Nuevo disco de THE WHO!

extraido de la pagina de pete townshend:

The band has agreed upon a work plan for the coming year and beyond. At present Pete is involved in setting up a team to do a 5.1 remix of Quadrophenia, which will be released along similar lines to the upcoming Tommy release. An extended version is also planned for the same release, opening the story up for future theatrical and DVD versions.

His main creative work will be songs for a new Who album. These will be based on his story, now complete, The Boy Who Heard Music. He and Roger plan to demo the new material before the end of the year prior to going into record the album in March 04. This of course will be the band's first studio album since 1982 'It's Hard.' The proposed release date for the album is the early Summer and the idea is to follow it up with a US and UK tour, taking in other regions in 2005.

Both Pete and Roger wanted to share this information with you at an early stage. It is hoped that the recording sessions will be filmed for webcasting and that some live, interactive sessions, via the website, will also take place.

To tie in with this period of activity the chatboard will reopen on Oct 2nd.


Pongo esto para conocer a los fans de este magnifico grupo que circulen por eol y de paso hablar con ellos!. Nos vemos!

Ya era hora de que The Who volviera por sus fueros, se les hechaba de menos! Lo último que escuché de Townsed fue una participacion en un disco de Bowie, veremos que tal.
tengo ganas de escuchae nuevo material de Townshend...Pero nunca será un álbum de The Who sin Keith Moon ni Entwistle...
pues si. Por lo visto la historia lleva escrita desde 1993 pero townshend ha guardado el material para sacarlo con daltrey. Seguro que nos regala un gran disco, pero si os gustan los who estar atentos porque el 30 de Septiembre sale en US el DVD de The Kids Are Alright con muchísimos extras y un monton de cosas interesantes. Compra obligatoria. Os pongo el link:

Por cierto, si teneis bootlegs estaré encantado de intercambiar con vosotros!! Nos vemos.

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