[Hilo Oficial] Resistance 3 -Brutality!-

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Esto hay que verlo así:
¿Que pasaríais en vez de manejar a Cole en infamous 2 Sucker Punch hubiera decidido darle el protagonismo a su "entrañable" amigo Zeke? ¿O en killzone 3 le dan el protagonismo a Rico? ¿O si se decidiesen a hacer una continuación de Primal fuese el protagonista el noviete de Gen? Este es un caso similar, simplemente este personaje, Capelli, cae mal. Calló mal desde el principio de R2, es un personaje desacertado, plano, mal llevado y peor tratado. Es arquetípico y simple. Se limita a quejarse, poner cara de pocos amigos y querer liquidar a Hale. Darle el protagonismo a un personaje que cae mal es mucho riesgo (a no se que en capitulo 3 del juego tenga una desaparición memorable en cuyo caso yo aplaudiría...) :-).

Dejando a un lado lo del personajete este hay un par de cosas que me tiene preocupado:
- Una es la historia. Aunque a falta de saber muchos detalles de momento podemos pensar que esta no es más que una subtrama, una excusa para mostrar algo mayor y poner a los personajes en movimiento.
La otra y más preocupante es esta:
- Ted Price entregó las riendas del juego a Marcus Smith (jefe de proyecto en R1 y R2).

Un saludo.
En Killzone manejamos a Jan Templar y en la segunda parte a Sev. Hay otros ejemplos en ese sentido.

Por otra parte, la razón de ser de Capelli en R2 era esa precisamente: ser un tipo desagradable, Hale perfilaba a Capelli y este a Hale contraponiendo caracteres. Ese era su propósito argumental.

En R3 tenemos un personaje que ha cambiado, una historia (otra) de sacrificio, de redención, ya veremos. Quien crea vamos a ver al Capelli de R2 (creo que) se equivoca. Aún no hemos visto nada. ;)
Resistance 3 tendrá modo cooperativo
Por: Redacción | 14 Oct 2010 - 09:12
En una reciente entrevista de los chicos de Game Informer a un responsable de Insomniac Games, nos hemos podido enterar de algunos detalles más que interesantes sobre Resistance 3.
Y es que en esta ocasión controlaremos, en el modo historia de Resistance 3, a Joseph Evan Capelli, compañero de Nathan que se enfrentará a un entorno mucho más peligroso donde los humanos se han convertido en caníbales por la falta de alimento y sobrevivir es el único objetivo.

Otro de los aspectos que Insomniac Games más ha mimado ha sido la inteligencia artificial que, según ellos, será mucho más realista y sorprendente que la de Resistance 2. Por si todo esto fuera poco, también se ha desvelado que el modo cooperativo de Resistance 3 no tendrá una historia alternativa, como ocurría en el anterior. Por contra, se han centrado en los combates online para ofrecernos partidas mucho más divertidas, según ellos claro.
Ansiosos estamos por ver en acción este Resintance 3 y descubrir si es tan bueno como Insomniac Games nos lo quiere vender. ¿Serán ciertos todos estos elogios?

Fuente: Hobbynews
Yo no critico que se cambie el personaje principal. Eso se ha hecho en innumerables ocasiones unas veces con acierto y otras fracasando. El caso más extremo que conozco, y ahora mismo es actualidad, es el cambio de protagonista para la cuarta película de Bourne, donde no va a aparecer Matt Daemon pero es que tampoco lo van a sustituir por otro actor, directamente no aparece el personaje de Bourne aunque la trama va a seguir girando en torno a él.
Esta bien el decir que va a ser un personaje distinto al del R2 pero para hacer eso que cambien el personaje que pongan uno nuevo desconocido. Así los que detestan a Capelli verían con mejores ojos el juego... XD XD

Un saludo.
Que tenga un cooperativo a pantalla partida como el primero ya le da varios puntos [beer]
Sobre el protagonismo de Capelli pensé que cualquiera que paso Resistance 2 se daria cuenta de esto, por lo menos yo ni bien acabe el juego el año pasado me ponia de nick su nombre [+risas] , ya que Hale a mi parecer se va para el otro bando (no creo que haya muerto)
Por otro lado, al modo online no le doy mucho uso pero después de disfrutar horas en el online de Uncharted 2 parece que ya le agarre el gusto a ver que tal con este que es FPS [poraki]
Un adelanto de la banda sonora de Resistance 3:

