El anillo Unico de la VR: GVRA [Asociación Global de VR]

Tres anillos para los Reyes Elfos bajo el cielo.
Siete para los Señores Enanos en casas de piedra.
Nueve para los Hombres Mortales condenados a morir.
Un Anillo para gobernarlos a todos. Un Anillo para encontrarlos.
Un Anillo para atraerlos a todos y atarlos en las tinieblas

Elfos y Enanos serian los Desarrolladores y Creadores de tecnologias, mientras los Hombres serian los fabricantes que nos venden a los mortales estos productos de VR. Y la GVRA los uniria y controlaria a todos.


Google, HTC, Sony, Facebook, Samsung y Acer se han unido para crear una asociacion enfocada en ordenar y coordinar las tecnologias, su hardware y software enfocado en la VR para unificar en un solo estandar, o conjunto de reglas y funciones comunes.

As nace este 7 de diciembre la GVRA o Asociación Global de Realidad Virtual [The Global Virtual Reality Association] , cuyo principio que la rige es el de promover el desarrollo y adopción de la VR de manera mundial, así como implementar mejores prácticas para el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la VR. Ademas también la hara de intermediario para los consumidores, legisladores y la industria interesada en esta tecnología.

Pagina Oficial: https://www.gvra.com

GVRA escribió:
Acer Starbreeze, Google, HTC VIVE, Facebook’s Oculus, Samsung, and Sony Interactive Entertainment today announced the creation of a non-profit organization of international headset manufacturers to promote the growth of the global virtual reality (VR) industry. The Global Virtual Reality Association (GVRA) will develop and share best practices for industry and foster dialogue between public and private stakeholders around the world.

About Us

This group believes in VR’s immense global potential and the opportunities ahead – it will change the landscape of education, training, healthcare, and design, among many other areas. While seeking to educate consumers, governments, and industry about VR’s potential, the association wants to get ahead of challenges with developing and deploying the technology responsibly. That’s why we feel it’s important to bring together international experts across industry to work collaboratively on global education, potential technical challenges, and promoting best practices in the field.

The goal of the association is to promote the worldwide growth and development of the VR industry. To that end, the organization will foster dialogue between public and private stakeholders in VR around the world and make education and training material available to the public. Working groups will be organized around important topics for the industry, enabling us to produce relevant research and guidance. We will also host and participate in international discussions on important topics in VR to shape the public discussion on the technology. Ultimately, the group will develop best practices and share them openly.

Estara dividida en ‘Miembros Patrocinadores’ y ‘Miembros Regulares’, donde los Patrocinadores serian Señores Elfos y Enanos, los desarrolladores y creadores de tecnologias y quienes aprueban o si entran en los de VR; mientras los Regulares serian los Señores Humanos, quienes fabrican y venden los productos al consumidor.

Creo que este es el primer paso para que la VR tenga una explopsion en su desarrollo y empleo en la vida diaria, sea en lo laboral, educativo, artistico y sobre todo, lo ludico. Asi ya se podra tener una certeza de estandares y regulaciones que todos los fabricantes deberan de usar, y asi los articulos que compremos y que tengan una certificacion o al menos se apeguen a estos estandares nos funcionen sobre cualquier dispositivo PC, tablet, etc., junto conque el software que compremos o se incluya pueda usar tales dispositivos.


Aunque aqui en EOL es evidente que a nadie le interesa lo trascendental de contar con un organismo regulador, promotor y especifico para la VR al mercado casero, lo bueno es que este organismo no esta dormido y sigue trabajando en definirse.

The past year has seen the international rollout of consumer-ready VR, bringing considerable new global investment to the field and exploration of novel applications of VR. The spread of the technology has led to important discussions about ensuring VR devices are developed and used for the maximum benefit of consumers, governments, and industry around the world. The GVRA’s founding companies endeavor to contribute to that global dialogue constructively with best practices to ensure the continued growth of the VR ecosystem worldwide.

This group believes in VR’s immense global potential and the opportunities ahead—it will change the landscape of education, training, healthcare, and design, among many other areas. While seeking to educate consumers, governments, and industry about VR’s potential, the association wants to get ahead of challenges with developing and deploying the technology responsibly. That’s why we feel it’s important to bring together international experts across industry to work collaboratively on global education, potential technical challenges, and promoting best practices in the field.

Given the pace of progress in the field our companies felt it was an important time and opportunity to create an open environment for discussing and sharing best practices. This will build a strong foundation for the global VR industry and drive quality in device production and operation for years to come. Today, we’re pleased to have that vision culminate in the formation of the Global Virtual Reality Association.

The goal of the association is to promote the worldwide growth and development of the VR industry. To that end, the organization will foster dialogue between public and private stakeholders in VR around the world and make education and training material available to the public. Working groups will be organized around important topics for the industry, enabling us to produce relevant research and guidance. We will also host and participate in international discussions on important topics in VR to shape the public discussion on the technology. Ultimately, the group will develop best practices and share them openly.

