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JavaScript on a diet


My name is Kaja and I'm in Desktop QA doing first-line bug testing on Windows.

Here's the newest snapshot featuring numerous Core updates including:

Improved handling of coordinates and widths inside the layout engine (see the changelog for more details)
<video preload>, a simple form of bandwidth management where the author can give a hint about how much buffering is acceptable
Site compatibility fixes
Stability fixes
Memory fixes

We have also updated Carakan to use an improved, compact object model which increases overall performance, and reduces the engine's memory usage by up to 6-7% (in some cases even more).

The Core team will continue to improve on this, and will post a more detailed explanation on the Core Concerns blog in the future, but here's a quick summary from the Core team for now:

The Carakan engine internally uses automatic classes to keep track of object properties and their types. We've recently expanded the scope and power of these internal classes significantly to also record the layout (or shape) of the objects along with their property types. Carakan is as a result able to reduce the overhead per object, but the richer type information also enables the generation of better JITed code. The task represent the rollout of this improved, compact object model, demonstrating some of the incremental improvements made. Much more to come.

With such a big update to Core, please watch out for regressions and let us know if you see anything interesting.

Changelog (Enorme)
General Core fixes
CORE-28724 Update to new IDNA specification (affects how names are converted to Unicode, and other things)
CORE-19293 <video preload> support
CORE-28530 Compact object representation in Carakan
CORE-38791 Scrolling fails midway in print preview for multipage documents when smooth scrolling is enabled
CORE-37682 Plugin memory fix
CORE-38808 :valid CSS pseudo-selector not applied when input type url auto-prepends http://
CORE-28535 querySelectorAll does not throw for an unsupported pseudo-class part of selector if there is a valid part first (jQuery)
CORE-38966 SVG animating fill using <animate> goes through the default color rather than starting from the current color
CORE-39004 eval() of JSON-like string fails if simple named property is followed by indexed one, as in "({ x: 'a', 0: 'b' })"
CORE-37125 Javascript evaluation of objects literal done in the wrong order
CORE-38887 Setting selectorText to invalid selector changes selector
CORE-35863 "".split(/re/) not returning an empty array
CORE-38923 JavaScript toLocaleDateString gives different results than other browsers
CORE-38743 Cache fix for html5rocks.com
CORE-38998 Slightly tweaked the JIT compiler's code generation when mixing bitwise operations and other arithmetics
CORE-33000 Spatial navigation not blocked in print preview
CORE-38973 Fixed a regression that caused HTMLCollection.item to return undefined instead of null for out of range indexes
CORE-38885 Parsing <object type="moo"> in a document where scripting is disabled will misbehave
CORE-38898 Flash video continues to download after tab is closed
CORE-38846 HTTPS connections dropping
CORE-37703 Feed preview stops on "loading" with installed extension with injected script
CORE-16017 Dragonfly: Clean up "unknown" stop reasons
CORE-39086 <mark> closes <p> in the parser
CORE-30816 Dragonfly: Need a flag to to show URL loads originating from XHR
CORE-15815 Dragonfly: Clean up "unknown" script origin
CORE-38757 Setting valueAsNumber does not work as expected
CORE-39142 Missing reflow when setting outline dynamically
CORE-39049 Changing meta viewport via JavaScript doesn't trigger re-layout
CORE-38832 Can't retrieve already-present console messages when starting Dragonfly
CORE-7754 empty title="" should override parent title
CORE-39239 Failed to submit form in an iframe after frameset in another iframe
CORE-38121 User JS errors only reported once
CORE-23313 .style.textShadow drops color information
CORE-39013 Not all alternate stylesheets are discovered/listed in UI
CORE-7604 Font family and whitespace fails
CORE-39308 Improve handling of selection in text groups
CORE-15517 Three-digit hex color value in html tag attribute gets ignored
CORE-38946 document.activeElement should point to frame or iframe if child document has focus
CORE-37732 !important symbol gets parsed as part of unquoted font family
CORE-39338 SVG slideshow performance problem
CORE-27257 A webfont that overloads an existing platform font can break later uses of that font-family
CORE-39283 SVG memory leak
CORE-39260 CSS <family-name> not parsed correctly
CORE-14410 Unquoted font-family with invalid characters not dropped

Coordinate handling
CORE-28833 inline-block wrap after exceeding 32767px in overflow container at books.google.com
CORE-36187 Floats taller than 32768px automatically cleared (affects Gmail)
CORE-2520 Positioning offsets => 32767px hide content
CORE-30734 Fixed position elements fail to respond to the mouse when scrolled too far horizontally (>10000 px)
CORE-38145 Block width limited to 32768px
CORE-31943 inline-block has maximum height of 2^15 (The Google Maps Api Reference)
CORE-17557 Page too wide, overflow caused by large negative text-indent and negative margin
CORE-35349 Float layout problem at tekniskamuseet.se due to large value not handled properly
CORE-30455 No content in the table at the bottom of the 'www.tvguide.com' page - very large with makes scrollbar inactive, setting scrollLeft ignored
CORE-4766 Setting large value on iframe's height misplaces iframe
CORE-14494 Large values and truncation - disappearing scrollbar horizontal
CORE-3472 Large values for left placement on absolutely positioned element fails
CORE-32481 Margin and large left placement value causes horizontal scrollbar for absolutely positioned element
CORE-33625 Huge margin (>1000px) at RSS preview of forum.de.selfhtml.org
CORE-24303 Limited page width (too wide a table, overlap)
CORE-14492 Large values and truncation - disappearing scrollbar vertical (img)
CORE-29066 IMG can't be taller than 32767px (affects Y!Mail)
CORE-13433 Setting DOM element.scrollLeft ignored in some cases (scrollable div with table inside)
CORE-4171 Inner table with large percentage width expands outer table
CORE-39236 Input box beside button with large text-indent value disappears on receiving focus or typing into it
CORE-203 TD with percentage width should override TD with large pixel width
CORE-19546 Content pushed down in inline-block with ~2000+ <br> children
CORE-19857 Marquee width overflow
CORE-38246 Margin miscalculation
CORE-15794 Huge replaced inline-block child of inline-table not redrawn after obscuring window/dialog is dismissed
CORE-7534 getComputedStyle retreives incorrect initial value of max-width and max-height properties
CORE-6066 offsetHeight value limit
CORE-38144 Tables width limited to ~32768px
DSK-340579 Margin Bottom can't exceed ~32841px

