2 in1 PS2 cdrip tutorial

5in1 cdrip multiple :

HotWheels World Race
The Italian Job
GTC Africa
Bloody Roar 3
Marvel Vs Capcom 2

Scorcherboy [pos eso]
Can I put each game in a directory following this?:
\MENU 3\cdrom0:\PS2LOAD.ELF;1
\MENU 4\cdrom0:\PS2LOAD.ELF;1
\MENU 5\cdrom0:\PS2LOAD.ELF;1
\MENU 6\cdrom0:\PS2LOAD.ELF;1
\MENU 7\cdrom0:\PS2LOAD.ELF;1
\MENU 8\cdrom0:\PS2LOAD.ELF;1
\MENU 9\cdrom0:\PS2LOAD.ELF;1

I want to put metal slug 3, kof 2001 and others, but kof2001 and ms3 have some files with an identical name but with different contents inside.

¿Puedo poner cada juego en directorios separados? como en el ejemplo:

Quiero poner el metal slug 3, kof 2001 y otros, pero kof2001 y ms3 tienen algunos archivos con el mismo nombre y diferente contenido.
6in1 cdrip multiple :

1.The Italian Job
2.GTC Africa
3.Marvel Vs Capcom 2
4.Bloody Roar 3
5.Tetris Worlds
6.Super Bust A Move 2

6in1 Multiple Rip Info :

Bloody Roar 3 :
1.All movies ripped and replaced with Blank.pss
2.Background music tracks ripped and relinked to M02.PCM and M15.PCM.
3.Bloody Roar 3, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and GTC Africa contain the folder named MODULES.
4.Renamed Bloody Roar 3 MODULES folder to MODULEZ.
5.Used hex workshop to hexedit sles_502.03 of Bloody Roar 3 by replacing MODULES folder name with MODULEZ!!!

Marvel Vs Capcom 2 :
The 54 mb AFS00.AFS file of Marvel Vs Capcom 2 extracted with AFS TOOLS and
large adx background music files replaced with smaller ones.After rebuilding AFS00. AFS file it came to 8 mb.

Italian Job and GTC Africa:
1.All movies ripped and replaced with Blank.pss
2.Background music tracks ripped and relinked with remaining sound tracks
3.Renamed GTC Africa MODULES folder to MODULED
4.Used hex workshop to hexedit SLES_504.72 of GTC Africa by replacing MODULES folder name with MODULED!!!
5.Placed background music file AFRICA1.PCM in SOUND folder of Italian Job and relinked to ripped music files,to
stay within the 30 file limit in root directory!!!!
6.Used hex workshop to hexedit SLES_504.72 of GTC Africa by replacing MUSIC folder name with SOUND!!!

Tetris Worlds and Super Bust A Move 2:
1.All movies ripped and replaced with Blank.pss
2.All files within french and german folder of tetris worlds replaced with 1kb dummy
3.Ripped out the two files SLES_5~1.SYM and SLES_5~1.XMA of tetris worlds.
Only English language and voices available.

OK, I can change the name of directory if I edit SLES, understood.
¿AFS Tools are AFS explorer for WE? This utility don't open AFS file from DBZ budokai 2.
Another working 3in1 cdrip multiple :

1.King of Fighters 2001
2.Bloody Roar 4
3.Capcom VS SNK 2

Rip Info :

Bloody Roar 4 :
1.Bloody Roar 4 USA NTSC DVD ripped using Mr.B pal_multi ripkit as guideline
ie.All movies replaced with Blank.pss and all dummy files replaced with 1kb dummies!!!!
2.Background music file 3000.PFP chopped to 20mb with split tool - No ingame background music!!!
3.Bloody Roar 4 and Capcom VS SNK 2 both contain the folder MODULES.
4.Renamed Bloody Roar 4 MODULES folder to MODULEZ.
4.Used hex workshop to hexedit SLUS_207.95 of Bloody Roar 4 by replacing MODULES folder name with MODULEZ!!!

Capcom VS SNK 2 :
AFS00.AFS file extracted and rebuilt with AFS TOOLS and
all adx background music files downsampled to mono

1.DVD ripped with ripkit from Mr.B.
2.APP0000.DAT file chopped down to 1.7 mb with split tool.
3.ALL.AFS file extracted and rebuilt with AFS TOOLS and all bgm adx music files downsampled to mono.

Scorcherboy :)
3in1 multiple cdrip :

1.King Of Fighters 2000
2.Marvel Vs Capcom 2
3.Bloody Roar 3

Scorcherboy :cool:
More working 2in1 cdrip multiples:

1.Dragonball Z Budokai 2 and King Of Fighters 2001

2.HotWheels Velocity X and HotWheels World Race

You could explain to me like ordering the "LBAs" of the games that are combined?

