Toda La Informacion de Paradox -- Todo sobre el IsoLoader

Amigos mios, compañeros de alegrias y penurias consoleras, estos ultimos dias me he sentido afligido al contemplar, como algunos individuos ponian a parir al magnifico grupo Paradox, e incluso, ponian en sus "bocas" informaciones falsas, como que Paradox habia dicho que saldria el IsoLoader el dia del lanzamiento europeo, incluso, algun osado, arremetia contra ellos, y los hacia responsables del desembolso que habia tenido que hacer el dia 23, esperando un Loader que no acaba de llegar; pues bien para todos ustedes, aqui estan TODAS las releases de Paradox de juegos de ps3, ordenadas cronologicamente, con las notas especiales y comentarios jocosos incluidos, juzguen ustedes mismos, de como aquel famoso juego del telefono estropeado, en que el el mensaje al pasar de boca en boca se desvirtua, tambien es valido en nuestro caso. Y por favor, antes de juzgar, comentar o informar sobre algo, LEED.

**25 Nov 2006

Aparicion de la primera Release de un juego de PS3, fue el primer
grupo en conseguirlo, y en su relesease, se congratulan de ello, y animan a otros grupos a hacerlo...

**02 Dec 2006 hasta 13 Dec 2006 (4 releases)

pLAYABLE : Soon ;)

**13 Dec 2006

pLAYABLE : Renovatio ;)

Thanks Huey Lewis you rock! We hope we will see you soon on
another great Back To The Future release :-) We love the movies
with Marty McFly and Dr. Emmett Brown but last but not least
the sexy Jennifer Parker :-D Shes HOT! P.S. talking about
Dr. Emmett Brown, we spoke him last day and he discoverd
something what maybe can shock the world.. but we have no idea if it helps or not :-P He discoverd that the first sectors from
a PS3 image (sector 0 till 20) are special, are they the
decryption keys for the excutables? (EBOOT.BIN)
Only GoD knows! ;-)

**27 Dec 2006

pLAYABLE : Yes they are ;)

Happy new year to all members who helped in the past and present!
And a question to all, is there a bug in the system software from
the playStation 3(R) Yes there is ;-) Nothing to add more..

**16 Jan 2007

pLAYABLE : Renovatio ;)


None today, cant be bothered with all the questions ;)

**17 Jan 2007

pLAYABLE : like a little Kid ;)

Should Blu-Ray games have a media detection system so i can
burn smaller images to a regular dvd disc? Dr. Phil told
us. You sure can burn them on a regular dvd since sofar they
are not protected like the old fasion PS2 disc's ;-)
And if they do it in the future, GOD knows how to fix it :-)

**18 Jan 2007

pLAYABLE : Like your GF ;)


Nope not for today! Its been a busy work day so no time for
special talking :-)

**20 Jan 2007

pLAYABLE : Your Hungry? ;)

Not today, but someday there will be ;-)

**25 Jan 2007

pLAYABLE : Only For l33t

Stop nagging about loaders - it will come if and when its ready
Now sod off and let us beta test it !

**04 Feb 2007

pLAYABLE : Only For l33t

PS3 is the magic number !!!! What does it all mean ???
D-day coming soon !

**25 Feb 2007


We bring you another first, the very first PS Store release!
This release is playable on the PS3. Use PS3.ProxyServer
by CF3B5 to load.

**4 March 2007

pLAYABLE : Like love of Romeo ;)

We do Not have a Working loaDer yet, do Not
exPect one for Another couple of Months.

**5 March 2007

pLAYABLE : .....

thanks to whoever released tekken 5 under our name
next time use your own.

**9 March 2007

pLAYABLE : .....

Ningun mensaje especial

**10 March 2007


Hmzzz i think we have news to give do we? Ever wondered why the PS3
is such a better machine than a xbox360? simply because they
implement too much stuff in one time! "SCEI" dont do that, you
need to learn a bit more from Microsoft on this part even when
they have forgotten a hypervision hack on kernel 4532 and 4548
they fixed it very fast! And what do we see on the PS3? Up until
firmware 1.51 we still see holes! Why? You guys dont have the
right persons to work with or is it just the pressure from
the big boss? So for now dont update higher than
1.51 since 1.54 hasnt yet been tested, and 1.51 had a few tiny
things fixed, but it didnt stop us much :-D Ohhh btw ever
wondered if those updates are required on a disc? Actually all
games up to now work without any update :D At least work fine on
1.32 :-) Thats all for now! So seeya tiff tiff and bye bye ;-)

**22 Mar 2007

pLAYABLE : Like Chanila

Some bad news and good news ;-) You euro guys should all be
pretty lucky and very lucky! Trust me! Since Euro ps3's
ship with 1.50 firmware. The bad news is the big bug is fixed
in firmware 1.54 :-( But remember legends dont die, they just
need time to sort some stuff out ;-) What a talented guy
called Dark_Alex did with a psp can be done with a ps3 too! The
big question to all right now is, where do we need to look?
Isn't it? We suggest why not have a look in multiple SPEs? Since
they use shared memory for tasks! couldnt there be a bug in that
part? and what about LS size limitation? ;-) Enough for now!

**26 Mar 2007


Ningun Mensaje especial

Ultima Release Publicada.
buen trabajo, pero en definitiva, todavia no hay loader
WO! Menudo post, muy muy currado, enhorabuena y gracias.

Salu2. [+risas]
Claro que no hay loader todavia, y como Paradox dijo el dia 4 de marzo:

***We do Not have a Working loaDer yet, do Not
exPect one for Another couple of Months.***

O sea, que le quedan UN PAR DE MESES, para los no profanos en el idioma anglosajon...
Hay a veces que afirma con rotundidad en playable que SI lo se ha que viene esto de buscar popuralidad sin tener nada...
califa0709 escribió:buen trabajo, pero en definitiva, todavia no hay loader

desgraciadamente [snif]

Ya hay un hilo dedicado a paradox; por favor, utilizadlo.

Un saludo.
6 respuestas