CORE-39261 Scrolling prevented on Studenttorget.no
CORE-37975 Combination of text-align:right/center and negative text-indent introduces scrollbar in overflow container
CORE-31526 Moving element with box-shadow fails to paint correctly
CORE-24134 Should strip whitespace from contents of SCRIPT type attribute
CORE-37472 Box-shadow can introduce scrollbars
CORE-16900 Scrollbars recieve clicks on CSS positioned elements above them
CORE-38109 getPropertyPriority for shorthand properties
CORE-38334 ScrollToRect not working properly with border
CORE-38559 Overflow value from body propagates to viewport when root element has overflow != visible
CORE-9793 font-size: small on form elements produces larger text whilst it shouldn't
CORE-38158 Redraw issue when adding same CSS file twice
CORE-38254 New Yahoo! Mail chat doesn't load (generated hidden content for DOM-inserted iframe prevents rendering updates to the DOM inside the iframe itself)
CORE-38357 Margin is cleared due to combination of embedded content and min-height
CORE-38904 Replacing one of two references to the same externam CSS file disables the other

CORE-24058 XPath crash at walgreens.com and other sites
CORE-37171 Crash when running extractContents() on range ended at offset zero into a comment
CORE-39045 SVG font crash
CORE-38382 documentedit crash
CORE-38927 Freeze when removing the last element from nested body with documentedit
CORE-38765 DOM/documentedit crash
CORE-38963 Crash after focusing then unfocusing VIDEO element and pressing keys
CORE-39156 Crash on opening link in new tab from cross-network warning
CORE-38915 Crash with nested <option> elements
CORE-39198 JS crash
CORE-39315 DOM crash
CORE-38793 Crash on going back to normal view after script removes iframe while document is in print preview
CORE-35414 Crash with SVG images that include CSS stylesheets via @import
CORE-39008 Form crash
CORE-38443 Opera freezes with a big 'link_queue_myopera.dat'
CORE-38864 Freeze at Google Maps due to value returned by window.self.innerHeight in an iframe with display:none

EDIT: según los comentarios del blog es altamente failosa e inestable, mejor no usar XD
Buenas, me ha dado por probar la versión 11.50 y me ha gustado mucho pero tengo varios problemas:

- No se si soy yo o chupa muchos recursos? suelo tener 5,6 ventanas abiertas y noto el navegador lento y es raro porque con mozilla hago igual y no pasa lo mismo y consume el doble de ram opera que mozilla y de cpu igual tira mucho más, es normal? alguna opción que tenga que activar/desactivar ?

- Luego otra cosa que es una pijadilla pero que no me mola es que uso windows 7 y al minimizar la ventana de opera cuando paso el puntero del ratón se ven todas las pestañas desplegadas en miniaturas, es posible desactivar eso y que solo se vea la miniatura de la pestaña que tenga activada?
[Barcha] escribió:Buenas, me ha dado por probar la versión 11.50 y me ha gustado mucho pero tengo varios problemas:

- No se si soy yo o chupa muchos recursos? suelo tener 5,6 ventanas abiertas y noto el navegador lento y es raro porque con mozilla hago igual y no pasa lo mismo y consume el doble de ram opera que mozilla y de cpu igual tira mucho más, es normal? alguna opción que tenga que activar/desactivar ?

Es raro, normalmente suele ser justamente lo contrario, prueba a reinstalarlo.

[Barcha] escribió: - Luego otra cosa que es una pijadilla pero que no me mola es que uso windows 7 y al minimizar la ventana de opera cuando paso el puntero del ratón se ven todas las pestañas desplegadas en miniaturas, es posible desactivar eso y que solo se vea la miniatura de la pestaña que tenga activada?

Opera > Configuración > Opciones > Avanzado > Opciones adicionales de pestañas > Usar miniaturas de la barra de tareas de Windows7, después reinicias el Opera.
giltesa escribió:
[Barcha] escribió:Buenas, me ha dado por probar la versión 11.50 y me ha gustado mucho pero tengo varios problemas:

- No se si soy yo o chupa muchos recursos? suelo tener 5,6 ventanas abiertas y noto el navegador lento y es raro porque con mozilla hago igual y no pasa lo mismo y consume el doble de ram opera que mozilla y de cpu igual tira mucho más, es normal? alguna opción que tenga que activar/desactivar ?

Es raro, normalmente suele ser justamente lo contrario, prueba a reinstalarlo.

[Barcha] escribió: - Luego otra cosa que es una pijadilla pero que no me mola es que uso windows 7 y al minimizar la ventana de opera cuando paso el puntero del ratón se ven todas las pestañas desplegadas en miniaturas, es posible desactivar eso y que solo se vea la miniatura de la pestaña que tenga activada?

Opera > Configuración > Opciones > Avanzado > Opciones adicionales de pestañas > Usar miniaturas de la barra de tareas de Windows7, después reinicias el Opera.

Muchas gracias, es curioso he desactivado la opción de las miniaturas y ahora el navegador va mucho mejor, se ve que me consumia bastantes recursos [+risas] asi me ahorro reinstalar y todo.

Reinstale Windows 7 64 bits hace poco y resulta que Opera, aunque lo cierre, se queda abierto el proceso y consumiendo recursos durante horas y horas.

No ocurre siempre y no siempre que miro el Administrador de Tareas Opera está funcionando a tope (aveces consume 700.000 k, otras unos 150.000k) , pero es bastante molesto y cuando intentas abrirlo, te avisa de que hay otra instancia abierta por el usuario, la cual debes cerrar antes de abrir el programa de nuevo.

Es raro porque nunca me había pasado tal cosa, almenos a este nivel, y llevo con Opera desde la v6.
SPLiTLooP escribió:Reinstale Windows 7 64 bits hace poco y resulta que Opera, aunque lo cierre, se queda abierto el proceso y consumiendo recursos durante horas y horas.

No ocurre siempre y no siempre que miro el Administrador de Tareas Opera está funcionando a tope (aveces consume 700.000 k, otras unos 150.000k) , pero es bastante molesto y cuando intentas abrirlo, te avisa de que hay otra instancia abierta por el usuario, la cual debes cerrar antes de abrir el programa de nuevo.

