Empire of Sin

Pues he estado jugando una horilla y media. La verdad es que el juego tiene muchisimas opciones en la gestion. Asi de primeras me parece muy abrumador.
He hecho el tutorial y he conquistado unos cuantos locales del barrio.
El combate por ahora es sencillo. He ido por probar a por un piso franco de otro capo y me han dado la del pulpo jajajaja

Esta semana le metere bastantes horas asique ya os ire contando. Pero a priori parece divertido.

@Poohdini pues habra jugado ya unas 17 horas.
El juego esta bastante roto y suele petar. Es una putada porque si empiezas la partida y no grabas y se te peta tienes que volver a empezar. Ya a aprendí la lección y cada vez que empieza la partida guardaba xD

Los tiempos de carga som excesivos. Sobre todo para iniciar una partida.

Me he pasado el juego con la vieja mexicana que la verdad es que su habilidad esta muy rota. El juego me encanta pero si que es verdad, que al menos en el nivel en el que jugado la gestión pasa a un segundo plano porque apenas ha sido todo atacar y he gestionado poco los burdeles y demas. Eso si, las batallas molas mucho aunque los rifles de francota estan desbalanceados. Hacen mucho daño y tienen mucha eficacia de lejos. Las escopetas son una mierda y las ametralladoras estan bien.

Seguire dandole. He empezado una partida con el italiano en nivel teniente... Ya te contare que tal.
ElleryPouso escribió:Pues he estado jugando una horilla y media. La verdad es que el juego tiene muchisimas opciones en la gestion. Asi de primeras me parece muy abrumador.
He hecho el tutorial y he conquistado unos cuantos locales del barrio.
El combate por ahora es sencillo. He ido por probar a por un piso franco de otro capo y me han dado la del pulpo jajajaja

Esta semana le metere bastantes horas asique ya os ire contando. Pero a priori parece divertido.

@Poohdini pues habra jugado ya unas 17 horas.
El juego esta bastante roto y suele petar. Es una putada porque si empiezas la partida y no grabas y se te peta tienes que volver a empezar. Ya a aprendí la lección y cada vez que empieza la partida guardaba xD

Los tiempos de carga som excesivos. Sobre todo para iniciar una partida.

Me he pasado el juego con la vieja mexicana que la verdad es que su habilidad esta muy rota. El juego me encanta pero si que es verdad, que al menos en el nivel en el que jugado la gestión pasa a un segundo plano porque apenas ha sido todo atacar y he gestionado poco los burdeles y demas. Eso si, las batallas molas mucho aunque los rifles de francota estan desbalanceados. Hacen mucho daño y tienen mucha eficacia de lejos. Las escopetas son una mierda y las ametralladoras estan bien.

Seguire dandole. He empezado una partida con el italiano en nivel teniente... Ya te contare que tal.

Gracias por las impresiones compañero! Yo soy de los que suelen guardar mucho precisamente por las posibles petadas.

Por lo que cuentas y he leído estoy seguro que me gustará, lo único que no me acaba de convencer es lo que comentaba otro compañero sobre la gestión en tiempo real...esas cosas me ponen nervioso jejeje.

Creo que caerá si o si, pero más adelante, todavia estoy con el Divinity 2, y luego toca The Whitcher 3, asi que aun tengo para rato.

Muchas gracias
@Poohdini tienes para tiempo con esos dos juegos jejej
Me acaba de saltar una actualizacion del juego. Nose que actualizara ...
ElleryPouso escribió:@Poohdini tienes para tiempo con esos dos juegos jejej
Me acaba de saltar una actualizacion del juego. Nose que actualizara ...

Ahi que bien, a ver si lo mejora un poco, ahora mismo no lo tengo aquí pero la semana que viene probaré a ver.

@ElleryPouso me impresiona un montón que lo terminaras tan rápido, yo la verdad es que quizás haya empezado a atacar tarde y estan todos mas fuertes, en mi partida también con la mejicana se ha liado pardísima y me están dando por todos lados jajaja
@Don_Boqueronnn supongo que depende al nivel que juegues. Pero fui aniquilando directamente a los jefes en sus pisos francos.

Ahora he empezado una con el italiano este de la gorra al nivel teniente y me esta costando mas. Apenas gano 2000 a la semana y las mejoras valen bastante.
ElleryPouso escribió:@Don_Boqueronnn supongo que depende al nivel que juegues. Pero fui aniquilando directamente a los jefes en sus pisos francos.

Ahora he empezado una con el italiano este de la gorra al nivel teniente y me esta costando mas. Apenas gano 2000 a la semana y las mejoras valen bastante.

Yo empecé en uno menos del normal de dificultad, vamos que por dificultad lo mio no es, pero vaya tengo muchas ganas de volver a darle bien, en cuanto tenga tiempo vaya, el juego es un juegazo, a mi me ha gustado mucho, a ver si arreglan los fallos. No descarto pillarmelo también en otra plataforma.
Don_Boqueronnn escribió:
ElleryPouso escribió:@Don_Boqueronnn supongo que depende al nivel que juegues. Pero fui aniquilando directamente a los jefes en sus pisos francos.

Ahora he empezado una con el italiano este de la gorra al nivel teniente y me esta costando mas. Apenas gano 2000 a la semana y las mejoras valen bastante.

Yo empecé en uno menos del normal de dificultad, vamos que por dificultad lo mio no es, pero vaya tengo muchas ganas de volver a darle bien, en cuanto tenga tiempo vaya, el juego es un juegazo, a mi me ha gustado mucho, a ver si arreglan los fallos. No descarto pillarmelo también en otra plataforma.

Ya he cambiado de juego. Despues de darle casi 30 horas en 5 dias xDD estoy de vacaciones y he aprovechado a tope.
Esta segunda partida en nivel teniente (el segundo mas dificil) ya la gestion es mas importante. El comercio, meter topos, coger mejores matones ... La verdad es que el juego es una pasada pero es un comehoras tremendo xDD

La clave es matar a los capos rivales y pillarles sus armas. Porque son muy muy tochas. Luego por la ciudad hay maleantes en los callejones que custodian cofres con armas ... Son peores pero para el inicio y para sacar pasta viene bien.

En esta segunda partida tenia varias destilerias que sacaban wisky al maximo y te da bastante pasta porque los otros capos te lo piden a cambio de dinero.

He pillado una metralleta que disparaba 5 veces y de cada uno quitaba 50 ... Una masacre. Luego tenia una de feancotirador que pegaba ostias de 110. Muy muy tocha.

Aun asi el juego se queda pillado alguna vez no dejando atacar a algunos enemigos ... Los he tenido que matar con vigilancia para que cuando ellos se movian les disparaba ... Pero bueno han sido 3-4 veces. Y lo de cerrarse el juego desde el ultimo se me ha arreglado.
Mañana voy a comprar el juego, que personaje me recomendais elegir?
castellon_faci escribió:Mañana voy a comprar el juego, que personaje me recomendais elegir?

Yo he probado a la vieja mexicana y a un italiano con gorra. La habilidad de la vieja me parece nuy bruta. Puedes pillar a uno del otro bando y convertirlo al tuyo para esa batalla durante cuatro turnos. El italiano lanza cuchillos que pueden envenenar y hacer que se desagren los objetivos. Tambien probe a un negro que tenia una habilidad que disparaba a todos los de alrededor hasta vaciar el cargador.

Te aconsejaria uno con metralleta, rifle o francota. Son los que mas daño hacen. Aunque lo mejor es fijarte en sus habilidades de gestion (unos dan mas valor a la seguridad, otros a las destilerias, otros a los burdeles ...) Y el que pillas intentar guiar tu imperio por ese lado. Por ejemplo con la vieja mexicana, los burdeles te dan mas beneficios. Pues lo logico es poner muchos burdeles para ganar mas pasta.

Otro consejo es que antes de contratar matones o atacar edificios para conquistarlos, te des una vuelta por el barrio solamente con el personaje principal y mates a los maleantes para robarles las cajas que defienden. Asi conseguiras armas para equipar a tu equipo y hagan mas daño.
Vale! Tomo nota de los consejos! La mejicana ha sido la que mas me ha llamado la atencion, lo de elegir uno con metralleta o rifle, cual se que arma lleva cada uno? He comprado la edicion dia uno y lleva un dlc pero no me aclara muy bien que es, creo que sera un maton no?
castellon_faci escribió:Vale! Tomo nota de los consejos! La mejicana ha sido la que mas me ha llamado la atencion, lo de elegir uno con metralleta o rifle, cual se que arma lleva cada uno? He comprado la edicion dia uno y lleva un dlc pero no me aclara muy bien que es, creo que sera un maton no?