También lo tenéis en la pagina web de insomniac:

http://www.insomniacgames.com/blogcast/ ... /152553305

Un saludo.
silenthill escribió:Un adelanto de la banda sonora d Resistance 3:

También lo tenéis en la pagina web de insomniac:

http://www.insomniacgames.com/blogcast/ ... /152553305

Un saludo.

me gusta!

se han alejado un poco de la simple música militar, y le han dado otro aire.
Pues ami me parece perfecto que sea Capelli . Yo al principio del R2 creia qe tendria que matar a Capelli , y estaba feliz por ello, però al final del juego e das cuenta de que es un grande , que no le tiembla el pulso y el tremendo respeto que tiene hacia Hale . Grande Capelli
Jeje, en cuanto escuchas la sirena te sientes en territorio familiar. La música es cojonuda. Cómo han sabido imprimirle esa sensación de agobio.
En la revista marca de videojuegos han puesto cosillas, me la he comprado y la he leido, pinta bastante bien!! Promete mucho el jueguecito
Spardy escribió:En la revista marca de videojuegos han puesto cosillas, me la he comprado y la he leido, pinta bastante bien!! Promete mucho el jueguecito

¿A qué esperas para pasar unas scans? ;)
goldenaxeband escribió:
Spardy escribió:En la revista marca de videojuegos han puesto cosillas, me la he comprado y la he leido, pinta bastante bien!! Promete mucho el jueguecito

¿A qué esperas para pasar unas scans? ;)

Pues la verdad, las scans de revistas españolas creo que no estan permitidas por estos lares, creo que tuvieron toques de atención la moderación de lo foros hace bastante, de todas formas, luego si puedo, hago unas scans y te las paso por MP.
Spardy escribió:
goldenaxeband escribió:
Spardy escribió:En la revista marca de videojuegos han puesto cosillas, me la he comprado y la he leido, pinta bastante bien!! Promete mucho el jueguecito

¿A qué esperas para pasar unas scans? ;)

Pues la verdad, las scans de revistas españolas creo que no estan permitidas por estos lares, creo que tuvieron toques de atención la moderación de lo foros hace bastante, de todas formas, luego si puedo, hago unas scans y te las paso por MP.

No tenía ni idea. No te preocupes, ¿vale 1.90 €, no? igual me acerco luago al kiosko ;)
goldenaxeband escribió:
No tenía ni idea. No te preocupes, ¿vale 1.90 €, no? igual me acerco luago al kiosko ;)

Si, vale algo menos de 2 eurillos, no es una gran revista, pero para leer un ratito en el servicio o antes de dormir está bastante bien, yo vi de portada el resistance 3 y me la compré sin dudar.

Además te viene una guia del Vanquish y del Halo Reach :p
Os pongo los Scans de la Revista Game Informer en Spoiler, no sea que alguno le joda la historia o algo:











Que pedazo de bichos mas gordos madre mia! Pinta genial y unos gráficos espectaculares, por no hablar de que el rango de colores es el que me mola, más parecido al primero que al segundo!
Joder, con lo bien que estaban las imágenes que poquito han durado vivas. [buuuaaaa]
Parece que no habrá modo de 60 jugadores en línea... Una pena.
Por otro lado Ted no descarta que haya más Resistance... Aunque yo no creo que sean hechos por Insomniac.

Un saludo.
Gracias por la info silent ;)

El online de 60 era muy divertido pero a veces un poco caótico. Siempre podías irte a partidas de menos jugadores claro.
Yo soy un entusiasta del modo 60 jugadores del R2. Para mi de lo mejor del juego. Es relativamente caótico ya que a fin de cuentas, dependiendo de las partidas, los jugadores se agrupaban por escuadras y la máquina daba un objetivo a cada una de ellas. Siempre en la competición por equipos claro... Pero desde luego era muy divertido y sobre todo con esos mapas de gran tamaño.
Otra cosa que han comentado, de momento lo pongo como rumor porque la verdad es que me extraña bastante, es que parece que los mapas multijugador están sacados del modo campaña y no como sucedía con el R1 y el R2 done había unos pocos mapas compartidos y la mayoría eran independientes.

Un saludo.
A mi me da igual la cantidad de jugadores que sea, pero que no bajen de los 40 jugadores, como la primera entrega.

