[HILO OFICIAL] Monster Hunter Portable/Freedom 2nd G (#3)

uLver, cual fue exactamente esa última frase

Porque la frase "Lets the press say what they want" es sutilmente diferente a "Let the press say what they want" (sin la "s" al final de Let)

Para comprender el significado de la primera "Lets the press say..." necesitariamos algo antes de ese Lets, ya que se refiere a que algún ente, o ley, o lo que sea, permite que la prensa diga lo que quiera, por ejemplo "la libertad de expresion permite que la prensa diga lo que quiera".

La segunda frase se está refiriendo directamente a ti "Let the pres say...", dice que TU dejes que la prensa diga lo que quiera.

En realidad de las dos maneras el fin es el mismo, no se puede hacer nada :P, pero me gustaria saber a que se refería exactamente

Let the press say what it wants. Big deal.

Esa es la frase.
uLVeR escribió:Yo ya acabo de llegar a un punto donde me rindo, porque su ultima frase es:

Lets the press say what they want.

Los que no sepais que significa... imaginadlo, o usad un traductor, yo paso de perder mas tiempo, si ellos mismos se tiran la mierda encima... que les den.

a)La verdad, mal por Capcom, dejan ke digan cualkier basura de ellos, y lo peor que para la gente ke nunk jugo al MH, les dejan una impresion de que el juego no vale la pena.
Ke asco de politikeo .....

Pd: Gracias ulver, por las dos cosas jejejeje, tu ya me entiendes.
Bueno, parece que la noche ha sido movidita en el foro de Capcom, donde uLVer ha peleado con uñas y dientes este juego y su mediocre review en una conocida revista online española.

En el foro de meristation han borrado mensajes de otras personas y han expulsado (posiblemente baneado) a uLVer, pero lo más interesante es que han dejado su REANALISIS que sí da fé al juego.

Referido al post que pone arriba uLVer sobre la frasecita esa "Let the press say what it wants. Big deal." no hay de que preocuparse, ya que ese tipo, a pesar de ser ¿conocido? en el foro de Capcom (sobre los 1900 mensajes), no es nadie de la plantilla.

Sin embargo, más adelante han hecho unos comentarios interesantes y el último es de "Lost", un administrador del foro de Capcom (y por lo tanto SI en platilla supongo :) ) y que le da algo más que una palmadita en la espalda a uLVer. No solo le felicita por su trabajo, si no que además le anima a continuar, leyendo entre lineas, da más crédito a su trabajo que al de la revista cuya opinion es (textualmente) la opinion del escritor.

Desgraciadamente tienen razon en un punto, las reviews de las revistas son totalmente subjetivas y dependen del punto de vista del escritor. Si no le gusta, pues estás jodido.

Por nuestra parte, solo podemos continuar con nuestra publicidad viral. Contando las maravillas del juego, la adictividad, el compañerismo que se genera. Viciad a todos los que podais y por favor, concenciad a la gente que el dinero invertido en este y en cualquier UMD está muy bien invertido. Miles de horas por parte de los fans lo demuestran.

Ánimo uLVer, cuenta con nosotros!

PD: Ripo, hombre, luego no quieres que te digamos noob y te pones la armadura de mofofu en el avatar y la armadura de cazador en la firma :(
Soy una persona humilde y es la armadura con la ke comence mis andaduras en el juego, y es la ke sale en la intro nen.

Pd: cabroncete.
ripotrek escribió:Soy una persona humilde y es la armadura con la ke comence mis andaduras en el juego, y es la ke sale en la intro nen.

Pd: cabroncete.

Para ser franco, la de mofofu es una pena que no valga d emucho, pero la verdad es que mola y la de cazador me duró hasta que me hice la ceanotaur. Pero es de las mejores para empezar...

