con la duplicación de entradas en el archivo known y la lista de archivos compartidos.

- Feb 9th, 2004 -
bluecow: Añadidos muchos protocolos de logging y códigos de depuración.
bluecow: Varias optimizaciones en el proceso de búsqueda para el uso de expresiones como palabras clave.
bluecow: Reformada la solución a la excepción sockedt de UDP.
Unk: Partición de las fuentes e indexado de palabras clave para facilitar el posterior ajuste específico.

- Feb 6th, 2004 -
bluecow: Añadidas más opciones de log en Opciones Avanzadas.
Unk: Kad ahora funciona en pequeñas redes locales si desactivas el filtro LANIP. (Solo debería usarse para depuraciones y pruebas)
Unk: Gran parte de Kad ha sido convertida para el uso de CSafeMemFile. Para convertirla completamente necesitamos convertir las etiquetas de Kad y el listado de Etiquetas de Kad para trabajar con ellas.
Unk: Si se encuentran duplicados en el archivo, emergen en las estadísticas.

- Feb 4th, 2004 -
bluecow: Modificada la cantidad de preferencias internacionales.
bluecow: Arreglado un bug con las descargas añadidas de los resultados de la búsqueda en modo pausa que rebajaba el número de Fuentes posibles.
unk: Modificado por completo el knownfilelist. Antes podías tener múltiples entradas

- Feb 3nd, 2004 -
bluecow: Arreglado un bug con la publicación de la lista por palabras clave en Kad debido a los restos de un archive compartido que ha sido completado en la sesión actual.

- Feb 2nd, 2004 -
bluecow: Arreglado un bug en la búsqueda de Kad con la búsqueda implícita de expresiones ANDed.
. : Emergencia del menu minimizado [eMule+]

- Feb 1st, 2004 -
bluecow: Modificado el filtro de IP
- Optimizado el filtro de IP para un menor uso de CPU.
- Optimizada la carga de los archivos de filtro de IP.
- Añadida la emergencia del solapamiento de rangos de archivos adyacentes.
- Más seguridad en la determinación del formato de los archivos de los archivos del filtro IP (soporte para el filtro de IP y formatos de archivo de PeerGuardian).
- Mayor tolerancia en el formato del (nivel y descripción opcionales).
- Añadida una ventana de filtro de IP para edición básica y vista de los filtros IP (accesible via el menú de opciones).
- Añadida la regla del filtro IP a las estadísticas.
Unk: Arreglado un bug en el Puerto UDP que reenviaba paquetes a clientes “muertos”.

- Jan 29th, 2004 -
Unk: Cambios más importantes en el código Kad.
- Kad ahora forma parte de eMule por lo que no tenemos que preocuparnos por el tema de Sync.
- A pesar de que muchos dirán que esto es una pérdida de tiempo, pienso que la simplificación del código siempre es positiva.
- Ahora Kad usa el puerto UDP de Emule ( y el puerto TCP de eMule en el futuro) en lugar del suyo propio.

- Jan 27th, 2004 -
bluecow: Nuevos datos de procesamiento del código para un menor uso de CPU (paquetes+archivos).

- Jan 25th, 2004 -
Unk: Arreglados varios problemas en el paso de un archive part a archive complete.

- Jan 22th, 2004 -
bluecow: Arreglado un bug con la categoría de directorios errónea mostrada en las nuevas descargas.
bluecow: Arreglado el printf-flaw con directories de categories.
bluecow: Arreglado problema con paquetes de archivos vacíos que podían dar lugar a la corrupción de la lista de huecos.
bluecow: Arreglado el temporizafor del módulo PerfLog.
bluecow: Arreglado el bug en las estadísticas con ICH en la categoría de descargas de la sesión.

- Jan 19th, 2004 -
bluecow: Arreglado: Si la primera parte de una descarga de un archive se recuperaba por ICH, el archivo no aparecía como compartido hasta que otra parte no fuera completada sin el uso de ICH.
Unk: El Incoming ExtendedFileInfo se creba sin comprobar el número de versión.
- este arreglo parece haber encontrado que un par de antiguos Mods de eMule y Shareaza (y puede que también otros mods) envían un número incorercto de versión.
- Dicen que soportan el ExtendedFileInfo que nos hace enviar nuestra información, pero a cambio no nos envía la suya cuando se supone que debería hacerlo.
Unk: Una parte del protocolo ED2K ha sido modificado en un protocolo eMule. Esto nos permite hacer varios tipos de paquetes ED2K con tan sólo un paquete para salvar el encabezado.
Unk: El archive UDP de repetir la demanda actualiza el FileStatus y lo transmite todo al ExtendedFileInfo.
Unk: El archivo de repetir la demanda ha sido aumentado para un menor encabezado.
Unk: El tiempo de intercambio de fuentes ha sido ajustado para un menor encabezado. (puede ser que necesites establecer la fuente recibida para comprobar el tiempo de diferencia en valores anteriores para que los clientes antiguos no sufran. Necesita pruebas).

