Pequeña ayuda con bmg

Sobre el cierre del foro

Durante más de dos décadas, la pasión por exprimir al máximo el potencial de las videoconsolas ha sido una parte fundamental de EOL. Sin embargo, la masificación del juego en línea (que impide la modificación de la consola para otros usos) y la proliferación de multitud de dispositivos como portátiles de uso general y media centers han ido relegando la scene a un papel más secundario.

En este contexto y, tras ser advertidos de que el contenido de numerosos hilos del foro podría infringir los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial de terceros y analizar con nuestro servicio jurídico la situación, hemos decidido cerrar el foro. En consecuencia, tampoco se podrán volver a tratar los contenidos de este foro en otros foros de temática general.
Miren tengo una duda. Resulta que quiero hacer unas modificaciones al Twilight princess de GC, ya tengo los modelos y etc. Pero desencripte los archivos de texto y me vinieron en BMG. Los abro con el bloc de notas solo por ver y veo que efectivamente ahi estan los textos pero estan mas bien asi...

 Js=¥  ÿ  Jë=§ % ÿ  K6=«  ÿ  K§=± % ÿ   Kõ> # ÿ  Lx>/ # ÿ  M @³  ÿ  M‰@Å  ÿ  MýB‰ $ ÿ  NHB˜ $ ÿ  NœF‘ 
ÿ  NÿJ:  ÿ  OTJG  ÿ  OëJH  ÿ  PÛN$ F ÿ  QN) F ÿ  QhN+ F ÿ  QÑN/ F ÿ  RbN4 E ÿ  RÏN6 E ÿ  SNG J ÿ  S‰NI J ÿ  SºNl J ÿ  SüN~ G ÿ  ThN G ÿ  DAT1 U  I'll buy it.
 No thanks.  Sure!
 Maybe later...  Yes
 No  I'll do it.
 Sorry...  Yes
 No  Sure thing.
 Sorry, kid.  I'll challenge you.
 Not interested.  I understand. OK.
 Sorry, but no.  I understand. OK.
 Sorry, but no. I got word that Ilia's in Kakariko...
which is great, but if she were
doin' all right, she could've sent
me a letter sayin' so, right? You don't think she's found
Kakariko Village to be so darn
pleasant that she forgot her old
pa's face, do you? Say, lad, you findin' those boots to
be helpful? ...Renado and the elder Gorons
haven't caught on, right? That daughter of mine finally got
'round to sendin' a letter my way! Readin' it, it sounds like she was
so lonely that she couldn't bring
herself to send one until now...or
somethin' like that. I dunno... Still looks like she forgot
about her old pa to me! What do you think,  ? Go on, lad.  
Open the chest. Hey, hang on! Wait! You've gotta defeat the Gorons,
right? Well, you're not going to do
it without this little secret of mine! You can probably tell,  
those boots
are made of iron, lad. Whoever wears 'em won't easily be
pushed around...even by a Goron. If you're fixin' to fight a Goron, be
sure to wear those boots. ...Let's be square, though, lad: you
can't ever tell ANYONE about those
boots!   'Specially Renado!  , you've heard of
ÿ sumo wrestlin'ÿ , right? Gorons like
to match strength in sumo
Luckily for you, the basics of sumo
are the same as stoppin' chargin'
You wanna hear more? All righty, then. I'll teach you the
basics of the ways of sumo. If you're gettin' in a sumo match,
chances are you're in an arena like
this. The first fella to push his foe
ÿ outsideÿ the arena ÿ winsÿ .   ÛStep forward and ÿ grabÿ your foe
. Use  to let a retreatin'
foe taste your ÿ open palmÿ . ÿ Sidestep
ÿ a foe's advance with    . Three techniques, all of 'em pretty
basic. Master all three and you'll
be shovin' folks out of the arena in
no time, lad! ...So, there you go: the basics of
Need to hear 'em again? Rather than explain a lot, why don't
we just get to it?   Come into the
ring, lad. Hmm...  
Well, the basics are
important, lad, so I'll explain 'em to
you as many times as it takes, all
righty? Whoa ho! Not too shabby, lad! With your natural

¿Hay alguna forma de poner estos textos para modificarlos mas comodamente? Ya probe con Hexadecimal y no lo abre. Gracias.
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