Churreteando por hay he encontrado esto, no sé si ya lo sabíais , si es así cerrad el hilo.
(Solo lo pongo como información y no quiero ni notoriedad ni nada)

Today the official PSJailBreak version 3.42 / 3.50 update software was released to a select few for testing, including wishmaster at PSX-Scene (linked above) with a copy of the e-mail below.

Download: PSJailBreak 3.42 / 3.50 Update Software / Driver Win7 64

To quote: “Hello,

Our USB Updater is finally here!!!

This is just a rough version and the process for end users will be a lot simpler.

Step 1: Go to libusb and download and install the lib USB driver.

Step 2: Paste this link into your browser and download Updater: HERE

Step 3: Unzip the file and run the program updater.exe

Step 4: Plug in your PSJailBreak USB unit and click the My Serial Number Button on the top left of the window.

Once this is done you will have to email us back your serial number from the same email account we sent you our email.

We will then generate the files for each individual serial number and email you back the file to update your USB unit.

Please remember that for end users, the lib USB driver will already be built in to the updater program and users updating files will automatically be generated after clicking the My Serial Number Button, so the process will be very simple.

Please get back to us asap with your individual serial numbers.

Thank you”

Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!
mas de lo mismo, te van a cerrar el hilo .........
Esto se posteó hace ya varios dias, si usases el buscador no te pasaria esto ^^

Mira, como el buscador de EOL es un poco chusca, yo lo hice asi:

Pille la primera linea del texto que posteas:

"Today the official PSJailBreak version 3.42 / 3.50 update software was released to a select few for testing, including wishmaster at PSX-Scene (linked above) with a copy of the e-mail below." y le añado EOL al final, lo pongo en Google y:

http://www.google.es/search?q=Today+the ... =firefox-a

Ñaca, lo primerito de todo.
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