Realmente luego conforme mejoras a los personajes puedes ponerles mas armas. Pero bueno mas o menos fijate en el arma que lleva en la mano cuando te dan a elegir.
Os pasa que al jugar en la tv me falta imagen? Se ve cortada la imagen por los bordes y no me queda otra que jugarlo en modo portatil.. he probado todas las resoluciones de la tv y tambien la opcion que hay en el juego para el modo de imagen
castellon_faci escribió:Os pasa que al jugar en la tv me falta imagen? Se ve cortada la imagen por los bordes y no me queda otra que jugarlo en modo portatil.. he probado todas las resoluciones de la tv y tambien la opcion que hay en el juego para el modo de imagen

Es curioso porque tengo el mismo problema pero yo lo tengo en PS4. Y es molesto hasta el punto de que hay textos e info importante que pierdo y afecta mucho a la jugabilidad.
castellon_faci escribió:Os pasa que al jugar en la tv me falta imagen? Se ve cortada la imagen por los bordes y no me queda otra que jugarlo en modo portatil.. he probado todas las resoluciones de la tv y tambien la opcion que hay en el juego para el modo de imagen

Yo no he notado nada. Y he jugado unas 15 horas o asi en la tele.
La switch tiene una opción para ajustar el borde de la pantalla, pero debería pasaros en todos los juegos y no sólo en éste
Solo me pasa en este, he probado el mario kart y funciona perfectamente.. Una duda, tng una mision de hablar con uno de mi banda ( con los que voy a asaltar y demas..) como lo hago? No consigo abrir dialogo con ellos. Cuantos machacas me recomendais tener? Yo sigo aun con los 3 del principio
castellon_faci escribió:Solo me pasa en este, he probado el mario kart y funciona perfectamente.. Una duda, tng una mision de hablar con uno de mi banda ( con los que voy a asaltar y demas..) como lo hago? No consigo abrir dialogo con ellos. Cuantos machacas me recomendais tener? Yo sigo aun con los 3 del principio

Para hablar con uno de los tuyos, selecciona solamente a tu personaje y connel cursor encima de la que le sale la mision dale a la x. Y ahi te saldra la opcion de dialogo.
Esto es igual que para los viajes rapidos. Vas a un edificio que ya hayas visto en el mapa, le das a x y seleccionas el taxi para ir rapido. Si aun el barrio esta con la niebla porque no lo conoces puedes ir a las paradas de taxi para hacer el viaje rapido.

En cuanto a los matones ... Pues todo depende de tus ingresos. Si tienes pasta y puedes ir a por otro, pillalo. Eso si, si amplias platilla tienes que ir a conquistar otros edificios o matar otros capos. Sino te vas a quedar sin pasta rapido.
Muchas gracias! Ya consegui hablar y utilizar los taxis. He visto el maton con especializacion en explisivos, lo recomendais? Porque me acaban de matar a uno y ya voy corto de personal
Hola!! Una duda es que no sé si comprarlo con las expansiones ya o solo el juego... alguien que me pueda orientar? Mil gracias!!
¿Qué tal va con el último parche? El juego me interesa mucho, ya que tiene un poquito de todo lo que me gusta, pero escuché que algunos bugs lastraban la experiencia y la IA era muy mejorable. ¿Lo habéis seguido probando?

Un saludo. :)
¿Se sabe si hay algún plan de sacar más adelante una versión física con todos los DLC incluidos (y ya de paso con los bugs corregidos)?.
Que tiene muchos DCL de lado? Y mucho bug?? :-?
Empire of Sin recibirá una expansión llamada Make it Count a lo largo de este año:

https://vandal.elespanol.com/noticia/13 ... n-de-pago/
El juego está en la eshop de rebaja a 12 €. ¿Qué tal está en cuanto a bugs y rendimiento?
Ostia, acabo de ver la puntuación tan mala que tiene en metacritic... ¿Tan mal ha salido? Tenía pensado comprarlo, y con esta oferta iba a caer
@Altear @dhorno Yo sólo lo he probado en Game Pass en Series X y la verdad es que me gustó mucho. Le faltan más cosas para llegar a la excelencia pero si te gustan los juegos de gestión y la ambientación de la Ley Seca es una compra obligada.
Eso sí, respecto al rendimiento actual en Switch ni idea, a mí también me gustaría saber si va bien porque jugarlo en portátil tiene que ser una gozada.
Yo lo jugué al poco de salir pero ya había salido un parche o dos, ya que lo encontré de oferta por 25 euros en físico. La verdad, no sé, yo no tuve ningún problema y en modo portátil era una gozada. Imagino que ahora estará mejor todavía al haber recibido más revisiones, pero vaya, que lo que ya han comentao; si os gusta la ambientación de la ley seca, combates tácticos y un mínimo de gestión "tycoon": aprovechad la oferta.

Un saludo. :)
Al final ha caído, con unos puntos que tenía ha quedado en 7€
¿Al final se mejoró algo la estabilidad del juego con las actualizaciones?
De oferta ahora en la eShop sobre los 12-14 euros y con bastantes parches a sus espaldas, creo que ha llegado el momento de darle una oportunidad después de aquel lanzamiento tan accidentado.

Este es el listado total de arreglos de la web que he citado:

