GDC 06 de Londres

Saludos a todos:

The annual London Game Developers Conference began today. Some of the better known PlayStation 3 titles will be making appearances such as Heavenly Sword and Motorstorm. IBM is also a huge sponsor of event, and appears to have a conference or two discussing their highly touted cell processor.

Dubbed Combat: The Ninja Way, members of developer Ninja Theory involved in the development of Heavenly Sword’s combat system will be on hand to describe in detail the evolution of their new combat system created for their upcoming title. Their conference will consist of real time demonstrations and an in-depth description of combat in their title.

Evolution Studios will be hosting a conference named Applied Physics: Motorstorm. The conference is purported to talk more about the evolution of physics in their title rather than just the typical graphical boost. Some of the topics that they will talk about will include; their vehicle construction and subsequent deconstruction system as vehicles in their game break apart, how integrating Havok into their terrain system allowed the developer flexibility to create any terrain effects as needed, and their implementation of Havok and rag doll physics into their animated drivers in order give them a more realistic appearance to gamers.

The conference stretches from October 2nd to October 4th.

Es decir , mostraran en profundidad aspectos del heavenly sword y del Motorstorm y tb daran una gran cobertura al Cell por parte de IBM.

A ver si muestran algun video guapo del HS en movimiento fuera de algun ring de lucha.

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