PD: no he podido resistirme ;)
Ahora deberia cambiarse el nick tambien... Noobpotrek, jajajajaja XD
Bueno he cambiado la imagen de la firma, pero no por lo ke me habeis dicho nen, si no por ke me mola mas esta por el rollo samurai. El avatar no la cambio.
ripotrek escribió:Bueno he cambiado la imagen de la firma, pero no por lo ke me habeis dicho nen, si no por ke me mola mas esta por el rollo samurai. El avatar no la cambio.
Yo te lo dije,hace cosa de un mes
Ya, pero soy un poco perro nen.
Ya me direis de donde sacais las imágenes, que yo también me quiero unir al club...jajaja!!!


Ahi tienes unos cuantos para escoger.

Por cierto, que sepais que en Japon los Mc Donalds se han convertido en los centros de reuniones oficiales para jugar al Monster Hunter en PSP.

Escribi en el hilo capcom sobre meristation,escribid tambien gentecilla
Ya soy de Club, ahora si que fardo... con mi querido martillo!!! [toctoc]
como los conseguis,los recortais con el fotocol?
Y de esa web como los sacais,porque no me deja wardar la imagen.
EDITO:Me he bajado toda la pagina xD
Un saludete
No!!! Por favor que nadie mas escriba en el hilo de Capcom!! No quiero que eso se convierta en una batalla campal de Hardcores, de momento puedo llevarlo solo, en serio, no posteeis, os lo pido por favor. Si todo el mundo empieza a hacerlo, lo daran por un post mas que ignorar.


De echo, Max, te pido por favor que borres tu post CUANTO ANTES, eso es precisamente lo que quiero evitar, el hablar de la futura salida del juego y que nadie me apoye. Eso solo sirve para demostrar que estoy enseñando a mis coleguitas el hilo, y NO QUIERO ESO.

Te lo pido como amigo, y si no vale, como Hunter. Por ese motivo no he dado el link al hilo.

Si lo que quereis es saber como va el tema, os lo posteo aqui todo, pero ni siquiera lo visiteis, no quiero que se altere el contador de visitas al hilo, ya que daria que sospechar el que el hilo este linkado desde foros. Todo lo que digan nuevo lo posteare aqui, empezando por todo lo que va de drama:


uLVeR escribió:Hi, Im an Spanish Fan of your games, specially Monster Hunter Freedom.

1 Day ago, I readed on a 1st importance spanish international online magazine a preview of your Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G game. (The magazine its Meristation).

On it, they preview your forthcoming game, but give to readers a false perspective of the game, lying and giving confusing data (Like Monster Hunter its a serious Pokemon, like there is only a new scenario, like you can buy monsters, etc).

Me, and a lot of hardcore Monster Hunter fans, have replied to that preview, but they banned us.

We'r worried, cause we are Monster Hunter lovers, and with this kind of stuff, they contribute to decress **SPAM**, leaving us with less options for forthcoming games. That affects negatively you too, so thats the motive of this advise.

I write to you, Capcom, to see if you can email them, and ask them to change it, to make them preview the game like it needs, or either way, give them legally what they deserve (they screwed it up on Monster Hunter Freedom Review too)

I repeat, its the more important Spanish talking comunity, and they are telling confusing and false stuff of the game.

Link to that preview its:


Reader impresions are on this one:


We, Spanish talking community, expect you to punish that kind of stuff legally. One thing its to put a bad note to a game, but another its confuse users and lye them about it.

Cheers from Spain.


Sven (Director de Negocios de Capcom) escribió:I'll put it on our European head of communication's radar, however I think it's fair to say, legal action isn't typically something we threaten with media partners.

Thanks for the heads up though.


uLVeR escribió:Its nothing Sven. But that kind of stuff gets me mad for its bilateral damage, your money, AND OUR PLEASURE.



Anakenobi escribió:Y'know... Maybe I'm not a die-hard MH fan, but I fail to see where Meristation speaks ill about the game or confuse it's readership in any meaningful way. In fact, the guy who wrote the preview gushes about how great the game is.