Es raro porque nunca me había pasado tal cosa, almenos a este nivel, y llevo con Opera desde la v6.

Es un problema de opera que el proceso se quede abierto aunque cierres la aplicacion.

Id al blog del Desktop Team y dejad allí vuestros problemas, ellos toman nota y lo intentaran arreglar.
Venía a preguntaros cómo activar esto:


Era una de las chorradillas nuevas de Opera que más me gustaban, porque te avisa cuando tienes una descarga finalizada o cuando se han cargado/actualizado las tropecientas páginas que puedes tener abiertas al iniciar el navegador. Probando cosas he visto que la skin nativa de Windows no lo permite, pero si activas la de Opera sí que sale. Lo malo es que ahora salen así:


Me gustaban más los puntitos que los dobleces, pero qué se le va a hacer. Pues eso, que lo digo por si alguien los echaba de menos.
Cosas del decorado (skin). Mira en la lista: http://my.opera.com/community/customize/skins/

Por cierto, los decorados son simples zips con el contenido, gráficos y un .ini, si te atreves ya sabes...
Las skins normalmente me la soplan, pero he ido probando y hay unas cuantas con puntitos, así que me he quedado con una. Gracias :)
Ya ni me acordaba del hilo:

Handful of bugs fixed!

Known issues
* Opera may crash when reloading pages with Dragonfly open
* Opera Crashes whilst saving items in mail view
* Opera crashes when you right click Opera in the task bar


Fixed freeze at Facebook and other sites
Fixed a few BitTorrent crashes
DSK-341929 Opera crashes if you remove the last Speed Dial and you have hidden the [+] button
DSK-334114 Storage dialog lists volatile storage
DSK-341541 Opera Link settings always shows Speed Dial Sync status from Opera startup value
DSK-340165 Painting issue after PDF is closed
DSK-272279 Use master password option doesn't always ask for authentication when repeatedly changing the option
DSK-341581 "en" should have the same quality score as the highest regional variant
DSK-340511 Extensions are launched even if set not to do so
DSK-339998 Command line argument on Mac to use system crash logging instead: -nocrashhandler
DSK-340909 Enable "Limit chat notification to personal messages" on all platforms, and set default value to on
DSK-339960 Clear Private Data: Close tabs only affects the active window
DSK-340924 Installed extensions are not filtered out from the suggestions
DSK-342023 Can't type in Flash chat after clicking it twice
DSK-337506 "Error initializing Opera: module 10" when upgrading
DSK-330317 Extensions in developer mode do not add injected javascript on secure pages
DSK-313764 Speed Dial URLs are added to address bar drop-down
DSK-341277 Plugged accessibility and kiosk leak
DSK-338129 Custom title not synchronized over link
DSK-321669 Error 404 displayed if enabling unite Home service by clicking start button from panel
DSK-341595 Linux: Tab buttons styling fix for some themes under GTK
DSK-321361 Linux: Comboboxes lack pressed styling


Updated Ragnarök (HTML5 parser) Labs Build
Network latency improvements, Microdata and QRESYNC

My name is Ramūnas, and I'm a summer intern here at Opera HQ in Oslo. I'm in Desktop QA, doing bug testing for Windows/Mac and occasionally some Linux.

In this snapshot we have numerous Core updates and fixes, plus some very interesting mail work. I'd advise you to look through the changelog, though highlights include HTML5 Microdata work and network latency improvements on the Core side, and new QRESYNC support for Opera's mail client, M2.

For those not familiar, QRESYNC is an IMAP extension that enables you to synchronize message metadata using much less overhead. It allows clients to request all changes since the last time they were connected, instead of having to check each message for changes. Not all IMAP servers support it, but Opera's Fastmail and My Opera Mail of course lead the way. This change should be particularly welcome for users on capped or slow connections.

This build also contains improvements to the database backends used in Opera's mail client, M2. They will now create less fragmented files, allowing for faster writing and retrieving of data (though this does not apply to upgraded mail profiles).

Note: Due to changes in the mail storage format you cannot downgrade after your mail profile has been updated by this build. Therefore, we strongly recommend you backup your profile.

One small extra point with regards to the Core network latency fixes, just to avoid confusion. You will not see any real difference testing against popular benchmarks (which focus on rendering and JavaScript performance); this kind of work is more likely to have an impact on regular "day to day" browsing. However, it can result in pages loading in half the time! You are most likely to see a difference if you have a poor network connection and others may notice improved performance when connecting to a webserver hosted on another continent.

As always, let us know what you think and any new issues you encounter.


Network performance improvements - for high latency connections
CORE-37823 (Very slow redraw of elements added by a bookmarklet)
CORE-39445 (text-overflow: ellipsis doesn't fontswitch if font lacks full stop glyph)
CORE-35923 (NPAPI Missing support for ClearSiteData): This allows Flash (and other plug-in) data to be cleared
CORE-39378 (Change event does not fire when clicking label associated with checkbox)
CORE-39462 (href of a link element is empty when the href is the document URL)
CORE-37519 (string.replace with number reference returns a wrong string)
CORE-28884 (Inset box-shadow for <input>)
CORE-36758 (background-origin ignored in extra-ordinary conditions)
CORE-33027 (Inconsistent handling of EOF, in CSS <color>, between the CSS parser and the <canvas> color parser)
CORE-39163 (Update HTMLInputElement.stepUp()/stepDown())
CORE-7579 (maxlength attribute of input element ignored if set to zero)
CORE-35076 (HTML5 Forms: type=url, email incorrectly wider than type=text)
CORE-39532 (Optimize the (source-)over filter)
CORE-36783 (Spaces disappear when text in rich text editor is made bold (TinyMCE, Evernote.com))
CORE-32992 (Opera not rending Lightbox properly - reading computed overflow on display:none div returns unexpected 'visible')
CORE-38509 (It's possible to scroll overflow container with overflow: hidden using spatnav)
CORE-24647 (Fixed-positioned boxes incorrectly creates a new stacking context)
CORE-32455 (Plus sign allows text wrap on bild.de)
CORE-25622 (HTML5 microdata): Not complete on Mac and Linux/FreeBSD
CORE-40018 (Crash when accessing expert.no)
CORE-40159 (http://jsfiddle.net ceased to function)
Further crash fixes

DSK-343044 (Video preload can freeze Opera)

Added support for QRESYNC - efficient IMAP sync
DSK-333904 (Grouped journaling + fragmentation fixes)
DSK-338715 (Occasional Crash on marking e-mail messages as 'Not Spam')
DSK-340672 (Mail in IMAP sent folder not marked as sent)
DSK-324277 (Different mail tabs turn the same when Opera restarted)

DSK-342555 (Opera crashes when you right click Opera on the Taskbar)

Initial work towards GTK3 skinning support - no visible changes yet but look out for regressions in GTK2 support
(...) this kind of work is more likely to have an impact on regular "day to day" browsing. However, it can result in pages loading in half the time! You are most likely to see a difference if you have a poor network connection and others may notice improved performance when connecting to a webserver hosted on another continent.


