Coffee, cigars and wind.

Bueno, otra letrilla que me ha salido por ahi... a ver que os parese :D

Wake up,
cut your hiding
exhale a new day
and get dressed now.

Look up,
watch the whole sky
laughting at you
like every day.

Yawn again,
drink your coffe,
throw your filter,
buy the newspaper.

| And watch the wind
| (it) smells like her lips.

Slow down,
and watch the parking,
there is no f***ing place
for you there, like everywhere.

Close (the) door
hide your ribbon
walk for hours
with no reason.

| And hear the crowd
| Its calling our names
| And feel the sun
| (it´s) warm, isn´t it?

[ I tried to give you
[ a perfect life
[ But everything I have
[ It´s mine.


Bueno, esta sin acabar, ya la completare... Vosotros decidme si os gusta :)
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