Take the part about comparing MH to Pokemon... In the preview for Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, the site actually said this:

Originally Posted by Meristation
Monster Hunter Portable –Freedom in it's European edition- has become little by little a flagship Capcom title, especially on the PSP. It's a non-typical RPG that combines in a wise way 3 fundamental elements that guarantee the success in any modern videogame: excellent graphics, lots of game options for players and most of all, fun. This formula, that has been applied by Capcom to every game in the series, is so effective like the one used in every Pokemon game out there. Except that (MHP) delivers a more solid and mature presentation than the ones seen in the games that feature Pikachu and pals.
Here's the original text below:

Originally Posted by Meristation
Monster Hunter Portable –Freedom en versión Europea- se ha convertido poco a poco en uno de los estandartes de Capcom y muy especialmente de PSP. Es un RPG atípico en el que se combinan sabiamente tres elementos fundamentales para el éxito de un videojuego hoy día; buenos gráficos, muchísimas opciones de cara al jugador y sobre todo diversión. La fórmula que ha aplicado Capcom en las diferentes entregas de la saga es tan efectiva como la de cualquier Pokémon al uso, a excepción de una ambientación más conseguida y madura que la de las entregas protagonizadas por Pikachu y cía.

So what's the big deal? The rest of the PREVIEW is generally VERY positive. I'm guessing some hardcore MH fans are just getting waaay to emotional about the preview... I mean, the guy who wrote the preview might not be extremely familiar with the series, but he does not speak ill of the game he's previewing. He is practically giving it thumbs up all the way.

The ONLY part the preview speaks "negatively" about Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, is when they mentioned their disappointment with the online element. That's about it.

Sven, based on what I read... you should not report meristation to Capcom Europe. They haven't done anything wrong. Let's not have a repeat of the infamous 'Gerstmann-gate'... let the press say what it wants. Big deal.


uLVeR escribió:Anakenobi, as you said, WE, the Monster Hunter hardcore gamers, are getting way mad, but thats the reason for years of bad reviews. The Pokemon Stuff its not the only thing on that article. They post a preview oriented to all players. We, the fans, know the facts of the new expansion, but there is way a lot of people to be caughted yet to the series, and they are not helping any with what they are saying on there. As you comment, the previewer says good things, but instant after, he spites discretly throught it.
Some examples:

Además de la inclusión de nuevas armas y objetos, un dato muy anodino y de poca relevancia dentro del desarrollo del juego el peso del la ampliación cae sobre el nuevo escenario"

Perhaps inclussion of new weapons and objects, an irrelevant data in the game development, is that the weight of the game falls uppon the new scenario

They arent even saying nothing about the other 6 new included stages (Yamatsukami Tower, Ruins, Ice Battleground, and Old Swamp, Jungle, Desert and Volcano, and lying saying the new game its on mayor points oriented to that ONLY new playground.

"Nuevos monstruos que comprar"

New monster for buying

Senseless and confusing data, that only comes to reforce the Pokemon stuff said previously.

"Lamentablemente el resultado final se aleja un tanto de lo esperado"

Sadly, the final result is way far from expected

He didnt even mentioned neither the new Cat system neither the media install system (on the whole interview!!).

"Hay novedades, sí, pero no con el peso suficiente como para justificar el lanzamiento de un UMD"

There is news, yeah, but not enought even to justify the releasing of new UMD

What in Spain comes to mean "Dont even approach the UMD" for users.

"¿Puede Monster Hunter G ofrecer algo realmente nuevo al jugador? Pues no"

Can Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G give something new to player? Of course not

No comments about this.

And for ending, just say that with that he told about calling RPG and Pokemon, maybe to foreign users its not that bad, but on Spanish market, they are giving back to RPG haters (not being Monster Hunter an RPG, even by close), and to a lot of people, who thinks Pokemon its for childs, cause here, Pokemon, its for childrens.

