para DarkOptic sobre Ati... solo una alludita

bueno he leido comparativas ect...y al final estoy entre estos dos modelos que tienen en app, no puedo comprarla en otro sitio por que me tienen que abonar mi mx440 suxxxxxx los modelos en cuestion son estos...el precio es similar solo que la nvidia me llama mas por los pregunta essss ¿tu cual de las dos te quedarias? tb acepto otras opiniones o expertos :D muchas gracias de antemano

C3D ATI RAD 9500 64DDR 227,22€

Características ATI Radeon 9500: Primero en soportar DirectX® 9.0. Con su nueva tecnologia SMARTSHADER™ 2.0, RADEON™ 9500 soporta Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 y la última funcionalidad OpenGL® para dar a los desarrolladores libertad para crear más efectos visuales reales. First 4-pixel pipeline architecture RADEON™ 9500 es la primera tecnologia capaz de procesar 8 pixels simultaneamente.
La interfaz de memoria de la RADEON™ 9500, utiliza la última tecnología HYPER Z™ III.
Características 3D Graphics:
- Four parallel rendering pipelines process up to 2.6 billion pixels per second
- Four parallel geometry engines process up to 325 million transformed and lit polygons per second
- High precision 10-bit per channel framebuffer support
- Full support for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 programmable pixel and vertex shaders in hardware
- 2.0 Pixel Shaders support up to 16 textures per rendering pass
- 2.0 Vertex Shaders support vertex programs up to 1024 instructions with flow control
- New 128-bit per pixel floating point color formats
- Multiple Render Target (MRT) support
- Shadow volume rendering acceleration
- Complete feature set also supported in OpenGL via extensions
- State-of-the-art full-scene anti-aliasing
- New technology processes up to 15.6 billion anti-aliased samples per second for unprecedented performance
- Supports 2x, 4x, and 6x modes with programmable sample patterns
- Advanced anisotropic filtering
- Supports up to 16 bilinear samples (in performance mode) or trilinear samples (in quality mode) per pixel
- Bandwidth-saving algorithm enables this feature with minimal performance cost
- Hierarchical Z-Buffer and Early Z Test reduce overdraw by detecting and discarding hidden pixels
- Lossless Z-Buffer Compression and Fast Z-Buffer Clear reduce memory bandwidth consumption by over 50%
- TRUFORM™ 2.0
- 2nd generation N-patch higher order surface support
- Discrete and continuous tessellation levels per polygon for dynamic LOD
- DirectX 9.0 displacement mapping VIDEO FEATURES
- Seamless integration of programmable pixel shaders with video data
- High quality, hardware accelerated de-blocking of internet streaming video
- Noise removal filter for captured video
- Integrated MPEG-2 decode
- Hardware accelerated iDCT, motion compensation, and color space conversion
- Top quality DVD and all-format DTV/HDTV decode with low CPU overhead
- Back-end scaler delivers top quality playback
- Upscaling and downscaling with 4-tap horizontal and vertical filtering
- Filtered display of images up to 1920 pixels wide
- Unique per-pixel adaptive de-interlacing feature combines the best elements of the “bob” and “add-field” (weave) techniques

o este otro de nvidia WINFAST G4TI4200 128MB 220,31€

Especificaciones Técnicas
NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 GPU with AGP 8X
nfiniteFX™ II Engine for programmability
Dual programmable Vertex Shaders
Advanced programmable Pixel Shaders
nVIDIA Accuview Antialiasing™
Lightspeed Memory Architecture™ II
nView™ Display Technology
4 Billion AA samples per second fill rate
113 Million vertices/sec
1.03 trillion operations/sec
Memory bandwidth up to 8.0GB/sec
Vivid NTSC/PAL TV-out support with flicker filter
High-Definition Video Processor(HDTV)
Dual cube environment mapping
8 texels per clock cycle
4 dual-rending pilelines
Microsoft DirectX® and S3TC® texture compression
nVIDIA Unified Driver Architecture (UDA)
Z-correct true, reflective bump mapping
32-bit color with 32-bit Z/stencil buffer
High-performance 2D rendering engine
On-board TV-out support up to 1024x768 resolution
On-board DVI support up to 1280x1024 resolution
Microsoft® DirectX® 8.X and OpenGL® 1.3 Optimizations and Support
WinFox II and Hardware Monitor
First Industry AGP 8X Board

WinFast A280LE TDH series powered by NVIDIA's GeForce4 Ti 4200 GPU with AGP 8X, es de las primeras en soportar la tecnología AGP 8X(V3.0) en una tarjeta gráfica.

AGP 8X(V3.0) is the next generation of VGA interface with its AGP 533MHz bus, the transfer rate speeds up to 2.1GB/sec to enhance graphics performance. .

