PS3 Linux on Kmeaw CFW 3.55 Custom Firmware

Kmeaw ha compartido un video de AbestOS corriendo junto con AbestOS Installer V0 y LVL2 patcher V9.

This tool installs AsbestOS, which can be used to boot Linux kernel from lv2patcher v9. Thanks to marcan for AsbestOS, Mathieulh and graf_chokolo for default.spp trick, geohot for dev_flash mount code. Thanks to jbc for testing and KingDong for the icon You would need to set up a DHCP, TFTP and NFS servers on your LAN to make it work. Wireless connection is not supported by AsbestOS yet. Have fun.

kmeaw: it is gentoo
kmeaw: marcan's rootfs
stuntcock: does your linux install have access to gameos from within linux and also to all spus?
kmeaw: no
kmeaw: it doesn't need usb stick
kmeaw: linux has access to all spus
kmeaw: gentoo is running from my laptop's hdd
kmeaw: but if you change your kernel parameters then you can install it on ps3's hdd like marcan did
Lush: is this a different approach than graf_chokolo?
kmeaw: i don't change VFLASH
GraFfiX: kmeaw:does X launch?
kmeaw: haven't tried yet but I think of a reason why it shouldn't
kmeaw: Xfbdev will definitely work
kmeaw: in this video ps3 boots gentoo from the network via nfs
kmeaw: laptop's harddrive partition is exported using nfs kernel server
GraFfiX: is nfs efficient?
GraFfiX: like speed-wise
kmeaw: yes, i have a home NAS exported via nfs
kmeaw: works faster for me than samba
kmeaw: there are no full support for rsx yet
kmeaw: s/are/is/
GraFfiX: kmeaw:do you see any reason why xbmc would not run when we have full rsx?
stuntcock: someone has to code a driver for the video
stuntcock: right
kmeaw: no
kmeaw: when we have full rsx support in linux drivers, then everything should work
kmeaw: i have released asbestos installer
kmeaw: however, it will need some network services configured (DHCP, TFTP and NFS) to make it work
kmeaw: see marcan42's posts for more information
kmeaw: note that asbestos requires lv2 patcher v9
kmeaw: it won't work with v8

Read more: ... z1D4C2z6Tt

Marcan Guide to Running Gentoo Linux on PS3

ubuntu-desktop% sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server tftpd-hpa nfs-kernel-server ... 20.tar.bz2 = rootfs = kernel image and modules

extract rootfs into /mnt/experimental:
% sudo mkdir -p /mnt/experimental
% sudo tar -C /mnt/experimental -xvpf /path/to/gentoo-ps3-20101020.tar.bz2

then copy 2.6.36-rc7-01073-g47a9595-dirty from ps3linux.tar.gz into /mnt/experimental/lib/modules.

Set up the DHCP server. Put this in /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf:

option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers,;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
ddns-update-style none;
log-facility local7;
subnet netmask {
filename "kboot.conf";
option routers;

Set up your wired network interface (eth0) to have a static IP address "".

Copy vmlinux file into /var/lib/tftpboot.

add this line to /etc/exports (requires root privs):


Then everything is done. Let's start up the services:

% sudo service tftpd-hpa restart
% sudo service dhcp3-server restart
% sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart

Create a kboot.conf file in /var/lib/tftpboot with this line inside:

linux='vmlinux video=ps3fb:mode:2 root=/dev/nfs rw ip=dhcp nfsroot= panic=5'

That's all. Run Linux from lv2patcher v9 and see if it boots.


La cosa mejora.
putrefacto está baneado por "utilizar clon para saltarse baneo"
Despues de tanto tiempo, ayer actualice al CFW de Hermes en 3.41, y aqui me quedare otro largo tiempo. Si quiero OtherOs, para eso tengo mi otra ps3, una fat retro 60 gb.

Aun asi, interesante noticia.
putrefacto escribió:Despues de tanto tiempo, ayer actualice al CFW de Hermes en 3.41, y aqui me quedare otro largo tiempo. Si quiero OtherOs, para eso tengo mi otra ps3, una fat retro 60 gb.

Aun asi, interesante noticia.

Buenas noticias para ti, sirve para 3.41.
Alguien podria traducir las instrucciones de marcan????

Gracias!!! [carcajad]
Angel_fuu escribió:Alguien podria traducir las instrucciones de marcan????