Empire of Sin – Ver. 1.0.6? (The Precinct Update)
Release date: November 18th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
Patch notes:
Added Enemy Reveals when attacking a Boss Safehouse.
Added Negotiate paths to the First Meet Sit-Down between all factions.
Added a Rename option to Rackets.
Added additional melee weapons in all rarities.
Added a Faction Ranking event.
Added Eras to the game that trigger as you’re progressing.
Added Memento Mori events for Bosses & Gangsters.
Changed the Minimum amount of Neighborhoods & Bosses to 7.
Skill checks now use a chance + Trait bonus to determine Pass/Fail instead of a static check.
Events no longer occur for characters that are injured, incarcerated or sent away.
Reworked asset loading to improve performance.
Now showing skulls on tooltips of all enemy attackable buildings.
Updated gear score calculations to reduce the impact of consumable/multiple weapons on Auto Resolve.
Removed historical facts from the Loading Screen and replaced them with gameplay tips.
Ronnie now has a Shotgun as a Primary Weapon in the Tutorial.
Added tooltips to command wheel.
Added the potential for Loot Crates to reward cash.
Increased the number of healing items that appear in the Black Market.
Reduced the cost of Melee Weapons by 50%.
Rebalanced the cost and time of Rackets & Improvements.
Reduced the Starting Cash amount.
Fixed racket income modifiers that were not previously working.
Changed “value” to “buyback value” when viewing items in the shop in sell mode.
Updated the Empire Bonuses & Business Arrangements.
Temporary Business Arrangements – Increased duration from 1 month to 3 months.
Adjusted AI pop up events so that there are only two options.
Added text that is more descriptive for stealing cash.
Changed the color of police relationship effect on police activity.
Allow factions to offer non-agression pacts as long as they are not at war against the other faction.
Tutorial – Replaced Hugh with Norah as a starting Gangster.
Norah Quinn – Decreased Notoriety requirement from 15 to 0.
Tommy Biscuits – Increased Notoriety requirement from 0 to 15.
Bau – Replaced Bau’s Machine Gun with a Submachine Gun.
Black Book Gangsters will no longer have their Notoriety Gate removed every month, instead Gangsters found on the streets can be hired without a Notoriety Gate.
Con Artists can now be Moles and will try to Steal Money when placed.
Profession ‘Hired Gun’ – Removed the Health Reduction Bonus.
Profession ‘Enforcer’ – Increased the Health Bonus.
Trait ‘Amazing What Talking Can Achieve’ – Lowered the Persuasion bonus from 20 down to 5.
Trait ‘Flirt’ – Removed from all Gangsters.
Trinket ‘Gun Maintenance Toolkit’ – Removed the Marksmanship bonus from the Gun Maintenance Toolkit.
New employment notification displays “Crew Loyalty” when showing multiple characters affected.
Hired gangsters now spawn directly beside the currently selected group instead of blocks away when outside.
The Doctor Heal profession ability now removes all negative status effects on a character.
Mission locations now work with Points of Interest instead of being based on the player location.
Completing Empire Missions will now reward weapons as part of their mission rewards.
Added a Talent Tree reminder event.
Replaced ‘Ye Mighty Despair’ with ‘A Big Hit’ event.
Izzy’s Been Busy – Lowered the Prerequisites for the mission to trigger. No longer requires an Underboss or Random Roll.
Romy Makes The News – Faction ratings with known factions are now shown directly in the window instead of Tooltip.
We now show an alert when trying to attack a Mission locked building through the Radial Menu.
Stolen Rackets – Updated to take over a Minor Faction instead of 3 Thug Rackets.
Bad Brew – Added an Additional option to pay less cash.
Your Cheatin’ Heart – Added an event for killing Jim.
Added tooltips to mission screen tabs.
Added tooltips to mission reward items.
Reduced the damage of all Rifles & Sniper Rifles by 10%.
Reworked the way Bloodlust works. Instead of getting an area buff it now heals the executor.
Knife Throw and Axe Throw kills now count towards the Melee Weapon Proficiency.
Healing Items – When used on a Bleeding out Character, they now heal for the full amount instead of 20% of the target’s Max Health.
Rebalanced Minor Factions and introduced the Foreman Class.
Rebalanced Thugs and added the Thug Heavy Class.
Updates to Thug spawning & initial movement behaviour during Thug Combat.
Added the initiative modifier to the Suppressed status effect.
Updated Hunker Down to provide 100% crit resistance.
Added Combat Missions to track Primary & Secondary goals during depot/safehouse takeover.
Added Combat Stashes for additional loot during combat.
Gangsters will now start combat with their Primary Weapon, if one is equipped, even if the previous combat ended with their Secondary.
Updated the Weapon Ranges of all weapons.
Melee – Removed Hit Chance (always hit).
Boss Abilities – Lowered AP Cost to 1 AP.
Boss Abilities – Lowered the Kill Down count to 3 kills.
Shotgun Blast – Now requires and uses a full clip when firing.
Shotgun Blast – Reduced damage from 70% to 60%.
Gun ‘Em Down – Changed from a Character Select ability to an Area Select ability.
Suppressing Fire – Improved the Telegraphing by adding animation & SFX variations and clearer effect icons.
Trench Knife – Reduced the Chance to Bleed on the Uncommon variant from 100% to 50%.
Threat against characters who do not have a “combat” tag has been prevented. This stops newly created moles being attacked when walking near enemies.
Increased the range of Last Rites from 8 tiles to 12 tiles.
Unconscious NPCs no longer show rounds remaining on their tooltip. Unconsciousness should not be removed until after combat.
Healing outside of combat is explained.
Stopped gangsters running away from combat.
Removed “Afraid” trait from gangsters.
Melee hit kill animations are now synced with their source of attack.
Added string for boss autoresolving when they only have one safehouse left.
There are green hats when choosing targets for healing/buffing items/abilities.
Added armor to combat queue.
Updated the combat camera system to frame characters better when selecting targets.
Reduced the amount of camera movement that happens during combat.
Reduced unnecessary combat camera zooming in and out.
Made sure the combat status floater is selected when the AI takes their turn.
Hid status effects from the combat status floater of unselected characters.
Blood pools now linger until the body is removed or the location unloads.
The combat camera will only focus on bleeding out enemies when they’re about to die.
Made it so Devil’s Plaything isn’t removed when the character is healed by any healing source.
Removed the panic effect from allies being killed.
Made enemy boss abilities available at the beginning of combat.
Removed peeking from the source when selecting targets while in cover.
Ensured active item is reset for active weapon HUD when reselecting characters.
Made tutorial cover icons use colourblind rules.
Enemy AI will no longer run away from their target after using the Meat Hook ability.
Overwatch should now always be marked as available after spamming the swap weapon ability.
Bleeding Out enemies should now drop loot at the end of combat.
The active character will no longer be selected as default if the selected ability does not consider it a valid target.
Range of Meat Hook has been reduced to 7 meters.
Made sure gangsters that die from bleeding out when the player flees are killed correctly at the end of combat.
AI (Strategic)
Minor Factions now gain Faction Rating each week during a Protection Agreement.
Minor Faction Trades are now limited and they remember previous deals.
Major Factions are now prevented from offering tribute.
Major Factions are prevented from offering the same deal to the player as another Faction for 1 week.
Loot Crates – Reduced the frequency that enemy factions pick up loot crates.
Loot Crates – When interacting with the thugs surrounding a loot crate or attempting to open it will interrupt nearby AI from stealing it out under your nose.
AI will be more aggressive about taking over thug precinct depots depending on difficulty level.
The casing time on thug rackets is also reduced depending on difficulty level.
Reduced the number of Melee Roles in Enemy Squads.
Reduced the War Exhaustion from losing Characters.
Reduced the rates of the Sabotage agenda occurring.
Factions can only be protected by one faction at a time. Protection treaties are only activated if the protector can attack the attackers.
Negative faction rating is removed when you are polite to the AI in event pop ups.
Added notification for Police Activity Changes.
Ensured AI does not send too many or too few squads when attacking buildings at war.
Slightly increased the rate the AI will consider fortifying buildings.
Kills are shown in Police Activity tooltip.
Set up message events to appear when a faction is wiped out.
Enemy squads are deleted upon faction elimination. Old saves are updated to reflect this change.
The Black Book will now always show 60 Gangsters.
The Diplomacy screen will now open to the Discuss Tab instead of the Compare Tab.
Controller – Moving the cursor will automatically deselect a targeted action.
Controller – The Pause Button now works for Delay Turn/Skip Turn during Combat.
Controller – Hit Chance & Crit Chance are now easier accessible.
Tooltips – Added Tooltips to the Black Market Tabs.
Tooltips – Added Tooltips in the Gangster’s Rap Sheet.
Tooltips – Added Tooltips to the Options in the Diplomacy Screen.
Tooltips – Updated the tooltips for Afraid and Guile to improve consistency and remove redundant information.
Tooltips – Added Outlines to Floating Text such as Damage Numbers.
Tooltips – Racket building tooltips now show if a building is open/closed and other modifiers.
Improved clarity for enabling/disabling DLC in the Settings.
Replace the Sell Racket option with Demolish Racket.
Overhauled the Diplomacy screen to show Treaties, Faction Ratings & Diplomatic Abilities.
Overhauled the Mission Complete screen to give a Mission Recap and better reward details.
Overhauled the Character Rap Sheet to better highlight Profession Bonuses, Active Talents and Role/Promotions.
Overhauled the Miscellaneous slot to a Trinket slot and removed Trinkets from being equippable on the Armor Slot.
Character Deaths will show in red text and play the Death SFX when choosing Auto-Resolve.
Added a Reminder Event regarding missions when the player is low on cash.
Updated the Heal Text to use the same visibility overhaul as damage numbers.
Updated the Weapon Proficiency Unlocked popup windows.
Removed the Gangster Tier from the Auto-Resolve Screen.
Reworked the way Racket Tooltips are displayed during Purchasing.
Improved visibility of the Action Points & End Turn information during combat.
Resized a few radial menu icons.
Adjusted visuals for racket income changes in upgrades.
Added tooltip text when the player can’t afford an upgrade.
Updated font assets for all languages.
Added better visualization for standing order amounts.
War icon tooltips now show from the player’s perspective.
Tooltip was added for mole return time on crew screen.
Racket icon while inside a building was changed to an image instead of a button.
Added descriptions to Black book tooltips.
Added Police Activity to Diplomacy Screen.
Art, Audio & Text
Updated the Sit Down pose to be less slouched, and planting feet on the ground.
Added new minor faction names.
Updated the “Babies of Empire of Sin” credits section.
Removed a Metal Ting from the Brass Knuckles SFX.
Made a change so Thugs don’t all yell at the same time.
Updated Blood VFX.
Updated the Cover Icons in the Combat Tutorial popups.
Updated Loot Crate VFX to be more visible.
Added new team members to the credits.
Improved building colors on the world map.
Fixed Angelo’s combat voice lines.
Added cigar back into Character Select Screen for Al Capone.
Fixed an issue where Gangsters would continue moving after using a Taxi.
Fixed 0 notoriety gangsters from being randomly unlocked.
Fixed some save load issues.
Fixed an issue where Gangsters would not be healed up when returning from an Injury.
Fixed an issue where Major Factions that were part of a Joint War would not join the Interior & Exterior Attacks on Marked Buildings.
Fixed an issue where objects in the Player Safehouse couldn’t be interacted with.
Fixed Thugs not disappearing after a Loot Crate has been looted by the AI.
Prevented final offers from being repeated after loading a saved game.
Reset Gangster/character’s acquired stations when they’re loaded to make sure they have a valid station if their acquired station was moved to an invalid spot/deleted.
Made controller combat agent selection more precise during combat.
Fixed Life Lesson bonuses.
Adjusted the modifier system to allow buildings to refresh income when modifiers are applied.
Stopped the player from being able to access invalid screens.
Stopped the tutorial messages from showing on the settings and save screens.
Fixed an issue where the camera failed to load a building interior when zooming back into the building your crew is in (but instead stays on street view).
Fixed pseudo Softlock on controller in tutorial after speakeasy when the player entered Movement Cursor mode.
Stopped the Hire A Crew tutorial steps from firing in quick succession if the player hires both quickly on the first step.
Fixed “You’re Broke” popup appearing when attempting to hire a dead gangster you can’t afford.
Fixed issue where a boss, or gangster, would get stuck in a walking speed after combat ended.
Fixed Black Market breaking when selling everything on a page on controller.
Mole event is no longer triggered if the mole has since left your crew.
We have prevented thug factions from adding interior guards via security upgrades.
Fixed an issue that would happen when your only character was assigned to a safehouse.
CMA Storyline – Fixed the CMA Missions not triggering after the player completed the Boss Storyline.
Mission characters will no longer sit down in chairs which could cause animation issues when interacted with.
Stopping players from scrolling to map view while in derelict buildings in Lost & Found, Better To Have Loved and Lost and Part Time Hero missions.
In The Trenches – Replacing Candace and Brittany in brothel after it’s taken over.
Boys and his Toys – Fixed an issue where Liam could not be interacted with after the fight and would block mission progress.
A Friend in Need – Fixed an issue where Marcus would disappear through the floorboards.
