Nueva version del posible downgrader de Dark_alex

13, 4, 5, 6, 7
Y los mods pidiendo que no se spamee.... [reojillo]

Tambien me dijo que alguien iba a probar el down sin el formateo inicial para ver el resultado(esperemos que bueno). Hay qu esperar a mañana. Alguno de vosotros fijo que no duerme con el ansia XD.

uhhh,,,, ojala todo esto llege a buen puerto ....

no se , meses sin que ocurra nada y de repente , el UP , el posible downgrade , los Sony con el emulador PSP para ¿¿¿7.000??? juegos ( a consta de actualizar ... ) , otro segundo chip .....

ahora mismo hay demasiada informacion ; me parece que apagare el ordenador y lo encendere a finales de julio , a ver que ha pasado con todo este follon...
Que dificil se hace leer ya los post con verdadera informacion...
parece ser que el down de dark alex ya funciona y se ha probado en mas de 6 psp con exito.ahora mismo se esta comentando en pspupdates y al parecer dark alex aun no lo sabe porque esta dormio.La noticia la posteo mathiw o como se escriba en maxconsoles a eso de las 4 de la mañana.Esperemos que sea verdad y no se una mala interpretacion de mi ingles
to be used at your own risk. Althouth IT HAS BEEN TESTED SUCCESSFULY it is STILL A BETA.



DON'T EVER FORGET TO THANKS DARK_ALEX and YOSHIHRO Thanks to whom all of this has been possible

Downgrader Test for 2.50/2.60 by Dark_AleX
With the help of yoshihiro and mathieulh from SXT

We thanks everyone who bricked their psp in the past while testing the older revisions of this software

This is a WORKING downgrader see

This software is free , and i'm not responsable if it causes damages to your psp.
If you use this software, you agree that you are using this program at your own risk and that you won't blame the author for that.

"Someone told me that a downgrader for 2.50/2.60 was impossible. How does this work?"

This one uses another more risked technique (and i repeat: untested) than the mph downgrader.
It uses some sony libraries found in the 1.50 updater to perform the most critical steps, the logical format of the flash, and the ipl writing. See technical details for more info about how it works.

This software requires that someone with a 1.50 runs a little program and send you the output so you can init the downdate process. (by legal reasons i cannot provide those files directly, that's why this is needed).
The 1.50 program is TOTALLY safe, it only dumps the flash of a 1.50 user and it also extracts some special prx's found in the 1.50 updater.

Instruction for the 1.50 user

1) Copy the folders downhelper and downhelper% from the folder 1.50 HELPER folder to /PSP/GAME/ in your memstick.

2) Obtain the 1.50 updater and put it in /PSP/GAME/UPDATE in your memstick.

Some download links for it:

3) Init the downhelper program.
It will dump your flash and some files from the updater eboot to the memstick.

4) After that, the program will exit. You can now delete the updater from /PSP/GAME/UPDATE

5) You'll notice that you have a new folder in the root of your memstick called "DOWNDATER".
That's the folder you'll have to send to a 2.50/2.60 to let him test the downgrade.

Instructions for the 2.50/2.60 user

1) Copy the folder the DOWNGRADER/2.50/DOWNDATERTEST if you have 2.50
or DOWNGRADER/2.60/DOWNDATERTEST if you have 2.60 to /PSP/GAME/ in your memstick

2) Wait someone with 1.50 to pass you a folder called DOWNDATER and copy it to the root of your memstick.

3) Init gta and the eLoader

4) In the eLoader menu, choose the downdater test. WARNING: the program won't output any display and any warnings, it will init the downgrader process inmediatelly.

5) You'll see the your memstick flashing. That means that your psp is being flashed from the memstick.
You won't see any type of output in the screen (this is for safety). When the memstick finishes of flashing, WAIT at least a minute, and then reinit your psp by holding the power button.

6) That's all. If all went right, you'll have 1.50. If it went less good, you'll still have 2.50/2.60. If all went wrong, you'll have a bricked psp(except in the case you have the modchip) Remember that you have accepted that risk.

Technical details

This program performs the following operations.

- It loads the ipl_update.prx and lflash_fatfmt.prx from the 1.50 updater.

- It performs a logical format of the flash0 partition using the function
sceLflashFatfmtStartFatfm t found in the lflash_fatfmt.prx

- It writes a dump of the 1.50 flash0 to the flash0.

- It writes the Initial Program Loader (Ipl) using the functions sceIplUpdateClearIpl and sceIplUpdateSetIpl from the ipl_update.prx module. The ipl is embedded in that module.

