Entrevista al hacker de GC tmbinc

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GCDemos ha publicado una entrevista a tmbinc, en cuyo trabajo podría estar basado el modchip Viper-GC. En la entrevista critica duramente a los creadores del modchip comercial por destinarlo principalmente al uso de copias y no facilitar la carga de software casero. En cuanto a la posible utilización de su trabajo para el desarrollo del modchip dice no importarle, ya que éste era público y estaba al alcance de todo el mundo.

Finalmente, ha hablado de su próximo modchip libre, cuyos esquemas, software y fuentes serán publicados a partir del 27 de diciembre (día en el que realizará una conferencia sobre hacking de la GameCube en Berlín). Este modchip permitirá usar diferentes BIOS y cargar software desde el BBA y SD-Card entre otras funcionalidades, aunque no le dará soporte para la carga de copias. Según comenta su coste de fabricación comprando los componentes sueltos será de unos 20 o 30 euros, pero con una fabricación en masa podría salir por menos de 5 euros, no importándole (e incluso queriendo) que empresas se animen a fabricarlo y venderlo a bajo coste.
35 comentarios
  1. GCDemos escribió:The One - What is your personal opinion on the Viper GC Mod and the Cobra BIOs?

    tmbinc - Although I appreciate that there is some movement in the Gamecube scene, I don't like the way the Viper mod is sold. They announced it as a homebrew development module, but soon added that there might be a bios which can boot warez (note my disagreement about the term "backup" - they are WAREZ, not backups. Don't lie to yourself!).

    While a "bios replacement" to have an easier way to boot homebrew would be indeed *damn* cool for developers, it became clear that it doesn't target to homebrewers, but to pirates instead.

    That became even clearer when the "cobra bios" was released, which didn't had *any* features for homebrew users (like booting from BBA/SD card/...). In fact, the only thing they have is a "binload" tool which only allows you to boot binaries no bigger than 128k, with the hassle of re-flashing the viper each time. I wouldn't consider this as more homebrew-friendly than the PSO method.

    As a side note, it's interesting that the cobra bios uses undocumented features of the Viper chip... I won't comment on this.

    The One - Do you feel that the Viper is a copy of your original IPL Replacement?

    tmbinc - No. It isn't a copy. I released all information required to build a bios replacement, and my sole intention was to allow people to build something like this. I wanted the homebrew scene to advance. I don't feel like I did a wrong thing here, I was prepared for a commercial rip-off, but I thought they would have the "honor" to at least support homebrew. Ok, they didn't. Still, I had to be prepared for this, and it isn't a big surprise.

    I don't know for sure if they used any of my published information. If they didn't, they would be stupid as they could have a much easier life then. But if they did, i couldn't really reproach them for that. My information was freely available in a public domain sense, and I still stay behind that.

    The actual design of such a thing isn't that hard, with or without my published information. Technically, I don't like their way of influencing the boot process, as they buy the ability to go with only 2 wires (+ GND, VCC) with the inability to provide several important features.

    The One - When do you intend to release information regarding your new homebrew mod?

    tmbinc - I will hold a lecture about Gamecube hacking at the 21C3 in Berlin on Dec-27 (23:00 CET), and after that I'll release my work, including all schematics, software and vhdl sources.

    The One - What features will this mod include?

    tmbinc - The mod is a full bios replacement, i.e. it allows a clean override of the boot process. The hardware will feature:

    - Selection of several different (together up to 2MB or 4MB, depending on which flashes were available) images in the flash rom

    - Selection of a "looptrough" to the original bios

    - Serial port for debug output (what i always missed on the Gamecube)

    - External interface to reflash the bios

    - Ability to flash from Gamecube

    - Full flexibility as the CPLD itself is reprogrammable (for example if someone wants to add LEDs or something)

    The software will feature:

    - Boot from SD card

    - Boot from BBA

    - Boot from original DVD ("freeloader"-styled booting of any region games, video mode will be changed as required)

    - It will *NOT* support piracy in any way! I cannot and do not want support to this, I want to release my mod as a legal alternative to warez-only pirate chips! So I won't support any piracy in any way! Please don't bug me with requests of adding these features to the mod. I won't do that.

    The One - How much will it cost to make a mod like this?

    tmbinc - The problem is always getting the parts in single pieces. The lattice CPLD costs 12Euro for example at "Reichelt" (big online electronic store), but the mass-price is about $1.50. The same thing goes to the Flash and the CPLD itself. When summarized, the total cost, when single pieces are bought, is about 20...30 Euro. When built in pieces, it's probably
    I know it's hard for most people to build such a thing by themselves, so hopefully some people will build some quantities and sell them for low money. That's my intention in releasing all information.

    In any way, it should be *much* less than the Viper and will have more features.

    The One - Do you think that anyone will try to mass-produce and commercialize your mod and what would your reaction be to such an action?

    tmbinc - Sure, and I’m prepared for this. I know that several people will port some bios which allow piracy on the mod, but I can't do anything against it. I would like if there would be any protection against this, but it was Nintendo who messed it up and allowed a software exploitation of the DVD ROM drive. Sorry, Nintendo. I didn't see this coming; in fact, I didn't believe it until now.

    I could add some provisions like making the software or hardware GPL'ed, but would this help in any way? People who are selling pirate chips don't care for any legal stuff.

    The One - What is your view of the homebrew Gamecube scene at the moment?

    tmbinc - The problem with the Gamecube scene is that there is a high barrier of starting. You need the expensive BBA, a special game, and get a very uncomfortable way of uploading code. My intention was to bring something new to the homebrew scene.

    I fear that by the beginning of commercial pirating everything will get worse. I can't see very much good in this, in contrast to other people.

