[The other side] English

waylander escribió:What do you think about the wiiu? ratataaaa

Lol, it's pure bullshit. Nintendo was trolling about a 1080p console and they gave us a WII with screen on the controller ...

I'm thinking seriously that this console will have lag with minesweeper.
F^cking shit... That "station" is a bullshit as the friend said.

Nintendo was a lyier about all, a console with 1080p made by Nintendo? Mission Impossible 5 [snif]

I will try to never buy something to Nintendo, because I hate them, and I'm of Mocosoft:3
I got the wii on its launch, bacause i hadn't had any of the nintendo systems since the snes and i thought it was time. I decided to give it a go, with all the hype about the new controller and so. But it let me down, like to so many others, and just because of that i'm not buying any nintendo systems anymore.
it might be good (i doubt so, i think they're just inflating the hype once again) but i couldn't care less.
The same shit, other wc xD Just because a controller have a screen, It doesn't make a console better xdd You can't sell a console(sorry I don't know if console it's the right word xD) in 2011 without HDMI, are they fucking kidding us? xdd I remember I bought wii the day of the exit, I got up at 6 am to go to the Fnac because there were a few units xD And then I installed a modchip and at the day I don't play wii since... 4 months So 250 euros to the trash xdd But nintendo 3DS is a good portable, I have it, and I very happy with it, play zelda oot at the street it's... pff amazing. Now I'm playing L.A Noire
_aleX_ salida in this case is release, not exit.
I understand that nintendo portables have been very successful amongst core gamers and casuals alike, but i could never get into the nintendo portables, since the beginnning.
Besides if I want to play while in the bus or waiting for someone I use my smartphone.
waylander escribió:_aleX_ salida in this case is release, not exit.
I understand that nintendo portables have been very successful amongst core gamers and casuals alike, but i could never get into the nintendo portables, since the beginnning.
Besides if I want to play while in the bus or waiting for someone I use my smartphone.

Ohh shit what a fail xD

I use mi smartphone too some times but, You can't compare it xD I have and htc hero and I try to run some gbc games like zelda minish cap and it's unplayable I mean i can't play a video game at 10 fps xD
The wii disapointed me a lot, you know, being sold a 250€-console with obsolete hardware and crappy games (very few get saved from burning at the stake) makes you lose your faith in Nintendo.

So at the announcement of the new 'revolution' I wasn't expecting much and I think I hit the bullseye.

I ain't gonna buy it until I see what it is worth.

I think that the Wiiu will be a crap. But, I dont' know, it can be an innovation.
Sorry for my English but i'm trying to improve it, so help me please.
Crutchlow_13 escribió:I think that the Wiiu will be a crap. But, I dont' know, it can be an innovation.
Sorry for my English but i'm trying to improve it, so help me please.

What do u mean? I didn't understand it very well...

I think, you mean that the WiiU can be an Innovation, or not?

My vision of that station is that it can't be better than the future Xbox or the Playstation, they're the giants of the industrie, and they will be that for more years. Nintendo is always the last, except in game repertory, their stations are very... economic, but with a low hardware level...
miguelez está baneado por "clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
Una pregunta, cuando alguien comete una falta de ortografía o de sintaxis, ¿la corregís?
Si es así, igual me animo a participar en el foro.

Thank you so much.
miguelez escribió:Una pregunta, cuando alguien comete una falta de ortografía o de sintaxis, ¿la corregís?
Si es así, igual me animo a participar en el foro.

Thank you so much.

Yah. We correct the errors of the people, if we can, obviously. [carcajad]

C'mon, join the thread! [ginyo]
I´m in! Thanks for the creator of the thread, seriously ;-)

My level of English is veeeeryyyy bad, sorry if any of my words is wrong, I´m learning... XD
Thank You very much indeed for this great idea but we should suggest the matters to talk about.

Who start?
Hm... okay... my turn.[sonrisa] [sonrisa]

We can talk about... Music... Why not?

Which music group is your favorite?
(mensaje borrado)
1-UP escribió:Hm... okay... my turn.[sonrisa] [sonrisa]

We can talk about... Music... Why not?

Which music group is your favorite?