Y mapas grandes por dios, que luego si que se montan unas que no veas...
Y otra cosa que no hemos comentado en este hilo y que es importante. El juego podría estar ambientado en Africa ya que sí está confirmado que uno de los mapas del multiplayer es el de una prisión africana y raro sería que sacasen un mapa multiplayer que nada tiene que ver con la campaña.

Otra perla de Ted Price:

“Resistance 3 is a three-year project and it’s already benefiting from that enormously,” Ted Price, Insomniac Games head told EGM magazine (via gamesthirst), “we took all those lessons and criticism from Resistance 2 to heart, and applied them to Resistance 3 and I think it will be the best game we’ve ever done.

Fuente: Internationalvideogamer
goldenaxeband escribió:
Evolución del nuevo enemigo en Resistance 3: Long Legs.

Check out a bio of the new creature from Insomniac Games and see early sketches of the Long Legs throughout the design process.

Long Legs: The Long Legs is a mechanically-enhanced Chimeran Hybrid able to leap high into the air and swoop down on its targets with deadly force. It uses its increased mobility to traverse complex environments and find superior attack positions.

Primary Weapon: Bullseye

Survival Tip: Tag it with a Bullseye tag when it lands -- all subsequent shots will steer toward it, even if it jumps to another perch.

But how did the Long Legs evolve into its current fearsome form? Well, it started out kind of like a dinosaur or one of those demon dogs from Ghostbusters and then slimmed down into more of a humanoid form with grasshopper legs. See for yourself below.




Fuente: Gameinformer
¿Para cuando las auténticas Quimeras?

Espero que por fin las muestren en este.
Aquí os dejo algunas de las armas de la Resistencia via gameinformer.





solo espero que enganche mas que el 2,su online era infumable,el 1 pffff de o mejor que jugue en red.
y el uno me acuerdo q lo di vuelta con un amigo... campaña multijugador es lo mejor q hay!!

Más que una evolución de armas parece una involución. ;) Para mi gusto tiene mejor aspecto las del R2.

Un saludo.
Natural. La humanidad ha sido aniquilada. Si hasta usan latas llenas de clavos como granadas.
Eso se entiende, aunque relativamente ya que determinadas armas como puede ser la magnun se supone que fueron construidas antes de la destrucción, para las armas humanas pero no para las de las quimeras. El bulleye es casi idéntico al del R1.

Un saludo.
Marcus Smith, director creativo de Insomniac dice que Resistance 3 para 2011 es como "música para sus oídos".

Resistance 3 developers Insomniac Games have said news of the game’s lengthy delay was “music to [their] ears.”

The team was given a full extra 12 months to work on the project, on which developers had previously been working long and stressful hours in order to “cram thing out the door.”

The comments come from creative director Marcus Smith in an interview with British games mag GamesTM.

“Many of us now have children, and the reality of game development is that we need to maintain the quality, so something else had to change,” he said. “Extending the development cycle was the way to go. It was something we were discussing from the very beginning.”

Resistance 3 is now due for release in late 2011.

Fuente: Beefjack
goldenaxeband escribió:
Entrevista a John Paquette (¡Sí, se llama así!)

We speak to Resistance 3 writer Jon Paquette and lead designer Drew Murray about the upcoming title.

Can you give us some idea of the time frame for Resistance 3? How much time has passed since the events of Resistance 2?
Jon Paquette: Resistance 3 starts on 9 August 1957 – approximately four years after the end of Resistance 2. The game takes place over several days as Joe Capelli and Dr Malikov journey to New York City.

Has Joe Capelli changed significantly in the intervening years?
JP: Yes (spoiler alert for those who didn’t finish Resistance 2). When Joe Capelli killed Nathan Hale, he became a pariah. Of course it was something he had to do – he saw Hale turning into a Chimera, and he knew how powerful Hale had become. In a way, it was a heroic choice for Capelli. But the rest of the military didn’t see it that way. Capelli was dishonourably discharged and cast out.

No longer was Capelli the brash, muscle-bound tough guy of one of the world’s elite fighting forces. He became a common survivor, and found that there was more to live for than just fighting a futile battle against the Chimera. He fell in love, got married and had a son. When Resistance 3 starts, Joe Capelli is a changed man, both physically and mentally. He is much thinner, and he survives not by fighting, but by hiding. But he still has a mean streak.

