Nintendo Manipulation (#2)

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Navegando por internet e encontrado algunas teorias sobre Revolution, os aconsejo que los leais, son muy interesantes:
Nintendo Manipulation escribió:
Alright, here's the deal. Something's been eating away at me... and it could be the thing Nintendo is hiding from us.

See, first things first. A while a go a guy named Aries leaked information about the Revolution on some blog. Most of us thought it was fake. But he said SquareEnix would be on board for the Revolution, and he said Smash Bros. would come on the Revolution, online. So far, this was all announced on the E3.

Aries also said Nintendo would play a game with us this E3, not unlike the movie 'The Game'. He told us that we would get suprises this E3... but so far, no suprises. Also, a week ago a video was leaked called 'NintendON' where a virtual reality set from Nintendo said the words 'use your right brain to play games, use your left one to create them'. The video was proven fake.

Now, at the end of the conference, with almost nothing shown of Revolution, Reggie says 'Tomorrow you'll have to use your right brain.' Is this a hint, subtly spreaded by Nintendo via this fake video, to tell us that Revolution will maybe be playable on the E3 show floor tomorrow?

Time will tell. But I have the feeling Nintendo, IGN, and all other big companies, are taking a walk with us gamers. In the wrong direction. To suprise us. Call me paranoid, but saying 'tomorrow you'll have to use your right brain' JUST after that fake video leak, is too strange to be coincidence...

Edit: I have to clear a few things up, especially now that my site seems to be in quite the spotlight. First of all, when I talk about this theory, I do now mean that the helmet seen in the NintendoON video will be real. The video could be mere tool for Reggie to tell us that Revolution will be playable on the show. Also, Aries is posting at the BrokenSaints log again. "Don't be dissapointed, wait till the 19th." We will, we will.

Edit 2: It's with great pleasure to inform you that a lot of sites are talking about my theory, some got it from my blog but others just came up with it theirselves. A lot of people seem to agree, and while this isn't proof (hell, everyone knows how a dissapointed Nintendo fan can be like), it's nice to hear all the same.

Edit 3: Some people are even stating that Aries IS Reggie Fills Aime, the head of sales and marketing of Nintendo of America. Very far fetched, but ONE. KILLER. MARKETINGTRIC. if it's true.

Nintendo Manipulation Part 2 escribió:Dear god,
it's been quite the trip. My post on Nintendo's game they're playing with the press and fans, made me quite some hits. Not to mention all the folks that came and watch the live Sony and Nintendo conferences transcripts.

Now, I said it in 'Nintendo Manipulation Part 1', but just to repeat: we don't know for 100% certain that Nintendo is fooling us. It's widely believed now they're having something up their sleeves, but is widely believed proof? No it isn't. Also, while it's true that I would like this to happen, it's not that my life depends on it. Moz La Punk's blog is an objective place, not 'Teh Fanboy Daycare!!!!11roxxor'.

Now, Osoko Tanaka's blog is telling us that he knows Nintendo is planning something. In sloppy English that is. Broken Saint's blog is running rampage again with Aries fans crawling all over the place. Message boards are filled with the hopes and dreams of fanboys. Every normal human being keeps saying: JESUS CHRIST can those Nintendo fanboys shut up for a moment? Well, for once, just for once, I think they are right. Yeah, I'm quite shocked myself too. They chould be on to something, something not born out of blind fanboyism but true hard facts.

As you can read in my first part of Nintendo Manipulation, Nintendo is trying to give us pieces of a puzzle. They want the Internet community to put the puzzles together because that creates more hype, it makes people giddy with anticipation and mystery. On the conference, Iwata said himself he wanted to keep mystery. He said himself that he was just going to give pieces of the puzzle. That he was going to show the controller later. Reggie said he wanted us to use our right brain today on the showfloor. I'm curious as to what he means with that. Why are Gamespot's and IGN's Revolution sites not online yet? Why are big press sites not talking about how the Nintendo conference was slightly dissapointing? Do they know something we don't?

Plus, Iwata and Reggie seemed OVERLY confident on stage. I couldn't help but feel Iwata was laughing his ass off behing his steal face. It's only a matter of days before we find out if I was wrong, or if I was right. If masses of message boards were wrong, or right. One thing is sure though: These are exciting times to be a gamer.

Edit From the conversation below, a summary:
-WHY is IGNCube not updating a bit more? Not even talking alot about the conference. Is Matt sitting in a room with Reggie and Iwata, manically laughing about how their little sceme is going?
-WHY was the Nintendo ON video posted on IGN as a MUST SEE video? A fake video is a must see video?