Downhearted Blues – Fixed an issue where the incorrect Cash reward would be displayed when completing the mission.
Pineapple Primary – Fixed an issue where talking to Bill about Eva after destroying the first two Polling Booths would block the player from blowing up the final booth.
High Class House – Removed the timer from Sit Down.
Lost And Found – Fixed mission completing early if bar with Sal is upgraded.
Word On Street – Fixed the mission not progressing if Jonny falls unconscious after shooting him.
Clay Pigeon – Fixed the conversation flow with Sal when using the Persuasion Skill Check.
Clay Pigeon – Fixed the mission using safehouse instead of building name for objective.
Two Brew – Fixed the mission from failing when the target brewery is taken over without talking to Henry first.
Queenie Says – Bumpy now joins you in combat.
Better To Have Loved And Lost – Fixed the mission from autocompleting if derelict for it is taken over during Hammer To Fall mission.
For Kaiser and Country – Fixed an infinite loop that could occur when talking to Bill if the player had cleared the Brothel in the preceding mission.
Rumours And Hearsay – Fixed mission failing and throwing multiple errors when derelict gets taken over before it’s used in the mission.
Two Brew – Added an option if you already have the mash tun.
The Great Railroad Strike – Fixed an exploit where you could repeatedly talk to Hamilton to get the cash reward.
Minor grammar fixes in Poached event and Maggie’s missions.
The Great Railroad Strike – The mission will try to find more generic placement for the guards and crate.
Fixed thugs not fighting with Eva when blowing up the last polling station in Pineapple Primary.
Changed modifiers added during missions to show on the reward screen.
Set gangsters to be involved in missions from the trigger rather than waiting until the mission starts.
Added check for lieutenant to gangsters involved in missions. Gangsters stationed as a lieutenant will not have their missions fired.
Racket is no longer removed from the player in Down Hearted Blues, instead it is just closed.
Fixed Biyu getting lost while following the player.
Fixed Eva not spawning in For Kaiser And Country.
Fixed Bloody Brew mission not completing if the placement changed.
Fixed error updating mission locations when a mission is holding onto a deleted character.
Fixed issues in St. Clair’s Better To Have Loved And Lost mission.
Fixed protestors not spawning correctly in Protestors mission.
Fixed invisible NPC in Four Digits mission.
Fixed The Family Business final event not firing and the mission never completing.
Fixed mission not failing if underboss quits, gets fired, dies or is sent away as a mole before talking to the underboss.
Fixed wrong gender used to refer to boss character in Getting More Personal mission.
Fixed player being able to talk to Jeremy after choosing Helen in Broken Menagerie.
Fixed wrong pop up showing if you persuaded Helen to leave after turning on Jeremy in Death Do Us Part.
Stopped the Big Winner At Your Casino tutorial from firing if events are blocked.
Made Biyu leave the safehouse once Clay Pigeon is completed.
Fixed Legacies event not getting the right cash when player is in negative income.
Fixed Shea being out in the void during protestor mission.
Fixed Two Brew failing instantly if it spawned at the same time as Gift And The Grain.
Removed placeholder text in Hugh Miller’s mission.
Fixed mission journal showing all tabs as interactable at the start of the game, even when there were no missions active.
Fixed Get Guns mission marker not updating when placement is invalidated in Frankie mission.
Fixed Bumpy clipping with Nathalie if he gets lost while following you in Who Wants To Live Forever.
Fixed My Brother’s Keeper showing racket takeover before the racket had been entered.
Fixed rewards in Protestor Peril mission not showing in journal or reward screen.
Adjusted mission rewards for Stephanie St. Clair’s mission “Hammer to Fall.”
Fixed placeholder text appearing when the player had no healing items in Kicking The Habit.
Stopped The Family Business mission from triggering if the underboss is already involved in a mission.
Fixed objective text not changing when the speakeasy location changed in Taking Care Of The Neighborhood.
Fixed the issue where the notoriety notification for killing a mission npc would show guard instead of their name.
Enemy characters should no longer peek the wrong way, when targeted by a character that is not their current primary focus.
Target of healing no longer changes to the last actor you hover over when the doctor arrives at the heal location.
Upgraded old saves where dead factions had lingering diplomatic states.
You are no longer able to attack faction buildings without being at war.
Fixed Bull Rush having incorrect AP usage.
Fixed several animation issues with Suppressing Fire.
Fixed issues with Skip Move occurring after Strike & Move and Run & Gun Actions.
Fixed an exploit that allowed Status Effects to become indefinite through use of Ambush.
Fixed an incorrect animation playing when using the Meat Cleaver melee weapon.
Fixed enemies that die from bleeding out not counting for Weapon Proficiencies.
Fixed an issue where a nearby gangster getting Hair Triggered would apply morale effect on a Drunk gangster.
Fixed an Exploit that would allow Weapon Swapping after ‘Strike and Move’.
Fixed Choke Points in Casino Interiors.
Stopped meatpacker racket guards from respawning during the tutorial.
Fixed an issue where Characters being knocked-back two tiles would re-enter cover incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where Characters in full-cover alongside a wall would re-enter cover incorrectly when deselecting an ability that requires a target.
Fixed an issue where Characters in full-cover behind a pillar would switch sides from an incorrect angle when switching targets where an enemy would be in an effective no-cover position.
Fixed a soft lock that could occur during combat on the world turn.
Fixed Area of Effect components not getting removed correctly from multi-select AoE Abilities.
Allow the player to click through combat agents when using area select abilities.
Fixed an issue where Santa Muerte wouldn’t activate on the controller.
Fixed a Softlock when Deep Wounds would Kill a Character that is moving.
Fix an issue where characters wouldn’t clear their Overwatch or Suppressing Fire effects correctly.
Fixed an issue where the player is able to attack, or get attacked by, guards they shouldn’t be fighting during the tutorial.
Removed the Melee attribute.
Fixed thugs not walking away properly when AI picks up loot crates.
Made sure the ransack status is cleared from buildings at the end of the tutorial.
Bosses, when the last target in combat, are now correctly knocked out instead of their hostility changing when Devil’s Breath is used.
The combat queue now refreshes when characters die.
Stopped chance of escape when auto-resolving in player’s last safehouse. Added pop-up to warn the player that there is no chance of escape.
Fixed soft lock on guards having their dead state removed from them.
Action abilities that start combat but don’t have a target in its AOE range can still start combat by applying an “ill intention radius” to either the action position or target position and find targets within that range and find the one with the lowest faction rating. That target will become the defender in the hostility map which will start combat appropriately.
Sucker Punch no longer causes an issue on killing a target as it was trying to force a dead character to play a sound.
Stopped incorrect animation from playing when an enemy was hit by Bull Rush.
Fixed Blastphemy’s targeting so that the AOE (area of effect) is placed in the correct spot.
Fixed an issue where AOE was acquired for all ability actions, even if that ability didn’t need an AOE.
Fixed an issue where the attack option could think an enemy was close enough for combat to start despite that enemy being too far away for combat to start.
Quickly cycling between targets should no longer put the attacker in an invalid cover state/rotation. Fixed miscellaneous targeting while in full cover issues.
Ensured dead characters aren’t moved outside when ransacking.
Fixed characters stuck in the subdued position after combat.
Made sure healing items that remove Devil’s Plaything don’t kill the possessed character anymore.
Made sure area select abilities with a range have a smoother selection on the controller.
Fixed “Save Game” button being non-functional when entering Main Menu at the same time as Combat Alert screen.
Ensured when players attack a building that they are grouped closer to the door they entered from.
Fixed the Bleed Out icon being shown in incorrect order of turns.
Fixed an issue where the area of effect line of sight renderer would not display properly.
Fixed awkward camera panning when using Shotgun Blast as the first action in combat.
Made sure Santa Muerte’s target validation doesn’t target enemies as if it can step out.
Made sure Devil’s Breath can’t be used on bleeding out or knocked out targets.
Fixed typo in the Stunned behaviour description.
Fixed issue where combat input prompts could linger on the screen while they were not active.
Suppressing Fire is no longer able to be used on a character that’s already suppressed.
All abilities now use their correct AP cost.
Fixed auto-resolve screen showing empty sections when there are no attackers or no defenders.
Fixed a soft lock that could happen when an AI character used Strike and Move.
AI (Strategic)
When police raid a building the message no longer says they defeated your exterior guards before they enter the building.
Fixed Minor Faction Exploit. Minor Factions now have a cap on how much Alcohol they buy from the player each week.
Fixed Minor Faction Exploit. Minor factions only accept standing orders of alcohol less than your gross production.
Fix issues where safehouse guards respawn too quickly after combat.
Preventing buildings with missions in them being used for sitdowns.
Fixed trade requests from minor factions not working properly.
Ensured that AI resumes their patrols correctly after a save and load.
Ensured that factions cannot be hostile towards themselves.
Removed the placeholder text showing when breaking the non-aggression pact.
Fixed an incorrect war message appearing when declaring war on Minor Factions.
Fixed an issue where Controller Prompts would not update on the World map.
Fixed an issue where ‘At war with you’ icons on enemy rackets wouldn’t update if the player is looking at them.
Fixed an issue where zooming out limits the space the controller cursor can be moved.
Fixed an issue where World Map buildings would retract again after focusing the window.
Fixed a spelling error in a Sing Mock event.
Fixed an issue where the incorrect tooltip would appear when hovering over a hired gangsters Profession.
Fixed an issue where Defeated parties in an Allied War were still listed as alive in the War tooltip.
Fixed missing description for the Draw Fire Status Effect tooltip.
Fixed a refusal message showing wrong information after switching languages when a gangster can’t be hired due to a hate relationship.
Fixed camera still being inside of a racket after the fight was lost.
Fixed audio animation issue where the bat was out of sync.
Fixed upgrade time on the tooltip.
Fixed cash drop issue when ransacking.
Fixed the Progress Bar not appearing when giving an Upgrade command through the Radial Menu when the game was Paused.
Fixed the ‘Mark Target’ tutorial from triggering during Combat.
Fixes an issue with the action bar not refreshing the available actions properly.
Fixed issue where command wheel tooltips would fail to display when moving directly between options.
Made sure tutorial arrows are correct when loading a game.
Fixed racket icons not updating on minimap after getting ransacked.
Resolved minimap icons displaying wrong for Available Racket Buildings.
Made sure all options in the Settings screen are interactable during the tutorial.
Fixed the Mission interface not displaying properly when at a high zoom level on the World Map.
Fixed the Auto-Resolve button being selectable when the action was unavailable.
Art, Audio & Text
Fixed an issue where escaping combat as Genna would cause an error.
Fixed an issue where the title for the Missed Payment event was incorrect.
Fixed an issue where the credits for the External QA teams were incorrect.
Fixed an issue where Description text on certain abilities (e.g. ‘Hunker Down’ or ‘Shotgun Blast’) would fail to scroll on some languages if the English localisation didn’t need scrolling.
Fixed an issue where Maggie’s death reaction was duplicated.
Fixed an issue where strings in the Outfit’s guard section to say Lieutenant and Underboss instead of “Guard”.
Fixed an issue where character voice lines would not play when purchasing racket from the world map.
Fixed the capitalization of Weapon Proficiency.
Fixed an issue where Frank Ragan would not play his Boss-killing lines.
Fixed the Brass Knuckles being held incorrectly when the Melee attack was selected.
Updated all item and weapon sprites to use Normal Quality compression to avoid artifact issues.
Fixed a couple of sizing issues with item and weapon sprites.
Fixed an issue that can occur during a Sit-Down with Stephanie St. Clair due to Lip Sync errors.
Fixing Al Capone’s eyes in the renders.
Added some collision to the major stair parts to stop ragdolls from sinking.
Small string fixes in several Sit-Downs conversations.
Fixed incorrect text being displayed for Alphonse Capone’s special ability.
Fixed several typos causing issues in Ragdoll animations.
Updated texture saturation.
Fixed Goldie and Maggie’s odd-looking eyes in the character select screen.
Fixed a grammar issue on injured gangster tooltip when there is 1 day left of injury.
Fixed VFX playing whenever a poisoned behavior gets added/removed from an actor.
Fixed shotgun consistency and set the aim animation.
Fixed success VO playing when auto-resolved combat was lost.
Fixed a lighting issue on World Map after auto-resolved combat.
Fixed taxi icons sometimes not being centred on taxis.
Fixed a missing lipsync in Stephanie St. Clair and Genna’s sitdown.
Fixed wrong audio line playing in Stephanie St. Clair and Elvira’s sitdown.
Fixed missing audio in sitdown with Daniel McKee Jackson and Reyna.
Fixed missing audio for Daniel McKee Jackson and Maggie’s sitdown.
Fixed several typos.
Additional notes: none.
Source: Paradox Interactive
Empire of Sin – Ver. 1.0.5(?) (The Gangster Update)
Release date: May 18th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
Patch notes:
The Highlights