Alguien que able español podría explicarme como ordenar las LBAs de los juegos en el multijuego resultante

Checkout the filelist of the games,filelist of the multiple and the ps2 doc to see how the games were compiled.The filelist are also arranged according their lba using SORTER.

Where I can find the SORTER.?
Sorter available at Ps2modz paradise at http://www.alucard.cc/

Please you could explain to me as it works and so that it serves exactly. It pardons but I do not speak English and this is to me difficult.
Another Racing 3in1 cdrip multiple :

1.Looney Tunes Space Race
2.Monster Jam
3.Hot Wheels World Race

Scorcherboy :-)
wow exellent tutorials!! finally i can put those small games togetehre >
Another 3in1 cdrip multiple :

1.Metalslug 3
2.Blowout : Military fighting unit
3.Crazy taxi

Wenas, he intentado hacer un dvd con los juegos

XGRA (1.17 GB)

He seguido un manual de http://www.aluccard.cc y en comparacion al de socherboy son iguales.

El resultado que me ha dado es q cnd elijo un juego del menu me salta la pantallita del explorador de la play con la MC y leyendo el disco.

No seria pq estoy usando el cdloader??

bigboss_isi a ti te ha salido?? pq no explicas como lo has exo

Great job Scorcherboy, but can u try to minimize the posting, by editing one of yours in the first page and introducing in the "massive" way all the working multiple'd games you have tried?... is quite ***difficult*** to catch any of them that anyone can be interested in, by reading all the posts one by one through the whole postage.

thx alot btw

About the rip info: it will be possible to keep it, mantaining your posts, but put like indexed the page of the post where it is:

Multiple 3 Game1 Game2 Game3 ( Page 3 )

Check this, and if you agree and find this a hard job, when i get a free time, i give a hand with it
Qué animal xD.

Solo puedo decir..
Great job xD

Rip Info :

1.Metalslug 3 Jap cdrip by Kalisto

2.Metalslug 4 US NTSC DVD :
Used Sonix DVDScan3.6 for media checks on SLUS_209.71 and files in MODULES folder.
Renamed MODULES folder to MODULEZ.
Used hex workshop to hexedit SLUS_209.71 by replacing MODULES folder name with MODULEZ.
Renamed ICON folder to ICOM.
Used hex workshop to hexedit SLUS_209.71 by replacing ICON folder name with ICOM.
APP0001.DAT and APP0002.DAT dummy files removed!!!!

3.Metalslug 5 US NTSC DVD :
Used Sonix DVDScan3.6 for media checks on SLUS_209.90 and files in MODULES folder.
Renamed ZIP folder ZIT.
Used hex workshop to hexedit SLUS_209.90 by replacing ZIP folder name with ZIT.
Placed FIXJPN.ZIP and GFXJPN.ZIP files in ZIP folder of Metalslug 4.
APP0001.DAT and APP0002.DAT dummy files removed!!!!

Compilation done with multiloader 1.02 by denver\doberman.

Scorcherboy [uzi]
Necesito que alguien me haga el siguiente favor. Acceder al Isobuster y obtener con el Isobuster la LBA, ruta relativa de Mortal Kombat Deception, Obscure, Rygar y Worms Forts. ¡Gracias de antemano! Lo necesito porque hice compilaciones para meter más de un Juego en un DVD y ahora no se que archivos corresponden a cada juego.
Nota Adicional: Para obtener la ruta relativa basta con pinchar con el botón derecho sobre la ISO del juego dentro del Isobuster y acceder a Copiar información de arbol a un archivo\LBA, ruta relativa...
I can believe scorcherboy Rulezzz!!!! xD

Que bestia es el scorcherboy [tadoramo]
alguien a conseguido pasar el dvd rip de jack an dexter a un dvd, ya que lo jçhe intentado y cuando cargo el cdloader y llamo el ejecutable de jack me saca al explorador de playstation memori card, quien seria bueno y me regala la ruta relativa isobuster del jack ya que con el mio no funciona, creo que se debe hacer al igual que el crash ordenando los archivos, muchas gracias por su colaboracion.

alguien a logrado pasar tambien los emuladores de supernintendo, sega y mame en un dvd? es posible ya que lo he intentado sin exito
que tal, iniciandome en este foro...

probare el metodo que postean, mi pregunta seria que si este metodo se puede usar para hacer compilaciones de juegos de playstation 1 (PSX)...

hi, i'm a newbie in the forum...

i'll try the tutorial, but i wanna know if it's possible make playstation 1 (PSX) compilations with this method?

Tutorial en español en este mismo foro
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