Capelli always gave the impression of being a reluctant hero when compared to Hale. Was this one of the reasons why you chose him as the main focus of Resistance 3?
JP: That is certainly part of Capelli’s character. But in Resistance 3, his reluctance to fight has more to do with the events around him. In the past four years, the Chimera have essentially won the war. Humans no longer have an organised military force. There are no ‘safe zones’ left. The Chimera have stopped trying to convert humans – now they just outright kill. The only way that Capelli can survive, and also keep his family alive, is by staying away from the Chimera. So when he’s forced back into action, like an old gunslinger, it is natural that he is reluctant to not only leave his family, but to take on a seemingly unbeatable foe.

Would we be right in thinking that Nathan Hale’s foster sister Susan will have a large role to play in the game?
JP: If you read the Resistance novel A Gathering Storm, you know that Nathan Hale’s parents died young, and he was brought up in a foster family. His foster sister, Susan, played a large role in the novel. And she returns in Resistance 3 as Joe Capelli’s wife.

This is a very different form of ‘resistance’ to the first two games. Has that impacted on the gameplay at all?
Drew Murray: With human industry and manufacturing nonexistent, players will be using a lot more Chimeran and improvised (read: exotic) weapons than they did in the first two games. Certain Chimeran species have ‘gone native,’ creating unique ecosystems within the ruins and rubble of destroyed America that are separate from the organised Chimeran military.

And we’ve put a lot of time and effort into prototyping and iterating on unique scenarios for the player to break up our core combat – there will be a lot more variety to the player experience in Resistance 3 than there was in the earlier games.

Watching the teaser trailer from gamescom, the first comparison point that sprung to mind was Left 4 Dead. Are you looking to capture a similar feeling of survival at all costs?
DM: We definitely share some thematic similarities – small groups of survivors in a hostile world, battling against overwhelming odds – although that one-line description could apply just as aptly to Half-Life 2 as well. I think it’s a key difference from the first two Resistance games that Resistance 3 isn’t a military story, following best-of-the-best super-soldiers on their military campaign.

Resistance 3 is the story of one man, fighting against nearly impossible odds for purely personal reasons. It’s also the story of how ‘normal’ people are surviving, and the myriad ways that different groups are coping with the fact that their world has been utterly overtaken by a malignant alien force. In any event, we’re huge fans of Valve here at Insomniac and consider the comparisons nothing but flattering.

Can you tell us a little bit about the way co-op works in Resistance 3? Will you be playing as some of the other survivors?
DM: We’re bringing back two-player co-operative mode through the campaign for Resistance 3, which you can play split-screen or online. We had a very vocal group speak up when we didn’t have campaign co-op in Resistance 2, and there is something very special and unique about playing back-to-back with your buddy through the campaign. There will be several unique co-operative mechanics to allow you to assist and rescue your co-operative partner that won’t exist in the single-player campaign. The second co-op player will play as a character from Haven, Oklahoma, Capelli’s adopted hometown where Resistance 3 begins.

To what degree do you consider the main story to be a solo affair? Will it be as potent when played with others?
DM: The campaign is one man’s story – the story of Joe Capelli and the lengths to which he’ll go in an attempt to create a future for his family. That said, a significant theme of the game is that, now that the war against the Chimera has been ‘lost’, the remaining survivors have to help one another or no one will survive. From that perspective, playing co-operatively is a literal manifestation of ‘we fight together or we die alone.’

Managing to release an entire trilogy of games in a single generation is also a great achievement. Was this an aim you had set yourselves?
DM: It wasn’t an explicit plan, but given Insomniac’s history with the Ratchet & Clank and Spyro franchises, it’s not too surprising that we’re releasing a trilogy within a console generation. Resistance: Fall Of Man was a significant departure from what Insomniac had been doing for the previous eight or nine years, both thematically and genre-wise, and our focus was on putting out an amazing launch title. We’ve been deeply honoured by the fan and critical response to the Resistance franchise and couldn’t be more excited to have the opportunity to continue telling the Resistance story.

Fuente: Nowgamer

Proof of concept review

We get an exclusive look at Resistance 3, detailing all the must-know features of the sci-fi shooter

Insomniac Games treat us to an exclusive look at the upcoming shooter, showing us four proof of concept segments of the currently alpha-stage game.