He is not mentioning as I said the real news of the expansion, telling "yeah... it comes with some new weapon, objetcs... oh!! and a new scenario".

Ill not continue telling things... i guess ive said enought for today. But if you consider, that this will not affect negatively to Spanish/South American sells... I cant convince you then... Monster Hunter its a game that needs chances, and with that kind of reviews... it gets nothing.



Pedrocasilva escribió:Quote:
Originally Posted by uLVeR
And for ending, just say that with that he told about calling RPG and Pokemon, maybe to foreign users its not that bad, but on Spanish market, they are giving back to RPG haters (not being Monster Hunter an RPG, even by close), and to a lot of people, who thinks Pokemon its for childs, cause here, Pokemon, its for childrens.

They're dumb then, and for all it's worth... They say it is more mature than pokémon; so they're straying from that even if they're tracing some similarities.

Sure they missed some points and all, but... it's not like they're bashing the game.

Nothing bad with Pokémon too; I'd have no problem playing it today in a crowded street, even if it was in Spain; in fact, I'll write that, next time I go there I'll be sure to take some Pokémon game with me.

Not that I don't get what you mean but... it's not that bad is it?

"RPG atipico" means a "out of the norm RPG" so... it kinda fits too, right? let the RPG haters hate it; the review certainly mentioned it was different than most RPG's so it's their fault for being close minded. Capcom and reviewers won't call Monster Hunter a genre it isn't just so those pricks get off their high horses and get to it.

Reminds me of family stories about the uncle (then child) who said he hated lamb meat and thus refused to eat it, until they gave it to him saying it was cow meat and he asked for seconds.

Bare in mind too, that those who read game magazines are a minority; and should be more open minded anyway.


DcP729UK escribió:but how many times have you bludgeoned pikachu with a humungous sword, then carved his corpse to make further weapons and armour? ... its a neat thought though!! XD


uLVeR escribió:Well... in a Country like this, where there are no TV videogame programs, and plus, videogames are liked to be seen as a childs play... (regards it is no more)... where can ou check for news of the industry?

You have 2 groups of players:

Casuals: Pro Evolution Soccer, F1, GT, Fifa, NBA, Need for Speed, and maybe God of War, HALO or even GTA, due to huge promotional campaings on supermarkets.

Hardcores: Bioshock, Silent Hill, Disgaea Hour of Darkness, Front Mission, Soul Calibur, Armored Core, Bullet Witch, Lost Planet, Parasite Eve... etc.

First ones, dont even read press, they buy on 2007, Pro Evolution 2007, Need for Speed Carbon and F1 2007, and in 2008... Pro evo 2008, Need for Speed Prostreet and F1 2008. Call them whatever you want, but THAT is the point.

Then you leave the camp for those hardcores, who search on the internet, and on magazines, cause are the only ways to get information. If they know English (like a minority), they check IGN, 1Up, and good sites, but if not... they have to read what they understand... and if what they understand, leaves the image of a game like "medium recommented", they don buy it anymore.

Leave open minded for Japan, and other small countries... if you want evidences, compare Japan with USA and Europe top seller games.

Talk good of a game, and let the mesage spread. Talk bad... and only people like me, and a few more, will be spending hours of their lives, just to bring to some more people the things that make their lives funier... refering to entertaiment systems.

It never wasnt my intention to presume about this, but... I have worked hard on just A forum, to attract some new Monster Hunter Players in Spanish languaged countries, and keep old ones in wave. Im lucky to say that i have achieved it a little but my point is... That im working for hours free everyday (searching, redacting and translating) atracting new players for a bad distributed game in my country, for letting a ****ty magazine speak about a game, that requieres a ton of hours to play, to know only a little about it... like the way they did. If you want to check the article slowly, yes, you can find good points for every thing said there, but the truth is, that the players that readed that, and past reviews on the same magazine, just readed about a "medium game", that they didnt buyed. And there, you have the 1/5 part of the number of units, that we buyed in comparison with Japan, in ALL Europe.

