Ayuda Zelda 2: Adventure of Link

Estoy en el último castillo, bien. Es dificilismo matar a los soldados-ave azules q tiran cuchillos y saltan x lo q me es imposible llegar al Ave del Trueno con varias vidad. Llego, uso el hechizo Thunder y le puedo dañar, pero yo con la magia escudo me quita cuadrado y medio de vida y eso q tengo todos los cuadros.

Alguna idea para pasarme el juego.

Pd. Tengo magia, vida y fuerza en nivel 7.

Joe, no te complicas tu mucho la vida.
mira en gamefaqs, que tienes la solucion para la mayoria de los juegos.

sacado de alli


7) This is the Boss of the Great Palace. He appears as a large red being,
floating majestically onto the screen, but as deadly as anything on the
planet. Before you enter the screen, you should check the left side of
the room BEFORE Thunderbird to see many breakable blocks, and bust them
till you release either a Red Bird (you should run off screen right away),
or a Red Jar (refills your magic completely). This will allow you to
cast all the spells that will be helpful to you in your battle. Before
the battle with Thunderbird, cast the following spells: Shield for half
damage, Jump for higher jumping to reach the Thunderbird’s face, and
Reflect to stop most of his fireball attacks. Then enter to start the
battle off.

a) As he floats into the screen, he will be red, and you will be unable to
damage the behemoth. As soon as he is on the screen, cast the spell
Thunder to cause a flash of light to make Thunderbird reveal it's
weakness (his face!). Now all you have to do is jump up and stab away at
his face while he continues to rain fiery death upon you (he speeds up
every time that you hit him), and once he has gone down, you have done
it! But wait... The game has yet to end, so head into the next room to


Vamos , que antes de entrara en la habitacion de thunderbird rompas todos los bloques que hay hasta que encunetre la pocion roja, rellenaras la magia y tendras que usar shield, jump y reflect.

luego entra y haz lo que hacias , usar thunder y zumbarle hasta que muera
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