¡Beta ya!
He estado trasteando con Opera Unite, en concreto con los "plugins" para compartir archivos y mola XD habrá que ir probando el resto a ver que tal. Tanto tiempo eso ahí y que nunca se me haya dado por probar...
hombre, tontos no son, pero si un poco ofuscados en no ver que el navegador que usan es una cagarruta y hay alternativas mejores.

yo cuando veo alguien con el IE (incluido el 9) y veo lo LENTO que carga las paginas me estremezco xD

hasta en el curro, como tengo permisos para hacerlo, me he puesto el chrome (el opera se lia a ostias con el proxy que tenemos) y yo tan feliz xD
Versión orientada mas a los manzanos

Lion Full Screen and further skin refinements

Hello, hope you are all having a good Summer/Winter depending of hemisphere of choice.

For our Mac users, we have added support for new Lion’s full screen mode. It is triggered using the standard Command–Control–F shortcut. The old shortcut Command–Shift–F will trigger presentation mode (the old full screen).

In addition we have prettified the skin, and a couple of bugfixes, including the very frequently reported crash in the save dialog.

Anyway, I'm off to GenCon. Who else is heading to Indianapolis?

Known issues
* Profiles that have mail servers with invalid certificates will crash on start-up



Desktop (General)
DSK-342558 (Crash on closing of download dialog)
DSK-343697 (Crash when having a page with an auth dialog in the panel)
DSK-339264 (Convert dialogs to YAML Work Package 1): This includes numerous changes related to our Declarative UI work

Featherweight skin fixes
DSK-328434 (make generic favicon (for sites without favicon) on win/linux more Mac-like/nicer)
DSK-336066 (Alignment in appearance dialog)
DSK-338873 (No visual transition between Speed Dial item's normal and hover states)
DSK-339538 (List view issues)
DSK-339818 (Zoom slider jumps in opening/closing Appearance dialog)
DSK-339912 (Huge 'x' button for fast forward links)
DSK-340043 (Stack open/close arrows are too close to the inner tabs)
DSK-340047 (Web / Secure / Trusted / etc button has no indications it is clickable -- now has tooltip)
DSK-340052 (Tab spinner spins forever when there is an auth dialog in the tab -- new authentication icon used instead)
DSK-340063 (Menu is unreadable on black background on Windows)
DSK-340092 (Search inputs should be smaller, similar to the edit fields)
DSK-340095 (New zoom slider button not centered correctly in default 100% state)
DSK-340107 (Navigation icons appear small when the Progress bar is inside the Address bar)
DSK-340150 (Pages with disabled zoom inherit zoom slider position)
DSK-340266 (Turbo button lost on upgrade on a modified Status Bar)
DSK-340324 (Buttons dragged to the left beyond first tab overlap the Address Bar)
DSK-340433 (Typo in StretchBorder property in [Infobar Button Skin] in skin.ini causes incorrect buttons corners)
DSK-340512 (Close button in the mail search is too big)
DSK-340561 (Turbo icon with exclamation mark)
DSK-340625 (Panel buttons wrapped to several lines are obscured by the lower border)
DSK-340725 (Mini versions of the icons should be displayed in the context and the main menus by default)
DSK-340729 (Menu and Main bar should have transparent versions to be used on Aero)
DSK-341094 (Make a more Windows-like zoom slider)
DSK-341236 (Remember unread state accross sessions)

DSK-332277 (OS X: Update adressbar button styling and margins)
DSK-332671 (Implement support for Lion's new Full Screen application mode)
DSK-340589 (Window panel icon has window controls on the right when they should be on the left)
DSK-340050 (Mac pinned tab icon looks out of place with featherweight UI)
¿Con el opera podeis ver la barra de carga del youtube? Yo consigo ver youtube sin problemas pero no se me ve lo que lleva cargado ¿es fallo de la version 11.50?
snake-viper escribió:¿Con el opera podeis ver la barra de carga del youtube? Yo consigo ver youtube sin problemas pero no se me ve lo que lleva cargado ¿es fallo de la version 11.50?

Si se ve, a veces se oculta pero es cosa del video de youtube pero con pasar el raton por encima del video deberia volver a salir..

Captura --> http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/6209/39105491.jpg

Versionitis manzanosa, snapshot mas dirigida a usuarios de OS X

Mac plug-in support for the Cocoa Event model and the Core Animation drawing model

Hello World.

We have quite a big change for you in the Mac plug-in department. Most major plug-in vendors now support more than the older Core Graphics drawing model (let alone classic QuickDraw), and new development in the area is expected to support Core Animation. We’ve modernized and have adopted Core Animation and the Cocoa Event model. Practically, this means we should get better performance when scrolling on pages with supported plug-ins, and that plug-ins can draw directly on the graphic card. Thus off-loading the CPU.

Other platforms should also test in case of any plug-in related regressions.


Added support for Core Animation drawing model and the Cocoa event model for plug-ins
DSK-333206 ([Flash] Scroll events not sent to plug-in)
DSK-330110 ([Flash] Settings and permission overlay dialogs not accepting clicks)
DSK-341493 ([QuickTime] Video controls not painted and not accepting clicks)
A mí en Arch me va perfecto, pero en Windows me falla más que una escopeta de feria, no responde, se reinicia con "Send Log"... ¿A alguien más le pasa o realmente tengo que meterle un formateo a esta partición? xD

Lo estoy usando en un XP SP3, Vista SP2 y perfectos en ambos. Algo raro debes tener.
Yo si lo uso normal va perfecto, pero si abro muchas pestañas, o algo con flash... lo sobrecargo, en resumen, peta. De todas formas no creo que se libre de formateo, que ya llevo mucho sin hacerlo ^^

El tema de Flash me lo creo, por algo lo tengo deshabilitado en el navegador (opera:plugins). No me peta pero si consume RAM como un loco cuando veo algún vídeo, la culpa es del plugin flash, como de costumbre. Con vídeos en "HTML5 vídeo" perfecto.