Edit 2!
Yesterday on I saw some videos when I clicked on 'watch conference' but I didn't really take notice. In the first 2 video's you saw some people from Nintendo talking, they told you that the conference was beginning after a while. Then the third video you saw Reggie looking at you, saying 'Don't make me take your name.' Anyway, the interesting part: fourth video was very small, you saw only Reggies eyes. Eyes... just like some people have been posting the 'one eye, two eyes, one eye, four eyes' sentece, just like IGN was posting pictures of Mario's eyes the last couple of weeks, just like I said on my past blogs.

So... are the eyes ANOTHER hint? And yes, with all this puzzling I DO feel like I'm in the movie the game, Aries...

The Nintendo Manipulation Part 3 (Latest details!)-Official: NINTENDO IS PLAYING WITH US escribió:It's official now. Nintendo, IGN, Reggie, they're in on the complot.

Remember the Nintendo ON video?

Go and type this in your taskbar:

It's a complot. We're learning more about Revolution this E3. This has GOT to be the best marketing trick E-V-E-R.

As poster Fezz points out, people are finding out that the domainname NINTENDOON.COM is registered by a certain Reginald F, that means Reggie.

So now we have: linking to IGN
-strange videos on yesterday (Reggies eyes close up)
-Iwata and Reggie on conference talking about puzzles and right brain
-IGN being quiet with all this... do they know more?
-the Aries guy... a member of Nintendo? Reggie himself? registered by Reggie...

You know how big this complot theory is? Reggie says this big:

Continuación de 'Nintendo Manipulation'

Morg escribió:
Arkaitz escribió:¿Donde a quedado ese "I want to believe"?

Macho, después de la entrevista se me quitan las ganas de soñar... [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa]
dentro de un rato salimos de dudas... o nos quedamos con todas pero por lo menos se acaba de momento la incertidumbre

jeje menuda velocidad de llenar hilos, a por el #3
No eres el unico que ha dejado de soñar, miyamoto ha dejado bien claro que no van a enseñar nada y lo que enseñaran no sera tan especial como nosotros pensabamos.
OEEEE este hilo mola, ¿cuanto host tiene EOL? xDD.

mms://a841.l1165440463.c11654.n.lm.akam ... ctor:40463

De ahi lo veo yo , aer ke dice el Reggie.Han sacao un mini reportage del Zelda wapo wapo

Vaya, sólo lo verán los que están suscritos, no?

Link escribió:mms://

De ahi lo veo yo , aer ke dice el Reggie.Han sacao un mini reportage del Zelda wapo wapo


Aki podemos ver la entrevista en directo?
Mierda Mierda y Mierda.

Yo me esperaba algooooo

Gracias por el enlace, voy a estar currando planos y viendo el canal ese a ver q dicen,
kiwoore escribió:
Aki podemos ver la entrevista en directo?
No creo, ahora mismo hay peña jugando a juegos...
Morg escribió:Vaya, sólo lo verán los que están suscritos, no?


No hombre no k lo puedes ver ^^ xD
Yo lo veo por ahi y no pago nada ;)

Si en directo

Link, gracias por el enlace :D
ashitaka escribió:No creo, ahora mismo hay peña jugando a juegos...

Mmmm pues tienes razon ... por ande la podriamos ver ? [triston]
pufff, una mesa redonda con 2 personas y el simbolo de la playstation de fondo. mal sitio para mostrar "revoluciones" [mad]
Hace un momento estaban jugando unos al God of War (pedazo juego por cierto), y han dicho que estan "out of schedule" que viene a decir que se han salido del horario planeado, pero tambien han dicho que dentro de un rato volverian al horario previsto.... o algo así XDDD
E visto las horas en gamespot y pone :

"Nothing but Star Wars (& Madden!)"
Star Wars: Empire at War, Wookiees,
& Madden NFL 2006
Stream It
"Midday with Midway"
The Suffering: Ties, Rise & Fall,
& MK: Shaolin Monks

Esas dos las e visto , otra cosa es que Justamente la de Reggie no la echen o simplemente hacen tarde , como siempre

creo que estan hablando de un juego de snowboard, o algo asi.... no parece que tenga mucho que ver con revolution..

