State Of Emergency Para Pc


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áááááááá ááêšš ááá šê

Deviance ááááááá


State Of Emergency (c) Take 2


CD Count.......: 01 CD(s) Date...........: 07/2003

Protection.....: Securom


Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it!

*** Release Information ***

Game Notes:


State of Emergency is a "man against the mob" arcade-like fighting game
where you are a member of an underground resistance movement, dedicated to
liberating your people from the oppressive Corporation. Use hand to hand
combat, weapons, and anything you can find on the street. Hundreds of
people are rioting as you fight for freedom - be careful!

Game Features:


* Two completely different styles of gameplay: try to topple The
Corporation, or simply cause complete mayhem

* Choose from one of five rebels, each with different strengths and

* Deep selection of hand to hand fighting moves and tons of super-
destructive weapons are at your disposal! Pick up items off the street
to fight as well.

* Whether it is Corporation death squads or ruthless gangs, prepare to fight
a LOT of people at one time

* Absolute mayhem prevails as over 250 people fill the screen!

Install Notes:


1) Unrar with WinRAR.

2) Burn the .cue and .bin with Nero Burning Rom software.

3) Install the game.

4) Copy over the cracked .exe
4) And then play :)


El juegode Rockstar tambien para pc y xbox

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