New weapon proficiency system introduced
Controller overhaul and improvements
Major mission improvements
Maria Rodriguez and Grover Monks have realized their value and raised their prices and notoriety requirements. They still welcome your business.
More gangsters are available to you at the start of the game.
The bug which allowed you to hire people that a current crew member hated has been fixed. You cannot hire a new person unless you fire the person who hates them.

Animation speed improvements when peeking/leaning
Added a fade after auto resolve
Fixed an issue in Basic Move that could cause a softlock
Resolved issue with console logs and action bar prompt showing up in combat when they shouldn’t
Added chance for gangsters to escape combat if they lose when attacking in autoresolve
Fixed a softlock that could occur after autoresolving several combats in quick succession
When there are multiple different targets you can execute, the system will now order them by distance, so it auto-targets the closest one and will then cycle through
Fixed thugs not attacking after you enter and exit ambush mode before opening a loot crate
Change color of dice and win percent in combat autoresolve screen to reflect chance
Fixed an issue where pain killers could cause overwatch or suppressing fire to softlock during their trigger
The AI has been asked to stop throwing grenades through walls
Ensure the correct amount of damage is applied to the defenders when the defenders win in an autoresolve
Armor damage now gets applied once per ability activation, not once per attack (burst fire weapons have between 3 and 5 attacks when shooting.)
Selecting a target, whether they are valid or not, will now always select the first action in the action bar. If the target is not valid, the info panel will telegraph why
The Melee ability is only valid as a first action if the character does not have a primary or secondary weapon equipped
Healing items and actions should now target the active character as default
Fixed issue with starting position of vehicle combat tween sometimes being incorrect
Fixed issue where a car on curb was on world map and got pulled into street combat
Ensure guards who hate the player do not start combat outside of max combat range
Strike and Move should work with all abilities. Updated ability description
Rapid Reload now affects all guns, not just handguns. Any gun will cost zero AP to reload
Break Shot no longer breaks melee weapons
Fixed “Exit Ambush Mode” prompt button showing up in combat in tutorial
Allowed highlighting characters while in combat
Fixing Break Shot and weapon repair at end of combat, so old saves where melee weapons could have been broken now load those weapons correctly
Preventing displaying possible combat effects on character HUDs when outside the player’s turn
NPCs not attacking independant npcs who are fighting on the player’s side and vice versa
Fixed issues with Unleash Fury’s AP usage and cooldown reset
Fixed an issue with Melee NPCs having the Doctor’s Heal ability
Fixed an issue with Tier 1 Melee characters having no equipped weapon
Fixed an issue where the Meat Hook weapon used in the Meat Hook ability did not have a valid critMod value
Made characters affected by Knockback to trigger other combat-cell-aware abilities like Overwatch or Poison from Death Blossom Bombs
Stampede and Bull Rush ability rework, stampede and bull rush now move along a movement path to their targets and are melee selection abilities
Fixed execution blood splatter not appearing on camera
Allowed the player to take two single pistol shots against different targets again
Shooting a pistol doesn’t end the player turn anymore but after the player has shot their pistol they can’t change weapon until their next turn.
Fixed error thrown when opening and closing pause menu on combat auto resolve screen
Fixed bug where weapon proficiency requirement was ignored and gangsters could equip higher tier weapons
Fixed an issue that could cause cover to disappear in the middle of combat
Camera now lingers on characters that are dying from the Bleeding Out or Deep Wounds states
Stop the player from spawning in the middle of interiors
Fixed issue with Genna dying and throwing an error
Increased strength of Faction AI squads
Removed duplicate gangster death responses
Fixed an issue where an error would be thrown when trying to deselect certain area of effect abilities
Fixed an issue where combat could fail to start when a group of moving guards tried to initiate combat
Fixed issue with bosses stepping out to shoot someone, then if they were hit by overwatch and put into the bleeding out state, they could still finish their attack and re-enter cover
Fixed softlock with the Action bar when player left clicks after using a hotkey to select an ability
Shoot First should now only work if Overwatch has not been selected manually in ambush mode
We now stop melee weapon damage types being added to the player’s primary weapon when they use an execution.
Extra thugs will no longer spawn if the player loses combat or flees from a derelict building without leaving the world map. Thugs will replenish after a certain amount of time
Added a new target filter applied to all AI to give them at least some baseline desire to target enemies. Fix a situation where the AI could decide not to attack a valid target
Fixed a situation where an AI might not move from their current position and continuously pass their turn
Fixed a softlock when using flush against a character who has no valid moves
Ensured Faction AI attackers do not start a building attack too far away from the door position
Fixed issue with moles that were told to leave the location and could stay in the location if combat was started while they were nearby
Updated Stampede to use the bull rush animation for 1.05
Changed all Boss abilities to cost 1AP and end the character’s turn when used. This will help to keep boss abilities consistent across the board
Fixed softlock in combat after timebomb explodes
Increased the range within which the AI cannot spawn when attacking safehouses. Better randomize the starting positions of enemy safehouse guards
Increased the speed and add transitions to rain of fire and sweep to stop a timeout error
NPCs were healing too frequently in combat. Reduced the amount of healing items equipped to NPC characters
Enemy characters should no longer peek the wrong way, when targeted by a character that is not their current primary focus