- Jan 17th, 2004 -
Unk: El punto de conmutación para el procesamiento de fuentes para una descarga tenía varios fallos.
Unk: había un bug que permitía al cliente enviar archivos UDP y TCP a la vez. Unk: las Fuentes NNP podían volver a formular una demanda UDP que no actualiza nuestra información de fragmento. Por ello, esto era un paquete malgastado.
Unk: Era possible que el cliente enviara una nueva petición de pregunta UDP a un cliente que nunca había hecho una nueva petición de pregunta TCP.
Unk: AskForDownload() ahora devuelve un resultado de manera que sabemos si la fuente fue eliminada.
Unk: Solo cuentan los envíos Kad que realmente se envían, no están en cola o son nulos.
Unk: Incluso los clientes sin un archivo válido de pregunta pueden estar en la cola.
Unk: había tres métodos diferentes para la creación de un archivo de subidas. Algunos de ellos modificaban esta lista cada vez que era necesario. Ahora mantenemos una lista de subidas para cada cliente en tiempo real para evitar esto.
- Update: hay un bug que permite que el mismo archivo esté en el KnownFileList.. Esto complica el control en tiempo real.
- Por el momento hay un código de depuración en el cliente que evita la creación de indicadores libres.
- este código será eliminado una vez arreglemos estos problemas.
Unk: El intercambio de fuentes para un archivo completo funciona como en los archivos part, sólo enías fuentes que tienen partes que necesita el usuario.

- Jan 15th, 2004 -
Ornis: IPFilter – el archivo puede estar en formato peerguardian
Ornis: Preferencias/Seguridad: la opción de descarga del ipfilter desde una URL
Ornis: Arreglado: manejo de los archivos eliminados, que están en el disco duro.
bluecow: el comando de ver archivos compartidos de clientes remotos esta deshabilitado si el cliente publica que no soporta dicha opción
bluecow: arreglado un bug en la vista de archivos compartidos de clientes remotos – archivos part compartidos no se muestran
bluecow: reducción del uso de memoria a instancia de los clientes #2.
bluecow: arreglado el uso del socket UDP en Kad para evitar la pérdida de paquetes enviados.
bluecow: controles de vista de la lista de clientes optimizada para un menor uso de la CPU
bluecow: arreglados varios fallos en los menus contextuales, iconos directos y uso del botón central del ratón
Unk: intento de filtro de fuentes mejorado
Unk: recivimos todas las fuentes entrantes de Kad. (Era un bug que los bloqueba si el archivo tenía muchas fuentes de un servidor o intercambios de fuentes)
Unk: otra vez la rellamada por LowID daba problemas en Kad y ED2K. Se ha vigilado más de cerca.
Unk: búsquedas nodales para la publicación extendida permiten una total publicación. Las búsqueas nodales de Fuentes son debidas a la reducción del encabezamiento con archivos muy raros.

- Jan 10th, 2004 -
bluecow: varios cambios para una mejor instalación y terminación de Winsock.
bluecow: arregladas y añadidas algunas estdísticas para los datos de transferencia de archivos.
Unk: las búsquedas nodales se eliminan con un retraso cuando se les permite. En otras palabras, intentamos no malgastar los paquetes de resultados entrantes.
Unk: hay un bug con el controlador de finalización del tiempo para las búsquedas Nodales cuando se acaban todos los contactos pendientes.
Unk: republicación de palabras clave más retrasada en el encabezamiento menor.

Un saludo hasta otra

P.D: Por cierto, yo sigo con la 0.30b que me va las mil maravillas
Sin tiempo para provar esta versión, sale la versión 0.42c (Se recomienda actualizar a lso que tengan la 0.42a/b). Parece ser que se lo estan currando mucho.


- Mar 5th, 2004      -
bluecow: Fixed rehashing on change of Daylight Saving Time (DST) [MightyKnife]. To disable this patch, add "AdjustNTFSDaylightFileTime=0" in "[eMule]" section in preferences.ini file.

- Mar 3rd, 2004      -
bluecow: Fixed bug with colors and known-type in searchlist control after files were canceled and/or added/removed from share.
bluecow: Fixed bug with sorting by category in download listview.
Unk: USS will temporarly be limited to a minimum of 10K until we correct a couple issues at lower speeds.

- Mar 2nd, 2004      -
bluecow: Fixed bug in UDP socket with ReaskFilePing which was not answered for files which were uploaded only.
bluecow: Fixed bug in IP filter; adjacent ranges with different levels were merged.
Unk: IRC now handles sound events. (/sound [*.wav] [message]) (Sounds are stored in "../eMule/Sounds/IRC" dir)
Unk: Fix KadID bug which created some clusters and reported bad user counts..

- Mar 1st, 2004    -
Unk: Packets for the UDP socket send queue now have a lifetime now to keep from creating a backlog of packets.

- Feb 29th, 2004    -
Ornis: fixed a bug, that resumed 2 (instead of 1) files for the function "start next paused file, when a files completes"
Ornis: correction in the statistics for source-type passive - and several minor GUI fixes
bluecow: fixed invoking the comment page
Ornis: fixed Chicane webinterface template, to be able to start downloads from searchresults
Unk: Fixed a IRC crash bug thanks to reports from several irc ops..
Unk: Fixed the IRC Accept links from friends only option.
Unk: IRC default name gets a pseudo random nick on connect to avoid nick collisions.
Unk: Extra IRC filter options.

