Spong dice: " Super Mario Galaxy tendra Modo Coperativo"

Eager for information on any and all things Mario Wii related, fans of the series (surely everyone with a real heart) will be pleased to hear that two player co-operative mode will be included in the upcoming Galaxy.

Nintendo has confirmed this in the past few days, though has not outlined exactly what lies in store. However, what we do know is that one player will use a standard WiiMote, the other a WiiMote and Nunchuck and both will play at the same time.

Of course, this news sparked the beautifully predictable yearnings of Nintendo fans for a co-op game featuring Luigi, Yoshi, perhaps even Toad... Again, we just don't know at time of press. We can report that the theme of saving Princess Peach (or Toadstool, depending on how pretentious you are) remains very much intact.

What kind of co-op would you be hoping for? Let us know and we'll pass on your thoughts to Nintendo. We can do that you know. Because we're amazing.



Miyamoto ya hizo comentarios al respecto de añadir un modo multijugador así que la cosa no sorprende.
mario y luigi cooperativo por internet [tadoramo] [babas]
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