Palomas formando el logo de Virtua Tennis en Wimbledon? WTF? Acclaim strikes back

Sin palabras:

Acclaim made a stunning announcement today regarding exactly how they will market the upcoming PS2 game Virtua Tennis 2 . The marketing idea will use spray-painted pigeons at this year's Wimbledon. Let me explain.

Acclaim has hired a team to train 20 pigeons to act as a flying billboard. The pigeons will be painted with a harmless water based paint. They will paint 2 game logos under each wing. The pigeons will swoop down on the tennis watchers and act as a flying banner promoting the upcoming tennis game. The pigeons have been trained to return to their secret home base where they will be re-sprayed and sent out again.

Larry Sparks, VP Marketing International of Acclaim, the UK publishers of Virtua Tennis 2, said: "The Virtua Tennis 2 pigeon marketing campaign is highly targeted as it brings awareness of the game directly to tennis enthusiasts. The Wimbledon tournament is famous for the occasional descent by pigeons onto Centre Court, but our advertising pigeons are trained to go straight for the fans and flap their logos in front of them."

fuente: gamerfeed
Ayer vi la nota, luego se va para las noticias XD
Mas les valdria hacer juego buenos que se vendan por si solos y no con anuncios etsupidos de palomas o mierdas por el estilo

Que triste es qeu las compañias se dejen la pasta en mierdas asi, no?
Pues a mi me parece una marranada lo de pintar las palomas, ya lo veo absurdo en las olimpiadas y similares pues no te digo na para promocionar un videojuego...en fin, sacare mi agenda de ongs y asociaciones de defensa varias....[lapota]
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