Other considerations:

- Users with TA-082 psp's shouldn try this. Also, it may be better that at the beginning, only users with a 2.50/2.60 NOT from factory (they updated from a below firmware) try this.

RELEASE NOTES : as I am posting this at 4AM in the morning Alex is asleep so the sources and changelog will be available when Dark_Alex will wish to.
At this time only the binary is available

This version also performs logging so be sure to have at least 16MB more on your memory stick before performing the downgrade.

Ya tenemos la primera beta parece ke la peña lo esta probando y funciona. Tengo una 2.01, voy a leer detenidamente los post de este hilo y si me convence lo hago esta misma noche.

NOTICION!!!! moderadores esto se merece que este en portada! En pspupdates dicen k funciona!
mañana tendreis el tuto ^^
Efectivamente en pspupdates dicen que funciona...

Esa es la beta 5, asi que si alguno lo quiere hacer yo recomendaria que esperaran a despierte dark_alex que probablemente saquen una version final segun pspupadtes..

Noticion para el mundo de la scene, es un honor compartir foro con personas tan capaces [tadoramo]

TONPIRA está baneado del subforo por "No especificado"
2.6 BETA downgrader

by dark_alex, mathieulth, and Yoshi.

Dump made by CatfishD

Pack compiled by Mrweeeedbirdman

WARNING UNTESTED ON TA-082 PSP's how do i know if my psp is safe? - if it has the gold letters, ask about this at

1) make sure you have a 2.6 psp
2) move the 2 folders in this RAR onto the root of your psp memorystick.
3) Set up eLoader (
4) rent/steal/borrow/buy GTA
5) start gta and the eLoader
6) In the eLoader menu, choose the downdater test.
WARNING: the program won't output any display and any warnings, it will init the downgrader process inmediatelly.

5) You'll see the your memstick flashing. That means that your psp is being flashed from the memstick.
You won't see any type of output in the screen (this is for safety). When the memstick finishes of flashing, WAIT at least a minute, and then reinit your psp by holding the power button.

6) That's all. If all went right, you'll have 1.50. WElcome to the community!
If it went less good, you'll still have 2.50/2.60.
If all went wrong, you'll have a bricked psp(except in the case you have the modchip) Remember that you have accepted that risk.
aqui estan las instrucciones traducidas por nano_nano58 aqui tambien tiene todas las descargas necesarias y esta todo explicado
BIENNNNNNN Animo dar_alex y los otros sceners pero especialmente a dark_alex. Eres el puto jefe tio.... fue acabar tu los examenes y venga.... downgrade listo en un par de dias. pff q makina eres tio. Te adoramos
Dark_Alex si pudiera te hacia un monumento... [360º] [oki]
Ole, ole y ole !!!!

Y el que no diga ¡Ole! que se le seque la YerbaWena ........... OLE!!! [beer] [beer] [beer] [beer] [beer] [beer] [beer]

Dark_Alex eres el puto crarck [oki]
Una cuestion acerca de este downgrade famoso...amos a ver, el otro dia se me brikeo una 2.50 que era mia, cuando la primera beta...yo inocente inocente, lo probe!Pero weno no pasa nada, la llevo a reparar y ya esta...pero hoy me he comprado una blanquita con firmware 2.6, he abierto el UMD, y no me aparece ningun numero tan solo a la izquierda algo asi como I00061 o algo asi...

Este modelo se puede downgradear trankilamente con la version actual del downgrade?
Segun comentan sí, de hecho yo tengo la misma plaquita, sin nada, todo verde. Y lo haré en cuanto pueda :o
Pensad que lo pregunto, ya que tengo un nuevo miedo a poder romper otra consola...y menosmal que son mias, pq sino me da algo...eso si como con esta no lo consiga, el chip se lo lleva la blanca de calle...
buenas, soy otro que intenta downgradear como un loco mi blankita 2.01, no sle nada detras del umd y creo que detras del plastico sall el ic6001 ...

ahora hago el downhelper...

2 archivos+2 carpetas=13 Mb

y he leido por ahi que estaría mal... (a uno le peto la psp x utilizar el de mas tamaño, habia otro de 9,algo Mb ...) que hago? espero? :S

o alguien sabe si hay alguno downhelper por ahí con los archivos...

este es mi correo

Un saludo y espero que no haya molestado :S normalmente no pido esto ^^

edito: ya me estan ayudando :D
gracias por vuestra ayuda, sois unos campeones
Downgrade Conseguido a mi White Ceramic 2.6 comprada hoy!!!!

De puta madreeeeeee!!! Oleeeeeeeeeeeeeee....jajajajajaja.......................................................................................................................
317 respuestas
13, 4, 5, 6, 7