Cuando quiero ver algo de Youtube tiro de VLC (ahora no que se ha vuelto a romper a causa de los últimos cambios en YT) o con un navegador secundario (Midori p.e.).
Si a mi tb me consume muchos recursos...
Certificate Unbroken

Daniel was tired of having his face in the public all the time, so he asked me to put forth my face here instead. So here it is, another snapshot! Highlight of the week is that we fixed the crash when using mail accounts with certificate problems


DSK-344105 (Deattached certificate with issues dialog crashes)
DSK-329980 (Selecting text in address field with long URLs do not select parameters)
DSK-343780 (With the Menu Bar on, closing a new window after an external link is opened in it crashes Opera)
DSK-343451 (All messages not downloaded over IMAP for some server configurations)
DSK-318433 (Excel file not attached if open in OpenOffice.org at the same time)
DSK-203865 (The title in IRC channels is taken from whatever window is active)

Linux and FreeBSD
DSK-343316 (Can't focus and type in automatically activated plug-in on Linux)
Editado por #1302#. Razón: que se escapó la parte de Linux
Opera 11.51 (Swordfish) Release Candidate 1

Whilst we continue work towards Opera 12.00 (Wahoo), there are some important bugs we need to fix in the 11.50 (Swordfish) line. Hence there will be an 11.51 maintenance/stability release between 11.50 and 12.00. Here is the first release candidate for 11.51.

We won't be releasing "Opera Next" packages of this build as it is an update to the stable browser and should not be installed over Opera Next Wahoo packages, since that would effectively be a downgrade (which is never supported).

Try this out as an improved stable Opera, whilst you continue to test our latest features and improvements in the continuing Wahoo Opera Next snapshot series!

Note: Remember as this is a maintenance update we are only interested in regressions since 11.50! Please do not report anything else here.

Changelog (no esta mal para ser una revisión menor XD )

CORE-35645 ('Long' OCSP/AIA/CRL requests might cause handshake failures if the TLS server cuts the connection)
CORE-36361 (Error in parsing Content-Disposition extension parameters)
CORE-39717 (Unite home service is removed from widgets.dat on disabling webserver in preferences)
CORE-39733 (Option elements within data lists shouldn't require value attributes)
CORE-39976 (Opera crashed when clicking on the + sign in Speed Dial)
Numerous other fixes for common crashes reported via automated crash logging

DSK-338715 (Crash on marking e-mail messages as 'Not Spam')
DSK-340248 (Extension manager eats CPU)
DSK-340266 (Turbo button lost on upgrade on a modified Status Bar)
DSK-340326 (Crash when dragging a button from the Appearance dialog onto the Tab Bar)
DSK-340436 (Suggested extensions disappear after second click in [+] window in Speed Dial.)
DSK-340511 (Extensions are launched even if set not to do so)
DSK-340665 (Impossible to manually resize Speed Dial if custom number of columns is set)
DSK-340672 (Mail in IMAP sent folder not marked as sent)
DSK-340924 (Installed extensions are not filtered out from the suggestions)
DSK-341109 (Selecting search suggestion using keyboard difficult because the first search engine is focused by default)
DSK-341412 (Crash on opening label properties with feeds only)
DSK-341541 (Link settings always shows Speed Dial Sync status from Opera startup value)
DSK-344674 (Crashes on cancelling Speed Dial add dialog after clicking twice add button)

DSK-318719 (Some languages spelled with small initial letter in international installer)
DSK-322534 (Cancelling uninstall triggers Win compatibility assistant)
DSK-331939 (The text "By clicking on "Accept and Upgrade" you etc jumps when clicking the TOS and back)
DSK-337506 (Crash during installation)
DSK-340079 (Wrong registry setting, after setting Opera as default browser)

DSK-332671 (Implement support for Lion's new Full Screen application mode)
DSK-226117 (Links that open new tabs from pages with click event listeners will open tab in background)
DSK-338150 (Freeze on dialogs and address field input)
DSK-340688 (Crash when opening Dragonfly)
DSK-343530 (Webfonts can cause a crash on Mac OS 10.7 'Lion')
Editado por #1302#. Razón: fails, fails everywhere
Opera 11.51 (Swordfish) Release Candidate 2

Here is the second release candidate for our 11.51 maintenance build. It only contains one small fix related to Opera not connecting to certain sites.

Thanks for testing and feedback

Note: Remember as this is a maintenance update we are only interested in regressions since 11.50! Please do not report anything else here.

No hay changelog
Editado por #1302#. Razón: fails, fails everywhere
A la espera de la versión final de la 11.51, (la versión de mantenimiento de Swordfish) instalé la RC2 (que parece solucionar un bug gordo en KDE), y rebusqué un poco por la página de extensiones. Y encontré esta, Ghostery.

Seguro que a más de uno le interesa. Es una extensión en pro de la privacidad. (Está todo explicado en inglés en la página de la misma e incluso tiene un minitour explicatorio al instalarla, pero lo resumiré un poco) Detecta aplicaciones de rastreo como el omnipresente Google Analytics y permite bloquearlas.
Por defecto muestra una burbuja con lo que ha encontrado en la página, aunque eso se puede desactivar.
Añade un icono a la barra de herramientas donde se puede ver información de la empresa detrás del rastreo.

Imágenes (ejemplo con EOL):


La verdad es que está muy currada y con la cantidad de mierdas que hay en la web viene que ni pintada.



¡11.51 lanzada! Es la misma build que la RC2, por si ya la has descargado. Soluciona algunos bugs, aunque el bug gordo en KDE con las descargas está medio medio, pero bueno, se ha solucionado en parte. Para los manzanófilos han implementado pantalla completa en Lion.
Próxima parada: beta de Wahoo. Imagen
New Wahoo 12.00 build with rendering and Speed Dial improvements

After a successful 11.51 release we are now back on track and working towards 12.00 (Wahoo).

