X-Box iSO .XBE File Cracker

desde www.xbox-scene.com se nos informa que han encontrado oculto en la ISO del wreckless esta utilidad. Aun no se sabe si ha sido colocada aposta, ha sido un descuido o si tiene utilidad alguna...

It's a DOS based program they found on the RIOT release of "Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions"

"Usage: XBoxcrk

Description: This internal RiOT M$ DOS utility was discovered hidden on the iSO image from RiOT's release last month. Perhaps it was just another sloppy packing job which is common among rookie release groups, or maybe someone within their ranks intentionally leaked this relatively *useless* tool =]"

Hale, a probar que hace esto :-P
alguien la tiene???? (la utilidad)
Te la puedes descargar desde el enlace que hay en http://www.xbox-scene.com
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