El director de God of War habla de su nuevo proyecto

cito de blog escribió:Sitting at work, playing the new game, making notes of things I'd like to see adjusted and/or fixed.

Our new game should be out in the next few months...between November and January, depending on a handful of factors. Not sure when marketing is going to break the news but I'll tell you all about it as soon as I can.

What I can tell you is I was playing it at 1080p the other day out in Utah and damn man, that has totally convinced me to go out and buy a snazzy, high end television. It's night and freaking day, dude. Night and freaking day.

So I'm listening to Bing Crosby Xmas music as I work today...I'm just getting into that holiday mood, you know? Not just Xmas/Chanukkah, but Thanksgiving, and- especially- Halloween! I just went to lunch with the wife and kids and saw them starting to build one of the local haunted houses about a mile from the office! Man, I love the holidays.

So anyway, I got the Xmas music going (even tho it's totally sunny and 72 freakin degress here in San Diego!) and I'm getting even more jazzed about getting this game done. I SO LOVE the idea of kids and adults and gamers in general hanging out around the tv during the holiday season, playing our new game, laughing, passing the controller around, going online with the thing and meeting new folks (all of whom are off work for the holidays)....it's so incredibly cool to just know that the work that we do can actually seep into the warm holiday memories of folks; that we can be part of the little movie that plays when they think back about the holiday season....Man, I love that.

As for the game, I can tell you, it's NOT HL. That game is- for the moment- on the shelf.

The core reason is that it was very ambitious and so was/is WarHawk. The same developer is making both games (with some key members shared between both games) so Scott (head of Incog) and I said: fuck it. We'll do HL later...maybe.

But for now, let's make something else.

And we have.

This was about 6-7 months ago and we're almost at Alpha! It's totally NOT a game like HL was going to be, or GOD OF WAR for that matter. It has stuff in common with TWISTED METAL, BOMBERMAN, and...well, a few other things that I ain't gonna talk about yet!

I think it's lots of fun and I hope you all will as well...we will know soon enough!

I CAN tell you that man, SHORTER, LESS EXPENSIVE GAMES....wow! What a BLAST to be working on these things! I feel like the old cartoonists who used to make Bugs and Daffy must have felt; how Rankin-Bass must have felt, pumping out show after show after show...just knocking them out, and some are- worst case- just average, while some are amazing... but it adds up to a hell of a batting average over time and lots of fun games. I have not dug the work this much in ages!

So I hope you guys dig this one enough that we get to make more! I'm sure you'll let us know!

Talk to ya'll soon!


ps. new website is coming along, will let you know when I get it up and running!


Bueno al parecer despues de GoW II veremos un juego de PSP y otro en PS3 aunque no de la saga..a ver que se saca este de la chistera :P
SNT escribió:


Bueno al parecer despues de GoW II veremos un juego de PSP y otro en PS3 aunque no de la saga..a ver que se saca este de la chistera :P

bueno habra que esperar a que desarrolla este equipo que lo tengo en muy alta estima, aunque yo no creo que salga GOW III puesto que ya habia dicho antes que queria hacer otros projectos.
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