Película tipo Alien

Hace muchos años, allá por los 80, vi una pelicula tipo Alien (bicho en nave espacial que se va cargando a la tripulación), pero mucho más cutre. El caso es que al final la historia da un giro cuando el bicho se presenta a los dos últimos supervivientes y resulta que es bueno, que a los otros los mató en defensa propia. ¿A alguien le suena y sabe el título? Gracias.
Isaac Lez escribió:Hace muchos años, allá por los 80, vi una pelicula tipo Alien (bicho en nave espacial que se va cargando a la tripulación), pero mucho más cutre. El caso es que al final la historia da un giro cuando el bicho se presenta a los dos últimos supervivientes y resulta que es bueno, que a los otros los mató en defensa propia. ¿A alguien le suena y sabe el título? Gracias.

Pues ni idea, pero como Alien el Octavo pasajero no hay ninguna [360º]
Star Crystal (1986)


In 2032, an expedition on Mars finds a buried egg that they take to the ship. The egg hatches, revealing a crystal and (presumably) a slimy creature that hides on the ship. After the astronauts decided to use the crystal on a large laser cannon, they all die when their air supply runs out.

Two months later another expedition comes on board, but they end up stranded when their shuttle explodes. When they start to explore the ship (in order to repair it and survive until rescue comes), a mysterious creature starts to kill them all and takes control of the ship. Eventually, with only two crew members alive, the creature reveals itself: its name is GAR, and his crystal is an advanced alien computer. By hacking into the ship's computer Bernice, it learned the English language, the history of human evolution, and read an electronic bible. It discovers the humans are not as belligerent as it first thought - it explains that the deaths were just misunderstandings, as it believed it fought in self-defense the whole time. GAR begs for forgiveness and relinquishes control of the ship to the surviving humans. The two species manage to peacefully co-exist on board until a space anomaly occurs. GAR sorrowfully realizes that he must part ways with the humans, promising that he is grateful for their brief friendship and that he will never forget them. The film concludes with "Crystal of a Star," sung by Stefani Christopherson.

Ya existe un hilo específico para este tipo de cuestiones sin necesidad de abrir uno nuevo cada vez.
Arvo escribió:Ya existe un hilo específico para este tipo de cuestiones sin necesidad de abrir uno nuevo cada vez.

¿Cuál es ese hilo?
@neofonta Uno es este cuyo link dejo, aunque creo recordar que también hay otro similar:

"Cómo se llama esa película que..."
Arvo escribió:Star Crystal (1986)


In 2032, an expedition on Mars finds a buried egg that they take to the ship. The egg hatches, revealing a crystal and (presumably) a slimy creature that hides on the ship. After the astronauts decided to use the crystal on a large laser cannon, they all die when their air supply runs out.

Two months later another expedition comes on board, but they end up stranded when their shuttle explodes. When they start to explore the ship (in order to repair it and survive until rescue comes), a mysterious creature starts to kill them all and takes control of the ship. Eventually, with only two crew members alive, the creature reveals itself: its name is GAR, and his crystal is an advanced alien computer. By hacking into the ship's computer Bernice, it learned the English language, the history of human evolution, and read an electronic bible. It discovers the humans are not as belligerent as it first thought - it explains that the deaths were just misunderstandings, as it believed it fought in self-defense the whole time. GAR begs for forgiveness and relinquishes control of the ship to the surviving humans. The two species manage to peacefully co-exist on board until a space anomaly occurs. GAR sorrowfully realizes that he must part ways with the humans, promising that he is grateful for their brief friendship and that he will never forget them. The film concludes with "Crystal of a Star," sung by Stefani Christopherson.

Ya existe un hilo específico para este tipo de cuestiones sin necesidad de abrir uno nuevo cada vez.

Joe, se ve una película de la clase “C”. Además de ser una copia mala de Alíen el Octavo pasajero X-D
sonyfallon escribió:Joe, se ve una película de la clase “C”. Además de ser una copia mala de Alíen el Octavo pasajero X-D

Bueno, es normal, clones infectos nacidos a la sombra del film hay varios; otro ejemplo calcado seria Dead Space ( la película, no el fantástico videojuego ).
Arvo escribió:
sonyfallon escribió:Joe, se ve una película de la clase “C”. Además de ser una copia mala de Alíen el Octavo pasajero X-D

Bueno, es normal, clones infectos nacidos a la sombra del film hay varios; otro ejemplo calcado seria Dead Space ( la película, no el fantástico videojuego ).

Puf... cierto. Vi la película hace mucho, ya no me acordaba
Arvo escribió:Star Crystal (1986)


In 2032, an expedition on Mars finds a buried egg that they take to the ship. The egg hatches, revealing a crystal and (presumably) a slimy creature that hides on the ship. After the astronauts decided to use the crystal on a large laser cannon, they all die when their air supply runs out.

Two months later another expedition comes on board, but they end up stranded when their shuttle explodes. When they start to explore the ship (in order to repair it and survive until rescue comes), a mysterious creature starts to kill them all and takes control of the ship. Eventually, with only two crew members alive, the creature reveals itself: its name is GAR, and his crystal is an advanced alien computer. By hacking into the ship's computer Bernice, it learned the English language, the history of human evolution, and read an electronic bible. It discovers the humans are not as belligerent as it first thought - it explains that the deaths were just misunderstandings, as it believed it fought in self-defense the whole time. GAR begs for forgiveness and relinquishes control of the ship to the surviving humans. The two species manage to peacefully co-exist on board until a space anomaly occurs. GAR sorrowfully realizes that he must part ways with the humans, promising that he is grateful for their brief friendship and that he will never forget them. The film concludes with "Crystal of a Star," sung by Stefani Christopherson.

Ya existe un hilo específico para este tipo de cuestiones sin necesidad de abrir uno nuevo cada vez.

Gracias por la respuesta. Mirè por si habia uno de esos hilos, pero no lo encontré xdd
9 respuestas