Enigmah-X Reprogramable


Resumen rápido:
Messiah X se incorpora como una opción más.

Enigmah-X esta bastante bien diseñado, tanto como para que se pueda actualizar su flash si hay mejoras, y que saldrá a un precio interesante.



NEO-X will be demo'd again at Bowlers Computer Fair in Manchester tomorrow (Saturday 11th), I've also been told the Enigmah-X will be on show on another stall there. The X-Tender guys will be there and also at the Barras in Glasgow. Good news for all XBOX Fans.

The Messiah team have jumped on the crazy XBOX bandwagon also - expect the MessiahX to be released soon.

After seeing a sample of the Enigmah-X I have to say I'm impressed. They are using some very tasty IC's including a re-programmable flash as used on the Nvidia GEFORCE 3 cards. The aim is to be able to re-program the chips if an update is ever required, saving money for all users of this mod. It's also a very professional design showing they haven't skimped on quality to produce the most reliable mod on the market. They also have a mod to remove macrovision and to reset the DVD region after a dongle has been used (the DVD region is locked once you use the DVD dongle - this removes that lock resetting it back to its "virgin" state after a reboot). They expect everything to be ready by next week. I think we're going to redesign the NEO-X after seeing this.

I've also been told the pricing of the Enigmah-X which I cannot reveal just yet due to final agreements, but I can say it will be VERY agreeable to all :)

I can also update you on a DVD Multiregion mod. We may have found a way of incorporating this into the flash rom - therefore it can possibly be included in any of the mods coming out in the next few weeks. More news soon.

Enigmah-X have posted their new website at http://www.enigmah.com

Enigmah Mod Specs so far:

30 Wires
All Backups / Import Originals
CDR/CDRWDVDR/DVDRW (However DVD media should be used for best results)
Can use any cheap unbranded general purpose DVDR media
Optional 2 Wires for Macrovision Off
Optional 2 Wires for DVD Reset Function
Works on all models from all regions (including the different kernel versions)
All wiring points are VERY easy - no IC's to solder to - all presoldered pads.
Modified XBE's and Unsigned code can boot (This is a HUGE feature - as you'll all see soon)

" 1.000 PIECES $25 - 5.000 PIECES $20 - 10.000 PIECES $15 "

Parece se que saldrá con un precio en torno a 50$ al usuario final.
No esta nada mal.

Pues si no esta nada mal, se sabe fecha aproximada de salida??
Puede q la semana q viene.
la semana que viene, joder esto va a 1000 por hora!!!

practicamente la semana pasada no se sabia nada de chips y menos de copias y esta la cosa esta que arde
A mi em han confirmado, que para julio llegaran los chips a españa, antes nada.....
Alejo, se podria hacer como con la VGA Box, y mirar de hacer un pedido entre la gente de EOL, no? :P

Lo digo porque no será muy facil encontrarlos en cuanto salgan... :(

Aquí mejor no, lo del chip ya es algo muy delicado.
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