- Feb 28th, 2004    -
bluecow: Fixed flaw in exception handling which did not immediatly disconnect a client which sends invalid file data packets.
bluecow: Fixed bug in UDP socket with processing of a received file status.
bluecow: Fixed several flaws in Kad window with connect and bootstrap function/buttons.
Unk: Put back ping info for USS and small adjustment to USS - zz
Unk: Removed some debug info in the upload bars




Y toda la info en emule-project

Un saludo

deberian ir con mas cuidado y repasar bien la release antes de sacarla, que esto ya no son "alphas semiprivadas"...


supongo q el bugfix sera este:

- Mar 7th, 2004      -
.: Fixed bug which let eMule crash when there is too much load on the UDP Socket

nueva funcionalidad de la 0.42 interesante...

ami no me gusta nada esta serie de 0.42X [enfado1]
Escrito originalmente por buRn|
ami no me gusta nada esta serie de 0.42X [enfado1]

A mi lo que no me gusta es el protocolo kademlia y lo tengo desactivado.

imagen del MuleMRTG... nueva funcion opcional de la 0.42x...

impresionante... no se que tendremos en la version 1.0 pero al ritmo que vamos XD

instrucciones de instalacion aqui: http://emule-project.net/home/perl/help.cgi?l=1&rm=show_topic&topic_id=231

(mu facil de hacer)
decir que he subido el liston del mrtg a nivel del router, monitorizando el total q entra y sale... mira que no saber q mi router soportaba snmo :D (speedstream)

btw, de la pagina del emule:

Due to the next upcoming DDoS Attack against our servers, http://www.emule-project.net will be unreachable between April 7th - April 12th. Please use http://www.emule-project.org during this time.

jur [Alaa!]
eMule 0.42e


  • you will no longer be able to connect to irc with the old clients
  • Ornis: reduced javascript dependence on webinterface templates
  • bluecow: Added Paste command for ed2k file/server links to Transfer and Server window context menus.
  • bluecow: Fixed memory leak in Kad packet parsing [thx bzubzu.]
  • bluecow: Fixed security exploit in IRC module and Web server [thx DonDiego]
  • bluecow: Add seperate dialog for "Paste eD2K Links" function (prev. called as 'Direct Download'). Dialog can be invoked from Tools menu or eMule context menu.
  • bluecow: Added MLdonkey compatible client tag recognition.
  • bluecow: Fixed crash bug with selectively deleting of expanded search results.
  • Ornis: on category creation, if the edit dialog is canceled, no category will be created
  • Ornis: fixed security risk in the webserver [thx4hint2 MKThunderStorm]
  • bluecow: Added syntax coloring for search name (expression) control.
  • Unk: /topic and /msg now works with the IRC.
  • Unk: Changed some of how complete sources is determined..
    Complete files will now show better complete numbers.
    Somehow dead files continued to show many complete sources? This should correct itself as people upgrade.
  • bluecow: Added some error/help messages for invalid Kad search expressions.
  • bluecow: Filename detail dialog, shows system file icons for remote client's filenames.
  • bluecow: Fixed some minor bugs in ed2k searches related to comparison operators.
  • bluecow: Added more comparison operators to Kad search expression evaluation.
  • bluecow: Added a set of additional search parameters (Complete sources, Length, Bitrate, Codec, Title, Album, Artist)
  • Ornis: Preferences/Display: Option to clear or disable autocompletion boxes (search-name, servermet-urls, ipfilter-urls). Disabling takes full effect after restart.
  • bluecow: Webservices are split into file based and general URLs. General URLs are shown only in Tools/Links.
  • bluecow: Fixed crash bug with downloading of already downloaded files which were already in known file list.
    bluecow: Fixed bug with recovering block requests of compressed packets after a zstream error occured.
  • bluecow: Added 'Active download time' stats for part files which shows the amount of time the file was active in download queue.
  • bluecow: Added: Completed files are republished to servers to update the 'complete sources' info.
  • bluecow: Fixed bug with reloading of shared files where just completed and externaly removed/renamed files still showed up.
  • bluecow: Fixed possible mem leak with OP_REQUESTPARTS message. [thx eklmn]
  • bluecow: Added support for integer media length eD2K tag for servers and clients. [thx lugdunummaster]
  • bluecow: Added publishing of basic file status (complete/incomplete) to servers.
  • bluecow: Added: Nr. of complete sources returned from servers are shown with availability data in search result list.
  • bluecow: Added: Viewing shared files of remote clients also transferes the nr. of complete sources.
  • unk: IRC now remembers your last nick.
    unk: Added a couple more IRC info message options.
  • bluecow: Added customizable preview commands (new config file PreviewApps.dat)
  • bluecow: Verbose options are disabled and not shown by default. To enable the verbose options specify "VerboseOptions=1" in "eMule" section in preferences.ini.
  • bluecow: Fixed bug with processing of remote preview answer.
  • bluecow: Fixed bug in IRC property page; "Load channel list on connect" option was missing.
  • bluecow: Removed "ResizableLib" from source tree. Donwload the library at http://sourceforge.net/projects/resizablelib/

