Cuando los analistas hacen de bruja lola

El analista Richard Doherty says:

LOS ANGELES (The Hollywood Reporter) --- Now that the video game business has just wrapped a record year of sales, the industry's major players are preparing to unveil new products on the hardware front.

Nintendo (news - web sites), Sony and Microsoft all have hardware in the works that could be launched as early as May, during the annual E3 video game convention in Los Angeles.

The true next generation of hardware is pegged for a 2005 launch, with Microsoft planning Xbox (news - web sites) Next and Sony planning PlayStation 3. But 2003 might see a portable take on GameCube and cheaper variations of Xbox and PlayStation 2 (news - web sites), Envisioneering analyst Richard Doherty predicted.

"A portable GameCube device would bring next-generation graphics to the portable market -- a market dominated by Nintendo with no competition from Sony or Microsoft," Doherty said.

Doherty expects an Xbox 1.5 that will be cheaper to manufacture and will be a smaller, lighter version of the current Xbox. He said it will retail from $129-$149. Microsoft also might introduce a new combination Xbox-digital video recorder for about $199.

Sony is on the third generation of PlayStation hardware, and the company is expected to ship its second incarnation of PS2 this year.

"I believe you'll see the price of this PS2.5 drop as low as $99," Doherty said. And Sony is a TiVo (news - web sites) investor, which leads Doherty and others to think there's a combination TiVo-PS2 device in the works -- possibly a $149 add-on to "fit into the back bay of the PS2," Doherty said.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates (news - web sites), perhaps thinking that the PC market has peaked for now, and Sony, eager to expand its entertainment hardware empire, are each focused on the living room. PS2 already plays DVD movies and CDs, and Xbox now ships with DVD movie playback, an Ethernet card for broadband connectivity, a disk drive for storage and the ability to rip and listen to CDs. The next wave of hardware is expected to incorporate DVR technology, further positioning the game system as an entertainment hub.

Sony is working with IMB and Toshiba on a new chip, code-named "GRID," that will allow PS3 to connect to other consumer electronics devices and other PS3s via broadband to enhance its processing power. PS3 also is expected to ship with Ethernet connectivity and a disk drive and will feature an easier architecture for game developers to program.

Little is known about Xbox Next, other than that it will ship before PS3 and likely will include UltimateTV technology (DVR and TV Web surfing), and it could serve as a PC for the living room.

There's also the possibility that Sony and Microsoft will release two versions each of their systems: one devoted strictly to games and another with all the bells and whistles. Broadband connectivity will be at the center of all of these machines' functions.

Hmmm GCN portátil...
¿GCN portatil? ¿X-Box Video Recorder?

Dildo Shock 2 for PS2 :-|

Te lo juro por Snoopy.
Estoy entre el escojoncio y el hastio...

GCN portatil? para que? nintendo vs nintendo? Oooh Oooh [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad] antes las vacas volaran y postearan en EOL. [+risas] [+risas] [+risas]

Este tio ha extrapolado la minipantalla TFT pa PSone la GCN y maaambo! whoa! (qtcagas)

Xbox y PS2 en versiones pequeñas...esto no es nuevo, a ver si se confirma algo, (la de sony sera PStwo, supongo) XD

Ojo q se trata solo de miniaturiceishon y reduccion de costes, no de sacar "nuevas funcionalidades", en todo caso MENOS funcionalidades...por ejemplo PStwo [+risas] no llevaria la expansion del HD.

Lo de las funcionalidades como DVR TAMPOCO es nuevo, de hecho, las nuevas PS y Xbox del 2005 (parece q se va confirmando q ese sera el momento) llevaran estas funcionalidades segun varias fuentes (mostrencos multimedia 2 the max!!!) Ademas es logico y consecuente con el rol "centro de entretenimiento multimedia para el salon".

Tb se ha comentado alguna vez (con PS2) lo de la posibilidad de que hubiera 2 versiones, una pseudo-PC (con teclado, raton, conectividad a monitores, SO preinstalado, etc, de serie) y otra tipo consola solo para jugar, y reproducir/grabar audio y video.

Con Xbox lo veo menos probable, ya q aunq un PC es, MS se empeña en q a un PC no se la equipare (de aqui q no saque ni teclado, ni raton, ni le integre funcionalidades "de PC").

No esta confirmado q Grid (o Cell) sea el procesador de PS3, y los precios son de autentica pitonisa...PARA EMPEZAR pq si miramos a generaciones anteriores veremos que "mientras no salga algun NUEVO COMPETIDOR no movemos el precio".

Lease por ejemplo, el precio de playstation, inamovible desde la ultima bajada q tuvo al salir DC (y llevaba casi 2 años sin moverse). Yo la compre en Junio 96 a 26000, y q yo sepa las navidades pasadas (las de 2001-2002) aun no bajaba de 20000.

Osea q el pitoniso lolo, me da q habrah q ponehle 2 velah negrah!!


pd: dildo shock for PS2? mwahaahhahaha [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto] mejor en Xbox, q la vibracion es mas potente y el DOAX esta a la vuelta de la esquina XD XD XD
Escrito originalmente por Alejo I
Dildo Shock 2 for PS2 :-|

Te lo juro por Snoopy.

alejo mucho no te equivocas en japon ya salio un trasto asi que se ponia en el culo para notar la vibracion en un game de ps2...
aplicalo a las partes femeninas i tenemos ese aparato...

GameCube portatil? estooooo, este tio fuma mas porros que toda la redaccion del EDGE XD XD XD

Nintendo tirando piedras sobre su propio tejado? para que si ya tienen engañado a todo el mundo con la GBA?

Que cosas mas raras se leen por ahi [mad]
5 respuestas