Road Not Taken

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Road Not Taken

Portada de Road Not Taken
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Road Not Taken is an original puzzle game about life’s surprises that is currently in development for the Playstation 4, PS Vita, PC and Mac. Adventure through a vast, ever-changing forest in the aftermath of a brutal winter storm. Will you find your way?


El juego

Nota del blog de PSN

Hi folks! We’re thrilled to announce the official release date of Road Not Taken! It’ll be coming to the Playstation 4 on August 5th, 2014 and the PS Vita later this Fall. To celebrate this announcement, we’ve put together a new trailer! This one is a bit, er, unusual. You might need to have lived through the late 80s or 90s to really get it. ;-)

If this is your first time reading about Road Not Taken, we’ve written a ton of blog posts about the game and it’s development. Some of our favorite posts are this one about our inspiration for the game and this one about the changes we’ve made in reaction to playtests.

Lastly, we’d also like to take this opportunity to share some free artwork with everyone, in celebration of our launch date announcement! Our lead artist Brent Kobayashi has whipped up some wallpapers to decorate your various and sundry devices. :-) If you love this art and haven’t already done so, check out Brent’s earlier post detailing his inspiration for the art of Road Not Taken.

PlayStation.Blog USA

Hola Amigos, Estamos Emocionados de anunciar la fecha de salida oficial de Road Not Taken! (Camino no Tomado) llegara a Ps4 El 5 de Agosto de 2014 y a PsVita algo mas tarde (el mismo mes? o verano?), Para celebrar este anuncio hemos colocado un nuevo tráiler! este es algo inusual. Tu deberías haber vivido en los finales de los 80s o 90 para realmente entenderlo. ;-)

Si esta es tu primera vez leyendo acerca de Road Not Taken, hemos escritos toneladas de post en el blog acerca del juego y su desarrollo. Alguno de nuestros post favoritos es este acerca de nuestra inspiración para el juego y este acerca de los cambios que hemos hecho y reacción a las pruebas de testeo.

Por ultimo nos gustaría Tomar esta oportunidad para compartir algo de arte con todo el mundo, en celebración del anuncio de la fecha de lanzamiento, nuestro artista líder Brent Kobayashi a realizado algunos papeles tapiz para que decores varios de tus aparatos. :-) Si te gusta este arte y aun no lo has hecho, revisa el post anterior de Brent detallando su inspiración para el arte de Road Not Taken.


Merece una mención especial, si le miráis los video de youtube os daréis cuenta de la calidad del sonido. En este artículo en PlayStation Blog USA hablan de como se ha trabajado el audio del juego:

We recently added the first batch of sounds to Road Not Taken, and the team got really excited, like the game was finally coming together! It’s funny because it was such a small thing in relation to the huge amount of work that has already gone into the game, but it really highlights the difference sound can make in the way we experience things.

The world of Road Not Taken is made up of magical and natural surroundings. That makes me happy, because even though I love the bleeps and bloops you can get from synthesis, my favourite way to make sounds is from scratch like a foley artist.

It just so happens that I started working on the RNT audio catalogue in the autumn, right when there were piles of dried leaves everywhere – perfect! I brought a bucket of them inside and rustled them, crunched and dropped them… my studio was a mess! Also, if you listen closely to the end of the second RNT teaser, you can hear some percussion that was made from dry sticks. At the time I was at a cottage on vacation with my family, so I used a makeshift set-up to build that sample instrument. I expect that you’ll hear it again.

Crafting the amazing audio of Road Not Taken on PS4 & PS Vita

Spry Fox SoundCloud Page



Icono YouTube.png Launch Date Announcement - Road Not Taken launch date announcement video (ala the 90s) (25/06/2014) 01:44
Icono YouTube.png Tráiler 1 - Road Not Taken (teaser video) (09/06/2014) 00:56
Icono YouTube.png Gameplay 1 - The gameplay mechanics of Road Not Taken (10/12/2013) 01:05
Icono YouTube.png Gameplay 2 - Road Not Taken extended gameplay footage (18/07/2014) 03:33