I guess i have then motives to get mad. Dont ya think? :(


Pedrocasilva escribió:Quote:
Originally Posted by uLVeR
I guess i have then motives to get mad. Dont ya think?

I see your point, but I also think you're overreacting, the article didn't even say the game was crap or anything near it; I don't even see much wrong with it apart from some gaffes.

As for drawing such a tight line between casuals and hardcores, I can't agree with that, a lot of hardcores in europe play PES, a lot of kids played Bioshock because "Look mom, it says 18 on the cover" and are spanish hardcore gamer people still playing Parasite Eve? hello, last one came out in 2000 for the PSone, they sure are taking their time to play it to the end. And bullet witch? lol.

Seriously though, no point in drawing such a line as in "this is this, this is that" GT? sure mass driven but the content is enough to put some hardcores in euphory, Halo? check, every hardcore on X360 has "that"; GTA? internet forums hype would say otherwise, etc etc.

Lost (Miembro de Capcom Entertaiment) escribió:Unfortunately, while we would like to have all reviews of our games to be favorable, we know it's not going to happen. Game reviews are known to be subjective (It depends on the reviewer, and the reviewer alone, whether he likes it or not) and are the opinions of the reviewer. Since it's his/her opinion, we can't exactly tell him what that opinion should be. One of the fortunately (Or unfortunate, depending on your point of view) is that the Internet allows everyone to express their opinions as they like.

Finally, we fully believe in the freedom of the press. It's an extremely valuable freedom here in the US and one that is highly treasured. We have no legal nor moral grounds to stand on to ask other people to change their reviews. Having a publisher controlling the opinions of reviewers would be a super no-no, and would serve to do nothing except to lose credibility for both the reviewer and the game publisher.

All we can do is ask that you keep doing what you're doing and fight the good fight. Spread the word on how great the game really is. Tell everybody you can and allow people to see it for themselves. Hopefully people will come around. The opinions of friends and family far outweigh those of review sites and reviewers and are always more influential.


uLVeR escribió:pedrocasilva, you'r right with all you'v told, but my point was to diference the major public, the public were dads are buying the games for his childs, and the child who dont know that much about videogames, from the people who do know (thats the Parasite Eve, Disgaea, Frontier Mission and even Bullet Witch examples, that were the first ones that came to my head on games history), those are not very famous games, to people who is not specialiced, or familiariced with games, BUT, are good games (maybe Bullet Witch its more hard to find than good, yeah, I screwed it up with that example... ).

Lost, I liked your answer, its good to have a point of "cheer up" (or whatever in english its called). Ill continue atracting people for sure, by the way, each week 4 o 5 new persons enter the forum, and on Xlink Kai, Im always watching new players, but what makes me care, is that probably a lot of them, arent buying the game, and that is my fight. Make everyone who likes it, buy it, cause man... its only 40€ for more than 200 hours on the most cases (+800 for me). And that, and only that is the reason why I get mad. Im always telling to forum posters indirectly stuff, to indireclty make they think that if they dont buy the game... if they are playing a downloaded ISO, they are not helping to let more games coming. Thats the importance I see on press, cause if they talk badly, or like everyone here is telling, the interview is so well done... it still not saying the 65% of the new stuff on the game, and so, many players that dont work, or are hard on their money, will download it with the excuse of... duh... its only new colors, a bunch of weapons and one scenario...

I refuse to still atacking that review, but sites like:

Gamefaqs forums
Neoseeker forums
Gamespot forums

Cant win the battle alone, cause to reach them, you have to know about their existence to search them on the web, and the 50% of people, doesnt know how to search propertly, if its not cause someone telled them.

We fans will still spreading the game name, but its hard to see that:

Japan 1.660.000
Europe 180.000
USA 220.000

Together, we make the 1/4 part of Japan, and for that reason, there is way a lot of time to take decisions of even releasing outside of Japan.