Some core highlights include implementation of fully CSS 2.1 compliant display:list-item and a fix to prevent the cache from growing past its allowed limit.

Regarding that last point, if the fix works as expected, Opera should not go past the cache size. And, after a crash, it should restore to the correct size. If you can check the cache size after a crash, and also after correctly closing Opera following a crash, that would be much appreciated.

On the Desktop side we have made the animations much nicer when you move Speed Dials around.

Of course there are plenty of other great fixes, so scroll down and have a look!

Changelog: (warning! flud inside!!)

CORE-39767 (CSS 2.1 compliant display:list-item implementation)
CORE-39302 (The cache can grow past its limit)
CORE-32820 (SVG optimizations)
CORE-12447 (overflow: hidden ignored for table-layout: fixed)
CORE-17961 (Missing URL in redirection message)
CORE-23382 (NFD é rendered incorrectly, and worse in 2.4 than 2.2)
CORE-25431 (offsetLeft & offsetTop values are 0,0 for blank anchor tags)
CORE-25611 (computedStyle returns an empty string for text-shadow property)
CORE-25902 (border-radius doesn't clip replaced content)
CORE-26985 (Cursor doesn't change to pointer when hovering links until the page has completely loaded)
CORE-27522 (border-radius with different border widths)
CORE-28875 (border on inline-table disappears if it has overflow: hidden)
CORE-28949 (:target selector applies even after hash removed)
CORE-30401 (Initialization of SVG DOM objects different from what the SVG 1.1 second edition mandates)
CORE-31539 (overflow: hidden ignored on table if nested descendant width exceeds first cell descendant width)
CORE-34305 (svgz files saved as empty)
CORE-35190 (CSS: border-radius ignored on fieldsets that have a legend)
CORE-35547 (Content of http://www.good.is not displayed, @font-face with floating point number and comma in local())
CORE-36266 (Can't post link in orkut message)
CORE-36816 (DOM updates during composition causes doubled characters and oddities): unable to use ime on qzone.qq.com
CORE-37191 (computedStyle returns an empty string for box-shadow property)
CORE-37325 (rx, ry calculations for rect are incorrect according to svg spec)
CORE-37340 (Improve GetObjectProperties with regards to complicated properties)
CORE-37422 (Recognizing meeting invites .ics)
CORE-37452 (When JavaScript moves focus from input field, it gets empty (elm.focus() will abort ongoing IME))
CORE-38132 (0 returned for XHR.status when readyState == 2 (HEADERS_RECEIVED))
CORE-38210 (Invalid Link header causes Internal communication error)
CORE-38229 (opera:cache is not well laid out)
CORE-38771 (Unnecessary bottleneck in certain cases with "overflow: hidden" and CSS transforms)
CORE-39072 (Orkut profile picture change still not working)
CORE-39098 (Make Math.log() faster)
CORE-39112 (Border and overflow affects offset of events)
CORE-39380 (Opera doesn't fire events for empty scripts)
CORE-39391 (IME position not updated immidiately when text input is changed on getting focus)
CORE-39456 (Overflow container with anchor inside table introduces unwanted scrollbars)
CORE-39485 (Back button does not load image in reddit pages)
CORE-39490 (User initiated click event not handled on file input)
CORE-39516 (Drag-to-pan in image viewer only for left mouse button with no modifier keys)
CORE-39525 (Set window.event when events occur even if it's rewritten by page scripts): Attachment opening fails in new Hotmail
CORE-39547 (DATA_CLONE_ERR uses wrong code (24 instead of 25))
CORE-39559 (No data stream sent to invisible windowless plugins): Lytro picture page with focus demos doesn't work
CORE-39653 (Support event.isTrusted)
CORE-39654 (Native validation messages pops up everywhere (on top of other tabs))
CORE-39660 (CSS attribute selections and removeAttribute() regressed - removeAttribute() no longer triggers reevaluation of selectors?)
CORE-39722 (JSON.stringify number with single digit string produced not equal to equiv. string literal)
CORE-39755 (Radio button group with attribute "form" doesn't work properly)
CORE-39803 (Crash with VOIPlay plugin)
CORE-39852 (Minimum font size applied on computed style in svg while not rendered)
CORE-39862 (Canvas 2D sometimes draws shadows even when it shouldn't)
CORE-39871 (Remove HTMLHeadElement.profile): http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/cu ... ad-profile
CORE-39902 (Array.prototype.slice() doesn't propagate exceptions)
CORE-39912 (Extra suspend event fired for some preload=metadata tests that use ogg videos)
CORE-39917 (HTMLEmbedElement src and HTMLFormElement action IDL attributes reflected as strings, not URLs (i.e. is not resolved))
CORE-39923 (Updated Google Maps: My Places pop-up can't be closed preventing use of Google Map Directions (something with EcmaScript eval))
CORE-40033 (Empty string values not returned from web storage after being set)
CORE-40040 (Response with content-encoding:gzip decompressed automatically without changing the .gz file extension)
CORE-40047 (inserting options in SELECT fails with DOMNodeInserted listener active)
CORE-40073 (Missing horizontal scrollbar when a multicol container contains more columns than specified)
CORE-40126 (Clicking on Google+ tab (top left corner) results in page that is never finished loading (history.replaceState))
CORE-40146 (Column-spanned element in RTL multicol is incorrectly positioned)
CORE-40155 (The title of the extension that appears in the debugging context dropdown should be the extension name from config.xml)
CORE-40189 (image.width/naturalWidth and image.height/naturalHeight returns 0 after switching to fullscreen if the image is only in DOM)
CORE-40210 (Anchors added to the URL changed by pushState reloads page)
CORE-40229 (List items are added outside of contenteditable element)
CORE-40230 (List is deleted when pressing backspace in a contenteditable element within a list item.)
CORE-40247 (Weird results of HTML select options)
CORE-40281 (Images sometimes displayed via onload events)
CORE-7544 (Nested inline relatively positioned elements with non-auto z-index are not rendered)
CORE-7597 (XMLHttpRequest can not POST data that consists of plain literal numbers only.)
CORE-9459 (Page reloaded when refreshed to fragment URI)
CORE-39763 (Crash when reloading page with Dragonfly open)
Updates to some translations
Security improvements from 11.51
Further crash and memory leak fixes

DSK-232055 (Unable to re-download file to same download location if an entry for the previous download still exists in transfers manager)
DSK-343630 (Crash when exiting Opera after changing "Preferred languages for webpages")
DSK-344289 (Using mouse wheel over windowed plugin can also cause the page to scroll)

Speed Dial
DSK-329998 (Thumbnails are omitted while cycling Speed Dials with the Tab key)
DSK-330661 (Add an animation when resizing window to change number of columns)
DSK-337427 (Add an animation when undoing Speed Dial move/swap)
DSK-344603 (Crash when dragging a Speed Dial while Edit menu is opened)
DSK-344606 (Crash when deleting a Speed Dial set to Reload Every after dragging it from the original position)
DSK-344912 (Hover effect remains on unhovered Speed Dials)

DSK-344870 (Can't go fullscreen by double clicking the VLC plugin)

DSK-318433 (Excel file not attached if open in OpenOffice)
Hay alguna manera de tener Opera ''como en windows''?

