posible nuevo firm de benq

gracias a mi amigo ++++++ el cual me dio la noticia..omito el nombre pq es anti protagonismos,si me autoriza lo pongo.

Use these FW files if you originally had a BenQ drive (with 64930C
firmware) on your Xbox 360.

All you have to do is pick which firmware (Xtreme/iXtreme) you want,
insert your key and flash the .BIN file to your drive.

**IMPORTANT** You MUST have the BenQ drive with the
firmware 64930C for these files to work!!

This package allows you to use any Samsung drive with any (Xtreme/iXtreme) firmware already spoofed and tested. All you have to do is pick which firmware (Xtreme/iXtreme) you want,
insert your key and flash the .BIN file to your drive. For now this is a Firmware Toolbox work around fix, hopefully support for this drive fw type is added. Hitachi package currently in BETA testing.

fuente xboxsky

mas concretamente esta direccion

No es un nuevo firmware para el benq, es para meterle a un samsung la key del benq, cambiando un lector por el otro. En el foro de scene hay más información sobre este tema.
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