But dot care... we've grown since Monster Hunter DOS, and one day, expect we'll be at least the half, or even the same number worldwide, that Japan.

Thumbs up.
Tranqui Ulver!!! Sabes que todos estamos contigo y te apoyamos, animo. Sólo haremos algo si lo necesitas, y nos lo pides (yo al menos). [chiu]
Parece que no les entra en la cabeza la situacion de los videojuegos en España. Si te sirve de algo, ayer estuve leyendo el analisis del MHF2 de Meristation otra vez para reirme con un amigo, y volvi a leer eso de que "en la renovada villa Pokke podias encontrarte a mas de 100 NPC" xD .

Tal vez si les muestras ese analisis (que es mas de risa que este, a pesar de los pokemon xD ) se vayan haciendo una idea de lo que hace la mayor revista online de videojuegos en España. Porque ni siquiera jugaron, solo resumieron los videos que encontraron en Youtube sobre el juego antes de su salida.

Ya sabes que estamos todos contigo, eres increible.
Si nagasaki, yo cuando vi el analisis del monster 2 me kedé flipao, la de fallos ke tenia, era bestial.

Ulverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr te keremos, dales caña.
Las circunstancias tan especiales me han obligado a cambiar de firma xD
Dahk escribió:Las circunstancias tan especiales me han obligado a cambiar de firma xD

Buenisima xDDD.

Aunque he tardado en descifrar lo que ponia ahi, no se ve muy bien.
nagasaki5 escribió:Aunque he tardado en descifrar lo que ponia ahi, no se ve muy bien.

Ya está corregido [360º] La probé en otro foro y se veía bien, pero al ponerla aquí no, es que este fondo verde es muy especial para los gifs xD
Perdón por las mayúsculas pero esto es algo para celebrar, ahora ando configurando unas cosillas pa jugar ya está.
Nos vemos por el kai... [666] [666] [666]
Lo del foro en ingles, q viene a decir todo eso?
Vladi escribió:c)Una pregunta, alguien alguna vez utilizo el Xpert y trato de extraer un data.bin de algun juego?

Yo he usado el Xpert para deshacer el bigfile del MHF2, pero desgraciadametne no es compatible con el 2G y no hay plugin para ello. Es lo primero que probé el dia que me lo prestaron.
wuenas gente tengo un problemilla...
os cuento:

me gustaria saver como podria jugar en "internet" ^^
Shina16 escribió:wuenas gente tengo un problemilla...
os cuento:

me gustaria saver como podria jugar en "internet" ^^

Acude al post 1 del hilo de Monster hunter Freedom 2. Sigue el link de Xlink Kai.

PD: dibujar se escribe asi ;)
Nordal escribió:
Yo he usado el Xpert para deshacer el bigfile del MHF2, pero desgraciadametne no es compatible con el 2G y no hay plugin para ello. Es lo primero que probé el dia que me lo prestaron.

Cuando dices ke no es compatible, a ke te refieres? porque el programa lo comienza a desempaketar sin ningun problema...
quisier saber algo ¿este juego ya salio en español no??
Basarios escribió:quisier saber algo ¿este juego ya salio en español no??

Acaba de salir en Japon hace algo como 2 semanas, es muy pronto para que ya haya salido en español.
Ulver tio ,alucino cntigo...es impresionante lo que estas haciendo de verdad.yo creo que no seria capaz.Felicidades cn toda ll alma....

No se en q podemos ayudarte pero lo q necesites pidelo y haremos lo que podamos.Esto es como una cruzada,nosotros de la "Orden del Hunter" y tu "Ulver corazon de leon".

Lei parte de los post en ingles y tiienes mucha paciencia y toda la razon de tu lado asi q creo q todos te apoyamos a muerte.Esto es dedicacion y profesionalidad y no lo de los redactores de algunas revistas xo sobre todo devocion por un juego unico y eso lo sabemos bien los q jugamos al monster hunter.