Guardad los cuchillos xD, me refiero a ''unificar'' la barra de pestañas con los botones de minimizar, maximizar y cerrar, para ahorrarme este espacio:


Como podréis ver por la resolución, es para mi netbook y tal xD, por lo que el ahorro de espacio es muy importante.
Si, con el gestor de ventanas le dices que en esa ventana no quieres barra de título. Al menos con KDE es fácil, fácil. XD
Opera lanza tienda de aplicaciones para televisores

La empresa noruega Opera no tiene el tamaño ni la fama de Google o Mozilla, pero igual se la juega por adaptarse a nuevos sistemas. Así, durante IFA, la compañía presentó una tienda de aplicaciones para televisores inteligentes y set-top boxes.

Opera tiene una larga historia de integraciones – por ejemplo, es el único navegador web disponible en la Nintendo Wii y la DS. Así, la tienda ofrece a los fabricantes de televisores y set-top boxes un sistema fácil de integrar para entregar aplicaciones web y navegación que sigue los estándares de internet.

Varios proveedores de contenidos, como Vimeo y DriveCast ya se asociaron para desarrollar aplicaciones, pero como el sistema funciona sobre Opera, cualquier sitio que provea video o contenidos usando HTML5 funcionará sin problemas. No se sabe todavía si habrá soporte para Flash.

Opera asegura que sus requerimientos de sistema son mucho menores que los que tiene Google TV, y que la tienda funcionaría en procesadores lentos desde 300 MHz en adelante. Corre también en múltiples arquitecturas.

Con Opera entrando a la televisión, queda ver si otros desarrolladores de navegadores se atreven a dar el mismo paso (¿Firefox TV?).

http://www.fayerwayer.com/2011/09/opera ... levisores/

Acabo de ver que hay una nueva build desde esta mañana.

Básicamente ayuda a los desarrolladores en el testeo de extensiones añadiendo algunas cosillas. También incluye pop-ups informativos cuando instalas una nueva extensión.

Blog post:
This snapshot is dedicated especially to all of those working on extensions. We have done a bunch of bug fixes, plus developer and discoverability enhancements.

As a developer, you can now drag and drop config.xml from unpacked extensions onto the main Opera window, and your extension will be silently installed in developer mode. Also the Extensions Manager will be opened, so that you can easily manage the extension. While you are developing your extensions, you also will be able to easily reload them. This can be achieved in several ways:
Press F5 in the Extensions Manager
Use the right mouse button menu on the Extension Speed Dial cell
Use the right mouse button menu on the Extension button on the toolbar
If you are working with extensions that use a toolbar button popup, you should notice that the popup window will not be closed automatically (in developer mode only). This will allow you to use Dragonfly together with your popups, making designing popup content faster and easier.

For extensions users we have added a nice discoverability feature. If the extension provides a button in the toolbar, then after the extension is installed a popup pointing to the button will be shown, so that it is easier to understand how to use the extension.



CORE-40600 (Feature changes do not always come into immediate effect on after an extension update)
DSK-332315 (User is pointed to where the extension installs)
DSK-342398 (Easier reload of extensions in Dev Mode)
DSK-342402 (Pulling Config.xml into Opera opens up Extension Manager in Dev Mode)
DSK-342856 (Provide an option to not close the extension popup after it loses focus.)

DSK-341804 (Implement support for XRandR and use it to correctly position and size windows on multi monitor setups)
DSK-341804 (Implement support for XRandR and use it to correctly position and size windows on multi monitor setups)

Interesante XD
Pues he puesto el urlfilter.ini, pero no consigo el resultado que quería, mirad:


Quedan los espacios en blanco, cosa que con el Chrome no. Además en otras páginas me saltan ventanas, aunque bloqueadas, eso sí.

¿Hay alguna solución?

Un saludo.
Para ese espacio existe un estilo css (o un userscript) que lo deja limpio. El tema de los popups a mi no me salta ninguno, quizás el truco es que tengo desactivado javascript globalmente y solo lo activo por sitios.


Ya tocaba XD

Full ECMAScript (JavaScript) 5.1 support

This build adds full support for the ECMAScript (JavaScript) 5.1 specification.

At time of writing the test262 test suite is reporting one error from a total of 10927 tests on the Windows and Mac platforms. As a comparison, Opera 11.51 on Windows has 3865 failures. See the known issues below for information on Linux.

Keep in mind that the test262 test suite is undergoing active development and far from complete. Even a perfect score in the current version of the test suite does not guarantee perfect ES 5.1 conformance. Results may also vary depending on when the test was run, as tests could be added, removed, fixed or otherwise altered at any time. Case in point: The only test that fails in this snapshot, S11.1.1_A2, is invalid.

That leaves Opera with a "perfect score" on Windows, Mac and 64-bit Linux in the current test262, while still keeping the unstable nature of the test suite in mind.

In addition to full ES 5.1 support, we have added a native implementation of ECMAScript typed arrays. This offers increased performance when dealing with things like binary data, and will be noticeable when, for example, using emulators or playing games using Canvas.

This build also adds support for <video muted> to mute HTML5 videos by default, and Linux users can enjoy GTK+3 support which means that Opera looks native again on Gnome 3 based systems (like Fedora).