Instalador: http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emule/eMule0.42e-Installer.exe

Binarios: http://umn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emule/eMule0.42e.zip

Codigo Fuente: http://aleron.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emule/eMule0.42e-Sources.zip
No comenté que si estais usand la 0.42d actualizeis a la e, pues tiene un importante bug solucionado!
Quisiera haceros una pregunta ya que simplemente es curiosidad. Resulta que el emule me va bien de velocidad, pero de un día para otro y sin tocar nada el icono de la barra de tareas me aparece la mula pero con un antifaz. Todo me sigue yendo igual respecto a velocidad de descarga pero no se que significa ese detalle. Alguien lo sabe?
Un saludo
Cuando sale con antifaz significa que estas conectado con lowid a un servidor.
eMule 0.42f


bluecow: Added file error handling for writing of onlinesig.dat file.
.: Fixed a bug which could cause a too fast queue rotation when not using the option "try to upload full chunks" for uploading
bluecow: Fixed bug in Kad tag name string compare which was dependent to locales with multi byte character pages. [thx Big Mamma]
bluecow: Fixed bug with general string compares which were dependent on locale. (Note: Depending on your locale, you may experience somewhat different sorting orders for strings.)
Ornis: Fixed issue of jumping category tooltips
Ornis: Added 2 more statistics to category tooltips
Unk: If a client doesn't respond to udp packets after a few times, we force only tcp connections.
Unk: Increased the maximum number of upload slots to accomidate high rate connections.
bluecow: Added context menu to closeable tab control in Search Results, Message and IRC Chat windows to have another way to closeing the tabs.
Unk: Changed several areas of the code to help with *.*.*.0 clients that is labeled a lowID in the ed2k network.
Unk: If you reconnect to a server, all your shares would not get published unless something in your share list changed..(fixed) (thanks lugdunummaster)
Unk: Fixed a bug that allowed you to do a more command in search to the wrong search window.
.: eMule is now able to drop privileges and run on a secure user account on Win 2k/XP, when started as administrator (can be enabled in preferences -> security)
.: Updated MobileMule protocol to 0.8a
Unk: Kad user estimate is no longer based on Overnet's user count as the numbers appear to be to high.. (Numbers may still look to high for some users, will try to improve this as we go..)
Unk: Although I couldn't reproduce the double text bug in the IRC, I changed a couple things that may be the cause. (Seems some still get the bug)
bluecow: Fixed another crash bug with renaming of completed files in transfere window.
bluecow: Several changes in client statistics: detailed aMule version stats, added lphant client detection, cDonkey moved to eMule Compatible and more...
bluecow: Added searching for eD2K file hashs on eD2K servers. To search for a file hash, either enter "ed2k::" or the complete ed2k link. [thx lugdunum]
bluecow: Numeric search parameters are checked for reasonable values to avoid invalid search expressions.
bluecow: Fixed bug in global server searches which could send endless name queries in some rare situations. [thx lugdunum]
bluecow: Completed shared files which are deleted from Shared Files window are also removed from Transfer window.
bluecow: Added download statistics for UDP file reask.
bluecow: Fixed bugs with "Last Reception Time" and DST fix.
bluecow: Fixed crash bug with renaming of completed files in transfere window.
bluecow: Fixed small bug with AutoTakeEd2kLinks.
Ornis: added category selector to the ed2k-box
bluecow: Fixed a window resizing crash bug in Message window.
bluecow: Client chat and IRC chat messages are limited to 450 characters.
bluecow: Disabled extracting meta data from OGM/OGG files due to many bug reports about problems with according DirectShow filters.
Unk: IRC names accept uppercase again.
Unk: Kad Publishes now stop in real time to avoid some overhead.
bluecow: Added capability to publish files on ed2k servers with new meta data tags. [thx lugdunum]
bluecow: Fixed bug with error message boxes which could show up due to a remote search invocation.
Ornis: some minor GUI addons & corrections
bluecow: Added capability to parse new ed2k meta data tags. [thx lugdunum]
bluecow: Added docking/floating search parameters window to search dialog.
bluecow: More safety in parsing of new OP_SERVER_DESC_RES server packets.
bluecow: Proper parsing of unused eD2K meta data tag types.
bluecow: Fixed memory leak with known files entries and invalid hashsets in general [thx bzubzu.]
bluecow: Fixed sorting bugs in Known Client listview control.
bluecow: Removed syntax coloring from search expression control (caused too much trouble for some languages).
Ornis: fixed search for webinterface
bluecow: Added Ctrl+C keyboard shortcuts in all list views for copying eD2K links to clipboard.
bluecow: Added Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut for pasting servers from clipboard to server list view.
Unk: For waiting files, an remaining time will be estimated, based on previous idle time and downloaded data. (Note: Files started with some mods or older clients may give strange relults)
bluecow: Removed Jigle search methods.
bluecow: Added context sensitive help.