1. Stand And Fight
The first passage of gameplay we were shown was also the most familiar. Essentially a pitched battle among the wreckage of a bombed-out street, with Joe Capelli and a small band of rebel fighters taking on a wave of Chimeran hybrid soldiers and airships, it served as a reminder of what makes the series engaging, if not the ways Resistance 3 is attempting to remedy its flaws.

The action was gratifyingly fast, and the combination of air and ground targets provided an effective showcase for the game’s excellent weapon-set: the Bullseye, which lets you tag enemies and sends all subsequent bullets directly to the target; the Auger, which can shoot through hard, dense substances like brick and metal; the Marksman, which fires a burst of long-range bullets, or a drone that fires electrical charges at a selected target.

Few studios have a genuine knack for inventive weaponry but Insomniac is one of them, and Resistance 3 will feature a number of additions to its arsenal, as well as proper iron-sights – surprisingly, a series first – and an upgrade system that rewards players for effective use of individual guns.

2. The Enclave
Perversely, the most radical change Resistance 3 is making to the established formula is also the one element that Insomniac is keen not to shove in players’ faces. By adopting the first-person, in-game storytelling established in Half-Life and its sequel, Resistance 3 will offer depth and nuance in direct proportion to how much attention you pay to the details.

This was exemplified by a sequence in which Joe Capelli visits a small, intensely religious community in the mountains. It is a scene of pure domesticity, and a world away from the carnage and destruction taking place in the cities: the log cabin is bathed in the subtle glow of candlelight, children play games on the floor, a man cooks a stew made from the flesh of fallen Chimera at the stove.

The atmosphere is reminiscent of the friendly stations in Metro 2033, full of telling details and revealing conversations, but only for those with a desire to take it all in. Resistance 3 is still an action game first and foremost, but this time Insomniac wants to give you more.

3. Death Squad
Another facet of Resistance 3’s more focused and detailed story is a more intelligent use of pacing. Players simply won’t have the chance to look around and drink it all in if they are constantly besieged by enemy forces, which was often the case in the previous two games. This time, however Insomniac has deliberately conceived set-pieces that allow for periods of inaction or down-time – concepts that are used very effectively in games like Half-Life 2 and Modern Warfare.

This idea was given form in a sequence where Capelli and a small band of resistance fighters had to follow a Chimeran death-squad through the city streets. Their orders were to observe rather than intercept, so there was a long stretch of gameplay where Capelli simply followed the commanding officer through ruined buildings and subterranean tunnels. The confluence of the rumbling sound of the Chimeran machines, blood traces on the walls, ruined posters from before the fall, and the hushed, frightened whispers of the rebels created a palpable tension.

The segment built to a climactic moment where a Chimeran hybrid smashed through a boarded-up window, pulling a terrified victim through just as he was giving Capelli the reassurance that the enemy was nowhere to be seen. It’s a little cliché, sure, but that didn’t make it any less effective, or the resulting battle – one of the epic, open skirmishes that Resistance is known for – any less rewarding.

4. Up River
The preceding three proof of concept sequences felt as rough and unfinished as the term implies. All of the vital elements were in place, but some lacked proper character animations, some had placeholder dialogue and sound effects, some had no music. With about a year to go before Resistance 3’s release the lack of polish is understandable, but the fourth sequence was not only far closer to completion, it also encapsulated all of the ideas articulated by the others.

Joe Capelli and his comrades are on a boat, sailing through an abandoned town, shrouded in mist and half-submerged in water. Chimeran plant-life has started to grow on the buildings, long tubes covered in ice protrude from the surface, rotting Christmas decorations provide a glimpse into the moment the town succumbed.

The boat idles past the corpse of a Kraken, Chimeran Leapers feasting at the cavernous hole in its stomach – if Capelli opens fire the Leapers will attack, if not they will remain oblivious to his presence. The atmosphere, the pacing and narrative detail: everything is in place, everything feels right.

Silence of this kind simply begs to be broken, and before long Grims emerge from the houses on either side. Climbing onto the rooftops, they variously hurl objects or themselves at the boat, many of them landing in the water and frantically swimming in its wake. After the attack is quashed the boat arrives at a vast bridge, both ends disappearing into the thick fog. A Goliath – a siege engine, 150-feet tall – emerges from the water, firing a barrage of rockets at the boat that send it spinning across the water as the bridge is torn asunder by the blast.