La serie WinFast A280LE TDHha añadido caractrísticas tales como ZBIOS technology, Diagnostic LEDs and Hardware Monitor.

nfiniteFX II Engine: The nfiniteFX II engine incorporates dual programmable Vertex and Pixel Shaders 3D textures that give developers the freedom to program infinite numbers of custom special effects to create true-to-life characters and environments.

Shadow Buffers: Part of the nfiniteFX II and nfiniteFX Engines, shadow buffers enable self-shadowing for characters and objects, and soften the edges of shadows for realistic effects, adding depth to scenes and highlighting spatial relationships between objects.

Advanced Pixel Shaders: Part of the nfiniteFX II Engine, advanced Pixel Shaders alter lighting and surface effects that replace artificial, computerized looks with materials and surfaces that mimic reality. Technical advancements deliver substantial performance improvement in all areas, especially three and four texture performance.

nView Display Technology: NVIDIA's nView technology leverages NVIDIA's industry-leading hardware and software expertise to deliver multi-display functionality of immense flexibility including CRTs, televisions, and flat panel LCDs, and provides complete intuitive and flexible working environments.

Lightspeed Memory Architecture II: LMA II boosts effective memory bandwidth by up to 300%. Radical new technologies including Z-occlusion culling, fast Z-clear, and auto pre-charge effectively multiply the memory bandwidth to ensure fluid frame rates for the latest 3D and 2D games and applications.

AccuView Antialiasing Engine: The NVIDIA Accuview Antialiasing (AA) subsystem tackles difficult antialiasing problems by providing a unique and flexible technology architecture that delivers high-quality graphics at unbeatable levels of performance. For the first time, end users can choose high-resolution antialiasing as their default display mode, without suffering any performance degradation in their favorite games and applications.

ZBIOS: Leadtek ZBIOS technology is used for protecting graphics BIOS on the Leadtek WinFast graphics card series. This is a single BIOS that consists of two parts, a "Primary" and "Backup" BIOS, If the "Primary" BIOS fails, the "Backup" BIOS will automatically take over on the next system boot up, whether the problem is a virus or a reflash failure of the "Primary" BIOS, ZBIOS will back you up automatically.

Diagnostic LEDs: 3 LEDs are embedded on board to help user identify the hardware status.

Hardware Monitor: The Hardware Monitor helps you be able to control the details on your PC and make the right decisions if problems occur, it also provides immediate access to hardware atatus information such as Sample Time, Critical Temp, Fan Speed and Voltage level.

User's Manual: Guía general
Yo me quedaría con la Ati porque es más rápida, pasable a 9700 con un pequeño programa (aunque no se si ese modelo en concreto se puede) y soporta Directx 9, cosa que la prepara para el futuro. Lo que pasa es que intentaría pillarla de 128mb, todavía estaría más preparada para el futuro.

La Winfast sería también una muy buena opción, pero a priori me quedaría con la primera.

MMMMMMMMMM, siento el retraso pero ando liado....

La GF4 Ti4200 da mas rendimiento que la 9500 de 64MB,,,,

Tiene mas futuro la radeon , por la compatibilidad con directX9.0 pero de momento es poco aprovechable, ademas como bien dices la GF tiene 128MB...

La radeon 9500 64MB, solo se puede convertir a una Radeon 9500 PRO de 64MB, por lo que si la vas a pasar por software, me decantaria por esta opcion, si por lo contrario, juegas pero no eres muy quisquilloso y no quieres "trucar" la radeon coge la GF4 Ti4200 128MB, ya que ademas Winfast es una buena marca...

De todas formas cualquiera de las 2 es una buena eleccion....

Que haria yo??????, pues comprar la Radeon 9500 y pasarla a una Radeon 9500 PRO, pero teniendo de antemano los programas para hacerlo y sabiendo como se hace...

bueno mañana llega mi ati 9500 jejeje y la culpa es un poco de DarkOptic de tanto leer sus hilos :D...cuando me llege la pasare por soft a 9500 pro con sus 8 motores de texturas [buenazo] si no me equiboco simplemente usando el ¿rivaturner? no tengo mucho problema me defiendo bien tanto en hard como en soft pero una pequeña orientacion nunca esta de mas :D muchas gracias por vuestra opinion... Un saludo
Creo que hay una version retocada del Rivatuner para hacerlo, pero no estoy seguro, sino, ya sabes, busca por el foro o por internet los programas correspondientes, que alguien los puso hace unas semanas y no es dificl hacerlo por software... luego cuentanos que tal te va...[oki]

ya tengo los programas cuanto que me llege me pongo de pruebas, primero sin tocar nada y luego con los cambios echos para ver la diferencia [bad] que ganas que le tengo [babas] gracias por la info un saludo
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