Metal Gear 2 (MSX2), no se vendio en Occidente?


Pues eso. Es una duda que tengo. El Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (de MSX2) solo salio en Japon, no?

El Metal Gear de la MSX y el de la NES, son iguales?
Para NES, termino saliendo el Metal Gear 2? Es que vi algo por ahi de un juego que se llamaba Snakes Revenge.
Si, no y no, el Snake's Revenge es otra historia, y bastante malo, todo hay que decirlo.
El Metal de la MSX y el de la NES, no son iguales? Entonces en que varian? Porque tengo entendido que es la misma historia, solo que el de la NES tiene mejores graficos.
Suso_2209 escribió:El Metal Gear de la MSX y el de la NES, son iguales?

He podido jugar a las dos versiones y para nada son iguales, y no solamente gráficamente, sino también en cuanto al tema de final bosses.

Sin duda me quedo con el de MSX de calle.

Un saludo.


Differences between the MSX and Famicom/NES versions

* The biggest difference between the MSX and NES versions is in the presence of the actual Metal Gear mecha or lack thereof in the NES version. Instead, the player must destroy a "Super Computer" which controls all of Metal Gear's activities in its place. The method of destroying it was also changed. While in the MSX version, the player must place 16 plastic explosives on Metal Gear's feet based on the order given by Dr. Petrovich, in the NES version the player must simply place the bombs over the Super Computer on no specific parts (however, the player must have already rescued Elen and Petrovich first).

* In the MSX version, Snake performs an underwater insertion into Outer Heaven in the beginning of the game in the entrance of Building No. 1. In the NES version, he performs an air insertion by skydiving and parachuting into the Jungle with three other soldiers who disappear after landing. They are neither seen or mentioned again.

* The level designs were altered greatly in the NES version. In the beginning of the game, the player must proceed through a jungle area before reaching the entrance of Building No. 1 through a truck. The first floor corridor of Building No. 1 was also remodeled greatly, with many of its trucks and rooms moved to other locations. The basement-level floors of Building No. 1 and 2 were made into separate buildings, Building No. 4 & 5 respectively.

* In order to reach Building No. 4 or 5, the player must go through one of two jungle mazes located west to each of the outdoor areas. The solution for both mazes are the same, although it is never actually given within the game.

* Another boss, the Hind D, was replaced. Instead, the player faces a pair of gunners known as "Twin Shot" on the rooftop of Building No. 1.

* Since the player no longer has to parachute to reach Dr. Petrovich's cell in Building No. 1, the parachute was removed. An Iron Glove was added in its place, which allows the player to break hollow walls. However, in some versions of the NES game, the Iron Glove has no real use.

* The Flying Army located on the roof of Building No. 1 and 2 lost their ability to hover over the ground in the NES version.

* In the NES version, the "high alert" (or double exclamation mark) mode was disabled. As such the player can always make their escape from alert mode by simply moving to the adjacent screen.

* The player can no longer acquire rations or ammo by punching enemy soldiers in Sneaking Mode.

* Solid Snake's face no longer appears in the transceiver mode's screen.

* Big Boss' final message to the player after the closing credits was removed.

* Some of the music (mainly, the two main themes and the alert mode theme) was changed in the NES version.

* There are also several other minor differences in gameplay, including the addition of several bugs and glitches. Some of the radio conversations were "misplaced" as a result of the redesigned areas in the NES game. For example, if the player calls Schneider in front of the room containing the Gas Mask in Building No. 1, he will tell Snake the location of the mine detector instead. This is due to the fact that the same spot in the MSX version used to be a minefield. In addition, the player's bullets have a farther range than they do in the MSX version and can also shoot while wearing the cardboard box.

Tantos cambios son debidos a que el port de NES no estuvo supervisado directamente por Kojima, además que lo hizo un grupo de programadores diferentes.
Buuuuf, tanta diferencia hay?
Gracias por tu ayuda apmomp, pero es que no se muxo ingles [jaja]. Puedes traducir algo?

Segun las revistas, el Metal de la NES es lo mismo que el de la MSX solo que con mejores graficos y mas mapeado.

Pd: Estoy pensando en pillarme una MSX2. Alguien sabe donde la puedo conseguir?
Traducción rápida:

*La diferencia más grande entre la versión de MSX y la de NES, es que en la versión de MSX debemos destruir el metal gear plantando 16 explosivos plasticos en le propio metal gear, mientras que en la versión de metal gear usaremos también este tipo de explosivos, pero para destruir el ordenador que controla metal gear.

*En la versión de MSX Snake se infiltra en Outer Heaven buceando, mientras que en la versión de NES lo hace aterrizando en paracaidas.

*El Hind D (un final boss) también fue remplazado en la versión de NES, esta vez por unos personajes atrincherados en la azotea de un edificio.

*En la versión de NES no existe la aleta máxima, con lo cual simplemente moviéndonos a la pantalla situada al lado es suficiente para hacerla callar.

*En la versión de NES se eliminó la frase final de Big Boss después de los créditos, muchas múscias se cambiaron, Snake no consigue raciones o munición matando enemigos sigilosamente.

El texto también comenta que al remodelar muchas zonas, el codec tiene algunos bugs si llamamos a algunos personajes según en que zonas; se ve que algunos diálogos se les saltaron.

Un saludo.

PD: No he traducido todo, ya que los otros puntos hablan sobre todo de zonas concretar que fueron remodeladas.
Muchas gracias por la traduccion.

Aunque de todas formas, creo que vale la pena tener el Metal de la NES. Pero el Snake Revenge, por lo que veo, NOOOOO.

Un saludo.
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