XBOX al descubierto

Según publica Hispasec:

Poco más de un mes a durado la integridad de la esperada consola de
videojuegos Xbox de Microsoft, tras haberse publicado el código de su

Un estudiante del Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts, ha sido la persona que se ha encargado de realizar esta acción. Y no conformándose con esta "grave" afrenta a la por todos conocida multinacional del software, ha continuado publicando este código así como todo el proceso en su página web, junto con la inclusión de documentación varia.

El estudiante en cuestión, Tras recibir una llamada de un empleado de Microsoft, la grabó en un MP3 y la colgó de su web. Esta se puede escuchar en la dirección:

Podemos considerar a todos los efectos la Xbox como un ordenador con todas las palabras, entre sus características mas destacables haremos hincapié en que cuenta con una CPU a 733 MHz. Como procesador gráfico nos encontramos con un Chip de 250MHz, desarrollado por Microsoft y nVidia y una Memoria total 64 MB.
Cual es la pagina de ese estudiante que ha hecho osea que logros ,porque lo de la bios solo son los primeros todavia que
bastante para poder hacer copias de seguridad

:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

adios a tossssssss
La verdad esos de Hispasec no se enteran de un pijo, primero por decir que la Xbox es un Ordenador en todas palabras, si fuera asi podríamos instalarnos cualquier cosa en ella, y realmente no se puede. Ademas dime que PC funciona todo en Anillo 0 :?

Otra cosa, y mienten mas cuando dicen que el tio está distribuyendo la BIOS de la Xbox en su página WEB. Menuda mentira, os pondré la pagina y os dareis cuenta que no distribuye ninguna rom de nada, simplemente por que es delito distribuirla, pero no es delito sacarla ya que el tiene una Xbox (cosa que los de Hispasec inducen como un delito).

Esos de Hispasec son una panda de idiotas por decir esas tonterias.

Esos payasos de Hispasec no leyeron eso:

However, for those of you who want to extract the FLASH ROM contents of the XBOX for your own purposes, see the case of "Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. v. Connectix Corp." You are actually allowed by law to reverse engineer copyrighted code so long as it is necessary to discover the ideas or functional elements behind the code (still, I'm not allowed to post copyrighted code for free distribution). Hey, microsoft...what are the ideas and functional elements behind your BIOS ROM? ... hmm...patent search turns up nil on the XBOX...guess we'll just have to reverse engineer it. (FTR, Nintendo has patented what looks to be the entirety of the N64 console, thus perchance making reverse engineering an N64 illegal--not yet court tested.)

Aqui teneis el link
Leer eso:

how is this significant? well,
1) the above encryption scheme should work okay if data bits are permuted identically on byte reads and writes (S-box integrity is still preserved)
2) the above scheme should work okay if some of the mid-range address bits are permuted

The only bits that I know for sure are not permuted are the lower 9 bits (because the code from 0xFFFF FE00 looks good till the end of ROM, and because the copyright signatures at around cf0-d30), and enough high bits to differentiate the major memory regions of the machine. It is quite possible that any number of bits between say, bits 10-20 are swapped around. Now begins speculation: decryption happens in 16k blocks. If you look at the data at 0xFFFFA000, it seems to start and end in the middle of a large region of encrypted code (a histogram of the regions of the ROM indicate what areas might be encrypted or not). That seems a bit odd. Also, the fact that the cipher is a CFB-mode cipher--ie, the key depends on the ciphertext stream--means that any mutation of the data going into the cipher is going to cause the rest of the cipher to yield garbage. Thus, if say, address bit 10 were swapped, then the largest sequential block one could recover from decrypting any region of the ROM without knowledge of the swap is 512 bytes--short enough to be infuriating to try and figure out what data is "the real deal" with dumb stastitical methods. It also seems like whoever wrote the decryption code did it in pure assembly. I doubt any compiler could produce code of that quality and density...perhaps someone was trying to get everything to fit into a 512-byte limit? ;-)

Things get even more interesting...I tried modifying code in the 0xFFFF FE00 range, and the XBOX seems to ignore it. I even put NOP's over the whole region, and the XBOX still boots-- even when NOP's are in each of the four copies of the ROM's high 512 boot bytes. going on.

Roastbeef has also provided me with these insights on the PIC:

1) The PIC is powered all the time that the system is plugged into the wall. Maybe this is where they're keeping the real time clock.
2) There is an SMBUS connecting the Atmel, PIC and nVidia chipset together. (SMBUS is the Intel equiv. of Philips' I2C bus)
3) DVD ejection is handled in some way by the PIC. (I didn't actually capture data on this, but when I hit the front panel eject button I saw half the activity indicators on the TLA light up)
4) There's some type of SMBUS heartbeat every 2ms.
5) There is no SMBUS or PIC activity in the first second of boot, so none of the decryption stuff can be stored there. (Decryption is probably hit 20k or 30k CPU instructions after power good... that's much much less than the ~1.7sec I'm seeing before SMBUS activity
A que tiene pinta de que el tio se está currando un MOD chip?? XD
}:/ }:/ }:/ }:/ }:/ }:/

Se han culunpiado , sin mas , todavia es demasiado pronto
Entre otras cosas microsoft sea molestado en que cueste pirateaaarla

todavia es demasiado pronto ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

adios a tossssssss
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