Action Bar highlighting boss abilities
Full refactor of Action Bar
Made sure the equipment tutorials don’t fire when the game menu is open
Made the resource summary buttons non-interactive when ui is blocked
Various new tooltips
Existing tooltip improvements
Fixed highlight not deselecting on Action Bar
Fixed callout lines on controls screen
Fixed restore defaults button showing up on controls screen
Prevented shop UI from breaking when item doesn’t have an owner
Adjusted highlighting on Purchase Racket UI
Fixed issue where game menu could not be navigated after pressing “start” on combat autoresolve UI
Show “A” button next to combat action when using controller
Fixed issue with showing event outcomes above options in event window
Fixed issue where sometimes certain ammo would not be visible when equipping in the character screen
Hide movement indicators when moving characters with the left analog stick
Refactored Game Alerts
We now hide income button for hotels in racket overview screen
Prevented switching to sell mode if the player inventory is empty
Character attributes will now no longer be shown as over a 100 on the character sheet
Prevented Cinematics from blocking notifications
HUD improvements
UI marker improvements
Show the size of the racket on world map and on popup
Show player hp/max hp on new character tooltip
Select first button in conversations, as well as in a few tutorial steps
Owner portrait on Ward Info panels now refreshes correctly
Made neighborhood owner name truncate with ellipsis to prevent overflow, uses last name instead of full name
Stop mission resolution screen, alerts and game alerts from showing on the End Game screen
Merged hiring notifications, enemy killed notifications
Adjusted placement of notifications
Adjusted the command cursor to accurately reflect whether or not a command is valid
Character sheet relationships will always show the real name of other gangsters rather than unknown character
Fixed UI audio for notifications
Rapid Reload description was outdated on the talent tree screen
Made all morale notifications proper case and in the past tense
Weapon proficiency screen
Upgrade cost now in red when the player can’t afford the upgrade
Implement gangster tier colors on crew screen and rap sheet
RemovedFire and Call from the command wheel
Fixed an issue where the interactable highlighting could get stuck enabled
Fixed a performance issue when interactable highlighting is enabled
Added right click to unequip item
Added a confirm dialog to selling in the shop
Show why weapons can’t be used when you don’t have the relevant proficiency trait yet
Mission POI tooltip and Wandering Gangster tooltip updated to provide more information
Replaced Out-Of-Combat Character HUD with new Combat Character HUD
Added setting for virtual cursor sensitivity
Hire button on character sheet is greyed out if you’re missing the notoriety or the character is angry
Added wraparound to pause menu and combat action bar
Show building size in racket attack confirmation
Stopped showing underboss notifications
Patch Message from Sal is shown in a loaded save
Fixed Main Menu buttons not displaying button bullets
Fixed case where relationship lines on crew screen could get misaligned
Fixed character management highlighting issue
Added new street cursor and map cursor sprites
We now only show a single POI over a building despite multiple POIs being inside
Show warning on Characters who have their weapons unequpped as a result of the weapon proficiency change
Made UI navigation with shoulder triggers work better at lower framerates
Added “Babies of Empire of Sin” to credits

Stopped bodybag prop from being a navmesh obstacle so it doesn’t block players from reaching an NPC
Fixed issue with jumping from alt CMA line to main
Added in checks to help improve mission pacing
Fixed softlock happening after clicking on NPC quickly after conversation in Mock mission
Fixed mission marker not reappearing for POI targets who leave a location with the “LeaveBuilding” scenario
Fixed O’Banion mission not completing if you kill Yale and not the squad
Some characters in Tommy Biscuits’ mission “Fate” were not displayed correctly on PS4
Rigged tables now has penalty for removing tables
Fixed Charitable Donations event not firing
Fixed Bernie Barnes mission throwing error if you attend a sitdown during it
Mission journal is now split into into 3 tabs
CMA are considered main missions now
Fix for ensuring derelict buildings are no longer gifted
Dyer mission fixes for issues highlighted by autoresolve
CMA missions will fire only after completing/failing boss mission
Remove the range requirement from the Begin Sitdown command
Missions now give out rare weapons at a minimum
Mission NPCs should no longer cower out of combat
Made the set focus mission appear as the first mission rather than obtain 5 rackets in the tutorial
Romy mission fixes, stopping multiple Romys from appearing, allowing player to select faction to improve relationship
Fix for getting 2 wallets from Stolen Wallet mission
High Class house boss will now ask you about the money regardless if he lends it to you or not
Setting mission to complete if you upgrade by 1 instead of fully, changing time limit from 1 to 2 months
Fix for unresponsive button in StClairs first mission, Bumpy fights with StClair in Queenie Says mission
Time between boss missions for Mock, Ragen Capone and Donovan have been shortened
Fix for unlocking mission building after it is invalidated for Frankie’s First Step mission
Fixed issue with Booker Jones and Police interrogator for CMA mission
Take over racket screen now waits until combat is resolved before opening in St Clair mission.
Rosie appears in a set location in Nosey Nellie, rather than appearing close to the player once they are far enough away from Jacques
Giving the player more time before being ambushed in Bloody Brew mission
Fix for Taking The Bait mission ending early
Fix for Same Game Different Team completing during combat
Fix for POI not moving when mission racket changes in To Your Health
Wrong dialogue fix for Maria Dish Best Served mission
Fixed Trashed Room modifier not being removed after Who Care’s mission
Added Protestor modifiers at the beginning of Protestor mission instead of after and removing at the end of the mission
Fixed to deal with player taking over the Two Brew racket early
Changed first mission shown to be Sowing Seeds instead of Brick By Brick if player has no focus set
Fixed gangster still fading to void if you free them from jail immediately after combat
Fixed the doctor not appearing in the right location in The Doctor’s In mission
Fixed error appearing when combat happened before Bruno was spawned in Genna mission
Fixed issue with POI not updating when derelict racket is taken over in Who Cares mission
Fixed issue where both Sowing The Seeds and Brick By Brick with start in tutorial
Fixed A Sticky Situation getting softlocked if it couldn’t find a brothel placement
Updated objective text when building is changed during To Your Health mission
Added code to get a new building if stolen syrup derelict gets taken over
Set base mission NPCs to be the hired gun profession rather than citizen
Fixed killing Dutch first in Round The World softlocking the game
Fixed Zee leaving a location after it was deactivated throwing multiple errors
Fixed Two Brew
Fixed High Class House autocompleting without returning to worker
Updated objective name in To Your Health when the mission is moved to another racket
Fixed combat softlock in Bon Fortuna mission combat against Dutch
Fixed David and other customers appearing out of bounds in Paid In Gold
Fixed Son I Never Had mission breaking if you don’t own any rackets for Raul to go to
Fixed Better To Have Loved And Lost not completing Clear Out The Derelict objective when racket is taken over before talking to Bumpy
Fixed Grover mission auto failing if casino for mission is upgraded
Fixed In The Trenches mission not updating bar name and not completing enter racket objective if building with mission in it changed
Removed building lock from Lawmaker mission
Fix for player not being able to enter racket for Lawmaker mission and removing the auto equipping of the gun which can cause a softlock
Fix for player not getting correct reward in Pineapple Primary after passing persuasion check
Replaced Candace and Brittny in brothel after take over in In The Trenches mission

