Problemilla con Xbox 360 wireless adapter y msi rg60se[route

Hi eol:

I bought an MSI RG60SE .

The MSI works just fine with our laptops but it will not allow the xbox 360 to connect. The xbox can see the router, has full bars reception and will prompt for the key but will not connect, the xbox tests failing at the connection before it's able to obtain IP addy or DNS etc

I've tried wpa, wep and even open configs but its not having any of it. Plugging another router in and it connects first time and away we go but I really need the new router so would like to get the MSI working if possible. Any thoughts/suggestions would be gratefully received ? Currently it's of little use to me

Hola xD os lo pego en ingles que es como lo he redactado , en resumen

He comprado un router msi rg60se y el pincho wifi oficial

Al escanear, conecta con la red pero no es capaz de conectar mas alla [fallan los test] con otro router el pincho funciona a la perfeccion : )

A muchos usuarios del router les ha pasado y nada , no hay solucion a la vista

Alguna idea ilustres foreros : D?

El router esta operativo al 100% , no esta flasheada ni baneada y el pincho funciona , falla algo en la simbiosis .

Alguna sugerencia o idea aparte de cambiar el router?
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