Instalador: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule/eMule0.42f-Installer.exe

Binarios: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule/eMule0.42f.zip

Fuentes: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule/eMule0.42f-Sources.zip
Bueno, no me habia dado cuenta de la nueva actualización, a ver que tal tira esta, aun no me convencen estas versiones 0.4x

Pongo los cambios en spanish. Un saludo


- Arreglado un fallo que provocaba una rotación de la cola demasiado rápida cuando no se usaba la opción "intentar transferir partes completas" para las subidas
- Arreglado un fallo en la comparación de la etiqueta del nombre de la cadena en Kad que era dependiente de los locales con páginas con caracteres multi byte [thx Big Mamma]
- Arreglado un fallo con la comparación de la cadena general la cuál era dependiente en local (Nota: dependiendo de tu lugar, puedes experimentara algunas clasificaciones diferentes para las cadenas)
- Arreglado un problema con los tooltips cambiando de categoría
- Si reconectas a un servidor, todos tus compartidos no pueden ser publicados a menos que algo en tu lista de compartidos cambie ... (arreglado) (gracias lugdunummaster)
- Arreglado un fallo que te permitía hacer más de un comando de búsqueda a la ventana de búsqueda equivocada
- Arreglado otro fallo de cuelgue con el renombrado de archivos completados en la ventana de transferencias
- Arreglado un fallo en las búsquedas en el servidor global el cuál podía enviar consultas con nombres incompletos en algunas situaciones raras [thx lugdunum]
- Arreglados unos fallos con "la fecha de aa última recepción" y arreglo del DST
- Arreglado un pequeño fallo con AutoCapturarEnlacesEd2k
- Arreglado un cuelgue al redimensionar la ventana en la ventana de Mensajes
- Deshabilitada la extracción de meta datos de archivos OGM/OGG debido a varios fallos reportados sobre problemas con los filtros DirectShow
- Arreglado un fallo con las ventanas de error que no se podían mostrar debido a una llamada remota de búsqueda
- Algunos añadidos y correciones menores al GUI
- Análisis apropiado de los tipos de etiquetas de meta datos ed2k sin usar
- Arreglada una fuga de memoria con las entradas a los archivos conocidos y hashsets inválidos en general [thx bzubzu.]
- Arreglados algunos fallos en la clasificación del control de la vista de la lista de Clientes Conocidos
- Arreglada la búsqueda por la interfaz web


- Añadido soporte de escritura para errores de archivos en el archivos onlinesig.dat
- Añadidas 2 estadísticas más a los tooltips de la categoría
- Si un cliente no responde a los paquetes udp después de unos pocos minutos, se fuerzan conexiones TCP sólamente
- Incrementado el número máximo de slots de subida para acomodarse a las altas tasas de conexión
- Añadido menú contextual al control de cerrado de la pestaña en los resultados de la Búsqueda, ventanas de Mensajes e IRC para tener otra manera de cerrar las pestañas
- Cambidadas varias áreal de código para ayudar a los clientes *.*.*.0 que está etiquetada como ID Baja en la red ed2k
- Actualizado el protocolo del MobileMule al 0.8a
- La estimación de usuarios Kad ya no está basada en el contador de clientes Overnet sino como los números que aparecen ser ID Alta.. (los números pueden parecer todavía altos para algunos usuarios, trataremos de mejorarlo como podamos ...)
- Varios cambios en la estadísticas de clientes: versión detallada de estadísticas de aMule, añadida detección de cliente lphant, cDonkey se ha movido a eMule Compatible y más ...
- Los parámetros de la búsqueda numérica son comprobados para que tengan valores razonables para evitar expresiones inválidas de búsqueda
- Los archivos compartidos completos que son borrados de la ventana de Archivos Compartidos también son eliminados de la ventana de Transferencias
- Añadidas estadísticas de descargas para rellamadas de archivos por UDP
- Añadido el selector de categoría a la caja ed2k
- Los mensajes de los clientes del Chat e IRC están limitados a 450 caracteres
- La publicación de Kad ahora se para en tiempo real para evitar algo de sobrecarga
- Eliminados los colores de las expresiones de control de búsquedas (provocaba demasiados problemas en algunos idiomas)
- Añadido a los atajos de teclado Ctrl+C en todas las listas de vistas para copias enlaces ed2k al portapapeles
- Añadido a los atajos de teclado Ctrl+V para pegar servidores desde el portapapeles a la lista de servidores
- Eliminados los métodos de búsqueda Jigle


- eMule ahora es capaz de bajar los privilegios y funcionar en una cuenta segura de usuario en Win 2k/XP, cuando arranques como administrador (puede habilitarse en Preferencias -> Seguridad)
- Añadida la búsqueda por hashs de archivos ed2k en los servidores ed2k. Para buscar por el hash de archivo, introduce ambos "ed2k::" o el enlace completo ed2k [thx lugdunum]
- Añadida la capacidad de publicar archivos en los servidores ed2k con las nuevas etiquetas de meta data [thx lugdunum] - Añadida ayuda contextual sensible


Parece ser que esta versión tiene un importante bug, Nota de emuleproject

Editado 05/05/2004:Desafortunadamente un bug maligno no tuvo piedad con nuestra edicion de aniversario. Este bug causa cuelgues en algunos sistemas cuando se abre la vista de la ventana de transferencias. Si experimentas estos cuelgues , por favor actualiza. Si no la actualizacion es innecesaria en este caso.
Gracias a donq por encontrar este bug.