World map visual improvements
Memory improvements on the PS4
Cancel the equip ammo tutorial if the player doesn’t have a primary weapon equipped when it starts
Fixed issue with assigning to safehouse with group selected
Changed Black Market health item quantities to 6
ChangedNorah Quinn’s notoriety gate to 0
Increased loot tables for health items by 10%
Fixed issue with triggering the Neighborhood Summary tutorial
Updated localisation
Taxi use polish
Ensured Diplomatic states are removed if not removed through proper channels
Don’t show tutorials for equipping items if the player’s already equipped those types of items
Fixed an issue with a specific thug model which caused its ragdoll to begin in a T-pose
Reworking Synergy to make it less abstract and more manageable
Changed starting cash amounts based on difficulty
NPCs stop moving when you click to talk to them
Fixed bureau models t-posing while ragdolling
Fixed hair clipping with hat on Mission NPC
Fixed P looking like an F in Police Patrol on Police Wagon
Safehouses use name to prevent accidentally using the wrong faction name
Stopped characters from getting stuck in the swap weapon animation when pre-combat is cancelled
Prevented moving squad actors from skipping path destinations
Ensured that “Load Latest Save” on Game Over screen can only load moments from this current session
Fixed game paused movement clicks
Fixed issue with the controller where zooming out limits the space the controller cursor can be moved
Fixed a truck spawned driving across sidewalk
Disposed of unnecessary loading screen after taking over a racket and turning it into a safehouse
Updated bar interior art
Updated brothel art
Updated safehouse art
Fixed issue with camera angle getting too horizontal when talking to NPCs underbridges
Added 40 seconds time to the sitdown warning
Derelict buildings are no longer able to be added to weekly income/expenses. Income/Expenses set to 0 value are cleared
Factions will improve their alcohol types being served, even if they can’t quite hit the preferred target
We now make sure minor factions pay expenses correctly, allowing protection treaties to time out
Change movement speed
Genna’s move audio needed more variety
Fixed characters making move sound too often
Added specific VO for thugs
Remixed the volume of West Loop Gate underscore
Adjusted character talent unlock duration
Fixed issue where you would be unable to close virtual cursor
Moles accuse screen no longer corrupts the player’s faction data
Moles can be used by AI multiple times
Fixed issue with pausing the game and calling moles after assignment
Remove the rush option from racket upgrade
Automatically demote crew member from lieutenant if arrested without the frustration penalty at losing rank
Ragdolls tint correctly, characters clothes don’t change to white on dying
Adjust take floors for gangsters
Made all tier 5 gangsters have 0 notoriety
Adjusted starting talents to match gangster tiers
Various blinking fixes in select screen & sit downs
Saltis hat tip issue fixed
Fixed foot mispositioning in shot miss anims
Fixed the one-armed effect which sometimes occurs in combat Idle due to IK snapping
Replaced boss-sitdown with a new song, see if you can spot it
Gangster rebalance – made Norah start with the Heal talent already learned.
Lowered the machine guns to hip height, and raising the hip height idle to avoid half cover collisions
Made sure that stampede and bull rush work correctly with cover and step out
Doubled the amount of time it takes for gangsters to form relationships
Healing outside of combat feature improvement
A bug preventing some modifiers from updating was resolved. “A Penny Saved” trait works correctly now
Minor factions accurately reflect what they can afford when setting up standing orders
Fixed missing Animator transition for certain machine guns to use the Sweep ability
Made sure crit damage never goes below a weapon’s base max damage
Added sitdown Skip Prompt. Any key presses will show a skip prompt, which on pressing will skip that portion of dialog
Gave most gangsters primary weapons, adjusted take floor for all gangsters, changed relationships for gangsters so that all gangsters hate two other gangsters
Time limit added between “end war with” requests, so the AI doesn’t keep bothering you about it
Updated remove building sequence to ensure the income and expenses are removed correctly, resolving money exploit
Fixed softlock in accuse screen
Updated the Radial Menu so that LB closes the UI. Moved Wars/Notifications to LT/RT
Exterior safehouse guards should no longer respawn on top of each other after saving from a new game
Fixed Madeline Dunbar not saying a line
Fixed alert SFX playing every time player moves between menu screens
Added a new time bomb landing sound so it doesn’t make a grenade explosion when it lands
Fixed police baton out of sync + all other melee weapons that were out of sync
Fixed Rain of Fire SFX being too loud
All selected characters are teleported to the sitdown location
Allow talent re-speccing from the talents tab
Fixed error thrown when character leaves due to lack of loyalty
Made injured gangsters not take wages
Fixed audio errors sometimes thrown when declaring a War on an enemy faction with a boss
We now allow players on controller to switch between nearby interactable objects using DPAD Up and Down
Removed “Switch Character” prompt from action bar when using controller
Reset patron walk speed when moving between locations and correctly reset the speed of patrons after their drunk status wears off
Adjusted the cost of Deflect Level 5 on Brothels and Casinos
Added a common shotgun and rifle to the black market store
Hide tall world map buildings when camera is zoomed in
Applied discount to the number of kills required by higher tier gangsters to reach the next tier
Adjusted required kills for each weapon proficiency tier
Fixed issue where the crew screen mini tutorial couldn’t be skipped using a controller
Autosaves now wait until all characters enter or exit the building before saving
Fixed a Nullrefrence error thrown if the player loads a game while in a sitdown cinematic
Made Bosses adhere to new weapon proficiency system
Showed weapon proficiency trait names in new tooltip
Updated controls screens to reflect new input mappings
Known Issues

In order to fix an issue with moles and the sabotage events (send a mole after a faction, save/load then that event is reset to default)we have had to cancel Mole missions for any moles on older saves as their data was corrupted. You can just send them off again and it will all work just fine.
Additional notes: none.
Source: Paradox Interactive
Empire of Sin – Ver. 1.0.4
Release date: March 17th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
Patch notes:
The Highlights

Autoresolve – The goal of combat auto-resolve for Empire of Sin is to create a reliable and useful source of information for the player that appears before every fight. When the Player initiates a fight or a Faction AI initiates a fight with the player, the combat auto-resolve screen will appear.
This screen presents players with information about the fight, the participants in the fight, their professions, and equipment, as well as a number of options that the player can select.
Players can select the “Fight” option to manually enter combat and manually fight the fight or select the “Auto-Resolve” option to attempt and auto-resolve the fight based on the projected odds at the top of the screen.
A word of warning, your Bosses and Gangsters can and will take damage when using the auto-resolve option. If your Boss dies, it’s game over.
The Safehouse healing exploit has now been removed. The passive healing in the Safehouse is now 2x normal passive healing rather than instant heal.

Fixed Ally Threat being wrongfully applied when you are not at war
Fixed issues with the lifeline ability; one which could cause it to be applied incorrectly to combat actors and one where the bonus could become stuck on a character
Fixed a formatting issue in a combat error message
Fixed a bug where characters could be warped out of the combat bounds at the beginning of combat if that character had been knocked down or killed by an overwatch shot in a previous combat
Doubled the chance of getting healing items in combat and reduced their cost to buy in the shop by 30%
Characters not moving back into cover after an Overwatch miss shot from a step out position should be fixed now
Peeking, switching sides from a 90 degree angle and multiple cover values should now be fixed
Smaller miscellaneous changes and fixes related to cover and peeking have been implemented
Crew members who have been fired or who have quit will now hold a grudge, and can not be instantly rehired
Factions you are invited to war against are now revealed
Double Tap now uses the correct icon on ground tiles when selected
All higher tier doctors now start with the Heal ability
Fixed an issue where dead bodies and civilians would block the mouse when trying to move to squares in combat
Remedy will no longer be absent on the talent tree, if the player had saved the game when Remedy was a consumable item instead of a persistent talent and their current talent tier is greater than 3
Fixed First Aid Kit, no longer applies the Bandaged status effect when used outside of combat.
Standardized how Heal abilities work
Now only showing “Difficulty X/5” on thug owned buildings
Guard Inventory Improvements: Added healing items to all major faction guards, removed short barrelled shotguns from shotgun guards, replaced short barrelled shotguns with primary shotguns
Racket Guard Improvements: Increased the Marksmanship attribute for all tiers of racket guards by +10
Reworked how Bullet Shield behaves
Removed always bleeding out and removed shared damage
Gave law enforcement the subdue action at the start of combat
Unleash Fury and Exhaustion improvements have been made
Changed the effect of the exhaustion debuff and now show an animation at the beginning of Frankie’s turn if he’s exhausted
Improved the UI for stackable status effects
Reduced Unleash Fury’s attack count from 4 to 3 to match its animation
Cover animations and transitions are now faster
Added new double fire animations and transitions
Adjusted starting cash based on difficulty
Fixed selection bug after combat
Hired Gun – Iteration – Sweep – Removed sweep as talent, making it an SMG and machine gun ability, replacing the talent with Can Opener
Added the Can Opener ability, as mentioned above. 😏
Unleash Fury Changed: Updated action panel description to mention exhaustion. Slightly reduced the base damage and critical hit chance, but increased critical hit damage modifier
Initiative changes for NPCs and player characters. Improves the layering of characters during combat
Stopped z-fighting on target reticles
Changed the behaviour of Unleash Fury so that it refunds AP instead of costing none
Stopped the AI from throwing too many knives during fan of knives. Apologies to all knife fans.
Reworked Hair Trigger
Added basic combat personalities to bosses and gangsters
Handgun Changes: Added Double Fire Handgun Ability
Fixed issue with melee damage modifiers not working as a percentage
Hitting a target from the back with a Knock Out now puts the target in the Knocked Out state
Applying the Knock Out state on a character not in cover no longer generates a console error and a 1 second freeze on the target
Unleash Fury now plays hit and miss audio correctly
Added a fade after auto resolve
Further weapon balancing
Fixed an issue with animators gettings stuck after auto resolving certain fights
Fixed a softlock that could occur after autoresolving several combats in quick succession
Fix for thugs not attacking after you enter and exit ambush mode before opening a loot crate.
Improved threatProcessor in cases where threat is rapidly gained
Changed color of dice and win percent in combat autoresolve screen to reflect chance

