Jojojo, que tenemos hoy? otra queja idiota de un redneck a Take-Two y GTA

December 29, 2003 -- IN this season of ecumenical brotherhood, here's a suggestion for how to advance the cause of peace: Sell your stock in Take-Two Interactive Inc.
In case you can't quite place the name, New York-based Take-Two Interactive is a Nasdaq-traded company in the video game business.

Over the last couple of years, the company has been one of Wall Street's hottest stocks, climbing by more than 500 percent to a high of nearly $42 per share earlier this year.

But Take-Two has lately gotten knocked around a bit, both in the market and on the regulatory front, as a long-smoldering Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into the company's accounting looks to be coming to a head.

Yet that's not the only reason to stay away from this stock. Some long-overdue questions are also being raised about the nature of Take-Two's unusual product line, which is coming under attack by local and state legislators around the country.

SO before turning to Take-Two's other problems, let's first pause for some thoughts on the core question of what this company actually does - which is to produce and market video games of such luxuriously violent and disgusting content as to leave one simply speechless.

The latest installment in the company's best-selling "Grand Theft Auto" series - "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" - has been on the market for a little over a year now and has already sold more than 5 million copies.

Lately, the game has been in the news quite a bit - though not for any reason Take-Two would have wanted - as leaders in the Haitian community and elsewhere have gotten noticeably torqued up about a line of dialogue that consists of the following: "Kill the Haitians."

The offending line has brought public rebukes of the company from both Mayor Bloomberg and the Anti-Defamation League, and Take-Two has responded by saying it will remove the words from future editions of the game.

But trust me when I tell you that considering what else goes on in "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City," that phrase is nothing.

HERE'S the game's basic bit: You're a cocaine dealer, see, and you get ripped off in a drug deal that goes bad. So your mission is to get your drugs and your money back - by committing as many violent, homicidal crimes as you can possibly think up.

You can pursue your goal by killing Haitians, of course, but you can also kill anyone (or everyone) else. You can machine-gun them, beat them with baseball bats, chop them up with machetes or run them over with stolen cars.

And when you do, everything will look incredibly and shockingly real, with blood spewing everywhere.

You can kill a cop, steal his gun, and then use it to shoot someone else. Or you can pick up a prostitute and have sex with her in the back of your stolen car, then beat her to death - or shoot her, bludgeon her, whatever you want.

In fact, "whatever you want" is what the game is all about. Thanks to its artful and complex programming and its incredibly realistic graphics, the game creates the impression of being inside a totally unscripted, live-action drama in which you can manufacture your mayhem as you go along.

People, this is insane. This is 10,000 times worse than the worst thing anybody thinks Michael Jackson ever did to a little boy - or than any lie the feds think Martha Stewart ever told them, or any line in any song that Bruce Springsteen ever sang that rankled a cop in the Meadowlands.

And trust me when I tell you, Mr. Mayor, what Take-Two Interactive is blowing into your face every day is a whole lot worse than second-hand cigarette smoke.

Out of that company is spewing the glorification of mass murder and the celebration of death. And the fact that the game supposedly can't be sold to anyone under 17 years of age is completely irrelevant and changes nothing.

FOR one thing, the age cutoff is totally unenforceable, and everyone knows it. And cases surface constantly in which "Grand Theft Auto" has been linked to violence and killing. In Tennessee last summer a motorist was killed and his passenger wounded when two boys - aged 14 and 16 - played "Grand Theft Auto" and then decided to go out and take sniper shots at cars, just like in the game.

Besides: By what preposterous reasoning can one argue that once someone turns 17 years of age it magically becomes OK to glorify mass murder? Are we saying that it would have been OK for that Beltway Sniper guy - who was apparently in his 40s - to have been allowed to play "Grand Theft Auto" before going on his killing spree, but it wouldn't have been OK for that young teenager who went along with him to have done the same?

This whole age-cutoff thing is simply garbage - just like "Grand Theft Auto" itself - and sooner or later, I would imagine, we'll come to our senses and ban these games from public commerce, just like we ban child pornography and entertainment spectacles such as cock fighting and dwarf throwing.

Meantime, Take-Two is milking this product for all it is worth: Next year the company will even be introducing a Gameboy version of the thing, so that kids can carry it around with them wherever they go. This way they'll be able to get re-stimulated, whenever necessary, with some of the most menacing messages known to civilized man.

