Problema para iniciar aurora en disco externo. Problem to start aurora on external disk

Como mi xbox no tiene disco duro externo, usabamos freestyle home en uno externo, cuestion que intentando instalar aurora, en un disco duro interno, lo que no me funcionó, me deshabilitó el poder usar el externo. Tengo todo intacto, los juegos y el freestyle home, (aunque lo cambie por aurora) intento arrancar el disco externo desde la xbox manualmente, desde la interfaz original de xbox, pero no me deja, le intenté copiar el archivo "Launch.ini", pero tampoco me funciona, alguien me puede ayudar? sin necesidad de formatear mi disco externo?.

As my xbox does not have an external hard drive, we used freestyle home in an external one, question that trying to install aurora, in an internal hard drive, which did not work for me, it disabled me the power to use the external one. I have everything intact, the games and the freestyle home, (even if I change it to aurora) I try to start the external disk from the xbox manually, from the original xbox interface, but it does not let me, I tried to copy the file "Launch.ini" , but it doesn't work for me either, can someone help me? without needing to format my external drive ?.
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