Pues eso Ulver q animo y a cazar a los infieles!!!Y ya sabes q aqui nos tienes.....FUERZA Y HONOR!!!
Vladi escribió:
Cuando dices ke no es compatible, a ke te refieres? porque el programa lo comienza a desempaketar sin ningun problema...

Estarás confundido. A fecha de ayer, no había plugin compatible con el bigfile de MHP2G. El autor del Xpert2 está en ello.
Parece que esto marcha:


Fuente: skiesofcrimson
Si señor, qué grandes noticias!!! Sabemos si esta rematado, o solo es una parte?
Por un lado, me alegra ver eso, pero por otro... en solo una pantalla ya veo dos errores de traduccion.

El primero seria Slay or Capture.

El segundo Mission Failed, Time Over...

Esperemos poder traducirlo nosotros...
Mi madre que exigente!!! el caso es poder ir tirando mientras no sale el USA o el EUR digo yo...
Puestos a traducir, traducir bien, COÑO!!!! Que llevamos ya 2 juegos como para saber el nombre de las cosas.

Si no digo que no, pero menos da una piedra... [+furioso]
Poderosisimo el Giadrome... xDDDDD

Lo importante es k ya an traducido "algo". Eso da paso a poder traducir bien xDDD
Si si si si siiiiiiiiii, Naruga ponte a temblar llega EOL KILLERS.
Esperemos que así sea, verdad Ripo? no saben la que se les viene encima... [uzi]
¿Alguien ha probado el parche ese?

uLVeR, tu das luz verde para abrir en el Kai la arena del 2G :P (quiero jugar a la par tuya, no se por qué xDD quizá por ser de los pocos en esperar a una versión inteligible del juego...)
Marko no seas bolerooooooooo, ke hay por ahi capturas tuyas jugando al G, iras con ventaja jajajajajaja, lo ke tienes ke hacer es tomartelo con mas calma animal, recuerdo ke empezaste a jugar diez horas diarias cuando salio el dos.
ripotrek escribió:Marko no seas bolerooooooooo, ke hay por ahi capturas tuyas jugando al G, iras con ventaja jajajajajaja, lo ke tienes ke hacer es tomartelo con mas calma animal, recuerdo ke empezaste a jugar diez horas diarias cuando salio el dos.

Si tio, pero son todas screen en el online con los colegas, pero es lo único que juego xD Si juego con parche es para empezar desde como lo dejé en el 2 de nuevo, Rc6 :P

Y si, 10h seguidas son pocas creo yo...xD Pero ahora sería imposible echarle si quiera 1...pfff

Ke ya esta el parche por ahi o son solo screens del proceso del igles? :? se puede probar? como seria el metodo de instalacion?

eske e leido y leido pero se ve ke soy un poco tonto o no sako nada en klaro.[discu]

si esta facilitarnoslo per l´amor de deu.
Aunke supongo ke si estubiera lo annunciariais sin rodeos y celebrandolo.

voto por juntarnos toda la peninsula hunteriana y manifestarnos en la puerta de capcom .akjajkajk. lo digo enserio, seria la risa.cawento

mhp2nd + mhf2 = 800h de vicio, como 1 master y 2 carnets de coche.XD

Paketexx escribió:
Si juego con parche es para empezar desde como lo dejé en el 2 de nuevo, Rc6 :P

Cagaosssssssss xD,no te lo crees ni tú(es coña)
Vais a jugar al G o qué
una pregunta como sabeis q esa foto es del 2g??? ya q no sale nada de el si por lo menos se viera la tia de blanco aclaridme esto plis
El_DoBl4t escribió:una pregunta como sabeis q esa foto es del 2g??? ya q no sale nada de el si por lo menos se viera la tia de blanco aclaridme esto plis

Es del 2G.
5352 respuestas
1, 2, 3, 4, 5108