WHAT would be left of an outfit like Take- Two Interactive if its bizarre version of digital snuff porn were outlawed?

Frankly, not much. The company's latest three-month and nine-month financial results, covering the period through July 31, show "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" and an earlier version of the same ghastly program ("Grand Theft Auto III") to have accounted for just under half the company's sales.

Take-Two was founded in 1993 by a young fellow named Ryan Brant, who was apparently raised in a family steeped in its own Vice City values. Ryan's daddy, Peter, a polo-playing fop from Greenwich, Conn., did time in federal prison for tax fraud after trying to write off $1.5 million worth of massages, jewelry, scalp rubs and what-not as business expenses.

Last spring, Dad was hit with more tax woes when federal prosecutors filed a suit against him and his partner - art dealer Larry Gagosian - alleging that they owe $26 million in taxes on fine art sales dating back to 1990.

Dad was an original investor in Master Ryan's excellent adventure, and currently collects $474,000 per year from the company in return for leasing it some of the New York real estate he owns. That lease is set to expire in the new year.

THE Securities and Exchange Commission got interested in Take-Two last year after the company restated its financial results for most of the previous two years. The restatement followed reports that the company had been claiming revenues from fictitious sales.

Now the SEC seems ready to act. Earlier this month it issued the company something known as a Wells Notice, which amounts to a "your time is up" letter; its purpose is to inform the target of an SEC investigation that fraud charges are about to be filed against it. Ryan Brant received an additional Wells Notice himself, as did two former officials who the company did not name - meaning that the SEC plans to include all three as defendants in its complaint.

Bottom line: Stay away from this stock - far, far away - and you'll be doing both your wallet and your fellow man a favor. Happy New Year.

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En resumen: El imbecil que escribe esto propone a todos los vendedores de juegos que tiren su stock de GTA y GTA Vice City

Que es lo que dice? un monton de la misma mierda: cita a los 2 pendejos que se pusieron a disparar y que jugaban a GTA (en vez de pensar como carajos hicieron para conseguir rifles de francotirador a los 14 años [enfado1] )

El tipo se queja de todo el sistema de juegos de GTA, de como es una "maquina de programacion sorprendente para matar gente" [qmparto]

El tipo se la pasa diciendo que como la gente culpa a micheal jackson cuando esto es mucho peor, pero a ver, porque el no culpa a las armas que son mas faciles de conseguir que el mismo juego?cawento

De hecho, cualquiera que haya jugado al Vice City y escuchado la publicidad ficticia de Ammu-nation se da cuenta de como parodian al tema de las armas en USA [poraki]

El tipo sigue dando rosca conque es racista porque hay una parte en que los cubanos dicen "Kill Haitians" (matemos a los haitianos) y como muchas organizaciones de haitianos condenaron al juego de racista

Porque no condenan de racista a la serie Friends donde no aparece ninguna negro? Talvez sea porque si vas a USA uno ve que los blancos no se juntan con los negros, eso solo pasa en las peliculas

Como se nota que no tiene contexto para criticar el juego. Despues se pone a decir que como el padre del fundador de Take-Two fue arrestado por fraude impositivo, este (el fundador) viene de un hogar problematico que seguro le dio esa mente "retorcida" que tiene

Tambien dice que se va a investigar a la empresa por supuestas ventas ficticias.

Si me dijeran que el FF vendio 5 millones en USA te podria decir que es fictisio, pero sabiendo lo locos de mierda que son estos gringos, 5 millones para el GTA es poco, MUY POCO [666]

Anyways, el que pueda, mandele una buena putiada que el gillipollas este dejo su mail [bad]

Puede meterse cada uno de los juegos por donde mas le quepa... y con condon de lija para que vea que placer... [666]

[noop] La mayoria de juegos tienen violencia, si no de que viviriamos, de puzzles? ein?

Este tipo cree que por jugar al mario bros nos meteremos setas alucinogenas o que como snake trae unos cigarros debemos de fumar [fumando]

[poraki] No digo que el juego sea recomendaqble para todos, pero al menos los padres deberian hacer algo y sino pues ya ni que [reojillo]
Buf, se ha lucido el pollo con el articulillo. ¿Dónde habrá conseguido la licenciatura en periodismo, en la tómbola? ein?