The proof of concept sequence ends, and we have been given all the proof we need.

5. Trimming The Fodder
While multiplayer details for Resistance 3 are a little limited we were given a few clues as to what to expect. For a start it was suggested that 60 players was a little over the top for multiplayer and that very few people actually took advantage of such numbers in online games.

Insomniac also described MP as progression based, offering upgrades and unlockables as you level up. Then there were the maps, which will all be unique to the multiplayer game and set all over the world. No settings from the single-player will be repeated in online play.

As for co-op, Insomniac appears to be making the full campaign playable in co-op with no separate co-op mode, but the number of players has yet to be revealed.

Fuente: Nowgamer

De la entrevista me quedo con esto que define el tono de Resistance 3:

Resistance 3 is the story of one man, fighting against nearly impossible odds for purely personal reasons. It’s also the story of how ‘normal’ people are surviving

Además de que Capelli haya abandonado la violencia y cambiado, tanto físicamente (más delgado y demacrado) como psicológicamente (es un paria rechazado por sus compañeros militares)

Y un video en el que Insomniac y gameinformer diseccionan el trailer oficial de Resistance 3:

http://gameinformer.com/games/resistanc ... ailer.aspx

Pedazo cobertura le está dando GI a Resistance 3.

Nueva y vieja info sobre Resistance 3. Se detallan aspectos del gameplay y algunas secciones de la campaña. CUIDADO.

This info from the a dutch PS3 magazine:

- Capelli is now a gunslinger and a marksman
- He wants to protect his wife and child
- “Exit New Haven, death journey to New York City, but first get rid of the six-eyed in the mineshaft”
- The game isn’t ready with the basic outlines, gun sounds are off, the HUD is still very empty, gun designs aren’t finished yet..
- They haven’t decided if they want health packs (RFOM) or a “classic healthbar”
- Aiming is easier due to Iron Sights
- Upgrade system is implemented to urge players to use the different guns
- But Resistance isn’t going anywhere near Call of Duty, they want it to be a “sandbox experience for guncrazy shooterfans”

- There will be new guns, but haven’t been showed yet

- Carbine, Auger and the Hedgehog grenade are back

- Last 6 months in development will be to polish the games graphics and presentation
- You won’t be able to play in a vehicle, but there is a big chance you’ll sit in the passenger seat with a big gun (like the boat from the screens), and a little hint is dropped at a Goliath sequence

- Players constantly need to get the feeling they’re being haunted and aren’t safe anywhere
- There’s a level where Capelli is walking through a ripped up roadrestaurant, a Chimeran searchrobot looks through the windows with lightflashes. You have to take shelter behind a dinner table, a couple meters in front of you is a mother protecting her crying child. Every movement can alarm the Chimeran deathmachinee.
- A bit after the above written part you will take a self-dug tunnel to a bowling store where the local resistance is waiting for you.
- They worked hard on NPC animation as they said fans thought previous NPC’s were looking fake/bad
- There is a part where an ally is blocking a nailed down window with his gun when suddenly a Chimera punches through the wood and grabs him by the throat and drags him out of the window, a firefight breaks out, Capelli hands out headshots with his Carbine while going to the roof. Once he gets there he sees a four-legged Stalker coming right up, nothing a well placed “EMP-grenade” and a fully loaded Auger can’t handle.