seguro que esto es en directo? no representa que tendrian que estar entrevistando a REGGIE ?
asgaroth escribió:pufff, una mesa redonda con 2 personas y el simbolo de la playstation de fondo. mal sitio para mostrar "revoluciones" [mad]

A la derecha de Alex Navarro (el tio de naranja) salen logos de Nintendo xDDD

A ver si pronto empieza la entrevista ^_^

Asias por el Link Link ;)
aqui esta REGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ale ,ahi esta Reggie, aer ke coño dice -_-

Es hora ya?
Pues en el calendario de eventos de Gamesp*t aparece destacado..
por como se ve la entrevista DUDO que ahi presenten que es el revolution :-(
con la micro !!! haber si lleva la revo en el bolsillo [qmparto]
Estoy viendo al capullin del Reggie, joder que pequeña es la Game Boy micro.
Vamos Reggie, que la gbamicro nos la trae floja XD
Ale ,ahi esta Reggie, aer ke coño dice -_-

De nada por el link ^^

no se pero me da a mi ke el reggie ese no lleva na de revolution, a no ser ke lo lleve escondio en un bolsillo [qmparto]

y yo ke me esperaba una rueda de prensa con 20 o mas personas entrevistadole y me encuentro a la lauren esta...
Joder no me entero de nada, pero seguro que no dicen nada interesante sólo por la pinta que tiene el notas que lo entrevista [sonrisa]

Yo a ese no le decía nada :P
Me parece que nos la vamos a pegaaaaar [mad]
esto de no saber ingles es un PUTADA [+furioso] [+furioso] [+furioso] [+furioso] [+furioso] [+furioso] [+furioso]
Ya ha dicho que de revolution ya daran detalles en otro momento ("at the right time")

la GBA micro es realmente pequeña :O

tb habla un poco de los juegos que salen de GC y luego pues criticar algo a microsoft y sony, que si no han traido software jugable... (vamos que si critica a si mismo sin querer pq ellos han traido aun menos)

bastante decepcionante este E3, tanto nintendo como MS y sony
A dicho que enseñaran el mando cuando las demas acaben por completo sus consolas.Para que no se copien .. Ke cabron

Tambien a hablado del video fake y dice ke se sale y a homenajeao al Pablo esete

Puta mierda, mi ingles no es la ostia, pero creo q:

-Ha dicho que ha visto el famoso video, que es la ostia, pero que no es oficial.
-Creo q su revolucion es el tema de los juegos antiguos, y ha dicho q ¿como se jugaran? ¿q mando servira? Pues yo creo q un puto mando de pantalla tactil.

-De todas formas que alguien ponga una traduccion en condiciones.

Ah, que chica q es la micro game boy
Jajajaja, me parto, nos la han metido doblada. [+risas] [+risas] [+risas]
aqui no se dice nada de nada.... disfrutad ds, disfrutad gb, disfrutad GC pero de Rev... nada
Je, pues no va y dice que en la revolution veremos "mixed-genres". Que forma de salirse por la tangente...

EDITO: q le ha preguntado un tio si veremos los generos de siempre o nuevos generos o algo asi

PD: que juego era el del trailer que han puesto detras de la entrevista??
Vaya cara se les ha quedado a los "FANS".... [cartman]

En fin,siguen con su secretismo.Realmente màs vale que tengan preparado un pelotazo de los gordos,porque si no van a quedar realmente mal en la industria.

Tanto rollo de que no les copien y sé... [maszz]
Weno ya la hemos visto y al final nada, por lo menos nos lo hemos pasao bien con las especulaciones aqui colgaos del foro [Ooooo]
[uzi] [uzi] [uzi] [uzi] [uzi] [uzi]

Se acabo lo que se daba, esto es una castaña!!!!

Al final ganan la PS3 y Microsoft, y Nintendo haciendo juegos para ellos. Vaya palo!!!!
Que decepción... (Me esperaba mucho mas de nintendo)
Menuda mierda de entrevista Y MENUDA MIERDA DE PREGUNTAS

No saben preguntar por lo ke dijo en la conferencia o por Aries o palgo de esto??


pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff [toctoc] [toctoc] [toctoc]
y k hablaaaaa
no tengo parlantes.... ratataaaa
Se acabó el espectaculo.

Dirijanse a sus casas de forma ordenada y realicen sus suicidios lejos de las manos de los niños, gracias.
Confirmado, un ostion nos hemos pegado.
En fin...
ir buscando psikologo [sati] k la paranoya k hemos montao no es normal [oki] [ayay]

184 respuestas
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