Exocell, nueva especie animal encontrada


In a bulletin issued by the CFGOA Organism Advisory Team, a group tasked with cataloging the animal and plant life of the Pacific, there's a new organism in the region dubbed the exocell. In the bulletin, the CFGOA puts other agencies and research organizations on alert that the acquisition of living or near living examples of the recently discovered creature is of the highest priority.

Initially thought to be some sort of new squid, the exocell, drew the attention of scientist because the creature was found embedded in the head of a body recovered from the waters off the coast of Alaska. The local fishermen have known of the exocell for sometime but their superstitions have lead most to avoid the creatures whenever possible.

Fans of 1980s science fiction and horror films will no doubt see a similarity between the soulless antagonists of the big screen and the creature recently discovered in the Bering Sea. As many of the premises and standards of sci-fi movies have made their way into videogames, many of them as rich and thrilling as films themselves, one can't help but notice the exocell's similarity to the creatures that are blasted off of television screens across the country.


Vale, los aliens invaden la Tierra, ¿y esto que pinta aquí?

publi camuflada de Cold Fear... original, ¿no?
Juas, pues como molan estos "descubrimientos".
Vaya, mola este tipo de propaganda [oki]

Molaría en las noticias o algo XD
Muy bueno, si señor. Me lo habia tragado por completto [carcajad] [jaja]

aunq no se hasta q punto es buena idea este tipo de "publicidades"...a ver si alguien se va a romper la cabeza dentro de 20 años con una especie localizada en el cuerpo de un pescador o con mensajes extraños en una pagina web sobre abejas XD

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