    The One - Do you have any plans for the future? DS development perhaps?

    tmbinc - Oh, plans. Don't know. If have a lot of work to do, I don't know yet what I’ll do next. I don't yet have a DS, but I’ll get one. Probably.

    Thanks very much tmbinc. I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to share your views on this topic with GCDemos and I know others will too.
  2. y no dejara cargar backup? .... permitirme que lo dude ;)
  3. Hombre un chip que cuesta de hacer 5 € en masa...y que lo pudieran vender a 20 € y que sea tan fácil de poner como el VIPER... y que cargue software casero...

    y...nos quedamos todos asi... [flipa]

    En cualquier caso, supongo, que tenemos que agradecerle a este chico su trabajo por la scene de GC. [oki]
  4. Tiene razon Tmbinc al decir que el ViperGC y la Cobra Bios solo propician la carga de copias en la consola. A dia de hoy creo que nadie puede confirmar que se pueda cargar software homebrew con el, lo cual me apena por que ese es el unico motivo por el que me interesaria un chip en la GC. Pero por desgracia, esta claro que la inmensa mayoria de usuarios de GC que van a poner el chip lo haran solo por poder cargar copias, sin ningun otro interes mas. Y lo divertido es cuando se meten con los que queremos el chip solo para soft homebrew y no para copias, que nos tachan de mentirosos, hypocritas, y demas. Yo ya lo he dicho, que cada uno lo use como quiera, que algunos nos interesa mas el software que pueda aparecer, que cargar un juego que tampoco sale tan caro como dicen, si se sabe donde comprarlo.

    La fabricacion manual del chip sera algo que, bajo mi punto de vista, solo se atrevan a hacer los que sepan de electronica. Creo que el resto esperaran a que salga un modelo comercial. Aunque visto lo dicho, que el chip salga mas de 40€ (poniendo que quieran sacar beneficios), ya seria abusivo. Ademas, queda mirar aun que bios nuevas saldran, y si con este modelo nuevo se añaden mas posibilidades de almacenamiento alternativo.
  5. Por muy libre ke sea, yo tendria ke seguir acudiendo a un establecimiento para ke me instalaran el chip.. asi ke ojala cargue backups por ke si no... el otro chip m saldria por un ojo d la kara :S
  6. Éste tio es un santo...

    Vamos a ver... ¿colabora en el desarrollo de un chip y dice no importarle que thrid parties le copien el chip para venderlo más barato?

    Desde luego es un genio y es un bonachón. ¿Vosotros estais calentándose la cabeza sobre como saltar la protección de una videoconsola y encima decís que lo haceis "casi" por amor al arte?

    Vosotros mismos.
  7. Esperaremos impacientes los que deseamos cargar codigo casero en la GC, esperemos que se pueda mas adelante cargar desde el lector de la GC o desde uno externo , por que desde mi punto de vista todo lo que sea cargar atraves de un pc , es un rollo.

    Esto es hackerar de verdad , conocer una maquina por puro conocimiento y dar lo aprendido a los demas , y el precio del chip , de risa de forma masiva 5€ , aunque lo vendiesen a 20 le sacarin un beneficio enorme.

    Pagar en estos momentos 65€ or un chip es adelantarse a los acontecimientos. precaucion compañeros precaucion.
  8. Este hombre es un genio y seguramente saque mas nombre y beneficios dando charlas que comercializando un chip.

    Carga mediante sd. [babas]

    Aunque tambien hay que decir que me da bastante mas miedo las soldaduras de este chip que las del viper. [burla3]
  9. Bien, algo de etica por fin en el foro, ya era hora, ahora los "yo me lo compro por la scene" tienen la oportunidad de demostrar que es asi, este es el chip que handeinstalar, si instalan el viper no hay excusas -> PIRATONES .

    Por otra parte un poco iluso el chaval esperando que sus cosas se hicieran para el bien, y liberando todo lo que consigue es dar facilidades al que solo quiere warez. No dudo que hay una diferencia en cargar cosas de una SD o con el BBA a cargarlo con un dvd, pero no creo que deba darse facilidades para eso, el que de verdad quiera cargar soft casero desde DVD que se lo curre, que haga una modificación sobre el soft original.

    Seguramente alguien sacará la posibilidad de cargar warez con este chip tambien, asi que no vale la pena que se moleste en sacarlo, si su intencion es solo scene.

    Y por ultimo el comentar "curioso que la bios cobra use especificaciones no documentadas del viper" -> quien será el que lo ha sacado, quien será? Jodidos sacacuartos, solo ven negocio.
  10. tmbinc escribió:I would like if there would be any protection against this, but it was Nintendo who messed it up and allowed a software exploitation of the DVD ROM drive. Sorry, Nintendo. I didn't see this coming; in fact, I didn't believe it until now.


    Como comenta en toda la entrevista, no le gusta para nada que el chip posibilite la carga de warez (como le gusta llamar a los back-ups)...

    Culpa a Nintendo del hecho de que mediante software, SIN MODIFICAR EL LECTOR, sea posible la lectura de DVD ROM desde el lector.

    Nunca creyó HASTA AHORA que esto fuera posible, jamás pensó que pudiera pasar.


    Es decir, él jamás consiguió la lectura de DVD-R, pues no era su objetivo, esa parte del trabajo no se la han copiado los del Viper.

    Por ello que no esté tan mosqueado, ni crea que le hayan robado su trabajo.

    Lo que le molesta es el uso comercial EXCLUSIVAMENTE para cargar juegos piratas, SIN POSIBILIDAD DE ABRIR PUERTAS A LA SCENE.

    The Madcore escribió:Yo ya lo he dicho, que cada uno lo use como quiera, que algunos nos interesa mas el software que pueda aparecer, que cargar un juego que tampoco sale tan caro como dicen, si se sabe donde comprarlo.

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