GC y VideoCD

Parece que la GC reproduce VideoCD :-?

"Mathieu Minel, PR-Manager of Nintendo Fr., has told the press at Milia 2002 that the GameCube supports Video-CD's. The reason why he brought it up was because of a little chat he had with Xavier from Puissance-Nintendo regarding a Star Fox demo movie displayed at Milia 2002.

Because of the fact that that GameCube only played the movie in pretty low quality, Xavier asked Mathieu Minel why the movie was not of a very high quality.

This is what Mathieu Minel answered: "I am sorry for the quality of the movie, but it is because we burned a video-CD and not a DVD. The GameCube can read films."

There you have it. The GameCube supports VCD playback. You better start burning, soon you will be able to watch your entire movie collection on the GameCube!

Reported live, from Milia 2002"

Taria bien si la gamecube leyera discos de tamaño normal y hubiera alguna manera de que pillara cd-r :(
Es *posible* que hayan quemado un VideoCD (MPEG1) en un GOD virgen, casi seguro que GC tiene soporte interno para MPEG1 y si no lo tiene siempre lo puede hacer por soft.

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