duda ps3 reconoce disco duro externo 1 tera ? como??

hola esa es mi gran duda
disco duro externo 1 tera
he leido varios post se que ahi que convertir el disco de ntfs a fat32 tambien se que fat 32 solo acepta hasta 32gb
la otra solucion es que hacer particiones con un programa .. no muy recomendado tampoco

las preguntas que se me bienen a la mete

1-si particiono hasta 32gb en fat32 y el resto 9633333 en ntfs ?? igual reconoceria los datos en ntfs??

2-es recomendado con algun programa cual seria mas idoneo ..??? reconoceria ambas particiones ??

3- se puede tener 1 tera con foto videos etc-- y backus corriendo sin problemas


encontre la respuesta espero que a todos les sirva
Note If you find fat32format a bit fiddly to use or these instructions a bit hard to follow you should try the replacement for fat32format. It is a Windows application with a GUI. Try it here

I recently got a SATA 250GB disk for testing FATLIB. It turns out that Windows XP won't let you format a volume bigger than 32GB with FAT32. I could use NTFS, but that's not what I FATlib supports. In fact, NTFS can only be written safely by Windows XP - there are as far as I know no other drivers for other OS's, unlike FAT which is supported by virtually anything.

As Microsoft put it here

You cannot format a volume larger than 32 gigabytes (GB) in size using the FAT32 file system during the Windows XP installation process. Windows XP can mount and support FAT32 volumes larger than 32 GB (subject to the other limits), but you cannot create a FAT32 volume larger than 32 GB by using the Format tool during Setup. If you need to format a volume that is larger than 32 GB, use the NTFS file system to format it. Another option is to start from a Microsoft Windows 98 or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) Startup disk and use the Format tool included on the disk.

Using Windows 98 obviously opens up other issues - It doesn't support USB 2.0 or SATA as far as I know. Formatting a huge disk will take ages. It suports IDE, but not 48bit LBA, which is required for drives greater than 137GB. Also, you need to patch format.exe and fdisk to work with disks greater than 64GB. Even then scandisk will corrupt large disks unless you disable it. It can be done, but basically, this is ancient 16 bit code, and using it on modern hardware is not a good idea. There is a port of mkdosfs from Linux to Win32. I tried it, and chkdsk complained about being unable to test a RAW filesystem. It also uses funny cluster sizes, only 4K for normal sized disks.

Actually, looking back at the Microsoft comment, if I could format the volume myself, all would be OK. Fat32 is pretty simple, so it occured to me to write a fast format routine to do the job. Note that the 32GB limit is a limit of the formatter in Windows XP. FAT32 itselft should be OK to 2TB, limited by a 32 bit sector count in the boot sector. XP comes with a partitioning tool, called Disk Management. It even has Wizards for partitoning. This should be a cinch.

I've tested this with a SATA disk as follows. Power off the computer and connect the disk. Power up again - check the Bios finds it. If you have a IDE or SATA disk, make sure you power off before connecting, USB and Firewire ones can be connected with the power on.

Click Start menu, select Run and enter diskmgmt.msc

If it asks you to initialise the disk, make sure you select a Basic disk, as opposed to a Dynamic.
There's a guide on Disk Management here You need to find the disk with unallocated space. Right click on it and select "New Partition" and follow these steps, clicking "Next" to get move on at each stage.

1. Partition Wizard starts, just click next to move on
2. Select Primary Partition.
3. Enter the maximum size for the Partition Size
4. Choose assign a drive letter. I used F:
5. Select "Do not Format this partition"
6. There will be a dialog box, summarising all the previous stuff. Click Finish

Now you have a drive letter, this is what we will pass to the formatter

Now download a copy of fat32format. Extract the single EXE file to somewhere suitable, like C:\.

Click Start->Run and enter


When the command prompt opens, type this - C:\ is the place you extracted the exe file to. Note if this sort of command line stuff makes your head hurt, you should probably give this a try instead

CD /D C:\

press enter and then type this. You need to replace f: with the drive letter you are trying to format.

fat32format f:

You should see this displayed

Warning ALL data on drive 'f' will be lost irretrievably, are you sure (y/n)

Now when it says this, it really means it. If you format the boot sector, FATs and root directory will be filled with zeros. By typing pressing Y and hitting return, you're also absolving me of liability for whatever was on the disk before.

Assuming you don't bail out at this point you should see something like this -

Warning ALL data on drive 'f' will be lost irretrievably, are you sure
(y/n) :y
Size : 250GB 488392002 sectors
512 Bytes Per Sector, Cluster size 32768 bytes
Volume ID is 1bdb:2c1d
32 Reserved Sectors, 59604 Sectors per FAT, 2 fats
7629261 Total clusters
7629260 Free Clusters
Formatting drive f:...
Clearing out 119304 sectors for Reserved sectors, fats and root cluster...
Wrote 61083648 bytes in 0.988463 seconds, 61796609.106193 bytes/sec
Initialising reserved sectors and FATs...

Siento que este tema no va aquí vamos a ver que dicen los moderadores.
El disco duro tiene que estar formateado en FAT32 SI o SI, para formatear en FAT32 (Que realmente el sistema de archivos soporta hasta 2TB y "Windows" es el que no permite formatear mas de 32GB debido a deficiencias en su chkdsk) existe un programa que se llama fat32format. Pon en google "Formatear discos duros grandes en fat32" y lo encontrarás.  Asi uso yo mi disco duro de 80GB en mi Ps2 por USB XD
En cuanto a tener Videos y Backups en el mismo duro supongo que si se puede aunque alguien que si tenga PS3 te puede dar el ok :cool:
yo el multimedia de 1tera lo formateo a fat32 con el swissknife googlea
2 respuestas