GTA es violento, ¿y qué? Está muy de moda no ser consecuente con las acciones de cada uno, y echarle siempre la culpa a factores externos (Marilin Manson me obligó... [jaja]), pero lo cierto es que todos, grandes y pequeños, tenemos una noción de la realidad lo suficientemente sólida como para saber distinguir que lo que ocurre en un videojuego, por realista que sea, es pura fantasía.
No seamos cínicos, hay que estar muy grillado para no saber distinguir que lo que ocurre en un videojuego es una ficción simulada, y en tal caso no se debe culpar a los videojuegos, porque se trataría de una cuestión cultural o de educación.

GTA es racista... no estoy de acuerdo, todas las razas y culturas se llevan sus buenos palos, otra cosa es que oh, casualidad, les ha dado por poner como malos malosos a la mafia haitiana (que santos no serán precisamente), y claro, a nadie le mola que tiroteen a sangre de su sangre, por despreciable que esta sea. Lo cual no es sino otra prueba de que en este mundo hay gente con mucho tiempo libre dispuesta a protestar por cualquier cosa.

Sobre los adolescentes jugando al tiro al blanco... lamentable usarlos como prueba de nada. Primero de todo, ¿de dónde sacaron una copia de GTA, si es para mayores de 17? ¿De dónde se saca el autor que el hecho de que jugasen a GTA les condujo a disparar a la gente?
Y lo más importante, ¿de dónde sacan dos adolescentes un arma de fuego y munición? (buen punto, Juani)
Ésta última me la sé: de cualquier sitio en USA.

Para todo el que no lo haya visto ya, id corriendo a ver "Bowling for Columbine", extraordinario documental sobre el tema de las armas de fuego en EEUU, que es sencillamente sobrecogedor.
Un dato curioso: ¿sabeís que en paises como Japón, Australia o UK mueren alrededor de 50 personas al año por arma de fuego? ¿sabeís que en EEUU esa cifra asciende a 12000? :O [mad]

P.D.: menos mal que Charles Manson o Adolf Hitler nunca jugaron a videojuegos [poraki]
Para todo el que no lo haya visto ya, id corriendo a ver "Bowling for Columbine", extraordinario documental sobre el tema de las armas de fuego en EEUU, que es sencillamente sobrecogedor.

Yo les recomiendo a todos que despues de ver "Bowling...." se lean el libro "Estupidos Hombre Blancos" de Micheal Moore (el autor de la pelicula)

Leer ese libro es casi como ir a vivir alla, es mas, tenes una perspectiva mas realista de la situacion, porque en USA la realidad esta deformada por series de TV y peliculas que muestran una situacion optimistica y como que "todo esta bien como esta":-|

Asi les va [poraki]
Esto pasa en todos los ámbitos de la vida, siempre hay que echarle la culpa a algo. Como no puedes echarle la culpa a 24 jugadores, pues destituyes al entrenador. Si no puedes concienciar a tus hijos de lo perjudicial del consumo del alcohol, pues se prohibe la venta a partir de las 10 de la noche, y el pringao que se quiera tomar una cerveza o un cubata a las 2 de la mañana lo tiene que comprar en el Carrefour a las 6 de la tarde o pagar 6€ por un vaso de garrafón en cualquier garito de mierda. Y así mil ejemplos, en EEUU ya han encontrado el chollo de los videojuegos a la hora de disculparse por la violencia, aquí en España ya hicieron lo mismo con los "dibujos violentos", el rol y cada vez más con los videojuegos. Y no sé en vuestros barrios, pero por aquí los kinkis no juegan precisamente con consolas (y hablo con conocimiento de causa XD) ...

Editado: Juani con lo de stocks, si no ando equivocado, hace referencia a las acciones en bolsa de la empresa, no al stock de juegos.
Escrito originalmente por JUANI RULES
Yo les recomiendo a todos que despues de ver "Bowling...." se lean el libro "Estupidos Hombre Blancos" de Micheal Moore (el autor de la pelicula)

Lo ando buscando desde hace tiempo. En cuanto lo encuentre, me lo meriendo ;).
Editado: Juani con lo de stocks, si no ando equivocado, hace referencia a las acciones en bolsa de la empresa, no al stock de juegos.

Pero si lees mejor vas a ver que se refiere a los retailers (vendedores) del juego

un saludo

Editado: Juani con lo de stocks, si no ando equivocado, hace referencia a las acciones en bolsa de la empresa, no al stock de juegos.

