¿Que se sabe del iXtreme Online para lectores Hitachi?

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keops escribió:
Creo que el comando seria FLASHIX.BAT H 1672 segun el readme

Cierto fallo mio en lo del bat, la letra de la unidad cada uno la suya, y los numeros 4 numeros que quieras
amos...que flashear un hitachi es muy muy facil...solo que el pack de flash esta mas depurado y tiene incluidas subrutinas para evitar fallos en el flasheo..

CN_PS2 está baneado por "Spam"

Ando un poco perdido...

Tengo una 360 con hitachi ("normal") que flasheé y con la consola jugue online varias veces.

Llego desde un dia antes de la actualización, sin volver a ponerle el cable de red. A efectos practicos no esta baneada (y nisiquiera actualizada)

Quereis decir q si ahora me conecto y sigo jugando con mis copias q son stealth, no me van a banear? No me banearan hasta q salga el HALO3? xD

O es recomendable antes de volver a conectarla y actualizar poner este nuevo firm?

Salu2 y gracias por leerme
Hola mira el Ixtreme en teoria emula al firm original...

y pues por ahora es una solucion temporal por que en la proxima actualizacion seguro que meten otra seguridad..

bueno acaba de salir el Ixtreme para lectores hitachi que corrige el pequeño bueg encontrado por flash en el stealth..

C4EVA_iXTRM-HITACHI_v1_2_Stealth Rev2

Media Stealth, Disc-Jitter,Xbox 360 backup firmware modification!

(v1.2) Hitachi rev2 - Small bugfix to memdump stealth
(v1.2) Extra verification performed on Stealth backups
(v1.1) Extra verification performed on Stealth backups
(v1.0) Defeats all current Xbox Live detection attempts
(v1.0) Boots ONLY Stealth Xtreme Xbox 360 backups
(v1.0) Boots ONLY Stealth Xtreme Xbox 1 backups
(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 360 originals
(v1.0) Boots all compatible Xbox 1 originals on Xbox 360

Use on Xbox Live at own risk

Technical details

Defeats all current and some future Xbox Live detection attempts.

Thanks to all the beta testers,everyone involved for without their effort this would not have been possible. Keep up the good work everyone. Thanks also go to Fuzzylogic and GAryOPA.

Always recommended: If your drive is flashed USE A RESTORE FIRST
(Use the restore included on this package)

Two Commands (for flashing use only one: FlashIX):

FLASHIX.BAT: Flashes your drive with iXtreme 1.2 Fw Stealth (Media Detect 2,
and Firwmare Stealth, (NO F900 Core)

RESTORE.BAT: Return your drive to original State, even if you have
firmware stealth in your drive

*RECOMENDATION: If you have flashed your drive in the past use RESTORE
first. If it is a brand new drive use directly the Flash command you

Flashing your drive
FLASHIX.BAT automatically makes a complete backup of your firmware system

* To FLASH a drive, it must be in "Mode B" and have "Drive Letter"
* Then just run FLASHIX from "Command Prompt" while inside windows
* Prompt must be at the same directory with the rest of the files!

* FLASHIX needs two variables, the assigned "Drive Letter", and any 4
numbers for the BACKUP directory, use a new unique number like 1672

- This is used to make your BACKUP directory!

- For Example: FLASHIX.BAT H 1672

- Will cause the FLASH after running to have, a BACKUP directory
"X16S-1672" and the program will store FIVE firmware files:

---- key.bin ---- DRIVE KEY /// DRIVE KEY
---- was.bin ---- Your drive before FLASH
---- gdrXX.bin ---- The untouch original fw
---- XX_23.bin ---- The patched iXtreme fw
---- now.bin ---- Your drive after FLASH!

- Where the XX in the above names will be the version of your Hitachi

* Program will not start unless a BACKUP is correctly made and stored!

* Flash will auto-detect your firmware build of your Hitachi drive.

* You can flash any drive, even "v1.1" or "f900" or your own hacks.

* System will check flashed firmware, and redo until 100% completed.

* Once you get the PASS / DONE line, you can shut-down the system.

Restoring your drive
RESTORE.BAT automatically restores your drive back to original state

* To RESTORE a drive, it must be in "Mode B" and have "Drive Letter"
* Then just run RESTORE from "Command Prompt" while running windows.

* The new RESTORE does not need any backup, it will 100% restore your
drive back to "ORIGINAL" state as long as it is visible in Windows!

* Program will not start unless it detects the version of your Hitachi!

* You can restore any drive, even "v1.1" or "f900" or your own hacks.

* System will check flashed firmware, and redo until 100% completed.

* Once you get the PASS / DONE line, you can shut-down the system.

bueno flash esta corregido...gracias tio por tu trabajo.


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