Info OXM de Noviembre

he aquí info de la edición de Noviembre de la revista oficial de XBOX en los USA:

Portada: Perfect Dark 0 (especial de 8 páginas dentro)

Títulos de lanzamiento:

99% Confirmed:
Call of Duty 2
Dead or Alive 4
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Kameo: Elements of Power
Madden NFL 06
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Perfect Dark Zero
Ridge Racer 6
Saint's Row
Project Gotham Racing 3

Amped 3
Condemned: Criminal Origins
NBA Live 06
Quake IV
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 06
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Top Spin 2


Wireless Headset codenamed Emestine
F.E.A.R and Hellgate rumored for 360... F.E.A.R is already running on kits
Midway woking on sequel to Area 51
Halo 2 will upscale to 720p on 360
Bio Shock = unofficial sequal to System Shock
Ripping CD-Rs mp3s to 360 easier then with Xbox
A version of City of Heroes is in the works, developer denies it
Platinum hits dropping down to $9.99 around holidays

Total Overdose
Battlefront 2
Prince of Persia 3
Stubbs the Zombie
Sims 2
From Russia w/ Love
COD2 Big Red One
L.A. Rush
Driver: Parallel Lines

Far Cry Instincts 8.7
Dynasty Warriors 5 - 7.0
Indigo Prophecy - 8.9
Fifa 06 - 7.9
Tiger Woods 06 - 8.6
Ghost Recon 2 - 9.0
Namco museum - 7.5
Tecmo Classic - 7.6
Midway Arcade 3 - 8.0
R6 Lockdown - 6.7
MotoGP - 8.0
187 Ride or Die - 3.9
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger - 7.0
Evil Dead - 6.5
Scooby Doo - 6.4
Burnout Revenge - 9.8!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game of the Month
Ninja Gaiden Black - 9.0

Acerca de PD0

First, they say it looks way better then what we've seen. Close to what you'd expect next-gen to be. And yes, all pictures are new (or new to me)

Hands on: Single Player - Played first three levels..

Datacore Training - Training level in an underwater base. Full of sweet looking tech brought to life by new lighting and parralax mapping. Cover mode = context sensitive actions allowing you to peek around corners, dodge moves allow you to roll in 4 directions. Play with gadgets... fly a camspy down a vent shaft to destroy a circuit breaker and open a door. Minigame to hack open locked doors. Other gadgets = locktopus and demolition kit, all involve minigames to use, which increase in difficulty depending on what you're trying to do.

Subway Retrieval - Enter through elevator into parking garage, face guys on cool futuristic motorcycles. Dual wielding and secondary firing. Game will keep track of your stats and present them at the end of level, posted over Xbox Live.

Rooftops - They played this co-op, and said this is true co-op. Players take different routes that criss-cross each other, and are put in situations where they have to help each other out. Example - Joanna has sniper rifle, and has to snipe enemies to allow her father to get through back alleys below

Multiplayer - Played deathmatch against devs. Customizable bots like in the last one, but much better and smarter bots. Great weapon balancing, cool environmental features like ziplines. Destructible armor that you can see, so you know where to shoot someone for more damage, or see who is a weaker target

They say it would be tough to compare to Halo, but it's still going to be great. "If you like good shooters made by the people who made two of the best FPS ever, or if you need a good multiplayer till the next Halo comes out, or if you like hot British chicks in skintight outfits, then the answer is looking like a resounding yes."


Jackal Sniper Rifle
Secondary Function - EMP Marker: Target player... scrambles radar and lights up target on your radar

Laptop Gun
Secondary Function - Sentry Gun: Provides auto fire

P9P Pistol (dual wield)
Secondary Function - Silencer Also has flashlight

UBL Liberator SMG
Secondary Function - Booby trap. Acts like a proximity mine

Secondary Function - Bouncing Grenade Launcher

All weapons have melee attacks. Best is Viblade... attacks can be chained into combos.
el gr3 no esta para el lanzamiento de la consola?? me extraña con lo avanzado que ya esta el juego [buuuaaaa]

A este paso me comprare la consola y no habra ninguno de los must have que quiero :-?
halo2 a 720: bienn
patinazo del rs6 lockdown: mall

burnout y ninja gaiden: mu biennnn


por cierto, aver si muestran ya los 3 scans que faltan del pd0 [jaja]

A mí con que salgan el CoD2 y el PDZ voy sobrao para un rato :P no me vereís el pelo por aquí en mis tardes/noches XD
más info:


There is a brief section on Kameo. The article comments on how the game is running smoothly on the new dev kits and the graphics have been much improved compared to what was shown at E3. Described as “true next gen graphics”.

Project Gotham Racing 3

He says "Project Gotham Racing 3 will offer possibly the most complete package of 360 features of any game at release - sensational graphics, immersive 5.1 audio, open-ended gameplay providing quick access to the coolest toys, and Gotham TV, where Xbox Live's interaction will truly shine. COD2 will deliver an intense WW2 action experience that displays the power of 360. And Oblivion will demonstrate a scale of game-world design, story telling, and depth that we've never seen."

Tokyo Game Show

The next issue will have a report from the Tokyo Game Show, where even more games will be announced. Also, they will unveil a hot new property never heard of before, but will be a must have game when released.

King Kong

They say the graphics are amazing, and have plenty of new screens. Some of them are of the Xbox version, which provides a nice comparison. Talks about there being a 50 plus member team working on the 360.