Es grandote (como 350 paginas) pero te quedas pegado, yo me lo termine en 2 dias [360º]
Escrito originalmente por JUANI RULES

Pero si lees mejor vas a ver que se refiere a los retailers (vendedores) del juego

No veo dónde se mencionen a los vendedores, para mí que son acciones. Sea lo que sea, el autor del artículo es un &#@%! XD.
Pero si lees mejor vas a ver que se refiere a los retailers (vendedores) del juego

Vamos a ver...

December 29, 2003 -- IN this season of ecumenical brotherhood, here's a suggestion for how to advance the cause of peace: Sell your stock in Take-Two Interactive Inc.
In case you can't quite place the name, New York-based Take-Two Interactive is a Nasdaq-traded company in the video game business.

Over the last couple of years, the company has been one of Wall Street's hottest stocks, climbing by more than 500 percent to a high of nearly $42 per share earlier this year.

Por mas que lo leo y lo releo solo veo acciones, el Nasdaq, Wall street y ni una palabra del juego aun, estas seguro que se refieren al stock de juegos de GTA?

Take-Two was founded in 1993 by a young fellow named Ryan Brant, who was apparently raised in a family steeped in its own Vice City values. Ryan's daddy, Peter, a polo-playing fop from Greenwich, Conn., did time in federal prison for tax fraud after trying to write off $1.5 million worth of massages, jewelry, scalp rubs and what-not as business expenses.

Last spring, Dad was hit with more tax woes when federal prosecutors filed a suit against him and his partner - art dealer Larry Gagosian - alleging that they owe $26 million in taxes on fine art sales dating back to 1990.

Dad was an original investor in Master Ryan's excellent adventure, and currently collects $474,000 per year from the company in return for leasing it some of the New York real estate he owns. That lease is set to expire in the new year.

THE Securities and Exchange Commission got interested in Take-Two last year after the company restated its financial results for most of the previous two years. The restatement followed reports that the company had been claiming revenues from fictitious sales.

Now the SEC seems ready to act. Earlier this month it issued the company something known as a Wells Notice, which amounts to a "your time is up" letter; its purpose is to inform the target of an SEC investigation that fraud charges are about to be filed against it. Ryan Brant received an additional Wells Notice himself, as did two former officials who the company did not name - meaning that the SEC plans to include all three as defendants in its complaint.

Bottom line: Stay away from this stock - far, far away - and you'll be doing both your wallet and your fellow man a favor. Happy New Year.

Leyendo el final me parece mucho que esta diciendo que vendas tus acciones porque Take-Two ha cometido fraude y algo mu malo pasara
Leyendo el final me parece mucho que esta diciendo que vendas tus acciones porque Take-Two ha cometido fraude y algo mu malo pasara

Cierto, en el bottom line queda mas claro
HERE'S the game's basic bit: You're a cocaine dealer, see, and you get ripped off in a drug deal that goes bad. So your mission is to get your drugs and your money back - by committing as many violent, homicidal crimes as you can possibly think up.

You can pursue your goal by killing Haitians, of course, but you can also kill anyone (or everyone) else. You can machine-gun them, beat them with baseball bats, chop them up with machetes or run them over with stolen cars.

And when you do, everything will look incredibly and shockingly real, with blood spewing everywhere.

You can kill a cop, steal his gun, and then use it to shoot someone else. Or you can pick up a prostitute and have sex with her in the back of your stolen car, then beat her to death - or shoot her, bludgeon her, whatever you want.

In fact, "whatever you want" is what the game is all about. Thanks to its artful and complex programming and its incredibly realistic graphics, the game creates the impression of being inside a totally unscripted, live-action drama in which you can manufacture your mayhem as you go along.

El juego no puede ser tan bueno.stop.A este hombre le ha encargado el articulo la gente de take-two.stop.Cuanto mas leo esta parte mas ganas me dan de probar un GTA.
Escrito originalmente por €ñµff_£ïêßt_Ïkð
El juego no puede ser tan bueno.stop.A este hombre le ha encargado el articulo la gente de take-two.stop.Cuanto mas leo esta parte mas ganas me dan de probar un GTA.

LoL [qmparto] Mu wena [+risas]

Sí, la verdad es que más que perjudicar a GTA lo que va a hacer el articulillo es ponerlo en boca de todo el mundo durante unas semanas.
Lo importante es que hablen de uno, aunque sea bien.
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