Gracias!!! [carcajad]

Lo que Marcan hace es arrancar linux en la Ps3 pero necesita de un ordenador para dicho arranque.
Se vé como prepara los servicios en un ordenador (Ubuntu/Debian) y éste es el que transfiere el kernel , modulos y demás a la ps3 para el arranque. El sistema de ficheros usado es NFS por lo que los datos estarán en nuestro pc y no en la ps3. Esto ya sería util por ejemplo para hacer transcoding de video, ya se podría aprovechar la potencia Cell.

Todavía no ha salido (que yo sepa) algo para el resto de los mortales.
Estupendo, fue por este enorme trabajo de asbestOS que la consola esta tan abierta hoy. Sony te han owneado :P
Pues entonces habrá que esperar a que saquen algo para la "gente normal" xD
Pensais que en un futuro cercano ( un mes más o menos) se podrá instalar linux a traves de un liveCD o desde un pendrive???
NEO117 escribió:Kmeaw ha compartido un video de AbestOS corriendo junto con AbestOS Installer V0 y LVL2 patcher V9.

This tool installs AsbestOS, which can be used to boot Linux kernel from lv2patcher v9. Thanks to marcan for AsbestOS, Mathieulh and graf_chokolo for default.spp trick, geohot for dev_flash mount code. Thanks to jbc for testing and KingDong for the icon You would need to set up a DHCP, TFTP and NFS servers on your LAN to make it work. Wireless connection is not supported by AsbestOS yet. Have fun.

kmeaw: it is gentoo
kmeaw: marcan's rootfs
stuntcock: does your linux install have access to gameos from within linux and also to all spus?
kmeaw: no
kmeaw: it doesn't need usb stick
kmeaw: linux has access to all spus
kmeaw: gentoo is running from my laptop's hdd
kmeaw: but if you change your kernel parameters then you can install it on ps3's hdd like marcan did
Lush: is this a different approach than graf_chokolo?
kmeaw: i don't change VFLASH
GraFfiX: kmeaw:does X launch?
kmeaw: haven't tried yet but I think of a reason why it shouldn't
kmeaw: Xfbdev will definitely work
kmeaw: in this video ps3 boots gentoo from the network via nfs
kmeaw: laptop's harddrive partition is exported using nfs kernel server
GraFfiX: is nfs efficient?
GraFfiX: like speed-wise
kmeaw: yes, i have a home NAS exported via nfs
kmeaw: works faster for me than samba
kmeaw: there are no full support for rsx yet
kmeaw: s/are/is/
GraFfiX: kmeaw:do you see any reason why xbmc would not run when we have full rsx?
stuntcock: someone has to code a driver for the video
stuntcock: right
kmeaw: no
kmeaw: when we have full rsx support in linux drivers, then everything should work
kmeaw: i have released asbestos installer
kmeaw: however, it will need some network services configured (DHCP, TFTP and NFS) to make it work
kmeaw: see marcan42's posts for more information
kmeaw: note that asbestos requires lv2 patcher v9
kmeaw: it won't work with v8

Read more: ... z1D4C2z6Tt

Marcan Guide to Running Gentoo Linux on PS3

ubuntu-desktop% sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server tftpd-hpa nfs-kernel-server ... 20.tar.bz2 = rootfs = kernel image and modules

extract rootfs into /mnt/experimental:
% sudo mkdir -p /mnt/experimental
% sudo tar -C /mnt/experimental -xvpf /path/to/gentoo-ps3-20101020.tar.bz2

then copy 2.6.36-rc7-01073-g47a9595-dirty from ps3linux.tar.gz into /mnt/experimental/lib/modules.

Set up the DHCP server. Put this in /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf:

option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers,;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
ddns-update-style none;
log-facility local7;
subnet netmask {
filename "kboot.conf";
option routers;

Set up your wired network interface (eth0) to have a static IP address "".

Copy vmlinux file into /var/lib/tftpboot.

add this line to /etc/exports (requires root privs):


Then everything is done. Let's start up the services:

% sudo service tftpd-hpa restart
% sudo service dhcp3-server restart
% sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart

Create a kboot.conf file in /var/lib/tftpboot with this line inside:

linux='vmlinux video=ps3fb:mode:2 root=/dev/nfs rw ip=dhcp nfsroot= panic=5'

That's all. Run Linux from lv2patcher v9 and see if it boots.


La cosa mejora.

A ver si prestamos mas atencion a los hilos que este ya estaba ABIERTO!

P.D. Solucion... más cafe al levantarse [carcajad]
wow tal parece que es inminente que pronto tendremos linux en ps3 a full potencia y facil de instalar [risita]

de alguna u otra forma pronto estare jugando ocarina del tiempo en mi ps3 :D
8 respuestas