They then talk about playing one of the levels, where you are chasing after a T-Rex that is chasing after the lead female in the movie. You have to distract it from her by throwing spears into it's hide. They say it's quite hectic, trying to dodge around ruins and away from it's bite, while listening to the girls audio cues. All in game voices are the actors from the movie.

They say that the Xbox version doesn't even compare to the 360 version. The game does "a brilliant job of transplanting your pasty hide into the prehistoric jungles of the ape's domain."

Expect the game out well in advance of the movies opening on Dec. 14.
Los mismos que a mi [beer] . Aunque tambien me llama el Kameo.
Dead or Alive 4
Kameo: Elements of Power
Perfect Dark Zero
Project Gotham Racing 3

Yo con estos 4 sería feliz. Y si pudiera añadiría un Top Spin 2.

F.E.A.R and Hellgate rumored for 360... F.E.A.R is already running on kits

[babas] [babas] [babas] [babas]

buena noticia, porke este PC ya no creo ke los mueva muy bien cuando salgan
satellite escribió:he aquí info de la edición de Noviembre de la revista oficial de XBOX en los USA:

Portada: Perfect Dark 0 (especial de 8 páginas dentro)

Títulos de lanzamiento:

99% Confirmed:
Call of Duty 2
Dead or Alive 4
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Kameo: Elements of Power
Madden NFL 06
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Perfect Dark Zero
Ridge Racer 6
Saint's Row
Project Gotham Racing 3

Amped 3
Condemned: Criminal Origins
NBA Live 06
Quake IV
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 06
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Top Spin 2


Wireless Headset codenamed Emestine
F.E.A.R and Hellgate rumored for 360... F.E.A.R is already running on kits
Midway woking on sequel to Area 51
Halo 2 will upscale to 720p on 360
Bio Shock = unofficial sequal to System Shock
Ripping CD-Rs mp3s to 360 easier then with Xbox
A version of City of Heroes is in the works, developer denies it
Platinum hits dropping down to $9.99 around holidays

Total Overdose
Battlefront 2
Prince of Persia 3
Stubbs the Zombie
Sims 2
From Russia w/ Love
COD2 Big Red One
L.A. Rush
Driver: Parallel Lines

Far Cry Instincts 8.7
Dynasty Warriors 5 - 7.0
Indigo Prophecy - 8.9
Fifa 06 - 7.9
Tiger Woods 06 - 8.6
Ghost Recon 2 - 9.0
Namco museum - 7.5
Tecmo Classic - 7.6
Midway Arcade 3 - 8.0
R6 Lockdown - 6.7
MotoGP - 8.0
187 Ride or Die - 3.9
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger - 7.0
Evil Dead - 6.5
Scooby Doo - 6.4
Burnout Revenge - 9.8!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game of the Month
Ninja Gaiden Black - 9.0

Acerca de PD0

First, they say it looks way better then what we've seen. Close to what you'd expect next-gen to be. And yes, all pictures are new (or new to me)

Hands on: Single Player - Played first three levels..

Datacore Training - Training level in an underwater base. Full of sweet looking tech brought to life by new lighting and parralax mapping. Cover mode = context sensitive actions allowing you to peek around corners, dodge moves allow you to roll in 4 directions. Play with gadgets... fly a camspy down a vent shaft to destroy a circuit breaker and open a door. Minigame to hack open locked doors. Other gadgets = locktopus and demolition kit, all involve minigames to use, which increase in difficulty depending on what you're trying to do.

Subway Retrieval - Enter through elevator into parking garage, face guys on cool futuristic motorcycles. Dual wielding and secondary firing. Game will keep track of your stats and present them at the end of level, posted over Xbox Live.

Rooftops - They played this co-op, and said this is true co-op. Players take different routes that criss-cross each other, and are put in situations where they have to help each other out. Example - Joanna has sniper rifle, and has to snipe enemies to allow her father to get through back alleys below

Multiplayer - Played deathmatch against devs. Customizable bots like in the last one, but much better and smarter bots. Great weapon balancing, cool environmental features like ziplines. Destructible armor that you can see, so you know where to shoot someone for more damage, or see who is a weaker target

They say it would be tough to compare to Halo, but it's still going to be great. "If you like good shooters made by the people who made two of the best FPS ever, or if you need a good multiplayer till the next Halo comes out, or if you like hot British chicks in skintight outfits, then the answer is looking like a resounding yes."


Jackal Sniper Rifle
Secondary Function - EMP Marker: Target player... scrambles radar and lights up target on your radar

Laptop Gun
Secondary Function - Sentry Gun: Provides auto fire

P9P Pistol (dual wield)
Secondary Function - Silencer Also has flashlight

UBL Liberator SMG
Secondary Function - Booby trap. Acts like a proximity mine

Secondary Function - Bouncing Grenade Launcher

All weapons have melee attacks. Best is Viblade... attacks can be chained into combos.

jo que currada tio muchas gracias... antes de fijaros en las notas deciros que la Rox por lo menos la española es bastante durilla con los juegos, PDZ? quien dijo que no salia para la salida... excelente noticia.. veo muy buenos juegos de salida y hay juegos japoneses, europeos y americanos bien!! como no salen Condemmed y Full Auto me tendre que fijan en otros 2 juegos de salida que seguramente seran el Kameo y el Pdz...

ojala saquen el FEAR para X360 [looco]

mucha y buena informacion que esperemos tambien veamos en la ROX española... [bye]
8 respuestas