Instalador V0.42g

Binarios V0.42g

Código fuente V0.42g

Un saludo

P.D: Sacado de http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=47177
Nueva version... 0.43a con algunas novedades interesantes...

Dear eMule users,

You had to wait quite a long time for this release, though you'll see that
the time waiting was worth it.
The highlights of the 0.43 series of eMule are:
PeerCache. A technology developed by Joltid Ltd. which lets you download/upload
files from ISP cache servers to reduce traffic and to improve download speeds.
HTTP eD2K links. eMule can now download files concurrently from eD2K network as well as from HTTP servers to improve download speed.
Windows XP firewall support to help users with LowID problems.
More security and efficiency in dealing with malicious, bots or just flawed clients.
ZZ's DownloadManager. Get the file(s) you want even faster.
Improved ZZ's UploadBandwidthThrottler. Smoother upload and lower overhead.
Many improvements in SMIRC client.
And a full set of bug fixes and other improvements.

Also, check out the following additional releases:

LinkCreator. A small stand alone tool for creating eD2K links for particular files and adding HTTP sources.
VideoLAN Client 0.7.2 eMule partfile plugin. A plug in for the well known video player which lets you preview eMule partfiles more efficiently.

So - download the new eMule client - and have fun.

Your eMule-Team

And now in more detail, the complete changelog:

Dont show 'new message' loginfo for filtered messages
Possible fix to the reported cases when eMule doesn't reach the upload limit.
Reworked the 'charset' selection for emule web interface to use proper codepage value in returned HTML code.
Many small fixes for changing language during runtime.
Fixed a bug which caused that some known contacts were never deleted, even if not needed anymore
SMIRC will now get available user modes from the server on connect to allow it to use servers that use non standard usermodes.
Fixed bug with inaccurate completed size for part files.
Couple of minor bug fixes and optimisations in bar shader related usage for part files and downloading/uploading clients.
Fixed bug which sometimes draws randomly yellow blocks for sources.
Category-wide resume will now also care for out-of-diskspace-paused downloads
Fixed bug with specifying empty directories for incoming and temp folders.
Fixed potential crash bug under Win98 with helper icon in search parameters window.
Fixed bug with wrong part count for very large files. [thx Pichuein]
Fixed bug in Directory preferences dialog which changed the active directory.
Fixed a bug in the toolbar button code, when all buttons were removed
Fixed webinterface exploit (content length misuse)
Fixed data rate control for rates > 80kb [thx zz]
Properly completing and sharing of files when no hashset is available.
Rewrote most of the core of SMIRC to make it more stable and faster..
I now read the entire receive buffer in SMIRC's socket on each receive. Messages were getting left in the buffer and backlog'd..
SMIRC connection status could get a little messed up and not tell the user it failed to connect. (fix)
Fixed crash with downloading of several files with same filename and reloading the shared files list.
Fixed bug with duplicate scrollbars in search window.
Fixed bug with receiving of new ed2k meta tags which used a too large tag type range for string types.

Option to block people from adding you as a friend through SMIRC.
Option to auto resume paused downloads only for same category as a completed download (additional to option of prefering same category)
More security and efficiency in dealing with malicious, bots or just flawed clients.
Added some protocol procedure sanity checks to avoid getting flooded by bugged clients.
Fixed a flaw in the IP filter which lead to not reading some lines from PeerGuardian filter lists which had a bad format.
Added new context menu item in Shared Files window (only for completed 'eMuleSkin.zip' files) to install eMule Skins.
Changed the equal-for-all implementation in upload bandwidth throttler to minimize packet fragmentation on tcp level.
Reworked searching via web interface in relation to file type search parameter. (New web templates!)
Changed option to remove dead servers: Any server which exceeds a max. failure limit is removed from server list.
Added 'Document' file type for published files and also to search parameter for eD2K and Kad.
Splitted statistics to be stored in 'Statistics.ini'
Added unzipping of IP filter files from PeerGuardian ZIP files.
Completely reworked the gui structure for SMIRC.
SMIRC will now get available channel modes from the server on connect.
Reworked IP Filter tool window to support large IP filter lists more effeciently.
Added progress information for part files when getting hashed or copied to incoming folder.
Added color customization (via skin profile) for server info, log, chat and IRC windows.
Added loglevels for verbose output in order to allow showing only important messages
Complete sources are now shown as percentage in a new column. If there are zero complete sources for a file, this colum is marked red
SMIRC Now creates a dynamic nick menu showing which Op commands are available based on the user you click and user modes available.
Added server LowID statistics to Server and Statistics window.
Added stats for showing amount of data saved by I.C.H.
Added saving/restoring of corrupted part list to part.met files so that I.C.H. can work on those parts even after eMule was restarted.
Added context menu command for creating eD2K links with hashsets to Shared Files window.
Files without hashsets are no longer shared until they are completed or a hashset was received.
Added support for HTTP redirection for websources.
Added icons for websources in transfer window.
Added a setting to preferences.ini (Section 'Statistics', Keyword 'SaveInterval') to specify the time interval in seconds for saving statistics. Default value is 60 sec.
title tags for images in Webinterface template 'chicane' [mARKUS]
Added pasting of extended eD2K links for [url]http://[/url] sources and hashsets.
Added a simple nick completer to SMIRC.
Optimized periodically stats file writing.
Added filehash evaluation for completed part files when hashset is missing.
Kad search expression parsing: The Kad keyword is now part of the ed2k search expression to support ' ' expressions.
Removed auto restoring of search parameters when a search results tab is selected and/or closed.
Reworked saving of onlinesig.dat to provide better support for other applications which are reading that file concurrently.
Changed all file shareing modes (at OS level only) to allow read only access by other applications.
eD2K and Kad searches are shown as still active or stopped with an appropriate icon in the search results list.
Inactive search results panes show new received search results with red colored text in tab control