My favourite group is Thrice, which makes post-hardcore and I love it, especially when I play WoW and listen to it.
locoibérico está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Hay una serie de cosas que estaría bien que alguien explicase de alguna manera que se nos quedase a todos con alguna norma, me refiero a temas y dudas como por ejemplo:

other - another
on - in - at
either - neither
like - as

Hay una serie de cosas que joder, las puedo estar repasado cada vez que me surgen y no hay manera de quedarme con ellas
locoibérico escribió:Hay una serie de cosas que estaría bien que alguien explicase de alguna manera que se nos quedase a todos con alguna norma, me refiero a temas y dudas como por ejemplo:

other - another
on - in - at
either - neither
like - as

Hay una serie de cosas que joder, las puedo estar repasado cada vez que me surgen y no hay manera de quedarme con ellas

We could create a wiki article linked to the first post to make somewhat of a FAQ.


I learned about it ,in winter

Cuando contestas de forma negativa a una pregunta usas either, para indicar que tampoco lo hiciste
y cuando contestas de forma positiva too, para indicar que tambien lo hiciste

I went to the cinema yesterday, Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
Yes, I did, too

I didn´t go to the cinema yesterday, Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
No, I didn´t, either

Creo que era asi, si eso al llegar a casa consulto los apuntes,respecto al Like - as en un par de paginas mas atras me contestaron a mi.
Gerk Narke escribió:
1-UP escribió:Hm... okay... my turn.[sonrisa] [sonrisa]

We can talk about... Music... Why not?

Which music group is your favorite?

My favourite group is Thrice, which makes post-hardcore and I love it, especially when I play WoW and listen to it.

Oh, I didn't heard about that group before. When I can, I will listen to some songs. Hm... so, you play World of Warcraft. Me too [carcajad]
In which realm exactly? I'm from Exodar. (This is another topic, to "burn" the thread.)
1-UP escribió:
Gerk Narke escribió:
1-UP escribió:Hm... okay... my turn.[sonrisa] [sonrisa]

We can talk about... Music... Why not?

Which music group is your favorite?

My favourite group is Thrice, which makes post-hardcore and I love it, especially when I play WoW and listen to it.

Oh, I didn't heard about that group before. When I can, I will listen to some songs. Hm... so, you play World of Warcraft. Me too [carcajad]
In which realm exactly? I'm from Exodar. (This is another topic, to "burn" the thread.)

I'm in a "server" called Instant 80. I'm draenei, Warrior and when I play, time spends as fast as I don't realize. [carcajad]
Gerk Narke escribió:I'm in a "server" called Instant 80. I'm draenei, Warrior and when I play, time spends as fast as I don't realize. [carcajad]

Oh. Private server... I understand. I play private servers too, but I have another Wow copy, that is the Official Cataclysm.

PD: I listened to In Exile, of Thrice. I like them. [burla2]
1-UP escribió:
Gerk Narke escribió:I'm in a "server" called Instant 80. I'm draenei, Warrior and when I play, time spends as fast as I don't realize. [carcajad]

Oh. Private server... I understand. I play private servers too, but I have another Wow copy, that is the Official Cataclysm.

PD: I listened to In Exile, of Thrice. I like them. [burla2]

Listen to The Artist in the Ambulance, I think this song if one of his best songs.
Link mah boi, what's for dinner?
My level that english is basic. ¿Any page web, book, pdf, exercises.. for up my lvl??

I shall resurrect thou amongst the dead!

I thought the thread in German was dead, but this isn't much more alive.

Let's bring up a topic, which games are you expecting to be released? I, for sure, Assassin's Creed Revelations. And you?

Best regards.
(mensaje borrado)
Well, this is my first post on this thread. I have to admit that I'm very unsecure about me writting in english. In fact, that's why I didn't post here before.

In accordance with my english test, I'm in the level 4 of 6, I understand basically everything I read but don't write so much, I think that's my problem, I need to practice.

Now, in spanish a question I have...

Me parece raro el usar tantas veces el ''I'' prácticamente antes de cada verbo xD. Lo frustrante es eso, que os leo y entiendo casi todo, pero no confío en mi inglés y por ello cuando me preguntan si lo hablo/escribo digo que no xD.

