***Metroid Prime GOTY del GDCA


News Article: Nintendo Scores Awards from Game Developers
News Date: 03/07/2003
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The 3rd Annual Game Developers Choice Awards were held as part of the GDC and Nintendo fared quite well.

The 3rd Annual Game Developers Choice Awards were held tonight in San Jose as part of the ongoing Game Developers Conference. As with the earlier AIAS Awards, Nintendo did quite well with Animal Crossing picking up a Game Innovation Spotlight Award and Metroid Prime picking up three awards; Rookie Studio of the Year, Excellence in Level Design, and the coveted Game of the Year.

While the coronation of the Game of the Year was exciting, the highlight of the night was definitely the honoring of Gunpei Yokoi with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Last year's honoree, Yuji Naka, did an excellent job in presenting the award to Yokoi's family with a touching speech that highlighted Yokoi-san's career and credited him as a respected rival that helped push Sega developers to work that much harder during the fierce Nintendo/Sega battles of the 80s and early 90s. Congratulations to all of tonight's winners, particularly the Yokoi family, and thanks to the International Game Developers Association for putting on a good award show for game developers by game developers.

imagen (no se puede enlazar), haz copy/paste

Pues Nintendo salio bien parado en estos premios. Especialmente el Metroid Prime/Retro que gano el premio por mejor estudio novato (Retro), excelencia en diseño de niveles y JUEGO DEL AÑO.
Redondeando la noticia de MeaN.

Si se realizo la entrega de premios "Interactive Achievement Awards 2002" en las vegas y como tengo una "gueva" de escribir el dia de hoy [666] , aqui les pongo una "escanneada" del reportaje del Chicago Sun-Times en donde se da la noticia.

Espero y se vea bien, y como se comenta Nintendo salio bien en esta pelea ya que gano los premios:

Juego en consola de primera persona de accion: METROID PRIME

Juego de consola de Role Playing: ANIMAL CROSSING

Juego de año familiar: MARIO PARTY 4

Bueno aqui la lista completa.
Escrito originalmente por Lou6623
como tengo una "gueva" de escribir el dia de hoy [666]
Eso mismo me pasa a mi... jajaja... por eso di la noticia y resumidamente resumi el resumen resumido :P :P :P.
Escrito originalmente por An0n1m0

No es lo mismo? :(

Fdo- An0n1m0
No... NO son los mismos premios. De hecho en esos gano el Splinter Cell mejor juego [de consola] del año.
solo tengo un icono para el metroid: [tadoramo]
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