CORE-28638 Implement full support for new ECMAScript 5 features
CORE-38784 Native implementation of ECMAScript typed arrays for increased performance
CORE-40275 Implement <video muted>
DSK-343260 Support GTK+3 on Linux
CORE-33418 Update to the Unicode 6.0.0 specification

Known issues

Two valid tests in the test262 test suite fail on 32-bit Linux (works on 64-bit systems)


DSK-342300 Manually stopping Link should completely "unlink" the client from the synchronization process
DSK-318061 Dragging address badge to address or search field replaces page address with page's meta description
DSK-332429 Intranet hosts not remembered in opera:config#UserPrefs|IntranetHosts and info bar doesn't go away on first click

CORE-39787 SVG element styled as table-row-group leaks memory
CORE-40441 Identical floated tables not always positioned in the same place alongside floated block
CORE-10745 Style updates to <col> don't cause reflow
CORE-40472 Missing horizontal scrollbar on container with overflow:auto when a multicol container contains more columns than specified
CORE-40470 Properties recognized as a style rule when setting properties on style object for other rules
CORE-40409 IDN domains do not work
CORE-38784 Native implementation of ES typed arrays
CORE-40410 Crash at studivz.net
CORE-40387 'playing' is not fired after play() is called - progress spinner on top of video (YouTube/HTML5)
CORE-40353 Change in DOM causes focus to be moved to another contentEditable element within the page
CORE-35502 Don't send Accept-Encoding HTTP header for <video>
CORE-39892 Problem with horizontal padding calculation
CORE-40275 Implement <video muted>
CORE-39405 Spatnav then JavaScript focus() does not remove CSS :hover styling on previous item
CORE-22646 :enabled :disabled and :checked UI selectors fail with cloned nodes
CORE-28884 Inset box-shadow for <input>
CORE-34144 DOMAttrModified event dispatched for unchanged attribute
CORE-40593 arc function in canvas requires last argument (it should be optional)
coyote escribió:Si, con el gestor de ventanas le dices que en esa ventana no quieres barra de título. Al menos con KDE es fácil, fácil. XD

Uso LXDE xD, gracias, miré que estaba la opción de ''decorar'' y se quitaba la barra, hay alguna manera de dejarlo así permanentemente con esa aplicación?, la hay en KDE? xD.

Por cierto, a alguien más le ha dado problemas la versión 11.51 en windows?

Siempre me había ido perfecto en el pc de escritorio, pero en mi netbook se cuelga en momentos aleatorios hasta un punto que tuve que instalar chrome. En el de sobremesa de la nada se me acaba de colgar.

Tanto en windows xp como en windows 7, en linux va bien xD.
Wence-Kun escribió:Por cierto, a alguien más le ha dado problemas la versión 11.51 en windows?

Siempre me había ido perfecto en el pc de escritorio, pero en mi netbook se cuelga en momentos aleatorios hasta un punto que tuve que instalar chrome. En el de sobremesa de la nada se me acaba de colgar.

Tanto en windows xp como en windows 7, en linux va bien xD.

Perfectísimo en el EeePC con XP SP3. Quizás alguna extensión o el perfil que no ande muy allá.
Me pasa algo raro últimamente con Opera 11.51 + Windows 7 limpito y con los drivers de la HD 5850 actualizados:

Al cargar los vídeos de Youtube en HTML5 y ponerlos en pantalla completa, pierden la sincronización vertical y se parten en tres partes, lo que resulta muy molesto y parece que lo esté ejecutando en un PC de 2004. Me ocurre tanto en 720p como en resoluciones cutres, y estoy en un quadcore, así que por falta de potencia no es. No me ocurre con ningún vídeo en flash de Vimeo, por ejemplo, donde funciona a 720p sin despeinarse.

¿Sabéis si hay alguna forma de forzar Flash en lugar de vídeo en HTML5?

Gracias [bye] .

[Edito] Ni caso, que ya lo he desactivado en http://www.youtube.com/html5 (no sé por qué no sale o no he visto esa página en las propias opciones de Youtube)

Vuelta a la Prehistoria y a los vídeos suaves XD
este navegador lo uso en mi smartphone y me ha sorprendido mucho.
funciona realmente bien.
Para los que uséis tuenti y opera , no os pasa que al rato de estar conectados al chat este se cierra solo? , es un putadón y tengo que usar el chrome aparte para el tuenti porque es insufrible xD
cayu14 escribió:Para los que uséis tuenti y opera , no os pasa que al rato de estar conectados al chat este se cierra solo? , es un putadón y tengo que usar el chrome aparte para el tuenti porque es insufrible xD

Tuenti es un gran conocido de "putear" por así decirlo a este navegador, nada nuevo. En el Menú O > Ayuda > Contar los problemas de un sitio tienes la opción de reportar al equipo de Opera cualquier web "defectuosa" o que no funcione para que el su siguiente versión puedan "arreglarlo".

"defectuosa" = web mal programada o con código discriminatorio para X navegadores.
¿que opinas de opera para smartphone, coyote?, ¿has tenido oportunidad de probarlo?.
mithra escribió:¿que opinas de opera para smartphone, coyote?, ¿has tenido oportunidad de probarlo?.

Pues no, como usuario de móvil prepago no puedo "permitirme" usar esas cosas.
mithra escribió:¿que opinas de opera para smartphone, coyote?, ¿has tenido oportunidad de probarlo?.

No soy coyote, pero opinaré por él [+risas] [+risas]

A ver, he probado el Opera Mini 6.1 en un iPad 2, en un iPhone 3GS y en un Samsung Wave. También he probado el Opera Mobile en mi antiguo Nokia 5800 y en el Omnia II de mi novia y la verdad, en general están muy bien. Los Opera Mini no me acaban de convencer, ya que compiten en desventaja respecto a los navegadores de serie (prefiero el Safari en el caso de los iPad/iPhone y el Dolphin en el caso del Wave). Ahora, si ya pasamos al Opera Mobile, me parece mucho mejor que el resto de navegadores.

Por cierto, últimamente me tienen muy aburrido la gente de Opera, apenas sacan versiones... [+risas]

Y ya para acabar... Os pongo dos addons que me han parecido muy útiles:

https://addons.opera.com/en/addons/exte ... eview/1.2/



https://addons.opera.com/en/addons/exte ... nks/1.6.1/


El primero también está para Gmail.
bueno, yo tiro de wifi, ehhhh.
no tengo contrato de datos xD
2352 respuestas