Greetings to all the EOLians here (and for all those who are from Pruebas too Imagen )
(mensaje borrado)
Wence-Kun, you needn't use the personal pronouns repetitively in a sentence.
For example: "I went back home and finished my homework there" No need to repeat "I" there.

Gin_Tonic escribió:Una duda sobre el verbo "llevar", quiero saber si está bien dicho ésto:

Could you take my wallet?
Could you carry my wallet?

Both are right. In the first question you are asking the other person if he can have your wallet - for a moment, I guess. In the second one you ask for carrying your wallet, meaning you want that object transported from one place to another.
That's what it sounds to me [sonrisa]
(mensaje borrado)
Anyone reading the last book of a song of ice and fire? I was told it was released last week... That is book 5 by the way.
Scribenici escribió:My level that english is basic. ¿Any page web, book, pdf, exercises.. for up my lvl??


Hi, I am interesting in mp3 track to put in my iphone to hear it in the subway coming to my job...
some course? In the car I use to hear Vaugan channel but there is no covearge underground.

any recommendation? Thanks [fumando]

(I hate my chapurrero-english)
(mensaje borrado)
It's me again. Sorry for the absence. I was preparing all the things for the Lan Party that is goin' to be at the BEC(Bilbao Exhibition Center) , this year I will be a "Freaker" at the Party. My 4th year:3

So... about games that I expect or want to release...


And I want it for 5€ not 65€ [hallow]
I like this thread, i've "accidentally" fallen here, I wanted to ask everyone:

Could you recommend me a website like "elotrolado.net" but english-speaking?

Yeah, sure there's nothing with so valuable members [angelito] but I think it would be a good source of entertainment and reading english as well.

PD: PC forever (some trolling to revive the thread [poraki] )
Ohh, i'd never seen this before!!! i'd really like practice with you, and why not, learn some new things...!!!
Booba_abooB escribió:Ohh, i'd never seen this before!!! i'd really like practice with you, and why not, learn some new things...!!!

Nice to meet u Booba_abooB. I'm glad to see people joinin' this thread and "givin' life to it". ( dándole vida... por así decirlo. )

I''ve been away but... hey! I'M BACK!
Hey nice thread here, i´m normally in a english forum is just from Metal Gear collectors all speak english but are people from worldwide, but here is more cool [oki]

Let´s talk about videogames!!!

first quetion: Retro or current games?
whats your first choice?
revfran escribió:Could you recommend me a website like "elotrolado.net" but english-speaking?

Yeah, u can use google web translator and search for "elotrolado.net". It can be really fun read "pruebas" forum in english xD
sedgraven2 escribió:Hey nice thread here, i´m normally in a english forum is just from Metal Gear collectors all speak english but are people from worldwide, but here is more cool [oki]

Let´s talk about videogames!!!

first quetion: Retro or current games?
whats your first choice?

100% Retro Games!! Current games are always the same: fps, fps and more fps, and i dont like this kind of games!!
I like fps but not lastest ones these are just centered in graphics not in the fun of the player and the game I enjoy more with Duke nukem than Crysis 2
Lets talk about boobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs!

this one os better jejeje

school teaching is VERY bad
when you finish the school, 4 E.S.O, you don't understand nothing listening someone talking english, and a text is difficult to real
now, a bit more than 1 year, i can read every text, expresarme better, learn basic words 'like, as, so etc.'... and i can understand... 50 50% of listening.
i learn more in internet (so little with music and tv) in 1 year and a bit more, than in the school!
So start to watch films and TV series in V.O.S.E and you improve in less time your listen capacity
sedgraven2 escribió:So start to watch films and TV series in V.O.S.E and you improve in less time your listen capacity

yes, but I studied england english, and american english is a bit different. I'd like voice and subtitles in english, but only are subtitles in spanish. I can't use series in pc
You can search for English subtitles too for series in subtitles.es
Din-A4 escribió:yes, but I studied england english, and american english is a bit different.

Actually, American English is much easier to understand than British English. [sonrisa]
949 respuestas