eMule now supports PeerCache, a technology which allows ISPs to reduce the bandwidth usage by caching instead of throttling the downloadspeed
eMule can open the ports it needs on the internal WinXP(SP1 or 0) firewall itself either permanently (connection pref) or on each startup (extended settings)
Improved a4af manager. Set the file you want first to 'high' download priority (priorities now effects a4af decisions). You can chose to get the files in a category in their alphabetical order.
Added downloading from [url]http://[/url] sources.

descargar como siempre:


salu2 EOLMuleros :P
pequeño hotfix...

v0.43b Hotfix
Due to a bug in the PeerCache implementation, we released a hotfix, with the following changes:
-Fixed a bug which let eMule reject most available PeerCaches
-Statistics (requests,accepted requests,transfered) of partfiles are now saved and restored too (like for shared files)
-Opens less slots if UploadSpeedSense lowers upload limit

Despues de dos meses ya hay nueva version de emule, 0.44a

Los cambios son:

- Sep, 2nd 2004 -
Unk: Kad now remembers Kad's last open/firewall state during the recheck process to prevent temporary false reports.
Unk: It now takes two consecutive matching IP responses for Kad to change your current known IP to help filter bad responses.
.: Updated MobileMule protocol to 0.9a (bugfix)
.: Fixed a bug which could lead to a wrong status of obtained parts for downloading clients

- Sep, 1th 2004 -
.: Added new Dialogpage for creating ED2K Links with of shared and downloading files (replaces old context menue entries)
.: Update ligpng to 1.2.6 to fix security issues (which however had only minor influence on eMule)
.: IP Filter is now also used to ignore filtered incoming UDP packets
.: Added a preference option to choose between simple (prio 0.43) or adanced calculation of the remaining time for downloading files
.: Introduced additional new hashsystem (AICH Hashs) which will reduce the average amount of dataloss when a part is corrupted from
4.64MB (with ICH) to 180KB. The system is most effective when using links with attached AICH hash, which eMule can now also create
Please refer check the helpfiles/onlinehelp for more information about this new feature.
IMPORTANT: Due to the additional hash algorithm, eMule has to rehash all your shared files - this is a one-time thing, which can't be avoided.

- Aug, 26th 2004 -
Unk: Attempt at a estimate file count in Kad.

- Aug, 23rd 2004 -
Unk: Fixed potential memleak in a upload client.
Unk: Changed how we estimate Kad users.

- Aug, 22nd 2004 -
Unk: Changed method of deleting Kad Contacts. Contact list should stay more up to date.
Unk: We do not save all Kad contacts on exit. Save a sample of up to 200 contacts to help lower to amount of pinging to dead contacts.
Unk: Changed it so all displayed transfering values goes through one method to try to standardize them.

- Aug, 21st 2004 -
Unk: Added an option to manually add a source.
Unk: If Kad has seen no incoming traffic for a set time, it's assumed you lost your connection and will auto disconnect.
Unk: Fixed a bug that sends many Kad Bootstrap packets when not needed.
Unk: Some maintance with the Kad code.. (Removing some unneeded code, switching the log events to eMules, ect.)

- Aug, 20th 2004 -
Unk: Adjusted the estimated time remaining again to hopefully get it more stable.
.: Reworked handling of dead sources (avoids that sources which are known to be unreachable are asked again within a certain time period)

- Aug, 19th 2004 -
Unk: Added a option to auto start eMule when starting windows..
Unk: Fixed a bug in TryToConnect that at times could check the wrong IP/ID with the IP filter..
Unk: Added to the statistics how many known clients are connected to ED2K and/or Kad.

- Aug, 18th 2004 -
Unk: We now keep track of Half Open sockets and limit new connection if Half Open sockets are too high. (If approved and kept in, it should help with SP2 and some nick cards and routers..)
Unk: We no longer allow a socket pending Connect to time out until OnConnect is called. ( If approved and kept in, it should help with SP2 and lost sources..)
Unk: Added to the statistics how many sources are connected to ED2K and/or Kad.
Unk: Added to the client details if the user is connected to Kad.
Unk: Removed warnings about Kad being beta.

- Aug, 15th 2004 -
Unk: First phase in adding firewall user support for Kad. This support will not work well until most users upgrade within the Kad network..