Added hotkey numbers to the combat HUD
Changed the badass bonus for better telegraphing to the player
Gang leader equipped description added
Made cash values in diplomacy dialogs cleaner
Removed held items from AI inventories in the trade screen
Adjusted visuals of learned/unlearned talents so that they look less similar
Added difficulty warning on the “Are you sure?” combat attack popups
Added [GREET] to boss intro pop ups
After the black market tutorial involving the radial menu has been completed, the allowed selectable buttons that were previously disabled from the tutorial’s white list now get enabled when the player comes back
Fixed the highlighting on “review” button on Crew screen
Added missing titles to events
Passive scroll now resets properly in the Racket info screen
Added a warning window to sell building dialogue if selling the building may fail or relocate a mission
The default position of the cursor when opening the crew screen with a controller is now the bottom-right element instead of top-left element.
Now showing “0” instead of “-” for characters who are forced hirable
Added titles to hire confirmation windows
Added tooltips to diplomacy tabs
Adjusted tooltip for notifications to use accurate timing
Added modifier name for life lesson
Added notification for when s temporary alliance times out
Ensured that visualization of customers and earnings are up to date
Added extra tab to journal to separate boss/side missions from bridging/empire missions
Now showing info about racket takeover and notoriety gain/loss in post combat screen
Now allowing scrolling on “events” section of post-combat screen
Added “Discuss” option to Diplomacy tab
Added new icons for Can Opener
Updated status effect tooltips to calculate effects based on stacks
Stopped clock icon in resource summary panel from highlighting and playing mouse enter and click sounds
The game now selects the resume button by default when trying to use the game menu on controller with no button selected
Made the mission tutorial open on the correct tab in the tutorial
Made the resource summary buttons non-interactive when ui is blocked
Tooltip polish

Fixed an issue with marking buildings as mission critical when they are acquired from placements
Delayed mission fails that happen mid combat now wait until combat has finished which should prevent softlocks from characters being deleted mid combat
Fixed Lost and Found where a softlock could happen after interaction with thugs. The game would get stuck on a loading screen trying to enter racket
That issue where some missions would give rewards even when they failed. It’s gone, boss. It could cause an error with other missions completing if one of the rewards was an item
The Broken Menagerie mission that wouldn’t continue if the fight happens before thug fight? Yeah that got whacked.
Mission text fixes
Mission critical NPCs now fall unconscious if they are involved in other combats, rather than dying and getting up when you need to talk to them. If we had zombies, they wouldn’t snitch
Mission fixes – Monks quest not completing if you kill Wally without talking to him, converting a derelict to brewery for two brew completes brewery objective, adding the and a to dialogue where derelict building appears, not finding Stanley and Bert in In The Trenches and Red Handed if the building is sold, moving NPCs away from buildings in an attempt to make them easier to select by controllers
Added warning to mole event if making that gangster a mole will fail their personal mission
Adjusted Fail Mission text to mention specific gangsters, fixing small typos, changed mission description text in Cop Bar mission
Fixed issue where blowing up 3rd polling station is sometimes unavailable in DMJ’s mission, It Came From The Lake event not showing proper racket name, checking that gangsters aren’t injured or sent away before making them a mole
Fixed softlock after upgrading brewery in Whatcha Gonna Do. Fix for npcs stuck in cowering animation when combat ends too early, Fix for instant fail on Izzy’s Been Busy
Fixed Reyna House On Fire failing when someone dies
Fixed gangster personal missions activating with moles
Fixed cash being deducted twice from Hit Em Where It Hurts
Fixed the softlock happening after clicking on NPC quickly after conversation in Mock mission

Passive healing now removed for difficulties above Lieutenant
The game now randomly unlocks 1 gangster from each tier every month and makes them hirable on start
Added building textures
Fixed minor inconsistencies between VO and text in sitdowns
Fixed issue with Synergies not disbanding when buildings are taken over by other factions
Fixed missing gun cabinet mesh in Character Select Screen
The traffic that was stopped in place after the Tutorial is now moving again
Fixed an issue with loot screens popping up when other factions find them, removing cash from loot crate drops for 1.03
The Steam overlay no longer causes an error on the console
Found the missing letters on the map for the Municipal Pier
The player won’t be able to talk to the bartender during the tutorial anymore
If Hugh and/or Maria are spawned in the world and the player skips the tutorial: they now storm off in a huff if they weren’t hired by the player
If tutorial meat packers spawn and the player skips the tutorial without going into combat with them: we automatically just kill them – they deserve it, the dirty rats
Anyone hired in the Tutorial now continues to get the employment loyalty bonus
Added a new line of sight indicator icon to show bleeding out characters
Fixed a potential blocker on the alcohol tutorial when re-enabling the tutorial during the game
Allowed alcohol storage limits for diplomatic actions to be spread across all available storage
Updated localisation
Additional checks by minor faction AI to ensure target faction has requested alcohol before making trade request have been added
Added mouse wheel scrolling to the Alcohol and Finance screens
Fixed an issue with buildings changing racket type too soon when given as a reward causing errors with thugs trying to find space
Fixed issues with the camera when focussing on a character
Made sure the alcohol tutorial only triggers if the player is on the correct tab.
Fixed non-interactive Skip Tutorial prompt
Added miss animations when a player is peeking out
Removed sound effect when AI picks up loot crate
Halved the take floor on Earl Weiss
Explosion vfx updates
Fixed an issue where guards and squad members could have their movement indicators activated
Changed Safehouse discovery chances
Sit-downs can no longer happen at invalid buildings
Fixed an issue where two location loads could be called at the same time, leading to the camera ending up in the wrong location
Slider in trading menu has louder SFX
Button select audio improved
Re-recorded Antonio’s voice
Fixed an error when hovering over interactable safehouse objects (blackboard, world map desk etc.) with virtual cursor in combat
Added “begin sitdown” cursor
Fixed Elvira’s evil laugh
Audio added for “You’ve made a terrible mistake” after declaring war
Stephanie is now as loud as the other bosses
We now trigger an investigation event before launching a FactionMet conversation
Limited alcohol amount setting to prevent going negative
Skip tutorial option now inaccessible if coming from a conversation or sitdown
Fixed text in It Came from the Lake event
Moved all floating lamp posts down to the ground
Implemented the L Train
Standing Orders are removed when one of the factions involved is eliminated
Factions will wait at least 2 minutes in world time before breaking pacts they’ve formed
Removed unnecessary loading screens for player on accepting a sitdown request
Requesting a sit-down now always focuses on the sitdown building on the world map
Fixed incorrect default camera position when entering interiors
Fixed several issues around combat and location locks and transitions
Fixed slight overshoot on world map camera pans
Long distance pans on the World Map will now take up to 2 seconds to complete (to avoid crazy fast panning
Adjusted decision to ignore rating of war target when determining whether or not to uphold pact
Fixed issue where attacking a building with a gangster while your boss is elsewhere would load the boss’s location first
Ensured that the combat grid calculation uses the proper combat bounds
Make boss abilities use a kill cooldown
Fixed Earl Weiss missing ragdoll
Reduced the costs to buy and upgrade rackets by 50%
Updated safehouses and Large Casino environments
Fixed Safehouse chair colliders and Safehouse desk not being interactive
Made tutorial responses consistent, small fixes to text in tutorial
Fixed issue that prevented you from selecting moles
Now displaying the ability cooldown in ability tooltips and on the action information panel description
Fixed camera position in all interiors
Fixed occasional issue on Mac where the game hardlocks on boss selection screen
Updated Frankie Donovan’s Base stats
Lowered bartering value of items/weapons. Better visualization for disguised alcohol. Instant discovery of disguised alcohol bought-back
Removed Kill requirement from boss abilities
Added a delay to the bandage scenario when bandage will revive a character to allow time for the animation to play
Ensured that loans are removed after economy lock is over
Changed the take over option in the investigate introduction to start exterior combat, requiring the player to declare war before attacking
Player is no longer incorrectly notified that police refused to turn a blind eye for another faction
Added new guard combat VO lines
2 new combat songs, Safehouse songs and Racket songs added
Double VO on boss execution fixed
Characters now shut the hell up when the game is paused
Meat Hook / Lion Tamer fixed: character who is the target says “Shit” instead of the attacker
Made sure investigating police spawn at different locations
We no longer show a message when a character is healed of their injury or is released from jail if they are no longer in your faction
Tweaked gear score item rarity contributions
Stopped the extended combat tutorial from triggering outside of full combat
Made sure the equipment tutorials don’t fire when the game menu is open
Cancelled the equip ammo tutorial if the player doesn’t have a primary weapon equipped when it starts
Changed Black Market health item quantities
Changed Norah Quinn’s notoriety gate to 0
Increased loot tables for health items by 10%
Fixed placeholder button prompts showing up when loading a saved controller tutorial step
Fixed callout lines on the controls screen
Fixed restore defaults button showing up on controls screen
Fixed an issue with a specific thug model which caused its ragdoll to begin in a T-pose
Fixed issue where game menu could not be navigated after pressing “start” on combat autoresolve UI
Fixed an issue where pain killers could cause overwatch or suppressing fire to softlock during their trigger
Changed starting cash amounts based on difficulty
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