- Capelli also visits Pennsylvania
- The last survivors are hiding there in a torn up school which serves as a safety house, a place for food and a place to give people a good mood. (wtf) Capelli sees a little girl ccrying over her fathers dead body, the towns fool plays a song on a Chimera-skull-turned-into-instrument, and in the corner is a basket filled with chopped Leaper-meat. The cook grabs a piece of Leaper meat, drops it in a bowl of soup and then eats it up.
- In your journey to New York you will see the less kind side of humans, those aspects, as dark as they may be will also be shown.
- 8 player co-op is out because the lead game designer didn’t want to spread the team so much. The multiplayers biggest assignment? Not to copy Modern Warfare!
- The African Prison is located in Tjaad, probably not translated right on my part, but I think it was known already anyway..
- Another short level description: Capelli is on a small boat with Malikov in a swamp where there used to be an American city. In an attempt to get rid of the enemies they civilians decided to flood the city. Only the rooftops are above water. While hearing survivors ask about missing relatives on the radio Capelli sees the head of a huge monster through the fog. Out of the rotting flesh (magazine doesn’t specify who’s flesh) come tens of 4-legged who jump like face huggers towards the boat to try and eat Capelli’s face.
- A while later: Malikov & Capelli traded their small boat for a larger boat and they drive past a motel. The Christmas lightning reveals this disaster has just played out before the advent of Santa. Suddenly the camera zooms in on a big ugly Grim who is eating a victim. The Grim, interrupted by the boat, turns around and yells at Capelli. The Grims look even more agressive then ever. Just like the Long Legs, a new Chimera breed who, thanks to their metal legs are the perfect fit for this fight. A Grim misses the boat and breaks his skull against the side of the boat. The remaining Grims meet the explosive ammo Capelli shoots out of the barrel of his gun. A bit later the boat stops because it hits frozen tubes which tower above the water, and Capelli has to defend the boat against a wave of Chimera variations. The weather is looking pretty winter-ish for a summer trip, which according to the guy they’re interviewing is part of the Chimera’s “secret weapon”
- The boat has has reached a big river and it drives under the first of 2 red bridges. The music reveals the presence of the Chimera. The peacefull setting is interrupted when suddenly 2 yellow eyes look through the fog, and a giant outline shows up in the distance. The Goliath, which had tried to squash Hale on multiple occasions in R2, has gotten a growth hormon en it towers above the bridges. Its mechanic legs easily destroy the furthest bridge and it’s being accompenied by a group of Drones and squadron Chimera. A couple of eathquakes later it also destroys the second bridge with its metal claw, and its claw lands just next to Capelli’s boat. This is just as impressive as the train level from Uncharted 2 and the Titan fight in Gow of War III, but it’s also that much more frightening due to the size of the Goliath and the superb atmosphere IG creates.

Fuente: Playstationinformer
Brutal esta última imagen y gracias goldenaxeband por el vídeo,me hacía falta ver uno que del resistance 3 hay muy poca info y solo he leído el preview de una revista de este mes.
Mucha info veo yo del juego, dentro de poco seguramente nos salga algun video ingame!!
Las últimas noticias sobre el juego me reconfortan bastante, el próximo Resistance pasará de ser una lucha de igual a igual a una labor de resistencia. Quizás en este último entorno el personaje de Capelli case más que Hale, lo único que tengo claro es que será un must-have desde que salga, y va camino de ser un miembro excelente dentro de la saga Resistance.
¡¡¡Queremos videos ya!!! Quiero seguir aniquilando chimeras ratataaaa
La verdad es que si, un vídeo no estaría nada mal [carcajad]
fidillo escribió:

. (puntazo)
Dios que ganas de que salga ya
Primer gameplay en los VGA Awards del día 11...

Me estoy mojando.

Chimera up your videogaming news faces.

Geoff Keighley’s just confirmed on Twitter that Resistance 3 will get its first gameplay showing at the Spike Video Game Awards next Saturday.
Amazing scenes. Amazing times. Amazing full stop


Será una mezcla de imagen real y gameplay.
ganitas tengo ya de tenerlo!
goldenaxeband escribió:Primer gameplay en los VGA Awards del día 11...

Me estoy mojando.

Chimera up your videogaming news faces.

Geoff Keighley’s just confirmed on Twitter that Resistance 3 will get its first gameplay showing at the Spike Video Game Awards next Saturday.
Amazing scenes. Amazing times. Amazing full stop


Será una mezcla de imagen real y gameplay.

Espero que tire más de gameplay, que de real. ¬_¬
A ver si llega el día 11 y es gameplay de verdad!!
A ver con qué nos sorprenden para el día 11.
Esperando con ganas lo que van a mostrar. Espero qeu sea tanto del modo online como del offline y que dure bastante.
Sharing with gaming enthusiasts on the NeoGAF forums, Stevenson posted: "Don't fear. Gameplay is a big chunk." In all the trailer is said to be two minutes long, so a "big chunk" should equal close to a minute or so of gameplay, meanwhile the rest will be live-action segments.

El trailer que mostrarán será de 2 minutos y "un buen pedazo" será gameplay. ¿Un minuto más o menos?. Que ansias.

Imágenes sacadas del facebook de insomniac:



Soy al unico que se lo parece... o el Capelli del R2 no es el mismo que el de las imagenes del R3?? o esque han cogido el modelo del Retribution de psp?? :-?

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