- Aug, 9th 2004 -
Unk: Increased time between keyword publishes to reduce overall Kad overhead.
Unk: Fixed possible memleak if an incoming Kad publish failed.
Unk: Put some limits on how many keywords you index.
1) Global keyword limit.. (You never index more than this)
2) Local keyword limit. If your indexing one VERY popular index, it will be limited to allow less popular indexes to be stored.
3) Now if you happen to be one of the "lucky" ones that indexes a very popular node, your client will not freeze up trying to keep up.

- Aug, 8th 2004 -
zz: Resume next now uses a4af order: Alphabetical order if enabled for a category, cat-prios, file-prios etc. If you select "Resume next" in a category popup menu, it will only resume a file in that category; none if no file is paused in that category.

- Aug, 5th 2004 -
zz: UploadSpeedSense min limit is now allowed to be lower than 10 KB/s (default is 1 KB/s). Please note that when UploadSpeedSense lowers the speed below 10 KB/s, the ratio download limiter will dynamically kick in until the speed goes over 10 KB/s again.

- Aug, 4th 2004 -
zz: improved No Needed Parts a4af management. Will now occasionally reask lower prio nnp files on a source, if all files are nnp on that file. This will prevent it from remaining on the highest prio file when it's nnp and lower prio files has stopped being nnp since last checked.

- Aug, 1st 2004 -
bluecow: Fixed client version statistics.

- Jul, 31st 2004 -
Unk: Fix a upload bug that caused uploads to stop sending after a complete chunk with a small queue. This should fix some issues with lost Friend Slots.
Unk: Did some merging from some Mods..
1) IRC gui updated.
2) Message gui updated.
3) Statistics gui updated.

- Jul, 26th 2004 -
bluecow: Sorting of strings in UI is locale dependant (very similar to sorting order of Windows Explorer)
Ornis:fixed a bug on processing the downloadlist in the webinterface

- Jul, 24th 2004 -
bluecow: Added 'Network Info' dialog. Double click on connection icon in statusbar to open it.
bluecow: Fixed some minor bugs in file comments/ratings processing and GUI.
bluecow: Download listview shows system file icons for part files.

- Jul, 20th 2004 -
bluecow: Fixed bug with servers which when added via ed2k link were set to low priority.
Ornis:on regular intervals, avoid recreating the same systrayicon as before
Ornis:Ctrl+V inserts ed2k-filelinks from the clipboard to the download

- Jul, 17th 2004 -
bluecow: Added Kad contact histogram control.
Ornis: added port-checker. Integrated into the first-start-wizard and the connection preferences, you can start a port test. A webscript will check your eMule and display results and hints on your browser.
Ornis: TCP and UDP Port can be changed during the runtime of eMule, if no server or kad connection is established an no client has been connected yet.

- Jul, 16th 2004 -
zz: Fixed USS bug to make it survive rare occasions when no earlier ttls is pingable than the differing ttl is found.
zz: Fixed bug that didn't resume/pause/stop all files in a category when context message for a category is used.

- Jul, 12th 2004 -
zz: Prevent client that doesn't currently have an upload slot from successfully adding blocks to their request queue. This prevents us from sending these blocks when the client then receives an upload slot.

- Jul, 7th 2004 -
zz: Small fix to make eMule request sources for files in the same order as the a4af priority (a4af auto, cat prio, file prio, alpha).
zz: Show which upload slots are in standby, with status text and graying them out.

- Jul, 6th 2004 -
zz: Soft queue limit at whatever entered in preferences. Hard queue limit 25% higher. When soft limit is reached, eMule only allow high credit clients, or clients that want high prio files, to get on queue.
unk: Fixed an priority bug that cause lower priority files overseed high priority files. Also hopefully lowered some cpu cycles with this change.

- Jul, 5th 2004 -
zz: "Try to get preview parts first" selectable on individual files if "Try to get preview parts first" is disabled in preferences. Please note that "Advanced mode controls" (tweak prefs) needs to be enabled for this menu option to show up.

- Jul, 3rd 2004 -
bluecow: Statistics in Shared Files window show a summary of all selected files.

Hay bastantes novedades, entre ellas la actualización del emulemobile a 0.9a, la actualización de la librería png la cual tenía un bug

Las descargas:

Instalador 0.44a

Binarios 0.44a

Fuentes 0.44a
interesante, veremos a ver q tal va el AICH y el soporte unicode! (y a ver si no me desaparecen los servers staticos de la lsita)
Para los que useis el videolan en el emule para previsualizar videos echar un ojo a este plugin que han puesto en emulespana que tiene muy buena pinta: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=53489&package_id=93216&release_id=250387

Para mi que se han pasado muchisimo con la nueva funcion AICH porque ha tardado mas de 40 minutos en calcularme el hash de un archivo de 350MB que se habia completado. Espero que sea un bug o que los proximos mods permitan desconectarlo porque es un un fastidio.
bueno siguen desapareciendomelos servidores staticos del listado, estando las opciones referentes a los servers desactivadas... [noop]

aparte de esto, baja mucho mejor q la anterior version, y me ha salvado algunos megas corruptos que ocn la anterior seguramente habria perdido...

weno, a ver que nos traen con la proxima version... queremos 1.0! XD
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