The association is guided by a board comprised of the member companies. The association has two tiers of members, “Sponsor Members” and “Regular Members.” Sponsor Members vote on all matters requiring approval of the association and the size of the Board may increase accordingly as new Sponsor Members are added to the organization. Other companies may be eligible to join the group as a Regular Member if it is an international VR headset manufacturer committed to the association’s purpose of growing the worldwide VR industry and has its membership application approved by the Board.

The GVRA will commission international research, create educational materials, and host and participate in discussions on issues important to the future of VR worldwide. The group will also create and share best practices for industry around the world.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to reach out to the organization, please contact us at info@gvra.com.

Y parece que en estos meses saldrian los primeros productos elaborados con lo que se especifique en este organismo.
Esta claro que lo que puede hacer que esta tecnologia se lance es la standarizacion de toda ella en conjunto,da igual que luego compre una u otra marca,pero al menos que sea la misma experiencia y bajo las mismas premisas.

En parte fue uno de los errores que se cometieron con la tecnologia 3d en televisores,ojo que a mi me gusta y disfruto de ello bastante,pero esta claro que si cada marca apuesta por algo distinto el mercado se fragmenta y la division para hacer despegar la tecnologia de este tipo con los precios que tiene no es nada bueno,asi que en definitiva es una buena noticia.
Esa es lña idea y lo importante de esta orgnizacion, como bien mencionas es evitar la fragmentacion en diversas tecnologias y sus respectivos perifericos y otros gadgets.
Un colegio de Santa Monica [estados unidos de norteamerica] se integra al GVRA y tiene planes de usar la VR para capacitacion y enseñanza, y hasta se plantea el uso terapeutico en psiquiatria.
Y ahiora hasta VESA se unira a esto de la VR y AR creando especificaciones para estandarizar.


https://www.vrfocus.com/2017/05/vesa-cr ... ar-markets
The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA®) today announced it has formed a Special Interest Group (SIG) that addresses standardization for the fast-growing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) markets. Well known for developing the ubiquitous DisplayPort™ and Embedded DisplayPort (eDP) standards, VESA also previously defined the long-standing Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) standard—which works with VGA, HDMI, DisplayPort and other established interconnect standards to enable plug-and-play monitor functionality—as well as the subsequent DisplayID extension to define displays with 4K and higher resolution. Its portfolio of display standards makes VESA well positioned to investigate AR/VR compatibility-related issues.

VR is immersive, shutting out one’s surroundings, while AR provides a virtual overlay to what the viewer sees in the real world. The market has seen the introduction of head-mounted displays (HMDs) and AR/VR-enabled eyeglasses for gaming and movies, and other applications for the technology are on the horizon, such as automotive, education, health and wellness, and manufacturing. However, while many developers are focusing on enhancing the user experience and making products more interoperable, the lack of standardization is causing compatibility issues between products from different vendors, as well as increasing the complexity and cost of development, ownership and replacement. Lack of compatibility can also create confusion for end users and impede broader acceptance of AR/VR products.

Proposed by VESA member Analogix Semiconductor, Inc., the AR/VR SIG is open to both VESA members and non-members, allowing discussion to address the varied needs of all the ecosystem players, including headset makers, glass makers, and other types of providers not typically involved in VESA standards development. The SIG will work with other VESA task groups, as well as other standards organizations, to help build a robust ecosystem that offers optimal benefits for end users.

“AR/VR products involve both software and hardware development, which requires that different companies in different areas work together to pursue a unified AR/VR standard,” said Greg Stewart, director of system architecture at Analogix Semiconductor and chair of the AR/VR SIG. “Not all of these required areas of expertise are currently being discussed in any existing VESA group, and we see a strong need and value in creating the AR/VR SIG to get the ball rolling. The SIG will explore the technology area and define recommendations for the requirements and scope of a possible standard, as well as set objectives and timelines so that a task group can move forward with more formal development and implementation.”

The VESA AR/VR SIG will be charged with several key missions:

Establish the hierarchical structure for AR/VR services, including physical connections, data transfer protocols, software drivers and application layers
Define the basic communication data structure and communication channel between the source and sink devices
Study the related technologies and algorithms, and standardize them to enable economic and efficient implementation
Suggest any changes to existing VESA standards that may be needed for better AR/VR support
Work with other standards bodies to merge suggested changes into related standards

“It’s exciting to see the growth in the AR/VR market, evident in such venues as the Consumer Electronics Show, which this year featured more than 260 AR/VR exhibitors with more show floor space than ever before,” said Bill Lempesis, VESA’s executive director. “However, a key question remains—when and how will these products be able to play well with each other? To our knowledge, no other standards organization is currently addressing the key challenges associated with AR/VR product function and interoperability, and we look forward to leveraging our industry leadership to encourage dialogue among industry providers and ultimately help drive further adoption of this exciting technology.”
Pues tambien microsoft entra a la estandarizacion de VR, y con ello pronto se tendran APIs DirectX para este tema, asi que saldran juegos y aplicaciones para windows y XBX One.

https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ahead ... 00-6450632

https://www.bit-tech.net/news/bits/2017 ... treality/1

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